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1960 mays i just bought, need opinions

hey, i just bought this, heres the address to the auction. i am thinking of sending it in on the next special and hoping for a 6, do you think theres a chance, i think i did ok for about 35, thats in my opnion of course. let me know if you can guys, thanks a million


  • swartz1swartz1 Posts: 4,911 ✭✭✭
    At least a six but with a qualifier...

    Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
    - uncut

    Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
  • according to psa a 6 needs 80 20 on front and 90 10 on the back, the back might get me, is 35 still good though
  • my personal opinion is that the top and bottom both look like they were "sliced"...i hope not for your sake, bu they look a little odd, unless that is just the angle of the picture
  • Does not look like a 6 to me... possibly a 5.

    Good luck... nice buy it should look good in a psa holder what ever the grade turns out to be.
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,583 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Too poor of a scan to be accurate about anything other than the centering.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Looks like an easy 6 to me if there are no creases. Doesn't look trimmed.
  • thanks guys for your opinion, i guess ill give it a shot at psa maybe when they draw a number out of the bag that determines the grade of my card, hopefully it will be a 6, thanks again
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