Home Metal Detecting

Just returned from 2 weeks in England, Celtic gold and Saxon Silver...

What a great trip, Only had a little rain to contend with. Covered a lot of land but got a couple very nice keepers.

Celtic gold Dubnovellaunus Late 1st BC to Early 1stC AD Full Celtic gold stater.
Saxon Silver 600 to 660 AD

Enjoy. Thanks for looking.
Chicago Ron


  • Nice Ron.
    I know it'd be fun to get over there, but with 3 and a 1/2 (wife is due in a month) little ones in my home, it just isn't looking like it'll be any time soon before I can get over there. Hope Chris is still setting up the trips by the time I can make it image

    Congrats and hh!

    P.S. Hey LM-
    Ron was at the place I told you about (remember the web site I sent to you?)
  • Wow Ron, those are incredible pieces that would make my heart stop if I were to find them! How long were you out detecting and did you find anything other than these coins?

    Be Still and Know
  • You found them while detecting?.....
  • I was there for 2 weeks and detected for 8 to 9 hours everyday. He has over 10,000 acres of land that has only been detected for the last few years. This year I got on some new land that has never had a detector on it. We found an area that must have been some type of roman fortification. we found several roman bronzes and a friend found a beautiful roman silver. Also Hammered silver shortcross from 1199 King john,
    and from the 1200's. Henry III
    Later this week I will post some of the pic's and story on my website. Chicagoron.com
    Chicago Ron
  • Nice going there Ron,maybe one of these day's I'll get
    over there to hunt with Chris.
    Look forward to see more of your find's from the hunt.

  • image

    Well done Ron!

    Hope you don't mind me sharing your video. image

    Celtic Gold
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • As we say here on the boards to express jealousy...

    You suck! image
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When you find stuff like this in England do you have to show it to the Antiquities people or do you just put it in your pocket and go home?
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Outstanding finds... lots of thrills there. Congratulations, Cheers, RickO
  • Thanks for the great comments, and the you suck nomination! LOL
    Hunting in England export info.
    When I'm done hunting for the week I bag up all my finds and give them to the guy that does our exports, he photographs, and forwards all information to the corroner. Any stuff that qualifies as treasure, ie over 300 years old and more than 10% gold or silver. The meuseum gets first option to buy any treasure item, the corroner gets to handle it and hand it off to the museum to see if they want to buy it. If bought the land owner gets half and the finder get half. They also get first option on any hoard coins ie. for gold and silver coins more than 2 of the same type over 300 years old, found in the same area. other base metal coins more than 9 over 300 years found in the same area.
    When all that is done I get a stamped set of export papers that list all my finds.

    Some hunts over there I have heard let the finders take there stuff with them, That is unlawful, and eventually someone is going to get stopped at the airport and arrested. The penalty for smuggeling antiquities is 50,000 pounds and 5 years in prison
    Hope that helps

    Chicago Ron
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