A couple of finds...

Good day, all.
Here are a few things I've found over the last couple weeks or so. In the first pic the three objects to the right are not coins, but tokens that say "NO CASH VALUE", which means that they could be used as money fairly soon given our sorry fiscal health. There's a pin of some sort, a necklace charm, a 1936 wheatie, and a really cool sharks tooth, and some other stuff.

The shark tooth is really kind of beautiful. As you can see, it's translucent. Maybe it'll make a nice necklace. I also found what looks like a fossilized piece of coral (lower left of first pic.) I'm in Texas, which at one point was a shallow inland sea.

A dragon charm I picked up at a school

I'm not sure what this is. It's hard to tell if it's old, or just looks that way.
Here are a few things I've found over the last couple weeks or so. In the first pic the three objects to the right are not coins, but tokens that say "NO CASH VALUE", which means that they could be used as money fairly soon given our sorry fiscal health. There's a pin of some sort, a necklace charm, a 1936 wheatie, and a really cool sharks tooth, and some other stuff.
The shark tooth is really kind of beautiful. As you can see, it's translucent. Maybe it'll make a nice necklace. I also found what looks like a fossilized piece of coral (lower left of first pic.) I'm in Texas, which at one point was a shallow inland sea.
A dragon charm I picked up at a school
I'm not sure what this is. It's hard to tell if it's old, or just looks that way.
If it wiggles, it ain't goin' in my salad.
Nice finds though...