Finds from this weekend's detecting

Hey everybody,
It's been quite a while since I've posted, but I just thought that I'd share the results of my weekend of detecting. On Saturday afternoon, I decided to hunt a couple of sites owned by a friend of mine's father. I have hunted these sites pretty heavily over the past couple of years so the finds there have decreased dramatically, but I still thought that they'd be worth a try again. The first site that I hunted was a farm field that has yielded several wheaties in the past. The field is the former site of an old house and it is now used to raise sorghum and soybeans. I didn't find any coins, but I did find a pouchfull of trash and one good target, a heart-shaped name tag. The tag was badly corroded from spending years in the fertilizer rich soil, but I was able to discern two letters, "Le". After hunting the farm field, I decided to try an older home just down the road that has given up one silver coin (a 1941 merc.) and several wheaties in the past. The yard of this home hasn't been mowed in quite a while, so hunting was pretty tough in the waist high weeds. After finding several trash targets and a few zincolns in the front yard, I decided to go around the left side of the house. It was there, right up next to a large bush off to the side of the house, that I found my first good target there, a switchblade knife with a stainless steel blade. I actually saw the knife before I could sweep my detector over it. This knife wasn't there the last time I detected the yard, so it was a pretty recent drop. Actually it shouldn't have been there since nobody lives in the house. After pocketing this keeper I continued to sweep around the left side of the house. A zinc penny signal yielded my second interesting target at this site, a small Playboy bunny! I got a kick out of finding this one. It looks like it used to be attached to a ring or pin because there is a spot on the back of it that looks like glue. Some of the other targets that I found were some spent rifle shells and a metal number "2" that looks like it probably fell off of a power pole. Here's a picture showing a summary of my finds:

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my little adventure. :-)
It's been quite a while since I've posted, but I just thought that I'd share the results of my weekend of detecting. On Saturday afternoon, I decided to hunt a couple of sites owned by a friend of mine's father. I have hunted these sites pretty heavily over the past couple of years so the finds there have decreased dramatically, but I still thought that they'd be worth a try again. The first site that I hunted was a farm field that has yielded several wheaties in the past. The field is the former site of an old house and it is now used to raise sorghum and soybeans. I didn't find any coins, but I did find a pouchfull of trash and one good target, a heart-shaped name tag. The tag was badly corroded from spending years in the fertilizer rich soil, but I was able to discern two letters, "Le". After hunting the farm field, I decided to try an older home just down the road that has given up one silver coin (a 1941 merc.) and several wheaties in the past. The yard of this home hasn't been mowed in quite a while, so hunting was pretty tough in the waist high weeds. After finding several trash targets and a few zincolns in the front yard, I decided to go around the left side of the house. It was there, right up next to a large bush off to the side of the house, that I found my first good target there, a switchblade knife with a stainless steel blade. I actually saw the knife before I could sweep my detector over it. This knife wasn't there the last time I detected the yard, so it was a pretty recent drop. Actually it shouldn't have been there since nobody lives in the house. After pocketing this keeper I continued to sweep around the left side of the house. A zinc penny signal yielded my second interesting target at this site, a small Playboy bunny! I got a kick out of finding this one. It looks like it used to be attached to a ring or pin because there is a spot on the back of it that looks like glue. Some of the other targets that I found were some spent rifle shells and a metal number "2" that looks like it probably fell off of a power pole. Here's a picture showing a summary of my finds:
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my little adventure. :-)
Always on the lookout for a silver opportunity.
