You guys inspired me.

I was sitting here reading about all the great finds you folks are making and what a poor year its been for me detecting wise. So I decided to try and do something about it. I only had about 2 hours to spend so I hit my favorite local park. I figured I'd hit some of the fringe areas that I may have just skimmed over in the past. My goal was silver. Any silver(I have 3 for the year). I picked my site and started. The first few feet were very trashy but I got my first good signal soon after I moved thru the trash. First coin ....a 1944 wheatie. Four more paces another good signal...1910 wheatie! Things were lookin' good. I rescanned my hole and the signal was still there. I had to widen the hole a bit and I'm thinkin'....What else is in a hole with a 1910 wheatie? Well, it turned out to be a 1952 Canadian cent. OK, still in the silver range. 2 more paces a 1961 Memorial. Thing headed down hill from there. The next 9 coins were all Memorials from the 60s &70s plus a 72 dime, all topped off by a new quarter on the surface. My cell told me it was time to pick up my son from classes so I headed back to the car. Wanted one last signal.....................bang. A 1947 wheatie and a foot away a 1958 wheatie.
I'll go back soon and pick up where I left off. I can almost smell the silver.
I'll go back soon and pick up where I left off. I can almost smell the silver.