October's not off to a bad start- todays finds -1909 and 1918, Update: I got my Indian from site ton

Had a couple hours at the end of day after having to go to the DMV and on my return home decided it was such a nice day I might as well stop off at the park where last month I found the three silvers in one day. Ever time I go there I am thinking it will be may last for a while- the place has got to be hunted out and then...I find a spot somehow over looked. No camera today ( I think I have better luck without it), first notable dig was a 1928 wheatie, so I decided to work the trashy area a little harder- which means digging a few iffy signals- which usually means a few pull tabs. Got that part right, then out popped another wheat- started scraping this one and could see a 9 at end of date- could it be? Nope, 1919, was ready to fill the hole in but decided to run the detector over it once more- another hit, and then....

Could it be?

It would have to wait till I got home to find out, but I swear I could see it. I now had the feeling there could very well be an Indian around- two old wheats like this in one hole.
Went on to circle the area working outward and see what I could pull up, got about a foot away and had an iffy signal, there one time at around a dime size and then gone. Decided to dig it, had it then lost it and couldn't get anything, then I looked in the top of pile and saw...

I had my Indian, just not a penny
1918, only my second buffalo and both had dates- this one being the oldest (my other was a 1926). I'm thinking it might have been dropped at around the same time as the pennies. Could there be more? Just a few inches away I get the same kind of signal, and have about the same results- can't find target in hole or pile, then I spot the edge of something round in the pile, its plain and redish/brown- could it be two buffs or maybe even a V nickel in one day? - Not quite, turned out to be a 1964 Jeffy. That was about it for the day. Group shot below of all the finds from the one area (less pulltabs):

And oh yeah, the 1909 cleaned up:


Notta...maybe next time and with a mint mark.
Update: see post below

Could it be?

It would have to wait till I got home to find out, but I swear I could see it. I now had the feeling there could very well be an Indian around- two old wheats like this in one hole.
Went on to circle the area working outward and see what I could pull up, got about a foot away and had an iffy signal, there one time at around a dime size and then gone. Decided to dig it, had it then lost it and couldn't get anything, then I looked in the top of pile and saw...

I had my Indian, just not a penny
1918, only my second buffalo and both had dates- this one being the oldest (my other was a 1926). I'm thinking it might have been dropped at around the same time as the pennies. Could there be more? Just a few inches away I get the same kind of signal, and have about the same results- can't find target in hole or pile, then I spot the edge of something round in the pile, its plain and redish/brown- could it be two buffs or maybe even a V nickel in one day? - Not quite, turned out to be a 1964 Jeffy. That was about it for the day. Group shot below of all the finds from the one area (less pulltabs):

And oh yeah, the 1909 cleaned up:


Notta...maybe next time and with a mint mark.
Update: see post below
Keep it beepin'!