Home Metal Detecting

possible good site???

ok well my cousin lives in a house with her mom, dad, and bother, the house was built in the 1910's (1913 i believe)

well anyways i wanted to go ahead and metal detect around there, there was at one point a loafing shed and a hay shed behind it.
the hay and loafing shed are no longer there, a subdivission now well underway going in. anyways i was wondering where might be a good spot to search... i will get some pictures as soon as i go over there next... the house is on roughly a acre, maybe a half an acre (?)



  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you have access to any local historians, or if the library has local documents regarding the house/history, those would be your best source. You can then select high activity areas. That being said, I would not ignore ANY of the area.. treasures are where you find them. Cheers, RickO
  • CgbCgb Posts: 710
    Agreed, that spot might yield some good stuff. Give it a shot!

    Also look at old maps to find other spots to search.
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