what metal detector do you recommend for a person new to the hobby?
what metal detector do you recommend for a person new to the hobby?
garret? whites?
what model? what price range should i be expecting to pay for
quality gear?
could you please give me some tips?
garret? whites?
what model? what price range should i be expecting to pay for
quality gear?
could you please give me some tips?
---theresa taking over now----
maybe it would be a longer hobby if i get interested! but i don't have any experienced yet to this field ..seems gonna be interesting?
do u know where to buy best? thanks for reply..
hobbytown USA on amherst st.
well they had a pretty good selection and i have been pushing
theresa to pick a hobby. she gravitated to metal detecting.
anyway i mentioned to her long ago my parents have an old metal
detector. a whites. we have a wedding to goto and thought we could
pick it up from my parents and play with it.
it is soooo old though. i remember using it with some success 14+
years ago. so much has changed.
well we are in the research stage. budget range can be one half
eagle ;-) 100-800.
thanks for any input. we are going through our docs from the store
and searching online.
sound off on what you use and how much please ;-)
Find out more about the White's your folks have. I have two 1990 top of the line "White's Eagle 2 SL90". They can and do work side by side with a new White's DFX.
Look into White's Prizm line: http://metaldetectorreviews.net/detectors/18-1-whitesprizm2.html
White's: http://www.whiteselectronics.com/prizm2w.php
I have the Prizm 2 for an easy turn on and go machine for the grand kids to use. I think I use it the most :-)
Your weather will turn cold SOON...so don't get in a hurry.
Check E-Bay this time of year. Lots of people upgrade to new units and sell off the old machine. ;-)
Good Luck
Good luck!
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Types of metal detecting