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  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    I love it!
  • RonBurgundyRonBurgundy Posts: 5,491 ✭✭✭
    It's great.

    Ron Burgundy

    Buying Vintage, all sports.
    Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
  • Lame.

    Artificially marking a piece of American history like that is absurd.

  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    It will forever show the true feelings of baseball fans. It is perfect.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • kuhlmannkuhlmann Posts: 3,326 ✭✭

    maybe they should put an asterisk on every single ball in the hall of fame then. what happens when mitchell report is done. and all the other names come out. yep i forgot barry bonds is the only player ever to take them. give the guy a break already he did everthing on a level playing feild.
  • Outstanding! The fans have had their day "in court", and it will be marked forever image
  • Bosox1976Bosox1976 Posts: 8,564 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You can bet that the HOF will hide that asterisk. Should have given the ball to Aaron.

  • << <i>You can bet that the HOF will hide that asterisk. Should have given the ball to Aaron. >>

    You're right. They had better put multiple asterisks or a couple of giant ones.
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Totally Stupid. I cannot wait until they realize that the MAJORITY of proffesional athletes across the board have used at least HGH.
  • I am all in favor of political statements. However, the Hall-of-Fame seems to only welcome it from people who spend $750k. The Hall-of-Fame claims this is the voice of the fans. If they were truly interested in documenting history, they would also allow for different opinions to stand along side it from people who may or many not be rich. (and the idea that anyone could have voted regardless of income is deceptive since in this case the question being asked is always as important as the answer)
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>perkdog, while what you say may be correct, HGH is a banned substance since the last couple of years and steroids have been banned since I think 1991. Rules are rules and if we are going to have this game of baseball, it should be played by the rules. And as far as breaking rules go, I personally think it's a BIG one. And please find me the ONE school teacher who ever said,

    "Well everybody cheats so I guess the right thing to do would be to let this 'A' stand." >>

    I wont argue those facts, I just stand by my thinking that he put himself on a fair playing field with his peers and was just flat out better.
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    the guy that bought it bonds called him an idiot,id go bust the big fat headed sucker in the head with it, here your ball back billboardhead lol
    i think hes a egomaniact,glad to see him leaving giants,hope nobody picks him up-maybe play mijor leauge,get his prioritys straight-i bet nobody wants him, we'll see
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm good with it. I hope it sends a message to kids and active players alike. If you cheat, your records and accomplishments will be tarnished and hollow. That will hopefully help produce a level playing field. One that does not require you to take drugs and destroy your body to compete with your peers on the current level* playing field.

  • It's a travesty that a major piece of American history is allowed to be defaced this way.

    It's a travesty that people feel somehow vindicated that their petty and insignifant lives mean something in defacing an important piece of American history.

  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭

    << <i>It's a travesty that people feel somehow vindicated that their petty and insignifant lives mean something in defacing an important piece of American history. >>

    And you know why people voted for the * how?

    Oh, right, i forgot, you have no idea.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • So I hope those who voted for the asterisk on Bonds ball would have voted for an asterisk on Maris' as well.

    He had more games to break the record! He obviously had a competitive advantage over Ruth!
  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    Did maris cheat by adding games to the schedule? Nope. It wasnt his fault MLB lengthened the schedule.
    Did bonds cheat by Juicing? Yup. He has lied and cheated for years. His record is a lie.

    Big difference.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • No it's not.

    The prevailing attitude was that maris' record was marred because he achieved his home run record outside of the rules that Ruth played by.

    NO difference.
  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    Big difference. Your a fool if you dont see it.
    My baseball and MMA articles-


  • << <i>Big difference. Your a fool if you dont see it. >>

    No I see it as it is: the context of the era. Many, many people feel Bonds cheated. Many, many people felt Maris cheated in having 8 extra games to hit more home runs than Ruth.

    It's not prudent to alter American artifacts to suit the irrational public.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    People felt Maris cheated??? image
  • This may be the first time I have ever someone say there is no difference between drug use and more hours at work

    The only similarity is that both Bonds and Maris have been underappreciated in there own time
  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭

    Was playing in 162 games against baseball rules? Was it against the law?

    Is taking steroids against baseball rules? Is it against the law?

    Dont make yourself look any dumber by trying to argue this point.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    Three cheers for Democracy!

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>It's a travesty that a major piece of American history is allowed to be defaced this way.

    It's a travesty that people feel somehow vindicated that their petty and insignifant lives mean something in defacing an important piece of American history. >>

    Why is it you always have to pull out the 'your lives are insignificant' card? This is just sports we're talking about. I don't know about you but it doesn't define my life. The fact I, and others, have an opinion that differs from yours doesn't reflect on the quality of our lives.
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>It's a travesty that a major piece of American history is allowed to be defaced this way.

    It's a travesty that people feel somehow vindicated that their petty and insignifant lives mean something in defacing an important piece of American history. >>

    Why is it you always have to pull out the 'your lives are insignificant' card? This is just sports we're talking about. I don't know about you but it doesn't define my life. The fact I, and others, have an opinion that differs from yours doesn't reflect on the quality of our lives. >>

  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Artificially marking a piece of American history like that is absurd.

    and Bonds called the guy who bought the ball an idiot!!! remarkable.......................

  • << <i>Artificially marking a piece of American history like that is absurd.

    and Bonds called the guy who bought the ball an idiot!!! remarkable....................... >>

    The guy is an attention seeking idiot...Bonds nailed it.

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