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eBay scam again

I am sure most have seen the email but I will post it for any new collectors

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Question about Item -- Respond Now

eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member through My Messages. Click the "Respond Now" button to answer the question.

?Question from jabberjock
jabberjock( 12)
Positive feedback: 100%
Member since: Dec-21-05
Location: Canada
Registered on: www.ebay.ca

This message was sent while the listing was active.
jabberjock is a potential buyer.

Hi ,

Can you please tell me how much is delivery to Canada ?


Respond to this question

Responses in My Messages will not include your email address.

Thank you,

It has all the "typical" looking ebay logos and print but, of course, takes you to a sign in page.

If you haven't seen this mail before do NOT ever follow the links and sign in to ebay from it

For others here is the return path of my actual mail recieved:

Return-Path: <aw-confirm@ebay.com>
Received: from hope4business.com (hope4business.hope4business.com [])
by mail22.nsc.no (8.13.8/8.13.5) with ESMTP id l844NQMa021609
for <wwhatley@online.no>; Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:23:30 +0200 (MEST)
Received: from test (adsl-76-222-119-77.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net [])
(authenticated (0 bits))
by hope4business.hope4business.com (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id l82LvOm07794
for <wwhatley@online.no>; Sun, 2 Sep 2007 17:57:25 -0400
Message-Id: <200709022157.l82LvOm07794@hope4business.hope4business.com>

Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

International Coins
"A work in progress"

eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com


  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is one and the same user who "phished" me a couple months ago, with that identical message. In a moment of stupidity, with my guard down, I clicked the link in the email (even though I knew better). The item being "questioned" about was a laptop computer, as I recall, and certainly not one of my items. This caught me at a time when I actually had some items up on eBay, which is rare for me these days.

    Fortunately I realized immediately that I'd been had, so I changed my PayPal and eBay passwords right away, and there was no harm done, as far as I can tell. I had used the same eBay password for seven years. I went to a much more complicated one that's harder to type, and I still find myself trying to type the old one in sometimes.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • If ever in doubt about an ebay email check your messages on your "my ebay" page. If it's legit a copy will be in your messages.

  • << <i>If ever in doubt about an ebay email check your messages on your "my ebay" page. If it's legit a copy will be in your messages. >>

    If you don't have any sales going on, you know its fake. If you do, another quick check is looking up the item number in the message to see if its one of yours.

    Of course if your registered name isn't there, even though the message intro says it is, you know you're being phished!

  • I HATE that! image
    I get that at least once a month, weather I have auctions going on or not.
    "I has a bucket." - Minazo.
    Minazo the LOLRUS, 1994-2005
  • I use to get these sort of mails a lot. The last few months not very many.

    Most of us know to not clik the links and log in but I posted for any new folks here, as a heads up.
    Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
    1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

    International Coins
    "A work in progress"

    eBay registered name:
    Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
    e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
  • you should immediately forward all these types of emails to spoof@ebay.com

    They say they will go after them and shut them down. Whether they do or not.......
  • I always forward them. I agree, I don't know if they do (or can do) much about them, but I send them anyway
    Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
    1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

    International Coins
    "A work in progress"

    eBay registered name:
    Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
    e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
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