Another $20 bill story

I was on my morning walk and picking up cans along a highway that had been mowed last week. I reached for a can and found 1/2 of a $20 bill. I looked it the area for another 5 minutes and I did find the other half. I was fortunate because the first 1/2 was the smaller 1/2.
Lafayette Grading Set
Apparently somebody paid for his lunch with an O.J. Simpson "Trial Of The Century" $20 bill, and the cashier was snoozing.
It is actually pretty deceptive if you only look at the borders and don't happen to notice O.J. Simpson on there instead of Andy Jackson. It's the old design of $20, of course.
I am! It's nothing to find a stack of quarters totaling $3-$5.00 or more. I can't decide is people are just too lazy to pick it up and put it back in their pocket or, if they're leaving it there purposely as an act of generosity. Either way, I'm all too glad to add it to my wallet!
I find quarters all the time like that, but I also know I have left some when I have stopped to wash my car.
I'll trade them to you for both halves of your $20.
Musta fell off the desk when my daughter was going through the morning mail.
I'll pay it next week.