I ALMOST went last night. I have permission from a guy to search his property (and the neighbors) and they are about 1/4 mile from Fort Fremont on the beach. He has some cool stuff on his porch that he has found that has just washed up, so I think there might be some good possibilities there.
A couple times in this last week I've been coming home in the AM after pulling a graveyard shift, and headed out in to the country towards home, and come up on these neat fog banks- all of a sudden, when I roll into the fog, the temperature is like ten or fifteen degrees cooler. I like that. Too bad it doesn't stay around long.
I'll be back in "dig mode" before too long. But I'm still waitin' out the dog days of summer.
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
Come on Rob... the girlfriend is trying to rope me into going to Six Flags this weekend... help me out here...
I think I can speak for LordM......It's been so hot down here the Devil won't even come down to Ga. no more!
I live about an hour from him as the crow flies, and it ain't no cooler up this way than it is in Brunswick where he's at.
I get winded and soaking wet just from walking out to my vehicle....it's miserable.....I couldn't imaging digging to much in it.
I do miss his posts though, even when he ain't showin' nothin' off.
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
Weather's been far too damn hot for 'tecting.
I'm biding my time until fall. Haven't been out in a good while, nor do I have plans for anything for the next month or so.
But I'll be eager to get out and about, when it cools off!
<< <i>It didn't even get over 65 degrees here today. >>
Ken, you suck. But I'll be taunting you, come some mild winter day, when it is 65 here, and you're up there shivering.
I ALMOST went last night. I have permission from a guy to search his property (and the neighbors) and they are about 1/4 mile from Fort Fremont on the beach. He has some cool stuff on his porch that he has found that has just washed up, so I think there might be some good possibilities there.
I'll be back in "dig mode" before too long. But I'm still waitin' out the dog days of summer.