Home Metal Detecting

Good day at Santa Monica beach

Hit the bus early this morning for Santa Monica beach. During the summer the local transit authority runs a bus Tues, Thurs, and Sat from Lancaster to Santa Monica. On Saturdays I have been going down that way since it has been too blasted hot to hunt in the middle of the day.

In addition to a handful of clad coins, I picked up this 14K women's wedding band. It has 60, yes 60 diamonds that I'm estimating at 3 pts each. I found it in the dry sand right at the blanket line. Someone lost a chunk of change. There were too many people around for me to do the dance - so I maintained my composure. Wasn't easy though. When I got home the Commander-in-Chief immediately tried it on. I haven't seen it since I took the picture. Wonder where it run off to...


Thanks for looking.

G Man


  • OMG Gary, that is a spectacular ring!!!! I don't blame your wife for making off with it, I would too!!
    Be Still and Know
  • sweet ring there bentfork!...tough to keep your composure when you spy that in your scoop!....hh
    "see ya at the beach"
  • phutphut Posts: 1,087
    Nice find,Gary!!
  • Good FIND ! ! !

    What time does the bus get you to the beach?

    S.M. Beach gets a lot of hunters.

  • Jerry,
    The Saturday Antelope Valley bus arrives at the parking area north of the pier about 10:20. The buses from the other cities arrive about the same time and park in the same area. I plan on being there again next Saturday. You thinking about coming down? Let me know and we will pick a rendezvous point.

  • Wtg G-man! image

    Starting before your real "clean up" season starts... looks like you're going to have a BIG clean-up year!

    Congrats. Now let's see the dance image
  • ZotZot Posts: 825 ✭✭✭
    SWEET!!!!!!!!! image
    Minelab: GPX 5000, Excalibur II, Explorer SE. White's: MXT, PI Pro

  • << <i>Jerry, The Saturday Antelope Valley bus arrives at the parking area north of the pier about 10:20. The buses from the other cities arrive about the same time and park in the same area. I plan on being there again next Saturday. You thinking about coming down? Let me know and we will pick a rendezvous point. Gary >>

    Gary, My next two Saturdays are taken. Sorry. I hope you have more good luck ;-)
    The one time I went to S.M. Beach, I found 6 or more hunters at it around 6:30 AM!!! All on the North side of the pier. You proved that they don't get it all. :-)

  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭
    That ring looks amazing. Very nice find!
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Incredible find... congratulations.. Cheers, RickO
  • Thanks for all the kudos folks.

  • Nice find Gary! I will be hitting the Oregon beach on my 1st beach outing. OR beaches or less active than SMonica (I use to live in Westchester YRS ago) as the water is to cold to swim in. I was wondering if you search next to the water or only in the dry sand? Should I expect to find items in the wet sand or shallow water? Oh, and do you actually search when the beach is active with people? All tips would be helpful. I remember back in the 60's in Playa Del Rey and El Portal areas the competition with wire mesh was heavy!! Nowadays, I would imagine with thousands of people that a lot of MD's appear after the sun goes down? Thanks!!!! Keep on finding!!! Rich
  • Hey Rocketman, what's happening?

    I use an MXT almost all the time now. It has a salt setting on it, but it is far from being a true salt machine. I start when I first arrive by hitting the dry stuff where I know people have been. Right at the blanket line. SM beach has a moderately sloped shore, so from the crest of the shore back away from the water is where virtually everyone puts their towels and blankets down. I usually try to hunt that area when there are fewer people to have to weave around. Once the beach gets a little more crowded, I work the damp sand on the downslope to the water. When I hit that area, I put it in salt mode and turn the gain down to about half. Having the DD coil and turning the gain down gets rid of the majority of false hits and salt noise the ground balance can't handle. Sometimes I will attempt the wet sand, but usually the threshold of my machine is too noisy for good hunting.

    Yep, I hunt even when people are there. Sometimes I get strange looks. People follow me. Sometimes they even try to sneak a look at what I've scooped up. I don't actually go into the water because the machine really isn't for salt. But it does well enough. I don't beach hunt enough to drop the cash for a salt machine. So I leave the really good stuff in two feet of water for those that have Excaliburs, Tiger Sharks, and White's PI machines. I have hunted in fresh water though with great success. One thing I have noted in my beach hunting is that it's a lot cleaner than most the parks I hunt. That being the case I dig everything - and I mean everything. I still gather a large amount of trash, but since there is less trash, the odds are greater now that that hit you think is trash will be jewelry.

    You're right about one thing. As Jerry mentioned, there are quite a few pirates on the beach even when it's crowded. The best time is a couple of hours before low tide. And if you have had large swells and high tides combined recently, you might get some beach cuts. That's when the deep stuff gets washed toward the water. But of course, you can expect most all the other beach hunters to know this and be there too. image

    Good luck

    G Man


  • << <i>I use to live in Westchester YRS ago >>

    I don't recall a Westchester in Oregon. Do you possibly mean Winchester?

  • Sorry Bob! I was referring to Westchester, CA nor OR. Do you detect the beaches here in OR?
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would be hard not to jump for joy in finding something like that. I'll bet that your heart took more than an extra beat on that one. WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Awesome find Gary!!

    I went out into the desert a few weeks ago looking for the ruins of an old 19th century cattle ranch near here. Never found it but the heat and wind were like a blast furnace so I didn't look too long or too hard.

    Never knew about the bus to the beach but that;s good to know1

  • << <i>Sorry Bob! I was referring to Westchester, CA nor OR. Do you detect the beaches here in OR? >>

    No, I never have. I've moved South for the warmer weather, sunny beaches, and the excellent margaritas. image

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