Guess the face value contest

Just a little contest for the Dog Days of Summer. I found 337 coins on a Carnival hunt on Sunday. Guess what you think is the total face value of these coins. Winner will receive a Missouri State P&D quarter in a holder from the Officaial Quarter Launch of August 10, 2003.
Contest is over at 10 am on August 10.
Contest is over at 10 am on August 10.
Thank you.
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but I just wated to guess, don't include me in the giveaway
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
$1.00 Other ;-)
Thanks for having this contest!
My TV Blog
Thanks for the chance!
Good trades with: DaveN, Tydye, IStillLikeZARCoins, Fjord, Louie, BRdude
Good buys from: LordMarcovan, Aethelred, Ajaan, PrivateCoinCollector, LindeDad, Peaceman, Spoon, DrJules, jjrrww
Good sale to: Nicholasz219
Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA">Musky 1861 Mint Set
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
I have hunted after this Carnival for 10 years now. This is the first time that I have been the first and only hunter there. It was 97 degrees. Usually there are 4 or 5 others there.
My totals were;
$-------------2 1 Sac and my first Adams
Had to take a time out for the grandkids.
When I was hunting this time I had never had anything like it. Where the rides were the grass was about 5-6 inches tall because no one walked there. On one spot the money was so thick that when I put the detector down to look in the grass for a coin that it would ring out because I had put it down of top of other coins. I just used my screwdriver to move the grass around till the coin showed. After I found the Adams dollar everytime I saw a part of a shiney new penny I thought I had another one. I did dig a "Good for 5 cent token" that is on the old side.
Lafayette Grading Set
Dubba: If I had mathmatical prowess, I'd be a millions richer instead of a quarter. lol
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.