Home Metal Detecting

Neighbors Gold Ring

pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
I was leaving our house on Sunday afternoon and noticed a friend metal detecting in my neighbors yard. My neighbor was out there too. I stopped and asked her if she had lost something. She said she had lost a Gold ring(from the Black Hills) about 3 months ago while she was racking pinecones. She had borrowed a detector and had only found pull tabs. I told them that if they didn't find it I would look for it the next day. Last night I told my wife that I would look for about a half an hour and then be home for supper. I looked for less than 5 mins and found it. Needless to say my neighbor was very happy. She asked how much she owed me and I told her that her saying "thanks" was good enough and went home. My wife asked why I was home so early and I told her that I had found it. She couldn't believe it either. Another happy ending.


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