Yard Sale Finds

I was out walking this afternoon and happened to cross paths with a yard sale. I'm not one for poking around in other people's unwanted items, but for some reason I was drawn to this one and with very good cause.
I walked up to the home owner and asked about any old coins he might want to sell. He gave me a somewhat puzzled look before he said: "As a matter of fact, I do. I never thought to bring them out this morning. If you want to wait, I'll go get them." He came back with what appeared to be a WW1 tin. I was right, it was a military container, for unknown use, issued to his dad. He offered me the container and everything in it for a few dollars, sight unseen. I refused the tin, (it was his dad's for goodness sake!) but accepted the contents.
Here's what I found after I got my treasure home:
Foreign coins---1931 One Krone, 1906 & 1916 Canadian large One Cents, 1884 & 1896 Brittish Large One Cents, and another large Candian Cent whose date is still unknown, but sitting in oil for later knowledge.
American coins---1979 Sac, 1899 & 1909 IH's, 1868 & 1905 nickels, 1865 Three cent, 1921 Morgan, 1922 Peace Dollar, 1864 Two Cent, 1842 Large Cent
And best of all <drum roll please>
An 1865 Cival War Army/Navy Token!!! I could not believe my eyes when I realized what I had found. I had heard of these tokens from other forums, but never expected to ever find one. It's a gorgeous piece the same size as a clad penny, with two Army swords crossed over the Navy anchor on one side and the words "The Federal Union, it must and shall be preserved" on the other. It's very cool.
There was also 21 other foreign coins not worthy of mention, they are all either dated after 1965 or have no date at all. Well, maybe they do but in a language I don't understand!
Has anyone else found treasure at junk sales?

Here's what I found after I got my treasure home:
Foreign coins---1931 One Krone, 1906 & 1916 Canadian large One Cents, 1884 & 1896 Brittish Large One Cents, and another large Candian Cent whose date is still unknown, but sitting in oil for later knowledge.
American coins---1979 Sac, 1899 & 1909 IH's, 1868 & 1905 nickels, 1865 Three cent, 1921 Morgan, 1922 Peace Dollar, 1864 Two Cent, 1842 Large Cent
And best of all <drum roll please>
An 1865 Cival War Army/Navy Token!!! I could not believe my eyes when I realized what I had found. I had heard of these tokens from other forums, but never expected to ever find one. It's a gorgeous piece the same size as a clad penny, with two Army swords crossed over the Navy anchor on one side and the words "The Federal Union, it must and shall be preserved" on the other. It's very cool.

There was also 21 other foreign coins not worthy of mention, they are all either dated after 1965 or have no date at all. Well, maybe they do but in a language I don't understand!
Has anyone else found treasure at junk sales?
Be Still and Know
Bravo and congrats on the yard sale treasure hunting Mary!
(my sister is well known to be the yard sale treasure hunter in my family ...not sure if she's ever had a "coin score" like that though
Good job
Gary, I used my favorite and most effective weapon: I smiled at him.
Once bought a box of old photography books and some equipment for 7.00 and sold one piece of equipment for 400.00 then a book brought 165.00 as it was signed by Ansel Adams.
Bought a bunch of old Star Wars toys for 10.00 sold one for over 200.00.
Latest find was a bunch of GI JOE accessories from the 1980s including the complete Terrordrome for 5.00, When I sell it the Terrordrome alone is a 400.00 item.