night hunt yields silver and 2 golds

Couldn't sleep last night so I decided to hit the lake. Glad I did!!!
Hit a very trashy area, dug dozens of pull tabs and bottle caps. About 1.50 in clad, a 925 claddah ring, A 14 K mens wedding band with 9 channel set stones ( will check the stones tomarrow. And a gold chain link ring it is solid gold and looks 18K by the color But I have never seen the marking before 303 VI.
Im going back Sunday night!!!
HH, Chicago Ron
Hit a very trashy area, dug dozens of pull tabs and bottle caps. About 1.50 in clad, a 925 claddah ring, A 14 K mens wedding band with 9 channel set stones ( will check the stones tomarrow. And a gold chain link ring it is solid gold and looks 18K by the color But I have never seen the marking before 303 VI.
Im going back Sunday night!!!
HH, Chicago Ron

Congrats on the gold!!!
Both of those are interesting designs. I particularly like the gold chain link ring!
Don't think I've seen one of those before.