Home Metal Detecting

CoinStar Collection

It's never going to cease to amaze me how I manage to find more wheat's in a CoinStar than I do detecting. I can't say this thrills me, but it does amuse me! Today it was 1959D, 1958D, 1957, and 1943 (no mint mark) Lincolns along with 1945 & 1947 Canadian cents.

I also found a new man's watch. If the leather strap is any indication, this watch wasn't even worn once. Not a single one of the latch holes show any sign of use. It's got to be a very inexpensive piece as there's no branding anywhere that I can see. The only marking on the face are two entwined letters: VS. The back states it's waterproof, and it does have a built in compass along with a date keeper. It's a nice looking watch, very stylish. Someone is mising this, I'm sure!
Be Still and Know


  • LOL..You do seem to be on a roll !

  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Thanks Jerry image I'll be glad when I can report these same types of findings with my md!
    Be Still and Know
  • if you found a 1959 lincoln wheatback then you can probably go ahead and order your rolls royce and private jet...
  • phutphut Posts: 1,087

    << <i>I'll be glad when I can report these same types of findings with my md >>

    Patience, Grasshopper. (Pop culture reference)image
    Sounds like that coinstar is treating you well, but I still can't figure out a watch got in there.image
  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    You caught me on that one Tim! The watch wasn't in the CoinStar (smartie pants lol) it was on the side of the road!!

    Aaron, no doubt about it...If I found a 1959 wheat back it would one of a kind and I would be a millonaire! Or close to it image
    Be Still and Know
  • I always check the Coinstar machine in my local grocery store and have yet to find anything at all. image

  • The only coinstar within driving distance of me has a huge sign on the front that says" CHECK THE COIN RETURN".... I want to tear the darn thing off but its too close to the cashiers.
    Molon Labe
  • laserartlaserart Posts: 2,255
    Oh thank goodness you found my watch ! what time was it when you found it?
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Laser, what time was it when I found your watch? I'd say it was time for you to buy a new one cuz this is mine now!! image

    Unknown Comic: I'd want to rip that sign down too image
    Be Still and Know
  • my coinstar finds I found all of these in the SAME coinstar today!!!

    p.s. im not trying to hijack this thread
  • You still finding stuff just laying around? Very nice Mary image

  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Very cool finds Aaron! I've found a few foreign coins in our local CoinStar over the past few years, but mostly Canadian or Mexican.
    Be Still and Know
  • marymmarym Posts: 713

    It's amazing what people will intentially leave behind, isn't it? I'm not saying the watch was purposeful, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn it thrown from a car for no reason other than "I changed my mind". Remember the NIB DVD player that was found in the trash by a board member not too long ago? Amazing!
    Be Still and Know
  • It is strange what one can find. Jerry finds some interesting eyeball stuff too.

  • How do you guys "find" coins in a Coinstar machine? Do you ask some employees if you can look in it? Do you press a button and good coins come out? Ive been wanting to ask someone in Publix if I can look though thier coinstar machine for goodies.

  • << <i>... 1943 (no mint mark) >>

    Here's the one you want to find:


    1943 Copper Cent last sold in 1999 for $112,500.00.

    I can dream ...
  • JeremyDie1JeremyDie1 Posts: 2,383 ✭✭✭
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I ever get around to searching my two gallons of rolled wheaties, I will be looking for that... among many others... Cheers, RickO

  • << <i>How do you guys "find" coins in a Coinstar machine? Do you ask some employees if you can look in it? Do you press a button and good coins come out? Ive been wanting to ask someone in Publix if I can look though thier coinstar machine for goodies. >>

    Just walk by the machine and stick your hand in the coin return slot. Good luck!

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