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PSA Crossover Service

New member and 1st time poster although I have collected for several years. I recently purchased several BCCG graded cards and was considering sending them to PSA for the crossover service. Has anyone had experience doing this and how do BCCG cards typically fare when doing the crossover. Any help would be appreciated.


  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭
    I can't help you here , but some here will. None the less, welcome to the forum.
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    First of all, welcome to the boards, the more the better!!!

    Secondly, do not expect BCCG to cross equally to PSA. BCCG has not earned itself much respect in the grading community. If you are going to submit to PSA, I would crack out the cards, and then submit them. Hope that helps.

  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    I think the overall consensus towards BCCG 10s (mint or better) will normally grade an 8 with PSA. You may be lucky to pull a 9. If you're thinking of crossover, I would crack them out first as to leave no room for bias. BCCG doesn't even guarantee their grades. Since this is mainly their super bulk (5,000, 10,000+ submitted) submissions for the larger dealers at $2 a card, do you honestly think they're going to look at the card thoroughly and inspect for flaws? It's more like a quick glance....I'd say about 4 seconds per card, and keep the conveyor belt rolling. I don't know of anyone that buys BCCG card on these boards, but I had a friend up North in Canada purchased 4 BCCG 10 Kobe Bryant rookies (different brands) and did the crossover thing. 2 received PSA 8, and 2 received 9s. Good luck on what you decide to do and welcome to the boards by the way. image
  • I sent a BCCG 10 1984 Fleer Update Puckett to PSA for a crossover and got a 9. I knew I could get at least a 9 because the card did look perfect. But, a lot of the BCCG graded cards I've seen wouldn't have a chance with PSA's high standards. Personally, I only collect PSA graded cards. I have a couple SGC and GAI graded cards, but in the long run, I would only buy PSA. When you start receiving your monthly SMR(Sports Market Report) from PSA and the occasional auction catalog from Memory Lane, etc., you will notice that the serious collectors and serious auction houses only deal with PSA, SGC and GAI. The major auction houses NEVER deal with Beckett(BGS/BCCG) graded cards. There's probably a reason for that. Hope this helps!

  • bigdcardsbigdcards Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭
    I bought some BccG cards before I had any idea of what I was doing and got burned. The cards I got were '85 topps and they had dings and chips and all sorts of things. The were most likely 7s in my view and were not worth submitting. I get the feeling that the only function for BccG is to provide help to scam artists.

    But don't confuse BccG with BGS. BGS is legit and the modern cards do every bit as well after market.
    To bigdcards: "you are right" - cpamike "That is correct" -grote15
  • MrGMrG Posts: 623 ✭✭✭
    I bought a few 1973 BCCG cards when I first started collecting graded, in hopes that I could resubmit to PSA, after cracking them out of their cases. Out of the 5, only 2 I felt had a shot receiving decent grades from PSA. My results as follows:

    BCCG 9 #85 Simmons PSA - Not submitted
    BCCG 9 #160 Palmer PSA - 7
    BCCG 8 #172 Kline PSA - Not submitted
    BCCG 9 #300 Carlton PSA - 9
    BCCG 8 #475 Cobb PSA - Not submitted

    Had much better luck with BVG:

    BVG 8.5 50 Clemente 9
    BVG 7 67 KO LDRs 8
    BVG 9 77 Torrez 9
    BVG 8.5 84 Fingers 8
    BVG 8 90 Robinson 8
    BVG 8.5 118 Mayberry 9
    BVG 6.5 136 Weaver 8
    BVG 8 165 Aparicio 8
    BVG 7 245 Yaz Buggered the card removing from case. Not submitted. image
    BVG 8.5 575 Ellis 9

    Of course, your results may vary!

    Michael Gaytan (MrG)
    TGF Collection
    TGF Sports
  • Thanks for all your help. Most of the cards I have are BCCG 10's and some do look pretty sharp. I may pick out the best of the bunch and send them in. I figured there would probably be at least a 1 grade difference and that seems to be the general opinion.
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