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Rumor that BlockBuster may stock Trading Cards

Anybody heard that the video rental company BlockBuster
may be planning to test market trading cards - sports/non-sports -
in some of its stores?

The tie-in with the movies/games seems like a natural. Such
distribution might flood the market with cards, but it sure would
be a convenient place to buy cards.

Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.


  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    people still go into movie rental places? haven't been in one in 3+ years, gotta love netflix
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    Package cards with popcorn! That would be a NEW idea!
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    bthe blockbuster near me has a few blister packs of non-sports stuff i think, some world series of poker cards?

    blockbuster is better than netflix, you can take your movies back into the store and immediately get them checked in, blockbuster then mails the next movies in your queue AND you can get more movies while your in the store..

    blockbusters plan gives you more movies than netflix..
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    yeah, but netflix's search engine blows blockbuster out of the water. Blockbuster's wait list is a lot longer for new releases and when you exchange in store you still have to wait in line and deal with movies out of stock.

    I only know the difference because I have Netflix and my girlfriend has blockbuster and we tried some experiment. Also Blockbuster might have more movies, but that is deceiving because it includes all their stores around the world, I have yet to find a movie at Netflix that they did not have.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>yeah, but netflix's search engine blows blockbuster out of the water. Blockbuster's wait list is a lot longer for new releases and when you exchange in store you still have to wait in line and deal with movies out of stock.

    I only know the difference because I have Netflix and my girlfriend has blockbuster and we tried some experiment. Also Blockbuster might have more movies, but that is deceiving because it includes all their stores around the world, I have yet to find a movie at Netflix that they did not have. >>

    ive had both a few times over the years, i finally cancelled netflix several months ago and told them i'd never be back..

    and no, you dont HAVE to wait in line, hell, you dont even have to go to blockbuster, you can just mail the movies back.. but if you want free movies you can go to the store..

    i dont know how you can say netflix is quicker, considering you can get twice as many movies with blockbuster..
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭

    << <i>Anybody heard that the video rental company BlockBuster
    may be planning to test market trading cards - sports/non-sports -
    in some of its stores?

    The tie-in with the movies/games seems like a natural. Such
    distribution might flood the market with cards, but it sure would
    be a convenient place to buy cards. >>

    I have not heard that the will be selling trading cards. At my work I get press releases from all publicly owned companies and this one woudl have caught my eye, but I might have missed it. I know that Blockbuster has been struggling for outlets to make more money, but I can not imagine that this would help their financial situation that much.
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    It might work different in your part of the country, but here in the Minneapolis/St Paul area Blockbuster is slower than Netflix with delivery and I thought I said that when you exchange in store you have to stand line. Anyways, I think we totally hijacked storm's thread.image Sorry storm and I think that you, pandrews, and I will have to agree to disagreeimage
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    I've had both in two different states and Netflix is and was in all instances much quicker, plus I don't have time to go to Blockbuster and exchange movies anyhow so the choice is easy for me.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I've had both in two different states and Netflix is and was in all instances much quicker, plus I don't have time to go to Blockbuster and exchange movies anyhow so the choice is easy for me. >>

    ok, so youre argument should be "blockbuster tries to give me more movies for the same price as netflix, but i just dont have time to watch them"..
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    I just looked into the BlockBuster nextdoor.

    The place was full of kids renting/buying games.

    Seems like a good place to get kids interested in

    I did not make it out of the store b4 the girl asked
    if I had signed-up for Total Access yet. (I seldom
    rent movies, but when I do it is ez to just go into
    the store.)

    The brochure on TA seems to offer more than the
    NetFlix scheme. Neither would be a good deal for
    me, but if I was going to watch a bunch of movies
    I like the idea of being able to use the store and
    the mail.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Cawkbuster is awful. Everyone I know much prefers Netflix.
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭

    << <i>ok, so youre argument should be "blockbuster tries to give me more movies for the same price as netflix, but i just dont have time to watch them".. >>

    Sorry, your wrong. If we need to play semantics I will break it down for you. I do not wish to spend the extra time in my life going to a movie store to receive movies when my subscription to Netflix allows me to watch all the movies I want to watch. So your statement isn't valid in my case, because I am not interested in going to a movie store, so that only leaves me with movie choice, price, and amount of time to receive said ordered movies. Well, the price is comparable to not make a difference to me, I have never found a movie I was looking for that Netflix didn't have, and in more than one instance as previously stated of using both, Netflix consistently outperformed Blockbuster. I had multiple instances of Blockbuster sending the wrong movie or out of sequence(which is really annoying if you are catching up on a tv series) which I have yet to experience with Netflix.

  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "...sending the wrong movie or out of sequence(which is really annoying if you are catching up on a tv series)..."


    Holy cripes !!!! That would be terrible. image

    But, I guess that kind of thing can happen with any mail order deal.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Hollywood Video here sells Star Wars cards and 2007 Topps.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    It's all irrelevant considering you will be able to buy just about any movie or tv show through your cable/satellite provider within 5 years.

    I had to quit Netflix because I kept putting pressure on myself to watch the movies as quickly as possible and mail them back so I would feel like I was getting my money's worth. Then I would get tired of the game and the same 3 movies would sit on top of the DVD player for 3 months. Sounds ridiculous, I know.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>ok, so youre argument should be "blockbuster tries to give me more movies for the same price as netflix, but i just dont have time to watch them".. >>

    I do not wish to spend the extra time in my life going to a movie store to receive movies when my subscription to Netflix allows me to watch all the movies I want to watch. >>

    ok so like i said, you dont have time to watch more movies.. thats no big deal and certainly understandable..

    but if you did have more time to watch movies, blockbuster offers the same exact mail-in deal as Netflix, except they also give you free movies if you go into the store..

    so again, like i said, blockbuster gives you more movies for the same price, if you have time for that deal..
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Well, just get a computer, some :::cough software cough::::, blank dvds and watch at your liesure!
  • markj111markj111 Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭

    << <i>bthe blockbuster near me has a few blister packs of non-sports stuff i think, some world series of poker cards?

    blockbuster is better than netflix, you can take your movies back into the store and immediately get them checked in, blockbuster then mails the next movies in your queue AND you can get more movies while your in the store..

    blockbusters plan gives you more movies than netflix.. >>

    I have found that Netflix offers a much better selection than Blockbuster. Has that changed recently?

    I really like the convenience of Netflix.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have found that Netflix offers a much better selection than Blockbuster. Has that changed recently?

    I really like the convenience of Netflix. >>

    i dunno, ive had netflix subscriptions on 3 different occasions, and finally told them a few months ago i'd never use them again.. that was because they talked me into coming back, and the very first dvd's they sent me were wrong.. i had ordered the Deadwood series, and they sent me discs 5, 6, and 7 first or something like that, and i hadnt even seen 1, 2, or 3 yet..

    i never found anything wrong with Netflix' selection though, they always had the movies i wanted, but so does blockbuster.. i havent found anything wrong with their selection yet either..

    i really like the convenience of blockbuster, it seems to be exactly the same deal as netflix, except they give you more movies (if you have time to watch them)..
  • baseballfanaticbaseballfanatic Posts: 2,415 ✭✭
    I've been flip flopping back and forth between Netflix and Blockbuster since they first came out. I grew tired with both sending me movies that were 7, 8 and 9 in my queue while waiting for the top six to come off of "very long wait".

    Getting back to cards, I know that Blockbuster and a few of the other movie rental places back in the day tried earning extra income with the Inkworks and Dreamworks cards along with action figures, but the best time to pick them up was when they scrapped the idea and marked all of them on clearance.

    I tend to shy away from the cards they carry since I have a hard enough time keeping up with Topps Test issues, let alone opening packs trying to find a Greg Brady rookie....
  • digicatdigicat Posts: 8,551 ✭✭
    I like Blockbuster's online service. Pretty simple. I've got the $5 / month service, where you get 1 DVD at a time, but unlimited. My wife and I watch DVD's about, oh, twice a week, maybe 3 times if we're really bored. We get one in the mail, watch it, take it back to the store for an "impulse" rent (which is free), and usually by the time we finish that movie, another one is in my mail box. Since we like to get out of the house and walk around in Downtown, it's easy for us to visit the video store. Sure we stand in line for a few minutes, but we just don't care.

    Blockbuster is perfect for our viewing habits.
    My Giants collection want list

    WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    pandrews, you are the only smart witty individual here, geez, I'm going to cancel my netflix right now so I can sign up for blockbuster, thanks for setting me straight.
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    Main reason I like Netflix, they are the pioneers of this industry and the pioneers of industries are where it is at. Blockbuster waited too long and is now in a permanent crunch to save more money.

    Another reason I like Netflix over Blockbuster. You can put your account on hold for up to three months and not be charged. My account has been on hold since it got nice out and I still have my queue. Blockbuster will not that.

    One problem major problem at Blockbuster is stores not sending movies in returned movies immediately.
  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭
    Perry lives in FL as do I, although I'm in South FL.

    Have never used Netflix so I can't compare but I will say that Blockbuster has S. FL covered. My DVDs go to either Tampa or Miami, an over night post time if mailed by 5PM. So the turnaround is very quick here. My next movie comes in two days after mailing the return. Maybe in some parts of the US this is different for Blockbuster.

    Also, with just about every grocery store strip mall being built in this area a Blockbuster is part of the package. With the explosive growth in some parts of FL this means that most people are never far from a store. The added convenience of dropping off a movie and picking up another if you have the urge to see something in particular is nice.

    Can't say that I do this often. The service for me is good and I have never had problems with waiting too long for movies.

    If they carry cards it may get me in the store which I imagine is the idea. Hopefully the prices will not be obtrusive.

    Perhaps I could moonlight as a "pack searcher enforcer." Yeah, give me a cattle prod and turn me loose.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Blockbuster waited too long and is now in a permanent crunch to save more money. >>

    by giving users the option to watch more movies?

    << <i>Another reason I like Netflix over Blockbuster. You can put your account on hold for up to three months and not be charged. My account has been on hold since it got nice out and I still have my queue. Blockbuster will not that. >>

    you can cancel your blockbuster account and your queue will stay stored for a while.. not sure exactly how long, but at least a month or two..

    << <i>One problem major problem at Blockbuster is stores not sending movies in returned movies immediately. >>

    i dont care when they mail them back in, all they have to do scan the barcode in the computer and then you've returned your movie.. they're all tied into the same computer.. it doesnt matter when the blockbuster store mails it back in..

    sometimes i get home from returning a movie to the blockbuster store (and getting my free movies at the same time) and check my email as soon as i get home to find an email saying "Blockbuster has received XXXXX" and then another email right after it saying "Blockbuster has shipped XXXXXX"..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>pandrews, you are the only smart witty individual here, geez, I'm going to cancel my netflix right now so I can sign up for blockbuster, thanks for setting me straight. >>

    huh? you obviously didnt understand how blockbuster works or understand the concept of being able to get more movies for the same price, whether its because you dont have time to watch them or whatever..

    the simple fact is: blockbuster offers the same deal as netflix, and they give the option of watching more movies.. how hard is that to understand?
  • When I lived in Floirda I had netflix. It was a joke. Turnaround time was atrocious. They had labeled me a high volume renter and began holding back my rentals. I was getting the movies, watching them the same day and dropping them back in the mail that night. Next thing I know after two months of using them, I found my movies were taking longer and longer to get to me...
    Next MONTH? So he's saying that if he wins, the best-case scenario is that he'll be paying for it two weeks after the auction ends?

    Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12


    Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
  • drewsefdrewsef Posts: 1,894 ✭✭
    I don't need your "help" getting anything, a company's movie rental options doesn't cripple my brain. Get it?? I understand what each company offers in terms of service, and from my experience, it doesn't matter what they offer in terms of physical store locations, Blockbuster's turnaround on mailing and accuracy of mailing me my correct dvd queue is not even remotely close to the service that netflix provides. I'm not so much into needing a massive amount of movies to watch as I am looking for the company to actually dependably send me the 3 movies or dvd's I am wanting to watch in a timely manner. Between NFL Network, upcoming college football, HBO, and regular direct tv shows, work, and all of life's other activities, I'm not in an abundance of time left to worry about watching more movies, so again, accuracy counts more to me.

    One of the places I used, and ultimately went with netflix over blockbuster was in central florida and both shipped to Tampa, Florida. Several problems with blockbuster and long turnaround times up to a week or more.
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>One problem major problem at Blockbuster is stores not sending movies in returned movies immediately. >>

    i dont care when they mail them back in, all they have to do scan the barcode in the computer and then you've returned your movie.. they're all tied into the same computer.. it doesnt matter when the blockbuster store mails it back in..


    Actually your next movie does not become available until it is received by the return center (see eighth question down). Not when returned at the store as you said, check it out. Hence, if the store does not return it, you do not get another movie, so you really should care if those employees are responsible with your movie.

    So the simple fact is that:

    -Netflix has an ability to hold your account until you want to reactivate it, for no , blockbuster does not

    -You are able to watch WHOLE MOVIES on Netflix, for NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. blockbuster does not

    -It is obvious that Blockbuster has more movies, including their stores, but Netflix has more different Titles than Blockbuster. By 2005, before blockbuster even recognized the fact that this what customers wanted, Netflix had amassed over 80, 000 titles.

    -Netflix has continually been ahead of Blockbuster ever since the start: The queue, the whole idea in general, the friends options, the suspension of your account, the envelope to return, the ability to rate movies, watching previews, and on and on

    All these ideas netflix has come up with because they know what the customer wants.

    Oh yeah, let us not forget the editing of movies Blockbuster does.image
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    That ability to watch whole movies on Netflix really beats going to the video store and exchanging, eh?

    Since convenience was your original argument pandrews, how does that fit in with convenience?
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭

    << <i>When I lived in Floirda I had netflix. It was a joke. Turnaround time was atrocious. They had labeled me a high volume renter and began holding back my rentals. I was getting the movies, watching them the same day and dropping them back in the mail that night. Next thing I know after two months of using them, I found my movies were taking longer and longer to get to me... >>

    That shouldnt happen anymore. They had a huge class action lawsuit against them for this exact thing. I am also a high volume renter(I watch movies at work! image ) and my turn around times are GREAT.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>
    Actually your next movie does not become available until it is received by the return center (see eighth question down). Not when returned at the store as you said, check it out. >>

    i looked at the seventh, eigth, and ninth questions in the link you posted, and i dont see where it says that at all, anywhere.. maybe i missed it?

    however, i know from personal experience that i often get the "blockbuster has shipped xxxx movie" email on the same day i return a movie to the blockbuster store..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>That ability to watch whole movies on Netflix really beats going to the video store and exchanging, eh?

    Since convenience was your original argument pandrews, how does that fit in with convenience? >>

    no, i dont really even know what youre talking about when you say "watch whole movies" on netflix.. what do they have it set up so you can watch it on your computer?

    and for me, i the word "convenience" was nowhere in my "original argument" as you say.. in fact, i really didnt tout convenience as one of the perks of blockbuster, until someone said they liked the convenience of netflix, because i dont see any difference.. i dont watch movies on my computer though, and i dont have an s-video cable running to my TV, so i prefer to watch actual DVD's..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>-Netflix has continually been ahead of Blockbuster ever since the start: The queue, the whole idea in general, the friends options, the suspension of your account, the envelope to return, the ability to rate movies, watching previews, and on and on >>

    netflix was first.. so what? lots of companies have been first.. that doesnt mean another company cant come along and improve on it..

    << <i>All these ideas netflix has come up with because they know what the customer wants. >>

    they obviously didnt know what i wanted.. what i wanted was the best deal, ie: more movies, same money.. ( plus, i wanted to watch discs 1, 2, and 3 before i watched discs 4, 5 and 6.. and i didnt want to watch a "bonus disc" before i watched the actual movie)

    << <i>Oh yeah, let us not forget the editing of movies Blockbuster does.image >>

    i didnt know about that, ive never noticed any editing but thats interesting.. what movies did they edit?
  • "i didnt know about that, ive never noticed any editing but thats interesting.. what movies did they edit? "

    Cawkbuster will edit violence, sex et. al. from selected movies in their stores, not sure if they do that through their mail order service.

    Blockbuster has a long-standing policy of not
    stocking anything any feature that hasn't been rated by the MPAA
    (Motion Picture Arts Association - the industry trade group for the
    movie studios).

    Therefore, when a studio wants to put out a video,
    if they can't put an "R" or lower rating on the box, Blockbuster
    won't buy it.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>"i didnt know about that, ive never noticed any editing but thats interesting.. what movies did they edit? "

    Cawkbuster will edit violence, sex et. al. from selected movies in their stores, not sure if they do that through their mail order service.

    Blockbuster has a long-standing policy of not
    stocking anything any feature that hasn't been rated by the MPAA
    (Motion Picture Arts Association - the industry trade group for the
    movie studios).

    Therefore, when a studio wants to put out a video,
    if they can't put an "R" or lower rating on the box, Blockbuster
    won't buy it. >>

    thats not entirely true.. i dont know about the editing part, ive never noticed it, even with movies ive seen in the theatre and then rented, but im not saying youre wrong, i just havent noticed it..

    but they absolutely DO carry movies that dont have an MPAA rating, so that idea is false.. yeah they might not carry everything in their stores, i dunno, but i do know for a fact that ive rented movies that were not rated by the MPAA, blockbuster usually labels them as "YRV" or "Youth Restricted Viewing"..
  • GootGoot Posts: 3,496

    << <i>Hollywood Video here sells Star Wars cards and 2007 Topps. >>

    Way to stay on topic.image
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    I dont have a Blockbuster by me so Netflix works well for me. If I had a Blockbuster near me I might give it a try since you can exchange movies on site. And to stay on topic, I havent seen any cards in Blockbuster or Netflix image
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭

    << <i>Netflix has continually been ahead of Blockbuster ever since the start: The queue, the whole idea in general, the friends options, the suspension of your account, the envelope to return, the ability to rate movies, watching previews, and on and on >>

    netflix was first.. so what? lots of companies have been first.. that doesnt mean another company cant come along and improve on it..

    I am curious what they improved upon.

    You originally stated that Blockbuster gives you more for your money. You then '"mocked" drewsef with your retort about Blockbuster offering more but he does not have time for it, so he uses Netflix. But Netflix offers you more with the ability to watch over 2,000 movies on their website without even going to the video store after your discs are gone and you say that you like DVD's.

    So your argument should be Netflix tries to offer me more movies for my money but I do not like the method they supply them to me, so I choose Blockbuster". Is that right?

    As far as editing, Blockbuster and Wal-mart carry the same types of movies. They purchase "tamer" versions of movies they see a need to tone down.

    Back a few years ago their Principal owner, Viacom, saw them as a "Dying business" and spun them off to avoid future liabilties.

    I am glad you enjoy Blockbuster, but do not get to used to it, Blockbuster will be going through some major changes over the next five years and they will be closing lots and lots of stores. So start getting used to Netflix, because they are, and will always remain, the top video rental service.

  • earlycalguyearlycalguy Posts: 1,247 ✭✭
    I am glad you enjoy Blockbuster, but do not get to used to it, Blockbuster will be going through some major changes over the next five years and they will be closing lots and lots of stores. So start getting used to Netflix, because they are, and will always remain, the top video rental service. >>

    I prefer netflix over bb but netflix stock has not been doing well due to the increased competition from bb. netflix got a bump earlier this week due to buyout rumors by amazon.

    i remember when netflix first came out and cnbc had the ceo's of both bb and netflix on. the bb ceo said they'd never do mail order video. that people didn't want it because driving to the video store and picking out your movie with your family at the store was part of the experience and mail order was not the way to go.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    The nflx founder was on PBS earlier this year.

    He is alot less optimistic about the speed with which
    VOD via nflx is going to be fully adopted than are some
    folks here.

    The folks on most message boards are not a representative
    sample of technology-acceptance; we are WAY ahead of the
    tech curve/wave that average consumers are familiar with.

    Movie theaters are NOT going to disappear, and neither are
    B+M video-rental stores. There will be lots of stores closing,
    but we will all be able to find someplace to rent a video in
    our neighborhoods for a very long time to come.

    Without looking it up, does anybody know the title of the
    first movie to experiment with simultaneous release?
    (Released in theaters and on video, on the same day).
    How long ago was that?
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • TreetopTreetop Posts: 1,474
    blockbuster is better than netflix, you can take your movies back into the store and immediately get them checked in, blockbuster then mails the next movies in your queue AND you can get more movies while your in the store..

    Did you know when you return the DVD that you received via mail, you can pick up a new release at no charge, along with having the next movie in your queue mailed to you?
    Link to my current Ebay auctions

    "If I ever decided to do a book, I've already got the title-The Bases Were Loaded and So Was I"-Jim Fregosi
  • kcballboykcballboy Posts: 1,405 ✭✭✭
    Graded vs. Raw

    Vintage vs. Modern

    Blockbuster vs. Netflix

    Can't we all just get along? image
  • My wife was a District Manager for Blockbuster for 12 years, so here is how I see it...

    1. Blockbuster sells cards at certain stores in certain areas, they also used to sell CDs AND books at one point

    2. You get credit for returning the movie as soon as it is scanned at a store. Unless it is the weekend then it is first thing Monday morning..

    3. We used NetFlicks for several years and when Blockbuster TA came along we jumped over. you have the ability to get more movies on a monthly basis with Blockbuster then with Netflicks and at a lower price. Plus blockbuster gives you a monthly coupon for a free movie OR video game rental.

    Simply put if you do not want to go to a store use Netflicks, the turn around is faster.

    If you want more movie for your buck go Blockbuster, for every 2 netfilck movies you get, you could have 4 blockbuster movies in the same time.........
    On the Yankee Bandwagon since April 22nd, 1979 (my first game).
    Collecting all Yankees especially:
    Thurman Munson, Yogi Berra, Melky Cabrera!

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  • bishopbishop Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭
    Munson----thanks for your input
    Topps Baseball-1948, 1951 to 2017
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    Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007

  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭

    << <i>If you want more movie for your buck go Blockbuster, for every 2 netfilck movies you get, you could have 4 blockbuster movies in the same time......... >>

    How is this possible when you can watch over 2,000 movies and tv shows, from Netflix's website, without even leaving your house to go to the video store???
  • Seems like blockbuster has become more competitive but I refuse to rent a movie from them because of the bitter taste they left in my mouth after years of getting hosed on late fees. I don't use Netflix either but whatever Blockbuster has done to reinvent themselves was due to Netflix's competitive pressure. As far as getting into the card business, if the prices they charge for movies (shrink wrapped) is any indication, they won't be offering any bargains.

    Mark B.

    Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards

    My PSA Registry Sets

    34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set

  • << <i>

    << <i>If you want more movie for your buck go Blockbuster, for every 2 netfilck movies you get, you could have 4 blockbuster movies in the same time......... >>

    How is this possible when you can watch over 2,000 movies and tv shows, from Netflix's website, without even leaving your house to go to the video store??? >>


    Netflicks: Get movie in mail, Watch movie, walk to mail box, put movie in mail box wait 2 days (average) get next movie in que and watch it, mail it back...say 4 days 2 movies...

    Blockbuster: Get movie in mail, Watch movie, go to blockbuster store, return movie, get new movie watch it, blockbuster store mails old movie, wait 2 days (average) get next movie in que and watch it, return to BB store, return movie, get new movie, watch it ... say 4 days 4 movies

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  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I am curious what they improved upon. >>

    they improved upon giving me more movies for the same price.

    << <i>You originally stated that Blockbuster gives you more for your money. You then '"mocked" drewsef with your retort about Blockbuster offering more but he does not have time for it, so he uses Netflix. But Netflix offers you more with the ability to watch over 2,000 movies on their website without even going to the video store after your discs are gone and you say that you like DVD's. >>

    i havent "mocked" anybody in this thread.. he himself said he didnt have time for blockbuster and free movies.. and he himself admitted to being ignorant about how blockbuster works..

    << <i>So your argument should be Netflix tries to offer me more movies for my money but I do not like the method they supply them to me, so I choose Blockbuster". Is that right? >>

    that maybe right, but i like to watch my movies on dvd's on my TV, not on YouTube or whatever you say Netflix provides.. i have a girlfriend that likes to watch movies and sit on the couch or lay in bed, not in front of a computer.. so yeah, i dont like watching movies on my computer.. THEREFORE, blockbuster gives MUCH more for the money, than does netflix..
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    Pandrews: There are numerous devices today that allow you to make the connection between your computer and TV. You can go into any Best Buy and they can hook you up with the cords to make it possible.

    Munson: See above and see above. You can watch thousands of movies from the Netflix site without waiting for the mail or going to the video store. Hence more movies for your money. Possible scenario: 4 movies in a day for a month equals a whopping 120 movies watched in the month. Not including the mailed ones and this is possible with any of the subscription levels even the $5/mo. one

    I do not how to explain this any more simplier.

    I must say cravetopps had a good point with the late fees. Blockbuster hosed people for years with their late fees and now they have lots of people believing that "all is good" because they offer an in store trade in and "one" free movie coupon per month. As soon as Blockbuster can they will screw you again.
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