Home Metal Detecting

Recent stuff (beach finds and one park find)

Went on a family vacation a week or so ago down to the coast out here in CA. (my folks retired and now live next to the beach) I was able to get a couple hunts in after everyone was in bed, and the tide was low... it turned out to be like hitting a piggy bank! Nothing spectacular (no gold or silver image) but it was still fun digging as fast as I could while the tide was low and hitting that wet sand.

Here's the "pile 'o finds":


Sorted (close to 200 coins):


And the interesting stuff (some sort of corroded jewelry, rolled penny, and a game token):


Could've easily been ring or pendant pulled out of the beach with that many targets out there, but wasn't meant to be this time.

Another hunt back at home... didn't have much time one night but I wanted to get out, so I hit a tot-lot (following Lodi Tom's lead image) and pulled this 10K gold butterfly ear ring with stones. Threw the collage pic together and thought LM would like the prismatic effect that was captured in one pic (rainbow color in the dark middle spot).


Hope everyone is able to get out more now that the summer months are here.
Happy hunting!


  • That is a lot o'stuff.
  • That's what I was thinking while I was out there...
    was pretty fun since it was easy diggin' image
  • SilverDreamsSilverDreams Posts: 427 ✭✭
    Those are some nice looking Zincolns! image
    I lust for silver.
  • Thanks SD! You want 'em?! haha image

    (even if you did it's too late= the real crusties ended up in the trash)
  • Also...
    While I was out there picking those crusty coins up, I was thinking "what a smart move by the government to create a currency that would dissolve in time."
  • I have a huge public beach thats a monster tourist beach everyday during the summer... I should start pounding it at night. There was a guy out there in the water last time I was there swimming.
  • GoldenEyeNumismaticsGoldenEyeNumismatics Posts: 13,187 ✭✭✭
    Nice haul!
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sandy beaches are great hunting..... be it ocean or lake. Night hunting after big days would be awesome, lost stuff not as deep yet. Cheers, RickO
  • Yep, them's some good looking zincolns. Wish I had a truck load myself! image A hundred years from now folks are going to want to know what happened to all the zinc pennies. They decompose faster than my wife's meatloaf.

    Glad you had fun Rick.

  • phutphut Posts: 1,087
    It's been a while since I've hunted a beach, but change about 95% of your coins to pulltabs and juice boxes, and you'll know what two hours at a NH beach is like.
    Nice gold!!
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do you put the Zincolns in a tumbler? I find alot that look like that but never that many in one day.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oooh... purdy... and... prismatic! image


    That certainly has the "bling" factor. Real gold, too, eh? Nice!

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Nice work Rick!

    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • Good Lord!.....WTG!
  • Was on a local (SC) metal detecting forum, and there was a thread labeled Hilton Head Island, SC.

    It was a guy asking about why he never found anything on the beaches here... come to find out... no one ever does. Its always just a few coins... nothing ever big. Seems like its hunted to hard, so often, its allready cleaned and you only find recent stuff... so I think it might be pointless.
  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Tim, I've went to the Hampton's about 5 year ago. I was astounded at how trashy the area had become. I'm so used to the pristine island beaches off the coast of Maine; even Old Orchard beach is 90% cleaner than the Hamptons. I underatand why you'd stick to riverbanks rather than beaches!
    Be Still and Know
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