saturday's find

First thanks to Lordmar for giving me the link on how to post pics. You just saved me hours of pain and suffering.
Next a little about me. I'm Dave and reside in Minnesota. I am 2yrs into metal detecting and loving it. Lately I've been detecting in our local city park which has 217 acres. The park was once a state park built back in 1911, then later handed over to the city to take care of. I have been working areas of the park that arent really used today by the public, and so far I found a 1915 Barber which I posted last week and then yesterday found a 1909 Indian head penny. They are my two best finds to this day. I went to the local museum and checked out old pics, circa 1900's and found info on an old cabin a man lived in were i've been detecting and also found out there was an old girl scout cabin which was destroyed by a flood, still searching to find where that was. Anyway I could go on and on. Please post daily finds, that gives me inspiration to get out there.
Next a little about me. I'm Dave and reside in Minnesota. I am 2yrs into metal detecting and loving it. Lately I've been detecting in our local city park which has 217 acres. The park was once a state park built back in 1911, then later handed over to the city to take care of. I have been working areas of the park that arent really used today by the public, and so far I found a 1915 Barber which I posted last week and then yesterday found a 1909 Indian head penny. They are my two best finds to this day. I went to the local museum and checked out old pics, circa 1900's and found info on an old cabin a man lived in were i've been detecting and also found out there was an old girl scout cabin which was destroyed by a flood, still searching to find where that was. Anyway I could go on and on. Please post daily finds, that gives me inspiration to get out there.

I haven't dug a 1909 yet. They're a little scarcer, you know.
A lot scarcer with the S. The 1909-S is the lowest mintage in the entire Indian cent series, if I remember correctly. Even less than the 1877, though the 1877 is more valuable.
Nice detail on that one, which is quite attractive for a dug Indian cent.
It doesn't have a tiny "S" under the wreath, by any chance, does it?
I've dug a 1909 myself, but it looks like a pig compared to yours.
Very nice.
BTW, what did you use to clean the coin with? Thanks.