Have not checked in for a while, but as usual, very impressive progress. I would love to have a similar run of Dodger cards and will buy singles I know I need and a lot of the time, even dupes or potential dupes. I don't have a checklist and couldn't tell for sure on most cards if I had one or not. I rely heavily on my memory. I have a pretty good run, but nowhere near complete.
I am also just not quite as dedicated (read: cheap). I just can't pony up the big bucks for a guy I have multiple times simply because that particular card is tough. Case in point, a 1982 Topps Traded Mark Belanger just popped up a few weeks ago. i was excited, because he doesn't have a lot of Dodgers cards, plus 82 is a tougher set it would seem. Had seen an 83T sit unsold for months at around $15. Would have been happy to get the 82 for that, but was just hoping to win it under the radar. Nope! It ended up selling for over $50! Just not worth it to me, but clearly someone else values it much more than i do.
Same thing happening with a 1978 T Andy Messersmith that is live now. I love that set and would love to have it complete (need that Denny too), but it's over $100 already with time still to go. I have quite a few Messersmith autos. i know he stopped signing, but the supply for his autograph is not at the scarce level, but his later cards seem to be.
Keep them coming, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the progress.
I collect Steve Garvey, Dodgers and signed cards. Collector since 1978.
@mrmopar said:
Have not checked in for a while, but as usual, very impressive progress. I would love to have a similar run of Dodger cards and will buy singles I know I need and a lot of the time, even dupes or potential dupes. I don't have a checklist and couldn't tell for sure on most cards if I had one or not. I rely heavily on my memory. I have a pretty good run, but nowhere near complete.
I am also just not quite as dedicated (read: cheap). I just can't pony up the big bucks for a guy I have multiple times simply because that particular card is tough. Case in point, a 1982 Topps Traded Mark Belanger just popped up a few weeks ago. i was excited, because he doesn't have a lot of Dodgers cards, plus 82 is a tougher set it would seem. Had seen an 83T sit unsold for months at around $15. Would have been happy to get the 82 for that, but was just hoping to win it under the radar. Nope! It ended up selling for over $50! Just not worth it to me, but clearly someone else values it much more than i do.
Same thing happening with a 1978 T Andy Messersmith that is live now. I love that set and would love to have it complete (need that Denny too), but it's over $100 already with time still to go. I have quite a few Messersmith autos. i know he stopped signing, but the supply for his autograph is not at the scarce level, but his later cards seem to be.
Keep them coming, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the progress.
I am a collector that likes to complete things. I wish I could leave off some of these that I need, but there would always be that hole. The one thing that will be the most monumental task of this whole collection is trying to get all of the 2000s decade Pujols league leaders cards and other misc cards in base sets. There are so many and Pujols is not cheap. That's why the most completable portion of this collection will be 1952 to 1999.
For this particular post I opened my spreadsheet and actually counted how complete my run is from 1952 to 1999. I have never done this before. Here are the numbers. Keep in mind that the minimum number for completion may be less than what I have simply because I have multiple signatures on many team cards and only one is required for completion, in my opinion. I will count 2 player rookie cards as 2 subjects and 3 player rookie cards as 3 subjects, etc.
Total cards / subjects possible - 190
Total acquired - 178
Total missing - 12
Percentage complete - 93.7%
Total cards / subjects possible - 362
Total acquired - 331
Total missing - 31
Percentage complete - 91.4%
Total cards / subjects possible - 299
Total acquired - 294
Total missing - 5
Percentage complete - 98.3%
Total cards / subjects possible - 362 (ironically same number as the 1960s)
Total acquired - 347
Total missing - 15
Percentage complete - 95.9%
Total cards / subjects possible - 267
Total acquired - 259 (including 4 McGwire cards that are at a private signing that are expected back in a couple of weeks)
Total missing - 8
Percentage complete - 97.0%
Totals from 1952 - 1999
Total cards / subjects possible - 1,480
Total acquired - 1,409
Total missing - 71
Percentage complete - 95.2%
= = =
Edited for a note to myself - these numbers include up through the acquisition of the 1996 Topps Ozzie Smith which will be posted in the near future.
Shane, thanks for the breakdown. I agree that your problem will be with the newer cards of the more popular players, like Pujols. All you can do is knock them down one card at a time or as they come up. I knew you had a great set running, but you are actually more complete than I thought with the pre-2000 cards. Definitely an accomplishment to be proud of.
This is a truly amazing collection. I did the same thing with Chargers cards once and was complete from 1960-2013. But football sets are generally much smaller than baseball and it was a shorter time period, so mine topped out at 833 cards. The amount of detail you have to learn about each individual player for a project like this is really overwhelming. Congrats on your accomplishment. It is so, so impressive!
Todd Tobias - Grateful Collector - I focus on autographed American Football League sets, Fleer & Topps, 1960-1969, and lacrosse cards.
I have to wonder what the future brings for team collectors with autographs. I used to collect the signed trophy cards, but more and more, the newer players who had NOTHING in their career but a single decent season were bringing more than HOFers and it has only gotten worse.
If autograph collectors in the 60s-70s and before faced what we face now, I bet this part of the hobby would have died off. Imagine trying to get players like Mantle, Mays, Aaron when they were active (knowing they were cheap in retirement for a while), if they cost $100s-1000s like new stars cost now! The tough part of it all is, most players saw a decrease at some point, but it seems like modern players just keep going up.
I wish you much luck. It would be great to somehow have a private signing with Albert to get a bunch done, but that is a pipe dream for most or a very, very expensive proposition.
I collect Steve Garvey, Dodgers and signed cards. Collector since 1978.
Thanks for the compliments, guys! Really appreciate it!
@mrmopar I have never thought of it that way. I have resigned myself to knowing I will probably never have them all, but it will be fun trying. Most Pujols LL cards would probably be less than $100 or around that. The problem is finding them.
Edited to say - Even at $100 each....you are correct....that would be very, very expensive. I wasn't trying to say that it wasn't!
Here is a 1983 Topps Bruce Sutter Leading Firemen. It's minor cards like this that make this project overwhelming at times because there are so many of these type of cards. But it also makes it rewarding when a team set gets completed.
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
Anytime I see something like "Lee Arthur" I think about the back of 1980s Donruss cards because they always had the full name and I remember Lee Smith being Lee Arthur Smith. There was another high profile Arthur... Donald Arthur Mattingly.
Got another Ozzie to show off. Here is a 1995 Topps Traded Ozzie Smith & Cal Ripken Jr All Star card. This would be an extra sweet card if Ripken could sign it. Anyway, this is a nice signature by Ozzie, as is almost always the case.
I haven't read the entire thread, I was wondering if you are going to include Bowman, Fleer, Donruss or any other brand? Just curious. You have an amazing collection!!
@Tibor said:
I haven't read the entire thread, I was wondering if you are going to include Bowman, Fleer, Donruss or any other brand? Just curious. You have an amazing collection!!
Thank you. I really appreciate it. I have a unsigned Cardinals team set collection that includes all of those other brands. My signed collection is only Topps (base). I do have a few vintage Bowman that are signed that I got years ago but I don't actively try to collect those.
I'm trying to move along so I can get some of these posted. I've got some big ones that will be posted soon. Plus, I have bought a big stack in the years 2000-2004 from my new source that I will be posting soon. I also have several from 2005 and 2006 that are in the mail. Will also be purchasing 2007-2009 in the coming days. Since he is liquidating his collection, I am buying him out. He is allowing me to buy them in groups over time so I can afford them. He is from st Louis and got most of them in person. Anyway, those will be posted in the coming days and weeks. I am super excited about it!
This one is an Ebay purchase from a few days ago. Here is a 2001 Topps Dave Veres.
This is a first for me. These 2 Lance Berkman cards come from a private signing. A user on SCN was the "go-between" on a Tri-Star private signing in Texas a few weeks ago. I needed these 2 to complete the Lance Berkman portion of my Cardinals collection. I got these back without a hitch. I will be doing more of these in the future if I come across any player that I need.
Lance Berkman is probably my favorite "short term" Cardinals player. He only played for the Cardinals for 2 seasons, but the first one resulted in a World Series title. I always hated it when he came to the plate when he played for the Astros against the Cardinals. I loved it when he played for the Cardinals. He is such a class act and a gentleman. Funny too!
Here is a 2011 Topps Update Lance Berkman and a 2011 Topps Update Lance Berkman All Star.
Up next is a recent Ebay purchase. Here is a 2006 Topps John Rodriguez. This is his only Topps card in a Cardinals uniform. He got 1 AB in the 2006 World Series.
Here is one that I thought I would never get, but I was able to snag it at a surprisingly reasonable price on Ebay. This is is a 2020 Topps Randy Arozarena RC. Yes, his true rookie was with the Cardinals. The Cardinals should have never let this guy go. As soon as they did, he blew up!
Up next is an autograph from the second private signing I have ever took part in (after the Lance Berkman above). I just got back 4 Mark McGwire cards that I need for my collection. I will be posting these separately. This is 1 out of 4.
Here is a 1998 Topps Mark McGwire Highlights card. His signature is still in high demand.
@frankhardy I so enjoy your posts and your passion for collecting autographed Cardinal players! I am a non-sport collector who has bought a box or 2 of sports along the way. I recently found an Upper Deck SP autograph of Rick Ankiel laying around that I have no use for. If you want it just send me your address in a PM and I will drop it in the mail to you. Maybe you could swap it out with someone for something you do need.
Or you probably have so many of these you don't need it all!!
Either way I am okay with it, I'll just post the pictures here so some Cardinal fan can remember his glory days!!!
Keep up the good work!
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one. Live long, and prosper.
@threeofsix said: @frankhardy I so enjoy your posts and your passion for collecting autographed Cardinal players! I am a non-sport collector who has bought a box or 2 of sports along the way. I recently found an Upper Deck SP autograph of Rick Ankiel laying around that I have no use for. If you want it just send me your address in a PM and I will drop it in the mail to you. Maybe you could swap it out with someone for something you do need.
Or you probably have so many of these you don't need it all!!
Either way I am okay with it, I'll just post the pictures here so some Cardinal fan can remember his glory days!!!
Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much! I really appreciate the kind words as well as the kind gesture! PM sent!
This card has vaulted to one of my favorites in my entire collection. Not only does it have tremendous eye appeal, it has a story behind it as well.
It was the summer of 1998. I had just married my high school sweetheart on June 6th. We are still happily married with 2 children (son 21 and daughter will turn 19 in a few weeks), but I digress. After the frenzy of a wedding and a honeymoon we settled into our rental house just in time to see Michael Jordan and the Bulls win their 6th NBA championship. Even though I had steadily kept up with the Cardinals and the home run chase, I focused my "sports attention" solely on McGwire and the Cardinals.
My wife had never been a baseball fan at all. She told me she had heard of a few players from when she was a child. She remembered getting a Darryl Strawberry baseball card out of a cereal box when she was little but never cared anything about it....until the summer of 1998.
With the McGwire and Sosa battling it out all summer long we were both keeping up with the chase every single day. We did not have cable or satellite TV at the time, so we were making plans on how in the world we would see the record breaking home run when it happened. Then I thought.....why don't we just get tickets for later in the year in hopes that we see it live! So, we did. I figured McGwire would get tired and the pressure would get to him a little, but he would finally pull it out in the final series of the season. I made a calculated guess that he would break the record on the second to the last day of the season, so we bought tickets for that game, which was on Saturday, September 26. Turns out it was really just a guess out of thin air.
The first of September rolls around and we could see clearly that McGwire was going to break the record well before September 26th. The only question was, "Would Sosa do it first?" The answer would be, "No", and we would confirm this on September 8th.
By this time, my wife was all in on the Home Run Chase of 1998. She was now a die hard Cardinals fan and could give you the starting lineup off the top of her head. On September 7th, we found out he had hit number 61, so we were determined to see him hit number 62 somehow. We decided to drive 45 minutes away to my grandmother's house who had cable TV. This is what we saw that night.
With the record broken, all that was left was to see how many he would hit and what the final number would be. My question was always....would it be better to have seen number 62 or the final number, which would theoretically be the number every player would be chasing for the rest of time. Since we had tickets on the second to the last day of the season, we decided that, of course, it would be better to see the final number!
On Saturday, September 26, we made the 3.5 hour drive from the western part of Kentucky to St Louis to see the Cardinals in hopes that Mark McGwire would hit a home run. We got there early for batting practice, and, boy, did he put on a show. One practice HR hit the scoreboard. I remember the sound it made. It was spectacular!
Not only did McGwire hit a home run that day....he hit 2 of them! He hit number 67 and 68 that day. I don't think I have ever heard a crowd of people cheer so loud! As a side note, every time McGwire came to the plate, I had my 35 mm camera ready to take a picture. I was able to get number 67, but it wasn't very clear. But the best news was that I was able to get a fairly decent picture of number 68. You can see it in the picture below. The ball is in mid flight, but I have looked at this picture for years and cannot determine exactly where it is at. All I know is that this is the swing that struck number 68 and the picture was taken by me. Here it is!
If you will pause this video at the 25 second mark, that is the exact instant that I snapped the picture.
After that exciting day, all we could think about is that we saw history! Little did we know that the HR mark would only last about 24 hours because he would hit 2 more the next day for a total of 70. However, it was an exciting day of baseball that I will never forget!
As a side note to my collection, in my non signed Cardinals team set, when it comes to the 1999 Topps #220 card, I started off years ago with having only #67 and #68 in my team set. A few years ago I was able to get all 70 variations of those cards. However, with my signed team set, I would go broke if I was so OCD that I had to get all 70 cards signed. So, I settled for number 68 for my signed collection. I think it is fitting since I was there!
This is number 2 of the 4 that I sent in for the private signing.
Here is number 3 out of 4 from the Mark McGwire private signing. This is a 1999 Topps #223 HR League Leaders Mark McGwire. It shows up as a very dark card with my scanner but it is actually a shiny silver card.
Here is number 4 of 4 from the private signing. This is a 1999 Topps #450 All Topps First Baseman Mark McGwire. I only need 5 more subset cards like this from 2000 Topps to have a complete Topps Mark McGwire Cardinals run. I will send those to his next private signing hopefully in a few months.
Years ago I sent his 1964 rookie card to Mr Shannon and he signed it in silver Sharpie and it resided in my album for years. A couple of months ago I got back into sending cards TTM so I decided to send the card to Mr Fanok. His profile on SCN shows a 90% return rate but his last one came back in November 2021. I took a little bit of a risk and it has not been sent back as of yet. I do expect it to be returned eventually because sometimes he takes a while.
This particular card below comes from my new source from whom I am slowly buying out. He threw it in as a bonus on my latest purchase. I am so thankful I came into contact with Tony. He is a super good guy.
Since I already had counted Mike Shannon's signature, I will only count Harry Fanok to add one to the total.
Total is now 1,856.
Edited to say - a few months later Mr Fanok signed my card and returned it. It resides in my duplicates.
While going through my collection I just discovered my 2007 Topps Adam Wainwright was not from the regular Topps set or the Update Topps set. It is from the Topps Factory Team Set that was sold in a blister package. This one is numbered STL9 and not UH79 from the Update Set. I will be checking my new source, Tony, to see if he has one. He very well may.
Rather than going through nearly 6 years of posts and updating the number I will just start from here and subtract one with the new total being 1,855.
Up next is a huge haul I recently got from my new source, Tony. Here are 60 new ones from 2000 - 2004.
I was always a little behind on the more modern cards. Now, I am filling these needs in fast thanks to Tony! Here is a list a list of what is posted below.
2000 Topps Fernando Tatis
2000 Topps Eric Davis
2000 Topps Ray Lankford
2000 Topps Edgar Renteria
2000 Topps Chance Caple Draft Picks
2000 Topps Fernando Tatis Highlights
2000 Topps Traded Will Clark (personalized to Tony)
2001 Topps Thomas Howard
2001 Topps Fernando Tatis
2001 Topps Eric Davis
2001 Topps Carlos Hernandez
2001 Topps Matt Morris
2001 Topps Ray Lankford
2001 Topps Edgar Renteria
2001 Topps Bernard Gilkey
2001 Topps Garrett Stephenson
2001 Topps Chance Caple Prospects
2001 Topps Shawn Boyd / Chris Morris Draft Picks (already had one w/ Shawn Boyd; only adds one to total)
2001 Topps Will Clark Highlights (personalized to Tony)
2001 Topps Lou Brock Golden Moments
2001 Topps Traded Bud Smith
2001 Topps Traded Ozzie Smith 1982 Topps Traded Reprint (this was actually part of the Topps Traded Set)
2001 Topps Traded Jack Clark 1985 Topps Traded Reprint (this was actually part of the Topps Traded Set)
2002 Topps Bobby Bonilla
2002 Topps Matt Morris
2002 Topps Dave Veres
2002 Topps Miguel Cairo
2002 Topps Tino Martinez
2002 Topps Traded Chance Caple (He has 4 Topps / Topps Traded cards & never appeared in a MLB game; is that the most?)
2002 Topps Traded Joe Rogers
2003 Topps Edgar Renteria
2003 Topps Matt Morris
2003 Topps Tino Martinez
2003 Topps Jason Isringhausen
2003 Topps Eli Marrero
2003 Topps Chuck Finley
2003 Topps Brett Tomko
2003 Topps Joe Girardi
2003 Topps So Taguchi
2003 Topps Miguel Cairo
2003 Topps J.D. Drew
2003 Topps Traded Esteban Yan
2003 Topps Traded Tyler Adamczyk
2003 Topps Traded Dan Haren
2003 Topps Traded Tyler Johnson
2004 Topps Miguel Cairo
2004 Topps Tino Martinez
2004 Topps J.D. Drew
2004 Topps Blake Hawksworth (He inscribed Psalm 18. I have copied and pasted it below the list before the pictures)
2004 Topps Edgar Renteria
2004 Topps Ray King
2004 Topps Jeff Suppan
2004 Topps Jason Isringhausen
2004 Topps Matt Morris
2004 Topps Mike Matheny Gold Glove (By the way, John 3:16 says - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)
2004 Topps Scott Rolen Gold Glove
2004 Topps Traded Reggie Sanders
2004 Topps Traded Larry Walker
2004 Topps Traded Jason Marquis
2004 Topps Traded Calvin Hayes
Adding these 60 makes the new total 1,915. I think 2,000 is doable...sooner rather than later!
Anytime there is a Bible verse inscribed I try to include it in these posts. I am sure I have forgotten some, as I did here. I have come back to edit and to include it.
[1] I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.
[2] The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
[3] I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
[4] The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid.
[5] The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me.
[6] In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.
[7] Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth.
[8] There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
[9] He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.
[10] And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.
[11] He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
[12] At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.
[13] The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.
[14] Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them.
[15] Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils.
[16] He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters.
[17] He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.
[18] They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay.
[19] He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.
[20] The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.
[21] For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
[22] For all his judgments were before me, and I did not put away his statutes from me.
[23] I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity.
[24] Therefore hath the LORD recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.
[25] With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;
[26] With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.
[27] For thou wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks.
[28] For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.
[29] For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall.
[30] As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.
[31] For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God?
[32] It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.
[33] He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places.
[34] He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.
[35] Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.
[36] Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip.
[37] I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed.
[38] I have wounded them that they were not able to rise: they are fallen under my feet.
[39] For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me.
[40] Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me.
[41] They cried, but there was none to save them: even unto the LORD, but he answered them not.
[42] Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets.
[43] Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.
[44] As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.
[45] The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places.
[46] The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.
[47] It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me.
[48] He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.
[49] Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.
[50] Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore.
Up next is one that has been very hard for me to find, but I finally snagged it. Here is a 1982 Topps Bob Forsch. Mr Forsch passed away in 2011. He threw out the first pitch of one of the 2011 World Series games and passed away a few days later.
Love the collection! I collect Cardinals autographed cards as well but no where close to your level. Do you have a list of what you still need? I was able to get a lot of guys autographs going to games as a kid on the early to mid 2000s. Shoot me a message if you have a list and I’ll see if I have any.
Here is my latest haul from my new source, Tony, who is liquidating his collection. This is 41 cards with 42 signatures to add to the total. My take from this group.....Larry Walker's signature is a work of art!
2005 Topps Marlon Anderson
2005 Topps Reggie Sanders
2005 Topps Mike Matheny (By the way, John 3:16, once again, says - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)
2005 Topps Jason Isringhausen
2005 Topps Edgar Renteria
2005 Topps So Taguchi
2005 Topps Jason Marquis
2005 Topps Matt Morris
2005 Topps Julian Tavarez
2005 Topps Larry Walker
2005 Topps Wes Swakhamer
2005 Topps Mike Matheny GG (You can't read this verse enough, so here it is again. John 3:16, once again, says - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)
2005 Topps Jim Edmonds SN AS
2005 Topps Update Anthony Reyes
2005 Topps Update Mark Mulder
2005 Topps Update NLDS Game 1 Reggie Sanders
2005 Topps Update NLCS Game 1 Reggie Sanders
2005 Topps Update Wins LL Chris Carpenter
2005 Topps Update SO LL Chris Carpenter
2005 Topps Update Jim Edmonds AS
2005 Topps Update David Eckstein AS
2005 Topps Update Chris Carpenter AS
2006 Topps Jason Marquis
2006 Topps Larry Walker
2006 Topps Julian Tavarez
2006 Topps Deivi Cruz
2006 Topps Larry Bigbie
2006 Topps David Eckstein
2006 Topps Sidney Ponson
2006 Topps Chris Carpenter
2006 Topps Mark Mulder
2006 Topps Update Juan Encarnacion
2006 Topps Update Preston Wilson
2006 Topps Update Jeff Weaver
2006 Topps Update NLCS Game 7 Jeff Suppan
2006 Topps Update WS Game 3 Chris Carpenter
2006 Topps Update WS Game 5 Jeff Weaver
2006 Topps Update ERA LL Chris Carpenter
2006 Topps Update David Eckstein AS
2006 Topps Update Chris Carpenter AS
2006 Topps Update Classic Duos Chris Carpenter / Mark Mulder
I've posted on your thread before but I continue to be amazed at how far along you are on this project.
I collect all the Topps Rookie Cup winners and one of the only around 11 I need (not counting the very new ones just out in Topps Series 1 in February) is a 2011 Jaime Garcia card #643. I'm not sure if he's just a super tough signer or if folks just never chased him because I've never seen the base Topps of this card #. I have a Heritage Rookie Cup card signed of his but not the base. I also picked up a copy of his card # 23 from the base set thinking he was just one that didn't have a trophy on the card before seeing card #643. If you don't have a copy of card #23 signed from the 2011 set I'd be glad to send this one your way. Just PM me your address and I'll send it to you.
I am absolutely amazed at the focus you have and love reading through this thread as you update it.
I see you picked up a couple of So Taguchi's recently. One of my big needs are alot of the Asian players. Did So sign a good bit or did your source just do an amazing job at getting him in person?
Truly incredible collection!!!
Don Mattingly, Yogi Berra, Thurman Munson, Brian McCann and Topps Rookie Cup autograph collector www.questfortherookiecup.com
I've posted on your thread before but I continue to be amazed at how far along you are on this project.
I collect all the Topps Rookie Cup winners and one of the only around 11 I need (not counting the very new ones just out in Topps Series 1 in February) is a 2011 Jaime Garcia card #643. I'm not sure if he's just a super tough signer or if folks just never chased him because I've never seen the base Topps of this card #. I have a Heritage Rookie Cup card signed of his but not the base. I also picked up a copy of his card # 23 from the base set thinking he was just one that didn't have a trophy on the card before seeing card #643. If you don't have a copy of card #23 signed from the 2011 set I'd be glad to send this one your way. Just PM me your address and I'll send it to you.
I am absolutely amazed at the focus you have and love reading through this thread as you update it.
I see you picked up a couple of So Taguchi's recently. One of my big needs are alot of the Asian players. Did So sign a good bit or did your source just do an amazing job at getting him in person?
Truly incredible collection!!!
Thank you so much for the comment. It is very much appreciated!
The only Jaime Garcia signed cards that I have are 2010 Update, 2012, and 2014. I do not have either from 2011.
I don't think So Taguchi signed through the mail. I can tell you that my source did a great job getting tough signatures. He lives close to St Louis so he was able to get signatures at games and Cardinals events such as the Winter Warmup, etc. He also went to a good many Spring Trainings down in Jupiter, FL back to 1998. He may have even went to Spring Training when it was in St Petersburg from 1997 and previous. I need to ask him that. I do know that he has been getting autos for a long time and I am very fortunate for our paths to have crossed.
Good luck in your quest! PM sent with much thanks!
Have not checked in for a while, but as usual, very impressive progress. I would love to have a similar run of Dodger cards and will buy singles I know I need and a lot of the time, even dupes or potential dupes. I don't have a checklist and couldn't tell for sure on most cards if I had one or not. I rely heavily on my memory. I have a pretty good run, but nowhere near complete.
I am also just not quite as dedicated (read: cheap). I just can't pony up the big bucks for a guy I have multiple times simply because that particular card is tough. Case in point, a 1982 Topps Traded Mark Belanger just popped up a few weeks ago. i was excited, because he doesn't have a lot of Dodgers cards, plus 82 is a tougher set it would seem. Had seen an 83T sit unsold for months at around $15. Would have been happy to get the 82 for that, but was just hoping to win it under the radar. Nope! It ended up selling for over $50! Just not worth it to me, but clearly someone else values it much more than i do.
Same thing happening with a 1978 T Andy Messersmith that is live now. I love that set and would love to have it complete (need that Denny too), but it's over $100 already with time still to go. I have quite a few Messersmith autos. i know he stopped signing, but the supply for his autograph is not at the scarce level, but his later cards seem to be.
Keep them coming, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the progress.
I am a collector that likes to complete things. I wish I could leave off some of these that I need, but there would always be that hole. The one thing that will be the most monumental task of this whole collection is trying to get all of the 2000s decade Pujols league leaders cards and other misc cards in base sets. There are so many and Pujols is not cheap. That's why the most completable portion of this collection will be 1952 to 1999.
For this particular post I opened my spreadsheet and actually counted how complete my run is from 1952 to 1999. I have never done this before. Here are the numbers. Keep in mind that the minimum number for completion may be less than what I have simply because I have multiple signatures on many team cards and only one is required for completion, in my opinion. I will count 2 player rookie cards as 2 subjects and 3 player rookie cards as 3 subjects, etc.
Total cards / subjects possible - 190
Total acquired - 178
Total missing - 12
Percentage complete - 93.7%
Total cards / subjects possible - 362
Total acquired - 331
Total missing - 31
Percentage complete - 91.4%
Total cards / subjects possible - 299
Total acquired - 294
Total missing - 5
Percentage complete - 98.3%
Total cards / subjects possible - 362 (ironically same number as the 1960s)
Total acquired - 347
Total missing - 15
Percentage complete - 95.9%
Total cards / subjects possible - 267
Total acquired - 259 (including 4 McGwire cards that are at a private signing that are expected back in a couple of weeks)
Total missing - 8
Percentage complete - 97.0%
Totals from 1952 - 1999
Total cards / subjects possible - 1,480
Total acquired - 1,409
Total missing - 71
Percentage complete - 95.2%
= = =
Edited for a note to myself - these numbers include up through the acquisition of the 1996 Topps Ozzie Smith which will be posted in the near future.
Shane, thanks for the breakdown. I agree that your problem will be with the newer cards of the more popular players, like Pujols. All you can do is knock them down one card at a time or as they come up. I knew you had a great set running, but you are actually more complete than I thought with the pre-2000 cards. Definitely an accomplishment to be proud of.
Thanks again for sharing your journey.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
This is a truly amazing collection. I did the same thing with Chargers cards once and was complete from 1960-2013. But football sets are generally much smaller than baseball and it was a shorter time period, so mine topped out at 833 cards. The amount of detail you have to learn about each individual player for a project like this is really overwhelming. Congrats on your accomplishment. It is so, so impressive!
I have to wonder what the future brings for team collectors with autographs. I used to collect the signed trophy cards, but more and more, the newer players who had NOTHING in their career but a single decent season were bringing more than HOFers and it has only gotten worse.
If autograph collectors in the 60s-70s and before faced what we face now, I bet this part of the hobby would have died off. Imagine trying to get players like Mantle, Mays, Aaron when they were active (knowing they were cheap in retirement for a while), if they cost $100s-1000s like new stars cost now! The tough part of it all is, most players saw a decrease at some point, but it seems like modern players just keep going up.
I wish you much luck. It would be great to somehow have a private signing with Albert to get a bunch done, but that is a pipe dream for most or a very, very expensive proposition.
Thanks for the compliments, guys! Really appreciate it!
@mrmopar I have never thought of it that way. I have resigned myself to knowing I will probably never have them all, but it will be fun trying. Most Pujols LL cards would probably be less than $100 or around that. The problem is finding them.
Edited to say - Even at $100 each....you are correct....that would be very, very expensive. I wasn't trying to say that it wasn't!
Moving right along to try to get caught up....
Here is a 1983 Topps Bruce Sutter Leading Firemen. It's minor cards like this that make this project overwhelming at times because there are so many of these type of cards. But it also makes it rewarding when a team set gets completed.
Total is now 1,835.
Here is another Sutter non base card. This is a 1985 Topps Bruce Sutter Record Breaker from the same new source.
Total is now 1,836.
Might as well finish up ole Bruce. Here is one last one - a 1985 Topps Bruce Sutter All Star card.
New total is 1,837.
Moving on....I will be posting a few Smith's...and not all of them will be named Ozzie. This one is, however!
Here is a 1987 Topps Ozzie Smith AS.
New total is 1,838.
Here is another Cardinals Smith in the HOF.... A 1992 Topps Lee Smith.
Total is now 1,839
Here is a 1992 Topps Lee Smith All Star.
Total is now 1,840.
Lee Arthur
great looking cards and sig
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
Anytime I see something like "Lee Arthur" I think about the back of 1980s Donruss cards because they always had the full name and I remember Lee Smith being Lee Arthur Smith. There was another high profile Arthur... Donald Arthur Mattingly.
Here is another Lee Arthur Smith...
Shown below is a 1993 Topps Lee Smith.
Total is now 1,841.
One last Lee Arthur coming up. Here is a 1993 Topps Lee Smith All Star.
Total is now 1,842.
On to another Cardinals Smith that you may have heard of......he was a wizard!
Here is a 1994 Topps Ozzie Smith. Lately, these have all been from my new source that is liquidating his decades old collection.
Total is now 1,843.
Here's another Ozzie -
1995 Topps Ozzie Smith. These Topps cards later in his career are really tough to find signed.
Total is now 1,844.
Got another Ozzie to show off. Here is a 1995 Topps Traded Ozzie Smith & Cal Ripken Jr All Star card. This would be an extra sweet card if Ripken could sign it. Anyway, this is a nice signature by Ozzie, as is almost always the case.
Total is now 1,845.
This would be an extra sweet card if Ripken could sign it.
He's got a rep as a fairly generous signer. As the joke goes, if you don't have a Cal Ripken autograph it's probably because you don't want one.
I haven't read the entire thread, I was wondering if you are going to include Bowman, Fleer, Donruss or any other brand? Just curious. You have an amazing collection!!
Thank you. I really appreciate it. I have a unsigned Cardinals team set collection that includes all of those other brands. My signed collection is only Topps (base). I do have a few vintage Bowman that are signed that I got years ago but I don't actively try to collect those.
Up next is a 1996 Topps Ozzie Smith. This is his last Topps card. I now only need a couple of all star cards to have them all.
Total is now 1,846.
I'm trying to move along so I can get some of these posted. I've got some big ones that will be posted soon. Plus, I have bought a big stack in the years 2000-2004 from my new source that I will be posting soon. I also have several from 2005 and 2006 that are in the mail. Will also be purchasing 2007-2009 in the coming days. Since he is liquidating his collection, I am buying him out. He is allowing me to buy them in groups over time so I can afford them. He is from st Louis and got most of them in person. Anyway, those will be posted in the coming days and weeks. I am super excited about it!
This one is an Ebay purchase from a few days ago. Here is a 2001 Topps Dave Veres.
New total is 1,847.
Cal jokingly told me once that he thinks he has signed an autograph for every person in Maryland
But I'm in Kentucky! 😁
This is a first for me. These 2 Lance Berkman cards come from a private signing. A user on SCN was the "go-between" on a Tri-Star private signing in Texas a few weeks ago. I needed these 2 to complete the Lance Berkman portion of my Cardinals collection. I got these back without a hitch. I will be doing more of these in the future if I come across any player that I need.
Lance Berkman is probably my favorite "short term" Cardinals player. He only played for the Cardinals for 2 seasons, but the first one resulted in a World Series title. I always hated it when he came to the plate when he played for the Astros against the Cardinals. I loved it when he played for the Cardinals. He is such a class act and a gentleman. Funny too!
Here is a 2011 Topps Update Lance Berkman and a 2011 Topps Update Lance Berkman All Star.
Total is now 1,849.
Up next is a recent Ebay purchase. Here is a 2006 Topps John Rodriguez. This is his only Topps card in a Cardinals uniform. He got 1 AB in the 2006 World Series.
Total is now 1,850.
Here is one that I thought I would never get, but I was able to snag it at a surprisingly reasonable price on Ebay. This is is a 2020 Topps Randy Arozarena RC. Yes, his true rookie was with the Cardinals. The Cardinals should have never let this guy go. As soon as they did, he blew up!
This makes the new total 1,851.
Up next is an autograph from the second private signing I have ever took part in (after the Lance Berkman above). I just got back 4 Mark McGwire cards that I need for my collection. I will be posting these separately. This is 1 out of 4.
Here is a 1998 Topps Mark McGwire Highlights card. His signature is still in high demand.
The new total is now 1,852.
@frankhardy I so enjoy your posts and your passion for collecting autographed Cardinal players! I am a non-sport collector who has bought a box or 2 of sports along the way. I recently found an Upper Deck SP autograph of Rick Ankiel laying around that I have no use for. If you want it just send me your address in a PM and I will drop it in the mail to you. Maybe you could swap it out with someone for something you do need.
Or you probably have so many of these you don't need it all!!
Either way I am okay with it, I'll just post the pictures here so some Cardinal fan can remember his glory days!!!
Keep up the good work!
Live long, and prosper.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate the kind words as well as the kind gesture! PM sent!
Rick Ankiel's story is so fascinating!
This card has vaulted to one of my favorites in my entire collection. Not only does it have tremendous eye appeal, it has a story behind it as well.
It was the summer of 1998. I had just married my high school sweetheart on June 6th. We are still happily married with 2 children (son 21 and daughter will turn 19 in a few weeks), but I digress. After the frenzy of a wedding and a honeymoon we settled into our rental house just in time to see Michael Jordan and the Bulls win their 6th NBA championship. Even though I had steadily kept up with the Cardinals and the home run chase, I focused my "sports attention" solely on McGwire and the Cardinals.
My wife had never been a baseball fan at all. She told me she had heard of a few players from when she was a child. She remembered getting a Darryl Strawberry baseball card out of a cereal box when she was little but never cared anything about it....until the summer of 1998.
With the McGwire and Sosa battling it out all summer long we were both keeping up with the chase every single day. We did not have cable or satellite TV at the time, so we were making plans on how in the world we would see the record breaking home run when it happened. Then I thought.....why don't we just get tickets for later in the year in hopes that we see it live! So, we did. I figured McGwire would get tired and the pressure would get to him a little, but he would finally pull it out in the final series of the season. I made a calculated guess that he would break the record on the second to the last day of the season, so we bought tickets for that game, which was on Saturday, September 26. Turns out it was really just a guess out of thin air.
The first of September rolls around and we could see clearly that McGwire was going to break the record well before September 26th. The only question was, "Would Sosa do it first?" The answer would be, "No", and we would confirm this on September 8th.
By this time, my wife was all in on the Home Run Chase of 1998. She was now a die hard Cardinals fan and could give you the starting lineup off the top of her head. On September 7th, we found out he had hit number 61, so we were determined to see him hit number 62 somehow. We decided to drive 45 minutes away to my grandmother's house who had cable TV. This is what we saw that night.
With the record broken, all that was left was to see how many he would hit and what the final number would be. My question was always....would it be better to have seen number 62 or the final number, which would theoretically be the number every player would be chasing for the rest of time. Since we had tickets on the second to the last day of the season, we decided that, of course, it would be better to see the final number!
On Saturday, September 26, we made the 3.5 hour drive from the western part of Kentucky to St Louis to see the Cardinals in hopes that Mark McGwire would hit a home run. We got there early for batting practice, and, boy, did he put on a show. One practice HR hit the scoreboard. I remember the sound it made. It was spectacular!
Not only did McGwire hit a home run that day....he hit 2 of them! He hit number 67 and 68 that day. I don't think I have ever heard a crowd of people cheer so loud! As a side note, every time McGwire came to the plate, I had my 35 mm camera ready to take a picture. I was able to get number 67, but it wasn't very clear. But the best news was that I was able to get a fairly decent picture of number 68. You can see it in the picture below. The ball is in mid flight, but I have looked at this picture for years and cannot determine exactly where it is at. All I know is that this is the swing that struck number 68 and the picture was taken by me. Here it is!
If you will pause this video at the 25 second mark, that is the exact instant that I snapped the picture.
After that exciting day, all we could think about is that we saw history! Little did we know that the HR mark would only last about 24 hours because he would hit 2 more the next day for a total of 70. However, it was an exciting day of baseball that I will never forget!
As a side note to my collection, in my non signed Cardinals team set, when it comes to the 1999 Topps #220 card, I started off years ago with having only #67 and #68 in my team set. A few years ago I was able to get all 70 variations of those cards. However, with my signed team set, I would go broke if I was so OCD that I had to get all 70 cards signed. So, I settled for number 68 for my signed collection. I think it is fitting since I was there!
This is number 2 of the 4 that I sent in for the private signing.
Total is now 1,853.
Stories like this are what great memories are made of. Thanks for sharing your personal story on the Mark McGwire homerun race.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
Here is number 3 out of 4 from the Mark McGwire private signing. This is a 1999 Topps #223 HR League Leaders Mark McGwire. It shows up as a very dark card with my scanner but it is actually a shiny silver card.
Total is now 1,854.
Here is number 4 of 4 from the private signing. This is a 1999 Topps #450 All Topps First Baseman Mark McGwire. I only need 5 more subset cards like this from 2000 Topps to have a complete Topps Mark McGwire Cardinals run. I will send those to his next private signing hopefully in a few months.
The new total is 1,855.
Years ago I sent his 1964 rookie card to Mr Shannon and he signed it in silver Sharpie and it resided in my album for years. A couple of months ago I got back into sending cards TTM so I decided to send the card to Mr Fanok. His profile on SCN shows a 90% return rate but his last one came back in November 2021. I took a little bit of a risk and it has not been sent back as of yet. I do expect it to be returned eventually because sometimes he takes a while.
This particular card below comes from my new source from whom I am slowly buying out. He threw it in as a bonus on my latest purchase. I am so thankful I came into contact with Tony. He is a super good guy.
Since I already had counted Mike Shannon's signature, I will only count Harry Fanok to add one to the total.
Total is now 1,856.
Edited to say - a few months later Mr Fanok signed my card and returned it. It resides in my duplicates.
For my own information -
While going through my collection I just discovered my 2007 Topps Adam Wainwright was not from the regular Topps set or the Update Topps set. It is from the Topps Factory Team Set that was sold in a blister package. This one is numbered STL9 and not UH79 from the Update Set. I will be checking my new source, Tony, to see if he has one. He very well may.
Rather than going through nearly 6 years of posts and updating the number I will just start from here and subtract one with the new total being 1,855.
I am so glad you made this self correction…because I am double checking all of your math going forward!!!
Nice looking stuff!!!
Live long, and prosper.
Just don't check it going backwards! I have tried to be accurate but I wonder sometimes!
Up next is a huge haul I recently got from my new source, Tony. Here are 60 new ones from 2000 - 2004.
I was always a little behind on the more modern cards. Now, I am filling these needs in fast thanks to Tony! Here is a list a list of what is posted below.
2000 Topps Fernando Tatis
2000 Topps Eric Davis
2000 Topps Ray Lankford
2000 Topps Edgar Renteria
2000 Topps Chance Caple Draft Picks
2000 Topps Fernando Tatis Highlights
2000 Topps Traded Will Clark (personalized to Tony)
2001 Topps Thomas Howard
2001 Topps Fernando Tatis
2001 Topps Eric Davis
2001 Topps Carlos Hernandez
2001 Topps Matt Morris
2001 Topps Ray Lankford
2001 Topps Edgar Renteria
2001 Topps Bernard Gilkey
2001 Topps Garrett Stephenson
2001 Topps Chance Caple Prospects
2001 Topps Shawn Boyd / Chris Morris Draft Picks (already had one w/ Shawn Boyd; only adds one to total)
2001 Topps Will Clark Highlights (personalized to Tony)
2001 Topps Lou Brock Golden Moments
2001 Topps Traded Bud Smith
2001 Topps Traded Ozzie Smith 1982 Topps Traded Reprint (this was actually part of the Topps Traded Set)
2001 Topps Traded Jack Clark 1985 Topps Traded Reprint (this was actually part of the Topps Traded Set)
2002 Topps Bobby Bonilla
2002 Topps Matt Morris
2002 Topps Dave Veres
2002 Topps Miguel Cairo
2002 Topps Tino Martinez
2002 Topps Traded Chance Caple (He has 4 Topps / Topps Traded cards & never appeared in a MLB game; is that the most?)
2002 Topps Traded Joe Rogers
2003 Topps Edgar Renteria
2003 Topps Matt Morris
2003 Topps Tino Martinez
2003 Topps Jason Isringhausen
2003 Topps Eli Marrero
2003 Topps Chuck Finley
2003 Topps Brett Tomko
2003 Topps Joe Girardi
2003 Topps So Taguchi
2003 Topps Miguel Cairo
2003 Topps J.D. Drew
2003 Topps Traded Esteban Yan
2003 Topps Traded Tyler Adamczyk
2003 Topps Traded Dan Haren
2003 Topps Traded Tyler Johnson
2004 Topps Miguel Cairo
2004 Topps Tino Martinez
2004 Topps J.D. Drew
2004 Topps Blake Hawksworth (He inscribed Psalm 18. I have copied and pasted it below the list before the pictures)
2004 Topps Edgar Renteria
2004 Topps Ray King
2004 Topps Jeff Suppan
2004 Topps Jason Isringhausen
2004 Topps Matt Morris
2004 Topps Mike Matheny Gold Glove (By the way, John 3:16 says - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)
2004 Topps Scott Rolen Gold Glove
2004 Topps Traded Reggie Sanders
2004 Topps Traded Larry Walker
2004 Topps Traded Jason Marquis
2004 Topps Traded Calvin Hayes
Adding these 60 makes the new total 1,915. I think 2,000 is doable...sooner rather than later!
Anytime there is a Bible verse inscribed I try to include it in these posts. I am sure I have forgotten some, as I did here. I have come back to edit and to include it.
2004 Topps Blake Hawksworth inscription "Psalm 18"
Psalm 18
[1] I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.
[2] The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
[3] I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
[4] The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid.
[5] The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me.
[6] In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.
[7] Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth.
[8] There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
[9] He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.
[10] And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.
[11] He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
[12] At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.
[13] The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.
[14] Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them.
[15] Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils.
[16] He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters.
[17] He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.
[18] They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay.
[19] He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.
[20] The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.
[21] For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
[22] For all his judgments were before me, and I did not put away his statutes from me.
[23] I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity.
[24] Therefore hath the LORD recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.
[25] With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;
[26] With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.
[27] For thou wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks.
[28] For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.
[29] For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall.
[30] As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.
[31] For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God?
[32] It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.
[33] He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places.
[34] He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.
[35] Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.
[36] Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip.
[37] I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed.
[38] I have wounded them that they were not able to rise: they are fallen under my feet.
[39] For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me.
[40] Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me.
[41] They cried, but there was none to save them: even unto the LORD, but he answered them not.
[42] Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets.
[43] Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.
[44] As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.
[45] The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places.
[46] The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.
[47] It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me.
[48] He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.
[49] Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.
[50] Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore.
That's a great haul. You are well on your way to 2,000!!!
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
Here is one I have been that has alluded me for quite some time. This was an Ebay purchase and I'm glad to have it. This is a 1961 Topps Ken Boyer.
Total is now 1,916.
Here is one that isn't all that hard to get. It is just one of those that kept hiding from me. I finally snagged it recently.
This 1989 Topps Willie McGee makes the new total 1,917.
Up next is one that has been very hard for me to find, but I finally snagged it. Here is a 1982 Topps Bob Forsch. Mr Forsch passed away in 2011. He threw out the first pitch of one of the 2011 World Series games and passed away a few days later.
This one raises the total to 1,918.
Love the collection! I collect Cardinals autographed cards as well but no where close to your level. Do you have a list of what you still need? I was able to get a lot of guys autographs going to games as a kid on the early to mid 2000s. Shoot me a message if you have a list and I’ll see if I have any.
Here is my latest haul from my new source, Tony, who is liquidating his collection. This is 41 cards with 42 signatures to add to the total. My take from this group.....Larry Walker's signature is a work of art!
2005 Topps Marlon Anderson
2005 Topps Reggie Sanders
2005 Topps Mike Matheny (By the way, John 3:16, once again, says - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)
2005 Topps Jason Isringhausen
2005 Topps Edgar Renteria
2005 Topps So Taguchi
2005 Topps Jason Marquis
2005 Topps Matt Morris
2005 Topps Julian Tavarez
2005 Topps Larry Walker
2005 Topps Wes Swakhamer
2005 Topps Mike Matheny GG (You can't read this verse enough, so here it is again. John 3:16, once again, says - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)
2005 Topps Jim Edmonds SN AS
2005 Topps Update Anthony Reyes
2005 Topps Update Mark Mulder
2005 Topps Update NLDS Game 1 Reggie Sanders
2005 Topps Update NLCS Game 1 Reggie Sanders
2005 Topps Update Wins LL Chris Carpenter
2005 Topps Update SO LL Chris Carpenter
2005 Topps Update Jim Edmonds AS
2005 Topps Update David Eckstein AS
2005 Topps Update Chris Carpenter AS
2006 Topps Jason Marquis
2006 Topps Larry Walker
2006 Topps Julian Tavarez
2006 Topps Deivi Cruz
2006 Topps Larry Bigbie
2006 Topps David Eckstein
2006 Topps Sidney Ponson
2006 Topps Chris Carpenter
2006 Topps Mark Mulder
2006 Topps Update Juan Encarnacion
2006 Topps Update Preston Wilson
2006 Topps Update Jeff Weaver
2006 Topps Update NLCS Game 7 Jeff Suppan
2006 Topps Update WS Game 3 Chris Carpenter
2006 Topps Update WS Game 5 Jeff Weaver
2006 Topps Update ERA LL Chris Carpenter
2006 Topps Update David Eckstein AS
2006 Topps Update Chris Carpenter AS
2006 Topps Update Classic Duos Chris Carpenter / Mark Mulder
These 42 signatures raise the total to 1,960.
Some terrific signatures in this large haul. I agree that Larry Walker signature is pretty cool.
Congrats, Donato
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
I've posted on your thread before but I continue to be amazed at how far along you are on this project.
I collect all the Topps Rookie Cup winners and one of the only around 11 I need (not counting the very new ones just out in Topps Series 1 in February) is a 2011 Jaime Garcia card #643. I'm not sure if he's just a super tough signer or if folks just never chased him because I've never seen the base Topps of this card #. I have a Heritage Rookie Cup card signed of his but not the base. I also picked up a copy of his card # 23 from the base set thinking he was just one that didn't have a trophy on the card before seeing card #643. If you don't have a copy of card #23 signed from the 2011 set I'd be glad to send this one your way. Just PM me your address and I'll send it to you.
I am absolutely amazed at the focus you have and love reading through this thread as you update it.
I see you picked up a couple of So Taguchi's recently. One of my big needs are alot of the Asian players. Did So sign a good bit or did your source just do an amazing job at getting him in person?
Truly incredible collection!!!
Thank you so much for the comment. It is very much appreciated!
The only Jaime Garcia signed cards that I have are 2010 Update, 2012, and 2014. I do not have either from 2011.
I don't think So Taguchi signed through the mail. I can tell you that my source did a great job getting tough signatures. He lives close to St Louis so he was able to get signatures at games and Cardinals events such as the Winter Warmup, etc. He also went to a good many Spring Trainings down in Jupiter, FL back to 1998. He may have even went to Spring Training when it was in St Petersburg from 1997 and previous. I need to ask him that. I do know that he has been getting autos for a long time and I am very fortunate for our paths to have crossed.
Good luck in your quest! PM sent with much thanks!
Up next is an Ebay purchase. Here is a 2003 Topps Scott Rolen Gold Glove Award Winner. I am amazed at how consistent Scott Rolen's signature is.
This one raises the total to 1,961.