Storm888, I understand your paypal scenario, but still can't sellers log into their account and manually decide to either 'accept payment' or 'deny payment' from an unconfirmed address? I would think that this option as a seller, would override the mass payment option from buyers. Thus kicking it back to the buyer to either resend payment with a confirmed address or the need to mail a check.
Is any of my statement correct, or am I talking trash?
Yes, as a seller, you can go into the Profile of your Paypal account and in the Payment Receiving Preferences subsection, you can choose to block payments from users who do not provide a Confirmed address. I've recently started doing this for my sales since I got burned by a buyer with an unconfirmed address a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if this affects the ability to include payments for my items with a larger mass payment.
"can't sellers log into their account and manually decide to either 'accept payment' or 'deny payment' from an unconfirmed address? I would think that this option as a seller, would override the mass payment option from buyers. "
The mass-payment option CANCELS the "confirmed addy only," option.
PayPal is well aware of the problem. Said they were working on it. Said they fixed it. It is NOT fixed, and probably will not be fixed.
Folks who think that sellers opt out of bulk-pay to speed payment are incorrect. Opting out often actually increases the time sellers must wait for payment; BECAUSE mass-payers fail to check each invoice to assure that payment has been made. Such buyers assume they "paid everybody," when in fact they only paid the folks who were opted-in. This delays payment and forces the seller to reinvoice the non-paying buyer.
Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
1): People who will not admit that they were/are wrong no matter how much evidence is presented. 2): People who use "race" to advance their cause or fame when "race" has nothing to do with what they are preaching about. 3): People who try use "race" to get financial gains or advancement in their profession. 4): "Politically Correct Police". 5): Those who don't ship upon receipt of payment. When I buy something, I buy it because I want it now. That is why I pay within five minutes of the auction ending. The least you can do is ship that item the next day. 6): People who don't respond to e-mails or messages with questions/requests in them. It's probably my biggest pet peeve when people don't respond to e-mail in a timely manner. 7): People who act like an idiot and are completey stupid in what they do but get rewarded for their stupidity and then act like they are the best thing on earth. (Gee, I must play a lot of poker. ) 8): Baseball card companies who have more inserts than they do base cards for their sets. (See the 2007 Topps Series 1 Set). 9): Baseball card companies who make 8-million different 1/1s and other low number parallels making it near impossible for set collectors to complete those sets. (Let's see someone complete a Copper Parallel or Gold Parallel of 2007 Topps without breaking the bank). 10): Real estate people who buy good condition houses for $225,000 then turn them into $500,000 houses and make it impossible for low income people/families to afford the house.
I collect the elements on the periodic table, and some coins. I have a complete Roosevelt set, and am putting together a set of coins from 1880.
Arthur Maybe watching Apocolypse Now on DVD with a sweatsock and some hand gel, oil on canvas painting of Joe Orlando hanging above the mantle, fire going, bottle of wine, soft music playing in the backround, bath drawn, lights low......cue the music
Back when I was a smoker, it used to drive me crazy when people would scrub a cigerette. If they needed that cigerette so badly, they would have had their own.
After I just washed a dish, and I'm rinsing it off it slips out of my hand and breaks. If I'm going to break the SOB, why can't it be before I washed it.
I don't have any. I like everything & everyone! No peeves here. Just "Happy! Happy! Happy!"...
well, I would like to toss a flaming bag of crap at pandrews and score a direct hit in the mouth. Also, I wouldn't mind rbdjr losing computer access forever or at least having his "quotes" key get locked and be rendered useless.
<< <i>I don't have any. I like everything & everyone! No peeves here. Just "Happy! Happy! Happy!"...
well, I would like to toss a flaming bag of crap at pandrews and score a direct hit in the mouth. Also, I wouldn't mind rbdjr losing computer access forever or at least having his "quotes" key get locked and be rendered useless. >>
<< <i>I don't have any. I like everything & everyone! No peeves here. Just "Happy! Happy! Happy!"...
well, I would like to toss a flaming bag of crap at pandrews and score a direct hit in the mouth. Also, I wouldn't mind rbdjr losing computer access forever or at least having his "quotes" key get locked and be rendered useless. >>
Really? That was necessary?
Arthur >>
No, it sure wasn't but his true colors are showing more and more each day.
: sigh :
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
stown, The fact is, very few--if any--true colors are ever found in a message board thread. We all dislike people or the way people act at certain times. Some people need to get a thicker skin as well. If you actually knew me, I'm certain you would find me a refreshing change to the vanilla walls of your world. We would likely be very compatible and would enjoy each-other's company. It's not easy going through life smarter than 90% of the people you meet and having more integrity than all of them. People that are like me, understand me and appreciate my approach. The 90% and people of less integrity hide behind the cloak of kindness, wealth, charity, politics or all of the above. I can smell them through my screen. Couple that with the enjoyment I derive from kicking the hive and you've got a guy who can quickly get under your skin if it's too thin. I like to play a game once in awhile for fun. I select a person's ID and make a post and then try to predict how many posts it will take until that person lashes out at something unrelated to what I wrote. I did this a couple of days ago. I put the over/under on pandrews at 5. I showed a co-worker while we ate lunch the thread and we had a laugh. He wanted to know how I knew he would chime in. I told him I was irresistable for Pandrews. His character would not allow him to just walk away or take the high road. He's a misguided crusader who fashions his fundamental intelligence to be much greater than it is. I was careful not to mention pandrews in the thread and to find a topic that had NOTHING to do with him (those are the rules of the game)...sure enough there he was. The over/under for you on this thread was 4 and I took the under. I think your true colors are more in focus for me than mine are for you...or perhaps it's just your message board mentality and I have you all wrong? I admit that it's possible. You may even be the 10% smarter than me--unlikely, but's hard to tell only observing a few paragraphs on a message board and one or two differences of opinion. The fact is, I can start over if you can. I have no axe to grind with you at this point. You are neither annoying, nor fun to bicker with. Likewise, from what I've gathered thus far, Xanadu is a non-issue for me as well. I find his posts interesting and he seems consistent and intelligent with a sense of humor. He's right--it wasn't necessary, but did make me feel good for a moment--it's the arrested 13 year-old in me.
In the spirit of the actual thread here's something I actually DO find to be a peeve: I don't care for people who email me and ask for scans of photo's etc and then do not give me the courtesy of a response when I send them. A simple "Thank you." would suffice. I also don't like when people say "With all due respect..." and then say something disrespectful. I'd rather people just SAY what they want to say. ...I'm playing the game again...
<< <i>stown, The fact is, very few--if any--true colors are ever found in a message board thread. We all dislike people or the way people act at certain times. Some people need to get a thicker skin as well. If you actually knew me, I'm certain you would find me a refreshing change to the vanilla walls of your world. We would likely be very compatible and would enjoy each-other's company. It's not easy going through life smarter than 90% of the people you meet and having more integrity than all of them. People that are like me, understand me and appreciate my approach. The 90% and people of less integrity hide behind the cloak of kindness, wealth, charity, politics or all of the above. I can smell them through my screen. Couple that with the enjoyment I derive from kicking the hive and you've got a guy who can quickly get under your skin if it's too thin. I like to play a game once in awhile for fun. I select a person's ID and make a post and then try to predict how many posts it will take until that person lashes out at something unrelated to what I wrote. I did this a couple of days ago. I put the over/under on pandrews at 5. I showed a co-worker while we ate lunch the thread and we had a laugh. He wanted to know how I knew he would chime in. I told him I was irresistable for Pandrews. His character would not allow him to just walk away or take the high road. He's a misguided crusader who fashions his fundamental intelligence to be much greater than it is. I was careful not to mention pandrews in the thread and to find a topic that had NOTHING to do with him (those are the rules of the game)...sure enough there he was. The over/under for you on this thread was 4 and I took the under. I think your true colors are more in focus for me than mine are for you...or perhaps it's just your message board mentality and I have you all wrong? I admit that it's possible. You may even be the 10% smarter than me--unlikely, but's hard to tell only observing a few paragraphs on a message board and one or two differences of opinion. The fact is, I can start over if you can. I have no axe to grind with you at this point. You are neither annoying, nor fun to bicker with. Likewise, from what I've gathered thus far, Xanadu is a non-issue for me as well. I find his posts interesting and he seems consistent and intelligent with a sense of humor. He's right--it wasn't necessary, but did make me feel good for a moment--it's the arrested 13 year-old in me.
In the spirit of the actual thread here's something I actually DO find to be a peeve: I don't care for people who email me and ask for scans of photo's etc and then do not give me the courtesy of a response when I send them. A simple "Thank you." would suffice. I also don't like when people say "With all due respect..." and then say something disrespectful. I'd rather people just SAY what they want to say. ...I'm playing the game again...
dgf >>
May I post the belligerent PM you sent me?
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
<< <i>stown, The fact is, very few--if any--true colors are ever found in a message board thread. We all dislike people or the way people act at certain times. Some people need to get a thicker skin as well. If you actually knew me, I'm certain you would find me a refreshing change to the vanilla walls of your world. We would likely be very compatible and would enjoy each-other's company. It's not easy going through life smarter than 90% of the people you meet and having more integrity than all of them. People that are like me, understand me and appreciate my approach. The 90% and people of less integrity hide behind the cloak of kindness, wealth, charity, politics or all of the above. I can smell them through my screen. Couple that with the enjoyment I derive from kicking the hive and you've got a guy who can quickly get under your skin if it's too thin. I like to play a game once in awhile for fun. I select a person's ID and make a post and then try to predict how many posts it will take until that person lashes out at something unrelated to what I wrote. I did this a couple of days ago. I put the over/under on pandrews at 5. I showed a co-worker while we ate lunch the thread and we had a laugh. He wanted to know how I knew he would chime in. I told him I was irresistable for Pandrews. His character would not allow him to just walk away or take the high road. He's a misguided crusader who fashions his fundamental intelligence to be much greater than it is. I was careful not to mention pandrews in the thread and to find a topic that had NOTHING to do with him (those are the rules of the game)...sure enough there he was. The over/under for you on this thread was 4 and I took the under. I think your true colors are more in focus for me than mine are for you...or perhaps it's just your message board mentality and I have you all wrong? I admit that it's possible. You may even be the 10% smarter than me--unlikely, but's hard to tell only observing a few paragraphs on a message board and one or two differences of opinion. The fact is, I can start over if you can. I have no axe to grind with you at this point. You are neither annoying, nor fun to bicker with. Likewise, from what I've gathered thus far, Xanadu is a non-issue for me as well. I find his posts interesting and he seems consistent and intelligent with a sense of humor. He's right--it wasn't necessary, but did make me feel good for a moment--it's the arrested 13 year-old in me.
In the spirit of the actual thread here's something I actually DO find to be a peeve: I don't care for people who email me and ask for scans of photo's etc and then do not give me the courtesy of a response when I send them. A simple "Thank you." would suffice. I also don't like when people say "With all due respect..." and then say something disrespectful. I'd rather people just SAY what they want to say. ...I'm playing the game again...
dgf >>
I'm not going to lie to you, I took one look at this and didn't even bother reading.
I frankly am disappointed with DGF's posts. Has always been one of my favorites here, I thought he was a good guy and unless I missed something it seems his posts were a little more than called for. However, I am with 90% certainty not smart enough to know for sure. Maybe you had a couple to many beers, and/or a bad day, before posting!? (or maybe I am extra thin skinned today?). Being so smart you for sure realized that offending one or two people could keep others of us from buying your pictures? Did you know that some of us have forwarded links of your work to other sports fans? Again, you are so smart what would you care about the small amount of business you get here but keep it in mind at least.
As for theczar, I think the boards are a friendly place for the most part and your posts in this thread seem a little harsh to thin skinned me. Lighten up a little bit! Though I am not perfect at doing so I try to avoid confrontations with my "friends" here. You could probably have gotten your point across with a little less anger in your tone; or maybe you can't!?
I don't have a lot of man crushes as my sig line and name here have to do with a college affinity... just turns out we have only had a few players go pro so makes it look an awful lot like a man crush collection! Having said that, I like Brianwintersfan and I really like his collection of a non-HOFer. ANYBODY can collect hall of famers but try to collect mortal players and there can be a challenge.
In closing my pet peeve is people that like to spout off about their superiority in threads like this. Those that are truly superior don't have to tell you about it.
Oh ya, my other pet peeve, more on point to the thread, is those Ebay auctions (4sc and DSL do it) where it lists just the player and grade... and then you open the auction and it's really a record breaker card or league leader card. Why not put "RB" or "LL" in the title, as some do, so I don't waste my time opening the link!
Wow, if I had known that this thread would have gone to hell not once but twice since I started it two days ago, I probaly would have just named another player!!!!!
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Maybe DGF can explain what this means? I don't get it. >>
I was confused at this too, did he mean underwear?? >>
For clarification DGF said, "The over/under for you on this thread was 4 and I took the under."
My posts in this thread exceeded his under and I hope, nay I pray, he bet his liver and spleen on it
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
I Bill Ripken. It has nothing to do with any personnal reason or historical research or for FUN even. I have this one pic of him with his shirt off.........
<< <i>I Bill Ripken. It has nothing to do with any personnal reason or historical research or for FUN even. I have this one pic of him with his shirt off......... >>
Not that there's anything wrong with that
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
My wife started and the 2 boys followed. When Im a little too "busy" with my collection they start harassing me " Daddy loves Bill Ripken". It WAS funny until out of the blue my almost (2 days) 5 year old said in the grocery checkout "Daddy loves Bill Ripken". The clerk gave me a odd smile. Wife was at home. Now if it was Mantle or a recognizable name I'd be ok, but Bill... I think for the 1st time I was trying to show off my wedding ring when I paid. lol
How about this one... what is one of the first things you look at when sizing up a scan of a raw card you are thinking about? Corners perhaps? Kind of rough to do with the PhotoBucket (or what ever hosting service this is) logo covering one of them.
<< <i>How about this one... what is one of the first things you look at when sizing up a scan of a raw card you are thinking about? Corners perhaps? Kind of rough to do with the PhotoBucket (or what ever hosting service this is) logo covering one of them.
Guy wins auction, 2 weeks goes by nothing. While he has not paid for the original item he bids and wins another. Ok, I combine shipping to save him a few bucks figuring he is going to pay, NO, he bids on another. I finally email him. No reply. I then thru ebay do the non paying bidder thingy and of course I get an email saying what I just said above. I emailed back and politely state that auctions should be paid for within 7-10 days or at the very least an email advising me of same. Finally pays 17 days after 1st auction for both on a Friday afternoon. Of course with his payment he gives me instructions on how to pack his items. Now I could have mailed it out on Saturday but I chose not to. On Monday we had a Noreaster here. I mailed his item out tuesday priority mail. Today I come home to an email it's him wondering where his item is. LOL
Can you believe some people? I look at his feedback today 2 negs listed today non payer. he has made bids on items that he has not won so I am hesitant to block him ashe is making me dough but he seems to be a high maintence ebayer and I really do not like having to hold people by the hand.
<< <i>My biggest pet peeve is when I look for game used bats on eBay and tons of pictures have the seller's nasty a$$ feet all up in the picture. Can they not move them like 2 inches back or something?? It discusts me. Here's a perfect example from one on eBay right now:
EWWWWWWWWWWWW I found another one of these nasty sellers today for an auction for a Prince Fielder game used bat:
<< <i>My biggest pet peeve is when I look for game used bats on eBay and tons of pictures have the seller's nasty a$$ feet all up in the picture. Can they not move them like 2 inches back or something?? It discusts me. Here's a perfect example from one on eBay right now:
EWWWWWWWWWWWW I found another one of these nasty sellers today for an auction for a Prince Fielder game used bat:
I understand your paypal scenario, but still can't sellers log into their account and manually decide to either 'accept payment' or 'deny payment' from an unconfirmed address? I would think that this option as a seller, would override the mass payment option from buyers. Thus kicking it back to the buyer to either resend payment with a confirmed address or the need to mail a check.
Is any of my statement correct, or am I talking trash?
'deny payment' from an unconfirmed address? I would think that this option as a seller,
would override the mass payment option from buyers. "
Sadly, the override works the other way.
The mass-payment option CANCELS the "confirmed addy only," option.
PayPal is well aware of the problem. Said they were working on it.
Said they fixed it. It is NOT fixed, and probably will not be fixed.
Folks who think that sellers opt out of bulk-pay to speed payment
are incorrect. Opting out often actually increases the time sellers must
wait for payment; BECAUSE mass-payers fail to check each invoice
to assure that payment has been made. Such buyers assume they
"paid everybody," when in fact they only paid the folks who were
opted-in. This delays payment and forces the seller to reinvoice the
non-paying buyer.
2): People who use "race" to advance their cause or fame when "race" has nothing to do with what they are preaching about.
3): People who try use "race" to get financial gains or advancement in their profession.
4): "Politically Correct Police".
5): Those who don't ship upon receipt of payment. When I buy something, I buy it because I want it now. That is why I pay within five minutes of the auction ending. The least you can do is ship that item the next day.
6): People who don't respond to e-mails or messages with questions/requests in them. It's probably my biggest pet peeve when people don't respond to e-mail in a timely manner.
7): People who act like an idiot and are completey stupid in what they do but get rewarded for their stupidity and then act like they are the best thing on earth. (Gee, I must play a lot of poker. )
8): Baseball card companies who have more inserts than they do base cards for their sets. (See the 2007 Topps Series 1 Set).
9): Baseball card companies who make 8-million different 1/1s and other low number parallels making it near impossible for set collectors to complete those sets. (Let's see someone complete a Copper Parallel or Gold Parallel of 2007 Topps without breaking the bank).
10): Real estate people who buy good condition houses for $225,000 then turn them into $500,000 houses and make it impossible for low income people/families to afford the house.
<< <i>I have a man-crush on Joe Orlando.
Arthur >>
Arthur, I always imagine you look just like your avatar
smoking jacket, brandy snifter, feet on the ottoman reading the evening paper watching Matlock reruns
Just my imagination, or maybe a man crush.
<< <i>
<< <i>I have a man-crush on Joe Orlando.
Arthur >>
Arthur, I always imagine you look just like your avatar
smoking jacket, brandy snifter, feet on the ottoman reading the evening paper watching Matlock reruns
Just my imagination, or maybe a man crush.
joe >>
It's as though you were looking at a picture.
Maybe watching Apocolypse Now on DVD with a sweatsock and some hand gel, oil on canvas painting of Joe Orlando hanging above the mantle, fire going, bottle of wine, soft music playing in the backround, bath drawn, lights low......cue the music
This is me taking a step back behind the line
Now that I don't smoke anymore....
well, I would like to toss a flaming bag of crap at pandrews and score a direct hit in the mouth. Also, I wouldn't mind rbdjr losing computer access forever or at least having his "quotes" key get locked and be rendered useless.
<< <i>Sorry, just trying to be funny.
This is me taking a step back behind the line
joe >>
<< <i>I don't have any. I like everything & everyone! No peeves here. Just "Happy! Happy! Happy!"...
well, I would like to toss a flaming bag of crap at pandrews and score a direct hit in the mouth. Also, I wouldn't mind rbdjr losing computer access forever or at least having his "quotes" key get locked and be rendered useless. >>
Really? That was necessary?
<< <i>
<< <i>I don't have any. I like everything & everyone! No peeves here. Just "Happy! Happy! Happy!"...
well, I would like to toss a flaming bag of crap at pandrews and score a direct hit in the mouth. Also, I wouldn't mind rbdjr losing computer access forever or at least having his "quotes" key get locked and be rendered useless. >>
Really? That was necessary?
Arthur >>
No, it sure wasn't but his true colors are showing more and more each day.
: sigh :
The fact is, very few--if any--true colors are ever found in a message board thread. We all dislike people or the way people act at certain times. Some people need to get a thicker skin as well. If you actually knew me, I'm certain you would find me a refreshing change to the vanilla walls of your world. We would likely be very compatible and would enjoy each-other's company. It's not easy going through life smarter than 90% of the people you meet and having more integrity than all of them. People that are like me, understand me and appreciate my approach. The 90% and people of less integrity hide behind the cloak of kindness, wealth, charity, politics or all of the above. I can smell them through my screen. Couple that with the enjoyment I derive from kicking the hive and you've got a guy who can quickly get under your skin if it's too thin.
I like to play a game once in awhile for fun. I select a person's ID and make a post and then try to predict how many posts it will take until that person lashes out at something unrelated to what I wrote. I did this a couple of days ago. I put the over/under on pandrews at 5. I showed a co-worker while we ate lunch the thread and we had a laugh. He wanted to know how I knew he would chime in. I told him I was irresistable for Pandrews. His character would not allow him to just walk away or take the high road. He's a misguided crusader who fashions his fundamental intelligence to be much greater than it is. I was careful not to mention pandrews in the thread and to find a topic that had NOTHING to do with him (those are the rules of the game)...sure enough there he was.
The over/under for you on this thread was 4 and I took the under.
I think your true colors are more in focus for me than mine are for you...or perhaps it's just your message board mentality and I have you all wrong? I admit that it's possible. You may even be the 10% smarter than me--unlikely, but's hard to tell only observing a few paragraphs on a message board and one or two differences of opinion.
The fact is, I can start over if you can. I have no axe to grind with you at this point. You are neither annoying, nor fun to bicker with.
Likewise, from what I've gathered thus far, Xanadu is a non-issue for me as well. I find his posts interesting and he seems consistent and intelligent with a sense of humor. He's right--it wasn't necessary, but did make me feel good for a moment--it's the arrested 13 year-old in me.
In the spirit of the actual thread here's something I actually DO find to be a peeve:
I don't care for people who email me and ask for scans of photo's etc and then do not give me the courtesy of a response when I send them. A simple "Thank you." would suffice.
I also don't like when people say "With all due respect..." and then say something disrespectful. I'd rather people just SAY what they want to say.
...I'm playing the game again...
I never realized that DGF was higher and mightier than 90% of us.
Wait, did I just get baited by someone of a higher caliber intellectual level?
<< <i>Wow.
I never realized that DGF was higher and mightier than 90% of us.
Wait, did I just get baited by someone of a higher caliber intellectual level? >>
Now, that's funny!
Looks like someone skipped snacktime.
<< <i>stown,
The fact is, very few--if any--true colors are ever found in a message board thread. We all dislike people or the way people act at certain times. Some people need to get a thicker skin as well. If you actually knew me, I'm certain you would find me a refreshing change to the vanilla walls of your world. We would likely be very compatible and would enjoy each-other's company. It's not easy going through life smarter than 90% of the people you meet and having more integrity than all of them. People that are like me, understand me and appreciate my approach. The 90% and people of less integrity hide behind the cloak of kindness, wealth, charity, politics or all of the above. I can smell them through my screen. Couple that with the enjoyment I derive from kicking the hive and you've got a guy who can quickly get under your skin if it's too thin.
I like to play a game once in awhile for fun. I select a person's ID and make a post and then try to predict how many posts it will take until that person lashes out at something unrelated to what I wrote. I did this a couple of days ago. I put the over/under on pandrews at 5. I showed a co-worker while we ate lunch the thread and we had a laugh. He wanted to know how I knew he would chime in. I told him I was irresistable for Pandrews. His character would not allow him to just walk away or take the high road. He's a misguided crusader who fashions his fundamental intelligence to be much greater than it is. I was careful not to mention pandrews in the thread and to find a topic that had NOTHING to do with him (those are the rules of the game)...sure enough there he was.
The over/under for you on this thread was 4 and I took the under.
I think your true colors are more in focus for me than mine are for you...or perhaps it's just your message board mentality and I have you all wrong? I admit that it's possible. You may even be the 10% smarter than me--unlikely, but's hard to tell only observing a few paragraphs on a message board and one or two differences of opinion.
The fact is, I can start over if you can. I have no axe to grind with you at this point. You are neither annoying, nor fun to bicker with.
Likewise, from what I've gathered thus far, Xanadu is a non-issue for me as well. I find his posts interesting and he seems consistent and intelligent with a sense of humor. He's right--it wasn't necessary, but did make me feel good for a moment--it's the arrested 13 year-old in me.
In the spirit of the actual thread here's something I actually DO find to be a peeve:
I don't care for people who email me and ask for scans of photo's etc and then do not give me the courtesy of a response when I send them. A simple "Thank you." would suffice.
I also don't like when people say "With all due respect..." and then say something disrespectful. I'd rather people just SAY what they want to say.
...I'm playing the game again...
dgf >>
May I post the belligerent PM you sent me?
<< <i>stown,
The fact is, very few--if any--true colors are ever found in a message board thread. We all dislike people or the way people act at certain times. Some people need to get a thicker skin as well. If you actually knew me, I'm certain you would find me a refreshing change to the vanilla walls of your world. We would likely be very compatible and would enjoy each-other's company. It's not easy going through life smarter than 90% of the people you meet and having more integrity than all of them. People that are like me, understand me and appreciate my approach. The 90% and people of less integrity hide behind the cloak of kindness, wealth, charity, politics or all of the above. I can smell them through my screen. Couple that with the enjoyment I derive from kicking the hive and you've got a guy who can quickly get under your skin if it's too thin.
I like to play a game once in awhile for fun. I select a person's ID and make a post and then try to predict how many posts it will take until that person lashes out at something unrelated to what I wrote. I did this a couple of days ago. I put the over/under on pandrews at 5. I showed a co-worker while we ate lunch the thread and we had a laugh. He wanted to know how I knew he would chime in. I told him I was irresistable for Pandrews. His character would not allow him to just walk away or take the high road. He's a misguided crusader who fashions his fundamental intelligence to be much greater than it is. I was careful not to mention pandrews in the thread and to find a topic that had NOTHING to do with him (those are the rules of the game)...sure enough there he was.
The over/under for you on this thread was 4 and I took the under.
I think your true colors are more in focus for me than mine are for you...or perhaps it's just your message board mentality and I have you all wrong? I admit that it's possible. You may even be the 10% smarter than me--unlikely, but's hard to tell only observing a few paragraphs on a message board and one or two differences of opinion.
The fact is, I can start over if you can. I have no axe to grind with you at this point. You are neither annoying, nor fun to bicker with.
Likewise, from what I've gathered thus far, Xanadu is a non-issue for me as well. I find his posts interesting and he seems consistent and intelligent with a sense of humor. He's right--it wasn't necessary, but did make me feel good for a moment--it's the arrested 13 year-old in me.
In the spirit of the actual thread here's something I actually DO find to be a peeve:
I don't care for people who email me and ask for scans of photo's etc and then do not give me the courtesy of a response when I send them. A simple "Thank you." would suffice.
I also don't like when people say "With all due respect..." and then say something disrespectful. I'd rather people just SAY what they want to say.
...I'm playing the game again...
dgf >>
I'm not going to lie to you, I took one look at this and didn't even bother reading.
As for theczar, I think the boards are a friendly place for the most part and your posts in this thread seem a little harsh to thin skinned me. Lighten up a little bit! Though I am not perfect at doing so I try to avoid confrontations with my "friends" here. You could probably have gotten your point across with a little less anger in your tone; or maybe you can't!?
I don't have a lot of man crushes as my sig line and name here have to do with a college affinity... just turns out we have only had a few players go pro so makes it look an awful lot like a man crush collection! Having said that, I like Brianwintersfan and I really like his collection of a non-HOFer. ANYBODY can collect hall of famers but try to collect mortal players and there can be a challenge.
In closing my pet peeve is people that like to spout off about their superiority in threads like this. Those that are truly superior don't have to tell you about it.
Oh ya, my other pet peeve, more on point to the thread, is those Ebay auctions (4sc and DSL do it) where it lists just the player and grade... and then you open the auction and it's really a record breaker card or league leader card. Why not put "RB" or "LL" in the title, as some do, so I don't waste my time opening the link!
Maybe DGF can explain what this means? I don't get it.
<< <i>Your under just went *poof*
Maybe DGF can explain what this means? I don't get it. >>
Stown can tell ya. He's in the "upper 10" you know.
<< <i>Your under just went *poof*
Maybe DGF can explain what this means? I don't get it. >>
I was confused at this too, did he mean underwear??
<< <i>
<< <i>Your under just went *poof*
Maybe DGF can explain what this means? I don't get it. >>
I was confused at this too, did he mean underwear?? >>
For clarification DGF said, "The over/under for you on this thread was 4 and I took the under."
My posts in this thread exceeded his under and I hope, nay I pray, he bet his liver and spleen on it
<< <i>I Bill Ripken. It has nothing to do with any personnal reason or historical research or for FUN even. I have this one pic of him with his shirt off......... >>
Not that there's anything wrong with that
My wife started and the 2 boys followed. When Im a little too "busy" with my collection they start harassing me " Daddy loves Bill Ripken". It WAS funny until out of the blue my almost (2 days) 5 year old said in the grocery checkout "Daddy loves Bill Ripken". The clerk gave me a odd smile. Wife was at home. Now if it was Mantle or a recognizable name I'd be ok, but Bill... I think for the 1st time I was trying to show off my wedding ring when I paid. lol
How about this one... what is one of the first things you look at when sizing up a scan of a raw card you are thinking about? Corners perhaps? Kind of rough to do with the PhotoBucket (or what ever hosting service this is) logo covering one of them.
Peeve Wee Reese.
<< <i>How about this one... what is one of the first things you look at when sizing up a scan of a raw card you are thinking about? Corners perhaps? Kind of rough to do with the PhotoBucket (or what ever hosting service this is) logo covering one of them.
Peeve Wee Reese.
Snorto~ >>
hmmmm, which of the three visible corners makes you think there is a sharp one hiding beneath the logo
Guy wins auction, 2 weeks goes by nothing. While he has not paid for the original item he bids and wins another. Ok, I combine shipping to save him a few bucks figuring he is going to pay, NO, he bids on another. I finally email him. No reply. I then thru ebay do the non paying bidder thingy and of course I get an email saying what I just said above. I emailed back and politely state that auctions should be paid for within 7-10 days or at the very least an email advising me of same. Finally pays 17 days after 1st auction for both on a Friday afternoon. Of course with his payment he gives me instructions on how to pack his items. Now I could have mailed it out on Saturday but I chose not to. On Monday we had a Noreaster here. I mailed his item out tuesday priority mail. Today I come home to an email it's him wondering where his item is. LOL
Can you believe some people? I look at his feedback today 2 negs listed today non payer. he has made bids on items that he has not won so I am hesitant to block him ashe is making me dough but he seems to be a high maintence ebayer and I really do not like having to hold people by the hand.
That is my pet peeve of the day.
Tune in tomorrow for whatever peeve I may have.
90-days, than in the previous ten-years combined.
They are all either newbies, or folks who have taken
a break for a few years and decided to return.
I have accidentally ruined more than 1 card just trying to free it from the sellers ULTIMATE PACKING JOB.
Just use a top loader and a team bag for goodness sakes.
<< <i>My biggest pet peeve is when I look for game used bats on eBay and tons of pictures have the seller's nasty a$$ feet all up in the picture. Can they not move them like 2 inches back or something?? It discusts me. Here's a perfect example from one on eBay right now:
EWWWWWWWWWWWW I found another one of these nasty sellers today for an auction for a Prince Fielder game used bat:
Maybe they're roomies
<< <i>
<< <i>My biggest pet peeve is when I look for game used bats on eBay and tons of pictures have the seller's nasty a$$ feet all up in the picture. Can they not move them like 2 inches back or something?? It discusts me. Here's a perfect example from one on eBay right now:
EWWWWWWWWWWWW I found another one of these nasty sellers today for an auction for a Prince Fielder game used bat:
At least they have a shirt on!!!