Indian Head and some old wheats...

Got a chance to go back to where I found the large cent the other day, had a little luck again - found a 1917-S wheatie right off (second early mint marked wheat this year already!). Had another good signal that turned out to be a part of a brass belt buckle - nothing to old or fancy. I was basically concentrating my search within a 10 foot or so radius along the river bank from where I found the large cent and then I got a good solid signal- an out popped an 1898 indian head - pretty worn and would have been more exciting had it not been for the LC the other day.

Shortly thereafter had another strong and loud quarter size signal that I couldn't believe I would have missed before. Opened up the hole and saw a flash of silver and then a reeded edge- very fine reeding at that - was thinking really old silver - then I picked it up - and saw the model A , oh well guess I got a Ford theme going here (found the old Ford keys the other day). Its a Sunoco Antique Auto token piece. Did manage to dig two more whearts- a 1912 and 1940 and almost thought I had some silver when I dug the childrens play jewelry ring which looks to have been plated. Not a big haul but am going to try and hit the site maybe once more either tomorrow night or on the weekend- would like to find some old silver - I swear I could hear voices in my earphones today telling me its there- but I guess it was just the wind (still a pretty cool breeze off the water).
Group shot of everything:

Edited to add:
Forgot about my visit to a Coinstar today as well- had a first - an actually found some returned coins left by someone- picked up a 1989 Canadian Loonie and a 5c ( I think thats what it was- nickel or so size) Belgian piece from 1977.

Shortly thereafter had another strong and loud quarter size signal that I couldn't believe I would have missed before. Opened up the hole and saw a flash of silver and then a reeded edge- very fine reeding at that - was thinking really old silver - then I picked it up - and saw the model A , oh well guess I got a Ford theme going here (found the old Ford keys the other day). Its a Sunoco Antique Auto token piece. Did manage to dig two more whearts- a 1912 and 1940 and almost thought I had some silver when I dug the childrens play jewelry ring which looks to have been plated. Not a big haul but am going to try and hit the site maybe once more either tomorrow night or on the weekend- would like to find some old silver - I swear I could hear voices in my earphones today telling me its there- but I guess it was just the wind (still a pretty cool breeze off the water).
Group shot of everything:

Edited to add:
Forgot about my visit to a Coinstar today as well- had a first - an actually found some returned coins left by someone- picked up a 1989 Canadian Loonie and a 5c ( I think thats what it was- nickel or so size) Belgian piece from 1977.
Lafayette Grading Set
I really love the green patina acquired on IHC's and older copper coins.