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A Thank You Giveaway! WINNERS LISTED!

AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,370 ✭✭✭✭
Since I have joined this board, the amount of advice I have recieved, and what I have learned is completely priceless! I have become friends with many people here, and I hope I am sometimes able to help them in some way as well.

So in return, I wanted to give something back to to the boards. I will accept guesses for 1 week of how many pennies are in the bottle below.

Who ever is closest to the exact amount within 10 pennies will win. IF someone guess the EXACT amout, they will get a bonus prize. I will take the pennies to a bank counting machine and will find out exactly how many are in there. The bottle is 10 inches tall and 3 inches wide on each side with a total of 4 sides.

The prize for the winner will be a 2006 SanFran Silver Commem with all mint packing. LETS SWEETEN THE POT! The winner will also recieve a common date Peace Dollar, a silver nickel, a low grade $1 silver certificate, a Statue of Liberty coin from Ellis Island and a Walker Half! There will be some prizes as well for whoever is 2nd and 3rd closest to the actual total!

Lets get it on! Pics below!



All coins kept in bank vaults.
PCGS Registries
Box of 20
SeaEagleCoins: 11/14/54-4/5/12. Miss you Larry!


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