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God I'm bored....... LIVE RIP!!!!!

and I need to rip something immediately. Taking suggestions as to what to buy from BBCE- can be $400 or less, but must represent good relative breakup value. Can be packs, boxes or cases from 70s-mid 80s (any sport), but must be something that contains at least one decent RC. Please only recommend one product. Whoever makes the suggestion first of what I actually buy will receive a pack of that product.

Please tell me what to do.



  • 85 Donruss Baseball Puckett, Clemens

    Also, Saberhagen, Davis,Gooden,Hershiser
    Trying to complete 1960, '61 and '68 Topps baseball sets...raw
  • GrimReaperGrimReaper Posts: 861 ✭✭✭
    "God I'm bored....... " , well box up some good cards and give them to me !image

    A shot in the dark , 1971 Topps Baseball case is what you need to buy !!

    Looking for Atlanta $1-$20 Series 1928-present + Stars , Raw or Graded !! &
    FR-1509 ,FR-1509*,FR-1510,FR-1510*,FR-1511*,FR-1512*,FR-1514*
    in PCGS 66 or 67PPQ**

    Check out - BrettEldredge.com !! Hometown Singer

  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    jerry, sorry but your suggestion is automatically eliminated as a result of you mentioning Glenn Davis' RC as a possible pull. Sorry, I was an O's fan and had to suffer through the worst trade in the history of all sports ever on earth in the universe. Well at least Curt Schilling, Steve Finley, and Pete Harnisch never turned out to be any good....

  • DUDE!!!!!

    Eric Davis...C'mon now!!!!!!!!

    Sorry...Brady Anderson hit 50 HR's because he was on the juice!!!

    Have you been to Boogs BBQ in Camden??? It's my dream...
    Trying to complete 1960, '61 and '68 Topps baseball sets...raw
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Oh, I apologize. My brain has been permantly damaged because of that trade. Your suggestion is back in the running.

  • 85 topps
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭

    << <i>DUDE!!!!!

    Eric Davis...C'mon now!!!!!!!!

    Sorry...Brady Anderson hit 50 HR's because he was on the juice!!!

    Have you been to Boogs BBQ in Camden??? It's my dream... >>

    I made it down to Camden yards last summer and made Boogs one of my first stops. BBQ wasnt anything special, but the whole atmosphere of the park and surrounding area was fantastic.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • Awesome..Does Boog actually ever show up?

    I've been invited to a social w/Cal Ripken which serves as a fundraiser for Boys and Girls club...1K per person.

    Absolutely love the guy...but for 1K??? I think I have to pass.
    Trying to complete 1960, '61 and '68 Topps baseball sets...raw
  • GrimReaperGrimReaper Posts: 861 ✭✭✭
    I said 71' Topps dammit !! Guess you didn't like those .

    Let's try 81' Topps , now that sounds better !

    Looking for Atlanta $1-$20 Series 1928-present + Stars , Raw or Graded !! &
    FR-1509 ,FR-1509*,FR-1510,FR-1510*,FR-1511*,FR-1512*,FR-1514*
    in PCGS 66 or 67PPQ**

    Check out - BrettEldredge.com !! Hometown Singer

  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    When Camden Yards first opened, Boogs was great. He made guest appearances during games back in the beginning. Seems like quality went down over time. I'm not even sure Boog has anything to do with it any more.

    While Oriole Park is still a great looking stadium, they really drove away the true Orioles fans. We're a blue collar city, and we're not going to pay the prices they're asking for tickets, food and beer. Taking your kids to a game will now cost around $250. Who can afford to go to games regularly at those prices?

  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Sorry grim, no big RCs in '71. Plus I don't have $15,000. No big RCs in 81 Either unless you're talking about FB.

  • That's a tough one .... I think I'd probably go football b/c of the higher % of good pulls ....

    First choice would be '84 Football ... but it's a $450/box so it doesn't qualify.

    My official vote would be '86 Football at $375/box.

    Rice, Young RCs plus a slew of HOFs.

    Tough set to get high graded cards ... so pull a few low pop 10s and you'll more than make your money back.

    Overall, would be a lot of fun to rip.

    ... and, green candy stripe borders --- how can you beat that!


    THe more I think of this, the more I love my pick of '86 football. It's a product that has GREAT rookie cards, great stars and semi-stars, and a premiium value for high end PSA commons. To me, that's the "triple threat" when busting vintage wax. And --- less cards in a set means higher percentage of getting the rookies and stars!
    - Building these sets:
    ------- 1960 Topps Baseball PSA 8+
    ------- 1985 Topps Hockey PSA 9+
  • Sorry
    Trying to complete 1960, '61 and '68 Topps baseball sets...raw
  • GrimReaperGrimReaper Posts: 861 ✭✭✭
    82' Topps , just because they were a neat looking card !image

    Looking for Atlanta $1-$20 Series 1928-present + Stars , Raw or Graded !! &
    FR-1509 ,FR-1509*,FR-1510,FR-1510*,FR-1511*,FR-1512*,FR-1514*
    in PCGS 66 or 67PPQ**

    Check out - BrettEldredge.com !! Hometown Singer

  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    My cat died when I was 7. You want to bring that up too?

  • GrimReaperGrimReaper Posts: 861 ✭✭✭

    << <i>My cat died when I was 7. You want to bring that up too?

    Lee >>

    Don't mind me , I'm just hanging out drinking a few to wind down . Was it a nice cat ?

    Looking for Atlanta $1-$20 Series 1928-present + Stars , Raw or Graded !! &
    FR-1509 ,FR-1509*,FR-1510,FR-1510*,FR-1511*,FR-1512*,FR-1514*
    in PCGS 66 or 67PPQ**

    Check out - BrettEldredge.com !! Hometown Singer

  • 86 sportflix
    succesful deals :richtree, Bosox1976, Bkritz, mknez, SOM, cardcounter2, ddfamf, cougar701, mrG, Griffins : thanks All

    Go Phillies
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭
    The 'default rip' of choice in situations like this is 1986 Topps baseball. Just do it. Stars still command a premium in PSA 10, and all Mets, Red Sox and Yankees commons are worth grading if you think you can catch a PSA 10 on any of them. To further spice things up there has not been a single Nolan Ryan graded a 10 yet, and one of the Pete Rose 'through the years' cards-- I think it's the '77-'80- has no PSA 10 examples to date.

    The set does not meet the RC card requirements, although some of us are still holding out faint hope that Ernie Riles and Chris Brown may yet rise again-- but it has everything else, and one thing's for sure-- you won't get that sick feeling when you drop $500 and get a handful of OC crap.

    Edit to add: I'm embroiled in an '86 Sportflics rip right now, James, and I wouldn't feel right about sending another hobbyist down that path.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I was just kidding jerry. I've had the Bias discussion many times over the years. Everything you said was true. He was one of those guys who was a sure thing if he kept his head on straight.

  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Boo, congrats. You may have just won yourself a 1986 Topps rack pack!!! If I go that route, I'll try and find one with a nice Mickey Tettleton RC showing. FRUIT LOOPS!!!

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Boo, congrats. You may have just won yourself a 1986 Topps rack pack!!! If I go that route, I'll try and find one with a nice Mickey Tettleton RC showing. FRUIT LOOPS!!!

    Lee >>

    Another nice corollary benefit of breaking '86 Topps is that can actually get busy trying to put together a raw mint set. Believe me when I say that it's much, much more difficult to do then you would initially suspect. DGF tried it at some point, but I think he gave up. I know that bri also has one in the works, but I think he's stalled out at 400 cards or so... I'm about halfway there myself, but the going gets much rockier from here on out.

    It is THE condition sensitive set of the 1980's, IMO, and that, if for no other reason, makes it a worthy break.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I did open a 3-box rack case about a year ago and I think I got like 4 PSA 10s. Was fun but got old after seeing so many ungradeable cards.

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>I did open a 3-box rack case about a year ago and I think I got like 4 PSA 10s. Was fun but got old after seeing so many ungradeable cards.

    Lee >>

    The road is long, Lee. But therin lies one of the less discussed benefits of the 1986 Topps break. To illustrate, let me set an example.

    Let's say you go hog wild and decide to crack a box of 1978 football. A worthy break, to be sure, but there's only one problem-- at some point in the break you will delude yourself into thinking that getting all those pack fresh minty commons graded is a good idea. "Man, these are beauties", you'll say to yourself. "I've got to get these slabbed". Then you'll do a quick Ebay search, and discover that the Great Troll, Roger from 4SC, has sold off a couple PSA 10 commons from this particular vintage for $85 each in the past two weeks. "Sweet," you say. "And there's a market for 10's!" Of course, you fail to recognize that those two PSA 10 commons were Cowboys and Steelers respectively, so onward you trudge. You sleeve and semi rigid the commons, get them all packed up, and away all 47 of them go to PSA when they throw the next 5$ free-for-all your way.

    You're feeling pretty good at this point. You've got a Fouts in there that 'might 10', a Bradshaw that's a little OC but might go 9 or better on a good day, a Franco Harris and a Randy White that could grade high if the grader doesn't get too fussy about the print marks in the lower left... and, of course, about 4 dozen pristine commons.

    And then you get the grades back . Thirty-eight 9's, 7 8's and two 10's-- and both 10's are pop 7's. At this point the fun REALLY begins. You're already into the box for Christ knows how much, another $270 has been thrown into grading and shipping, and now you get to kill an evening listing all this stuff. When the dust settles you've only garnered the opening bid of $3.99 on about 19 of the 9's, the 10s' have sold for $17.13 and $15.72 respectively, and the 8's sit in a lonely pile on a shelf in the basement since you're too ashamed to even list those (you can, however, send those 8's to the venerable Gary Daggett, as he runs a fine charity called 'Cards 4 Kids' that gladly accepts all off-grade slabs. You need to cover the shipping costs, but c'mon now-- at least you're throwing a bone to disadvantaged youngsters).

    With '86 Topps you have none of these problems. You're almost never drunk enough to delude yourself into believing that there's a market for PSA 9 Reid Nichols cards, so you don't even bother sending those in. You do send in the sweet Winfield, Henderson and Brett A.S. cards, however, along with a Bruce Berenyi and a Dave Stapleton, and each of those get gobbled up for $50 and $6 respecively by the '86 Mets and Red Sox guys. You clear $45 on the other three stars, call the whole thing off at a $60 loss, and come out feeling pretty good!
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Yeah, but where's the tingly feeling Boo. I NEED A TINGLY FEELING!!

    Look, I know you really want that 86 rack badly, so I'll keep it in as an option. But I need at least one decent card that is worth a crap in 8ish condition just for the thrill.

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Yeah, but where's the tingly feeling Boo. I NEED A TINGLY FEELING!!

    Look, I know you really want that 86 rack badly, so I'll keep it in as an option. But I need at least one decent card that is worth a crap in 8ish condition just for the thrill.

    Lee >>

    In that case, Lee, I think you're forced to get serious about 1985 Donruss. Whatever you do, DON'T get into the gin and start clicking through the football options, or you'll find yourself up to your lunch money in 1985 Topps Football wax wrappers by the end of next week, and that stuff is absolute fool's gold when it comes to unopened.

  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    85D doesn't do it for me for whatever reason. 85T FB wasn't good when PSA commons were going for $50, so there's no way I'd even think about it with them going for $10. Comeon people, I need some inspiration dammit!!

  • Guys, seriously, what is wrong with 86 Football?

    Is has all the condition sensitivity (well, a lot of it anyway) of Boo's 86 baseball .... but with the joy or Rice and Young RCS -- which can sell raw regardless of grade (I think).

    It's got great stars and low pops worth some dough.

    Dammit, it's a great option!!!!!!

    - Building these sets:
    ------- 1960 Topps Baseball PSA 8+
    ------- 1985 Topps Hockey PSA 9+
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    blind, I hear ya. But 10s are just as hard to get as they are in 86 BB which is tough. Most wax boxes don't yield any 10s (I've opened 2). Plus, sometimes you get a perfect card with a bit of the white stripe on the corner, and PSA NEVER gives that card a 10. I like where your head is though. Combine the big pull potential of 86T FB with potentially pulling 4-5 PSA 10s and we have what I'm looking for.


  • << <i>blind, I hear ya. But 10s are just as hard to get as they are in 86 BB which is tough. Most wax boxes don't yield any 10s (I've opened 2). Plus, sometimes you get a perfect card with a bit of the white stripe on the corner, and PSA NEVER gives that card a 10. I like where your head is though. Combine the big pull potential of 86T FB with potentially pulling 4-5 PSA 10s and we have what I'm looking for.

    Lee >>

    Lee, there is no "perfect" choice when it comes to a vintage rip. Boo's option gives you less "downside" b/c of the low cost ... but I just can't imagine that actual rip is all that enjoyable.

    I just looked on the bay. A PSA 10 Kosar was just sold via BIN by 4SC for $300. Rice PSA 9's go for $200 (8's go for $35-45). Andre Reed PSA 10 went for over $500. Largent PSA 10 went for $300 ...

    I know the 10's are tough ... but at $375/box you should recoup at least half the cost with off-grade Rice, Paytons, Youngs, etc. Score a couple low pop PSA 10s and you're loving life.

    ...but, most importantly, each and every pack will be a THRILL to open ... that will not be the case with '86 baseball ... or pretty much any affordable baseball product with 800 cards and not a lot of people chasing high end commons.


    Even a Joey Browner RC in PSA 9 sold for $32 (+$4 shipping) on Wednesday.
    - Building these sets:
    ------- 1960 Topps Baseball PSA 8+
    ------- 1985 Topps Hockey PSA 9+
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Good argument councelor. I need sleep now. I'll decide on the morrow.

  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    '87 Donruss baseball
    Greg Maddux rookie, a couple roidhead rookies, condition-sensitive cards, multiple boxes for your $400.

    Reap the whirlwind.

    Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
  • BunkerBunker Posts: 3,926
    What about 84 Donruss? There is a pretty strong market for those. BBCE has Rack Packs right now for 20 bucks a pop or you can pick up a box for around 160 bucks or so.

    They are beautiful cards, strong following, Mattingly RC goes for decent $ in a 10 and there are some tough commons in high grade.

    My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

    JDRF Donation
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭
    1985 OPC hockey. If that doesn't get your blood pumping then I don't know what will.
  • Aren't we all dancing around the obvious here?

    1989 Topps?

    Ventura. Avery. Perhaps even a Shane Mack??!!??

    'nuff said.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Comeon jmbk, I figured you'd be good for a 93 Finest box recommendation. Then you can try and get your grubby paws on the Bip Roberts refractor I paid $275 for.

  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I'm extending recommendations to product from the 90s.

    Boo, good suggestion on the 85 OPC, but if BBCE had packs, they'd be around $50/per. Although I will keep 85 Topps hockey in as a possibility.

  • 85 Topps hockey is a personal favorite ... but it's in violation of your original post .... you can't touch it for under $550/box. Plus, outside of the Lemieux, Gretzky, and Yzerman there's not many pulls.

    ... I'm buying PSA 10 commons and minor stars off of ebay right now for between $6-20..... and 10's ain't easy to pull.

    - Building these sets:
    ------- 1960 Topps Baseball PSA 8+
    ------- 1985 Topps Hockey PSA 9+
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Violation schmiolation. Actually, in my original post I did say "packs, boxes, or cases" so packs of 85 Topps hockey would be ok. I did a quick search and found you were right- PSA 10s of commons and semis don't bring much more than grading fees, and we all know how tough those 85 and 86 cards are to find perfect. Still, a Lemiux in 9 brings around $150, which isn't bad considering you'll get one about every 10 packs. Even at PSA 8, it's pretty strong.

    The problem with hockey is that no one likes it any more. Look at 84-85: You have the RC of Yzerman- one of the top 15 players of all time, RCs of LaFontaine, Andreychuk, Barasso (3 All STars from that era), and a nice design. And you can't give any of those cards away on ebay. Unless you have a Gretzky or Lemiuex RC, 80s hockey is dead.

  • 1984 Donruss baseball? lots of people with sets on the registry. Should be easy to unload graded cards
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>jerry, sorry but your suggestion is automatically eliminated as a result of you mentioning Glenn Davis' RC as a possible pull. Sorry, I was an O's fan and had to suffer through the worst trade in the history of all sports ever on earth in the universe. Well at least Curt Schilling, Steve Finley, and Pete Harnisch never turned out to be any good....

    Lee >>

    Don't feel bad.... We, in turn, let all of those guys go for nothing too image
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • sagardsagard Posts: 1,901 ✭✭✭
    1989 Score Football. Should be relatively cheap, tons of star power.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    89 Score is a good choice, but I've had my fill of that set over the years. I'm tired of seeing Barry Sanders' fake forced smile and Aikman's pseudo-mullet. Nice try though.


  • << <i>Comeon jmbk, I figured you'd be good for a 93 Finest box recommendation. Then you can try and get your grubby paws on the Bip Roberts refractor I paid $275 for.

    Lee >>

    Lee, a lot of people claim 2/box. Then we could try and work out a deal for the John Burkett AND Bip Roberts...

    I usually buy commons for $3 each. I would go up to $6 for you.....each...
  • colebearcolebear Posts: 886 ✭✭
    If you want rookies, I would go with 83 Topps baseball Boggs, Sandberg, Gwynn, Viola, Gaetti, and McGee plus a second year Ripken. BBCE has box for $135 or you can get a Michigan test box for $140 with those wrappers similar to UD.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭
    OK, just to clarify:

    What Lee's looking for is a box that comes in under $500 or so that a) has decent RC potential, b) doesn't feature players who wear ice skates, c) might yield scores of high dollar gem mint commons, and d) isn't '85 Donruss or '86 Topps football.

    Is is just me, or are the odds of finding a box that satisfies this criteria about as good as my personal odds of riding a unicorn into work on Monday?
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    I say spend the extra 50 bucks and get a 1984 Topps Football box. The rookies are obvious...Marino, Elway, Dickerson...but one of the biggest attractions is nailing a PSA 10. If you do, its a huge payday. PSA 10's are TOUGH. And if you dont hit a 10, you still have Marino and Elway Rookies to help recoup some cash. Not many products have 2 rookies with that huge of a $$ return.
  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    lee is out of control right now everybody.

    i have notified all major dealers, hacked into his e-bay account and notified the 100's of his favorite sellers, and marked all his personal e-mails from dealers as SPAM and finally said a big prayer to cardboard gods to help lee through this very very tough time.
    temperature's rising, fever is high.
    can't see no future, can't see no sky.
    my feet are so heavy, so is my head.
    i wish i was a baby, i wish i was dead.

    cold turkey has got me on the run.

    my body is aching, goose pimple bone.
    can't see nobody, leave me alone.
    my eyes are wide open, can't get to sleep.
    one thing i'm sure of, i've been in a deep freeze.

    cold turkey has got me on the run.

    thirty-six hours, rolling in pain.
    praying to someone, free me again.
    oh i'll be a good boy, pleases make me well.
    i promise you anything, get me out of this hell.

    cold turkey has got me on the run.

    Rehab is for Quitters Lee
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Boo- I saw a unicorn once in the woods, so there. Also, I didn't say no hockey. All I was saying is that from what I can tell, PSA 10s from the 70s and 80s of commons and semis barely bring grading fees. There could be a few sets that aren't like that that I don't know about- if anybody knows of any let me know. I'm actually leaning towards 5 packs of 85-86 just for a shot at Lemiuex or Gretzky.

    What's funny is that the example of 78 Topps FB you used pretty much fits the criteria- RCs of Dorsett and Stallworth, a key Payton card, and a ton of stars that would go for $100+ in PSA 10, and commons bring $30-$50 each as well.

    yankee- I once believed in the 84 set like you do, but then I busted a box- no Marino, no Elway. A handful of tens that sold for $15-$35, and a month later I netted a $400 loss. I can't put myself through that again.

    Here's what I'm leaning towards at this point:
    5 packs of 85-86 Topps hockey- $100
    1 box 92-93 Hoops Series 2 box- $60
    1 box- 1978 Topps FB- $375

    A little over budget, but whatever. Unless anybody can change my mind in the next few hours, the order is going in and Boo will get a nice fresh pack of 1978 Topps FB.

  • I guess you want to avoid contemporary stars, but Ryan Howard is the real deal. I saw him play at the double-A level and barring injury, he is a certain Hall of Famer and a likely 500 homer man in Citizen's Bank Park. Plus, he's not on the juice, which makes him a blue chipper investment. Go with 2003 Bowman's Best or any of his other rookie cards. I'm lucky. I'm two minutes away from the the man who holds the exclusive autograph rights to all of Howard's autographs. He has a collector's store here and Howard's signing here in May.image
  • What about an East box of 1981-1982 Topps Basketball for $235? There are around 3-4 guys out there who will pay good money on low pop 10's. A Larry Bird 2nd year card in a 10 went for over $600 last week on E-bay. The McHale I think goes for more.

    1981-82 Topps Basketball PSA 9 or 10
    1992-93 Topps Basketball PSA 9 or 10
    1976 Topps Baseball PSA 9 or 10
    1981 Topps Los Angeles Dodgers PSA 9 or 10
    1982 Topps Los Angeles Dodgers PSA 9 or 10
    1986 Topps Los Angeles Dodgers PSA 9 or 10
    1975 Topps Wacky Packages Series 15 PSA 9 or 10
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