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To SMR Magazine Set Registry writers:

There is only one reason now that I renew my PSA membership - to get the SMR Magazine solely for the wonderful Set Registry articles (you know, the ones that feature a set, describing what the set looks like, what are the key and tough cards, etc.). I have cut out all (well, the ones covering 1950s through 1970s Topps) and saved them for bedtime reading on occassion. (I also cut them out so I can throw the rest of the magazine away, but that's another thread.) Anyway, I have a couple of requests for future articles:

1. Please, please provide a scan of the backs once in a while. You glowing describe what the cards look like, front and back, but never any scans of the backs.

2. Please do a better job in the selections of the scans. You wonderfully describe all of the different varieties of cards in the set but rarely do you show a variety in the scans. Case in point, I was reading the article on the 1964 Topps last night and on one page, you showed four Yankees cards (plus a Maris card couple of pages before). Couldn't you have shown a team card or a WS card or a LL card or something besides multiple scans on the basically the same card on one page?!? In other words, if you describe a particular card in your article in glowing terms (like a great combo card), show a scan of the darn thing so we can see what you describing. Makes sense?

3. In the content of the article, please provide a setting for the set. Everyone go back and re-read the 1964 Topps article that Peter did. He started off by talking about how it was a transition year from the doo-wop to the British Invasion, how we had a new President, and that 1964 represented the last of the good ol' days of baseball when the last NY teams was dominant. He then gave a brief summary of the previous years versions of the Topps sets and put 1964 design in context with the others. That was great writing. While I think all of these articles are fun to read, I like a little history/context lesson since buying and collecting cards of the 50s and 60s were before my time.

4. The ones that I have include 1964, 1971, 1963, 1960, 1961, 1958, 1955, 1965 and the new 1956 one. The 1977 and 1978 ones were ok but I didn't save those. Unless I missed them previously, there are more you could do from 1952 to 1972. Please work on those instead of other years or non-Baseball. imageimageimage


  • AlanAllenAlanAllen Posts: 1,530 ✭✭✭
    Good tips. You should submit an article about a set you know well, the are always looking for writers and the one I submitted was published without any editing. Some of the scans I provided, but others PSA inserted. So, the article author doesn't have complete control over which scans are included.

    The only thing I'd disagree with is #3. I don't give a damn about what was going on with the Beetles when a card set was issued. I'm reading SMR, not Rollnig Stone. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but that sort of context doesn't appeal to me at all in a baseball card magazine. The comparison to previous years' designs is welcome, however.

    No such details will spoil my plans...
  • ArnyVeeArnyVee Posts: 4,245 ✭✭
    Steve, I agree. Those SMR articles on the set registries are great! They really get me going and wanting to start those sets featured too! image

    I've been a part of the articles on occasion and it's also fun being part of the story and getting our online recognition!
    * '72 BASEBALL #15 100%
    * T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
    * L. TIANT BASIC #1
    * DRYSDALE BASIC #4 100%
    * '65 DISNEYLAND #2
    * '78 ELVIS PRESLEY #6
    * '78 THREE'S COMPANY #1


  • mealewormmealeworm Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭
    I have read the 56 set article a few times. Great Stuff.

    1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
    Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
  • StumpStump Posts: 927
    Well I hope you like the one coming in June or July. I got interviewed for my 89 UpperDeck set and sent some scans to the writer. I did not send any of the back of the card though. This would have been a good idea though because of the hologram that was introduced that year. I did offer up what I knew about the set but the interview was being driven by the writer.

    Dave Jacobs
    Visit my site @ www.djjscards.com
  • MrGMrG Posts: 623 ✭✭✭
    When I was interviewed for the 1973 article done by Kevin Glew, I sent many scans of different cards and variations. I always enjoy reading the articles and viewing the slabbed cards. It entices me to want to start collecting the set. Unfortunatly I never received my SMR that month as the USPS did not forward the magazine when I moved to England.

    Thankfully, I saw a post with a link to the story. Link

    I only hope that many more scans were used in the printed version than those available in the on-line story.

    Michael Gaytan (MrG)
    TGF Collection
    TGF Sports
  • BuccaneerBuccaneer Posts: 1,794 ✭✭
    Having just read the article on 1953 Topps, I was very ecstatic to see that they posted a scan of the BACK of a card. Well done!
  • kobykoby Posts: 1,699 ✭✭
    Many people criticize the SMR, but the articles by Kevin Glew on the various registry sets have been very good.
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