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Stamp Act Congress delegates

As a result of the Manuscript Society's release of the "Autograph Collector's Checklist", I have collected Stamp Act Congress autographs for the last 15 years.

I decided to first acquire the names of those who were NOT signers to either the Declaration of Independence, or the US Constitution, as those autographs ave been collected for years. Out of 27 delegates, 10 were signers of the other documens, narrowing my list down to 17.

I wanted to focus on only ALS, but it has been an almost impossible task, so I have settled for DS or LS if necessary. Of these 17 delegates, in 15 years of searching, my collection consists of only 8 names out of the 17 delegates, 9 still elude me.

Definately a tough collecting area!

SOOO...if you have:

Oliver Partridge (Mass)
David Rowland (CT)
William Bayard (NY)
Leonard Lispenard (NY)
Henrick Fisher (NJ)
William Murdock (MD)
Edward Tilghman (MD)
Christopher Gasden (SC)
Thomas Lynch, Sr (SC)

PM Me!!


  • Fisher you should be able to find on continental currency. the others: good luck to you and me. I recently acquired a Ruggles, Fisher, Bowler, and I think a Ringgold. I say, I think, because I have never seen another. Can you send a photo of yours to funcitypapa@aol.com or fax to 813-633-0441
  • Lets touch bases...can you turn on your Instant Messaging here so I can message you?

    Do you know which currency issues have Fisher? I am trying not to do it by using Currency.

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