I wanted to buy this T-shirt at Spencers, but my wife said no. Besides the slogan, there was a picture involved. Although I found it funny at the time when I saw it, looking back I may get my ass kicked wearing it. Depending on where I went.
I was inspired by Matt's gross-out pictures. Mine are not nearly as bad. This is from a battle I lost with a lawn tractor engine, not the blades.
The pics are from about two weeks after the fact.
Collector of 1976 Topps baseball for some stupid reason. Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason. My Pirates Collection
I was gonna post a picture of my member displaying how it lost the battle with a girl who had gonorrhea, but decided nobody would be interested in viewing the effects of venereal disease.
<< <i>I was gonna post a picture of my member displaying how it lost the battle with a girl who had gonorrhea, but decided nobody would be interested in viewing the effects of venereal disease. >>
<< <i> That was a good move on your part to not buy such a t-shirt. Jim can get away with wearing such a shirt, however, because he works in law enforcement. >>
Koby - did your mother drop you on your head as a child, or is it simply your daily consumption of crack that makes you act like an ass?
ArchStanton, Those are some gross pictures. Your fingers look infected. Hope everything is ok.
Thanks. The pics are from over three years ago. It took nearly two years to get the feeling back in my index finger and my middle finger, but all is well now. There's nothing left but some cool scars.
Collector of 1976 Topps baseball for some stupid reason. Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason. My Pirates Collection
<< <i>ArchStanton, Those are some gross pictures. Your fingers look infected. Hope everything is ok.
Thanks. The pics are from over three years ago. It took nearly two years to get the feeling back in my index finger and my middle finger, but all is well now. There's nothing left but some cool scars. >>
Amazing to me how one comment snowballs. Let it go guys, enough bickering on these boards lately.
You should all go watch Blazing Saddles, it's an equal opportunity racial film. Makes fun of blacks, whites, rednecks, mexicans, jewish people, foreigners, americans, indians, males, females, asians, all of us. Mel Brooks at his best.
Or, from Ferris Beuller
<< <i>Grace: Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, d*ckheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude. >>
My opinion?? It's not racist to realize that people are different than you, it's racist to treat them differently because of it.
Enough of that.
Wish I had pics of my worst. I shot a 16 penny nail from a nail gun right through my index finger, missed my middle two fingers and stuck in my pinky. It was horrible. Was able to pull my pinky free, but the nail from the coil gun had barbs and couldn't be pulled back out of my index finger. I had to have a guy take bold cutters, cut the head off the nail, then pliers to pull it on through.
I then nearly passed out and decided to take the rest of the day off.
<< <i>My opinion?? It's not racist to realize that people are different than you, it's racist to treat them differently because of it.
shawn >>
well said Shawn, agreed >>
You mean treating people differently such as by placing Mexicans in categories for manual labor? Or as you said previously "a good majority of the legal and illegal Mexicans who come here do landscaping, dishwashing, housekeeping etc"?
Go ahead and make all the racist jokes you want. I am through discussing this with you.
<< <i> I like you avatar too. Better than the Confederate flag you used to proudly display. >>
I dare you to go back in the history of CU and find a time that I used the confederate flag as an avatar. I could be African-American for all you know and that might be an offensive symbol to me. Wouldn't it be a shame for you to be on your soapbox defending the entire country of Mexico and at the same time offending all African-Americans?
Funny part is, I was born and raised in the North and am the farthest thing from a confederate flag waving southerner.
Amazing to me how one comment snowballs. Let it go guys, enough bickering on these boards lately.
You should all go watch Blazing Saddles, it's an equal opportunity racial film. Makes fun of blacks, whites, rednecks, mexicans, jewish people, foreigners, americans, indians, males, females, asians, all of us. Mel Brooks at his best.
Or, from Ferris Beuller
<< <i>Grace: Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, d*ckheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude. >>
My opinion?? It's not racist to realize that people are different than you, it's racist to treat them differently because of it.
Enough of that.
Wish I had pics of my worst. I shot a 16 penny nail from a nail gun right through my index finger, missed my middle two fingers and stuck in my pinky. It was horrible. Was able to pull my pinky free, but the nail from the coil gun had barbs and couldn't be pulled back out of my index finger. I had to have a guy take bold cutters, cut the head off the nail, then pliers to pull it on through.
I then nearly passed out and decided to take the rest of the day off.
shawn >>
When I was roofing, Shawn, the thing I dreaded most was shooting myself with a 16 penny nailer. I've stepped on countless 16's-- I'm sure you know that story, you're tarping up a roof after dark, get off the ladder and some stoner forgot to throw away one of the old decking boads, blah blah blah-- but I never shot myself with one. Coil nails? Check. N Staples? Check. But I never made The Big Shot, and I thank God for it.
If anyone's interested I have pictured somewhere of me in the hospital after my car wreck in March of 1989. Broken femur, 7 broken ribs and I ripped 1/3 of my nose off . Any takers?
I saw a guy, or at least I heard him downstairs, drop a circular saw into his thigh. I heard him cutting and it made this real weird noise at the end. I guess he just got careless because he put that blade deep into his leg. The best part about it, he didn't want to stop working. We had to pretty much drag him to the hospital.
I've never had the pleasure of shooting myself full on with a nail. I've gotten hit by the tip a couple of times but that's it.
That is a tough card and I thought you paid too much for it when you bought it SGC graded, but I understand as I have paid more for something I wanted rather than wait forever for another to come along. So I am very happy to see you got a 10 on that card. I think if you put it on ebay, which I know you won't you could more than get your money back with that baby. What is the Pop on that?
<< <i>Well here is the results of the sgc 9 crack. Needless to say I am happy
+1 for another LMM sighting
Awesome job on the crack and submit. Card looks significantly cleaner in a PSA holder
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Matt that is awesome! Congrats on a great looking card
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
<< <i>you should be an ambassador.. >>
Funny stuff
1994 Pro Line Live
I wanted to buy this T-shirt at Spencers, but my wife
said no. Besides the slogan, there was a picture involved.
Although I found it funny at the time when I saw it, looking
back I may get my ass kicked wearing it. Depending on where
I went.
That was a good move on your part to not buy such a t-shirt. Jim can get away with wearing such a shirt, however, because he works in law enforcement.
The pics are from about two weeks after the fact.
Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
My Pirates Collection
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>I have tons of stuff in my house that I should throw away. Never crossed my mind to give them to Mexicans. >>
Hey, if it's sports card related, I might be interested. I'm 1/2 mexican, so maybe that counts.
WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
Totally gross.
<< <i>I was gonna post a picture of my member displaying how it lost the battle with a girl who had gonorrhea, but decided nobody would be interested in viewing the effects of venereal disease. >>
I owe you one Steve. Thank you.
<< <i>
That was a good move on your part to not buy such a t-shirt. Jim can get away with wearing such a shirt, however, because he works in law enforcement. >>
Koby - did your mother drop you on your head as a child, or is it simply your daily consumption of crack that makes you act like an ass?
Since this thread has turned in so many directions and I am avoiding desk work let me take this opportunity to post a few pictures.
All my best for a speedy recovery Matt.
I chopped off one fingertip when a hedge cutter had a broken deadman switch and I accidentally hit the power button!
From now on, I think you should work your way up slowly at your job - let's say - thru lion taming!
<< <i>
Koby - did your mother drop you on your head as a child, or is it simply your daily consumption of crack that makes you act like an ass? >>
I do not consume crack. You are a bigot.
<< <i>
ArchStanton, Those are some gross pictures. Your fingers look infected. Hope everything is ok.
<< <i>I do not consume crack. You are a bigot. >>
I can learn compassion, you will always be an idiot
<< <i>I think I'll just call rentamexican >>
You are disparaging me now because I call you on your racist statement?
Please discontinue highjacking someone else's thread.
Thanks. The pics are from over three years ago. It took nearly two years to get the feeling back in my index finger and my middle finger, but all is well now. There's nothing left but some cool scars.
Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
My Pirates Collection
<< <i>ArchStanton, Those are some gross pictures. Your fingers look infected. Hope everything is ok.
Thanks. The pics are from over three years ago. It took nearly two years to get the feeling back in my index finger and my middle finger, but all is well now. There's nothing left but some cool scars. >>
What?? No picture of the healed middle finger???
<< <i>If you feel the need to start another thread about how you believe I'm a racist, go right ahead.
Please discontinue highjacking someone else's thread. >>
Amazing to me how one comment snowballs. Let it go guys, enough bickering on these boards lately.
You should all go watch Blazing Saddles, it's an equal opportunity racial film. Makes fun of blacks, whites, rednecks, mexicans, jewish people, foreigners, americans, indians, males, females, asians, all of us. Mel Brooks at his best.
Or, from Ferris Beuller
<< <i>Grace: Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, d*ckheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude. >>
My opinion?? It's not racist to realize that people are different than you, it's racist to treat them differently because of it.
Enough of that.
Wish I had pics of my worst. I shot a 16 penny nail from a nail gun right through my index finger, missed my middle two fingers and stuck in my pinky. It was horrible. Was able to pull my pinky free, but the nail from the coil gun had barbs and couldn't be pulled back out of my index finger. I had to have a guy take bold cutters, cut the head off the nail, then pliers to pull it on through.
I then nearly passed out and decided to take the rest of the day off.
<< <i>My opinion?? It's not racist to realize that people are different than you, it's racist to treat them differently because of it.
shawn >>
well said Shawn, agreed
<< <i>
<< <i>My opinion?? It's not racist to realize that people are different than you, it's racist to treat them differently because of it.
shawn >>
well said Shawn, agreed >>
You mean treating people differently such as by placing Mexicans in categories for manual labor? Or as you said previously "a good majority of the legal and illegal Mexicans who come here do landscaping, dishwashing, housekeeping etc"?
Go ahead and make all the racist jokes you want. I am through discussing this with you.
Nice rapist in your avatar there, by the way.....feel good about that?
<< <i>ok I'm a racist. Feel better?
Nice rapist in your avatar there, by the way.....feel good about that? >>
I like you avatar too. Better than the Confederate flag you used to proudly display.
<< <i>
I like you avatar too. Better than the Confederate flag you used to proudly display. >>
I dare you to go back in the history of CU and find a time that I used the confederate flag as an avatar. I could be African-American for all you know and that might be an offensive symbol to me. Wouldn't it be a shame for you to be on your soapbox defending the entire country of Mexico and at the same time offending all African-Americans?
Funny part is, I was born and raised in the North and am the farthest thing from a confederate flag waving southerner.
Keep trying Koby, you'll be funny one day.
I'm not koby either ...
or so the voices in my head tell me ...
"How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
Sometimes I think it's just me and my therapist and all her alt ids that post on this board ...
"How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
<< <i>
<< <i>If you feel the need to start another thread about how you believe I'm a racist, go right ahead.
Please discontinue highjacking someone else's thread. >>
Amazing to me how one comment snowballs. Let it go guys, enough bickering on these boards lately.
You should all go watch Blazing Saddles, it's an equal opportunity racial film. Makes fun of blacks, whites, rednecks, mexicans, jewish people, foreigners, americans, indians, males, females, asians, all of us. Mel Brooks at his best.
Or, from Ferris Beuller
<< <i>Grace: Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, d*ckheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude. >>
My opinion?? It's not racist to realize that people are different than you, it's racist to treat them differently because of it.
Enough of that.
Wish I had pics of my worst. I shot a 16 penny nail from a nail gun right through my index finger, missed my middle two fingers and stuck in my pinky. It was horrible. Was able to pull my pinky free, but the nail from the coil gun had barbs and couldn't be pulled back out of my index finger. I had to have a guy take bold cutters, cut the head off the nail, then pliers to pull it on through.
I then nearly passed out and decided to take the rest of the day off.
shawn >>
When I was roofing, Shawn, the thing I dreaded most was shooting myself with a 16 penny nailer. I've stepped on countless 16's-- I'm sure you know that story, you're tarping up a roof after dark, get off the ladder and some stoner forgot to throw away one of the old decking boads, blah blah blah-- but I never shot myself with one. Coil nails? Check. N Staples? Check. But I never made The Big Shot, and I thank God for it.
If anyone's interested I have pictured somewhere of me in the hospital after my car wreck in March of 1989. Broken femur, 7 broken ribs and I ripped 1/3 of my nose off . Any takers?
I've never had the pleasure of shooting myself full on with a nail. I've gotten hit by the tip a couple of times but that's it.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Well here is the results of the sgc 9 crack. Needless to say I am happy
+1 for another LMM sighting
Awesome job on the crack and submit. Card looks significantly cleaner in a PSA holder
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
JDRF Donation
<< <i>What is the Pop on that? >>
PSA 10 = 2
<< <i>
Super nice card, Matt. If you don't mind me asking, how many Emmitt auto cards do you have? >>
Robert, I have 517 psa graded in my sets and a bunch of raw. My set is about 39% complete.
Thanks for the kind words all
1994 Pro Line Live
Lost any digits lately?
<< <i>Wow, nice!!
Lost any digits lately?
In fact, they are not really missing. I dug them out of the hedge after the accident
1994 Pro Line Live
Thanks for the Friday crack.
<< <i>Nice bump! BTW I CANT believe the amount of cards in the Emmitt set! 1031 and counting? >>
Your eyes deceive you Teddyson!
1335 and counting!
I just sent in requests for appr 35 more
1994 Pro Line Live
You sadistic freak!!! WHY torture yourself???!?!?!??!
<< <i> just sent in requests for appr 35 more
You sadistic freak!!! WHY torture yourself???!?!?!??! >>
1994 Pro Line Live