Want to trade my worldwide for your US

Seeking to trade my worldwide for your US. I am primarily interested in MNH US
Commemorative from 1930s - 1960s. See my US Commemorative post for specific stamps I am
interested in. I would consider earlier US unused for some of the higher SCV worldwide I have.
Would also consider selling, but as of right now my goal is to update my US album using trades
of worldwide I no longer have an interest in and duplicate US I have.
By-in-large my worldwide are MNH but I will provide more specifics upon request, including
pictures if desired. A small portion are MH, and a smaller portion are used. I would propose trading based on SCV - one inflated retail for another. PM me if anything looks of interest. Have list is...
Algeria 1939 126-130
Brazil 1939 480-483
China 1939 364-367
China 1932 C11-C18
Czechoslovakia 1936 218-226
Dominican Republic 1938 332-334
Dominican Republic 1939 342-345
Ecuador 1939 382-387
Ecuador 1939 388-393
Ecuador 1939 C80-C86
El Salvador 1938 572
El Salvador 1938 C61
El Salvador 1938 C66-c68
Fiume 1924 196-207
Graham Island 1944 2L4-2l8
Guatamala c13
Guatamala C28
Guatamala 1938 RA7
Hondoras 1938 C84
Iceland 1939 213-215
IndoChina 1939 205-208
Ireland 1939 103
Ireland 1939 104
Mexico 1931 675
Mexico 1935 722
Mexico 1935 723
Mexico 1936 725-777
Mexico 1937 729-733
Mexico 1939 751-753
Mexico 1929 C01-C02
Mexico 1940 C111-C113
Mexico 1942 C117-C119
Mexico 1930 C29-C30
Mexico 1935 C76
Mexico 1936 C77-C79
Mexico 1939 C91-C93
Mexico 1930 CO11
Mexico 1932 CO22-CO24
New Hebrides 1908 2-5
New Zealand 1939 B14-B15
Newfoundland 1928 150
Newfoundland 1928 152
Newfoundland 1928 154
Panama 1909 195
Panama 1934 268
Panama 1934 269
Panama 1934 271
Panama 1934 272
Panama 1934 273
Panama 1909 197-204
Panama 1928 256-257
Panama 1937 298-310
Panama 1939 322-330
Panama 1931 c15
Panama 1937 c33-c39
Panama 1938 C43-C47
Panama 1940 c62
Panama 1940 c63-c66
Paraguey 1939 362-635
Philippines 1941 c59-c62
Russia 1939 714
Russia 1939 715
Seychelles 1935 118-121
South Orkneys 1944 4L1-4L8
Tanganyika 1926 29-32
Aden 1937 13-15
Acsension 1937 37-39
Bosutland 1937 15-17
Bechualand 1937 121-123
Ceylon 1937 275-277
Falkland 1937 81-83
Fiji 1937 114-116
Commemorative from 1930s - 1960s. See my US Commemorative post for specific stamps I am
interested in. I would consider earlier US unused for some of the higher SCV worldwide I have.
Would also consider selling, but as of right now my goal is to update my US album using trades
of worldwide I no longer have an interest in and duplicate US I have.
By-in-large my worldwide are MNH but I will provide more specifics upon request, including
pictures if desired. A small portion are MH, and a smaller portion are used. I would propose trading based on SCV - one inflated retail for another. PM me if anything looks of interest. Have list is...
Algeria 1939 126-130
Brazil 1939 480-483
China 1939 364-367
China 1932 C11-C18
Czechoslovakia 1936 218-226
Dominican Republic 1938 332-334
Dominican Republic 1939 342-345
Ecuador 1939 382-387
Ecuador 1939 388-393
Ecuador 1939 C80-C86
El Salvador 1938 572
El Salvador 1938 C61
El Salvador 1938 C66-c68
Fiume 1924 196-207
Graham Island 1944 2L4-2l8
Guatamala c13
Guatamala C28
Guatamala 1938 RA7
Hondoras 1938 C84
Iceland 1939 213-215
IndoChina 1939 205-208
Ireland 1939 103
Ireland 1939 104
Mexico 1931 675
Mexico 1935 722
Mexico 1935 723
Mexico 1936 725-777
Mexico 1937 729-733
Mexico 1939 751-753
Mexico 1929 C01-C02
Mexico 1940 C111-C113
Mexico 1942 C117-C119
Mexico 1930 C29-C30
Mexico 1935 C76
Mexico 1936 C77-C79
Mexico 1939 C91-C93
Mexico 1930 CO11
Mexico 1932 CO22-CO24
New Hebrides 1908 2-5
New Zealand 1939 B14-B15
Newfoundland 1928 150
Newfoundland 1928 152
Newfoundland 1928 154
Panama 1909 195
Panama 1934 268
Panama 1934 269
Panama 1934 271
Panama 1934 272
Panama 1934 273
Panama 1909 197-204
Panama 1928 256-257
Panama 1937 298-310
Panama 1939 322-330
Panama 1931 c15
Panama 1937 c33-c39
Panama 1938 C43-C47
Panama 1940 c62
Panama 1940 c63-c66
Paraguey 1939 362-635
Philippines 1941 c59-c62
Russia 1939 714
Russia 1939 715
Seychelles 1935 118-121
South Orkneys 1944 4L1-4L8
Tanganyika 1926 29-32
Aden 1937 13-15
Acsension 1937 37-39
Bosutland 1937 15-17
Bechualand 1937 121-123
Ceylon 1937 275-277
Falkland 1937 81-83
Fiji 1937 114-116
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album