<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
i'm spamming thr boards???? you guys figured me out. i've been on here A LOT longer then most of you. i need to come on a psa board where its mostly vintage collectors & spam bgs modern cards. yup you guys are real detectives. i cant get nothing past you!!!
Lawmowerman, that is just one example. I am sure if we both looked hard we could both come up with many examples. BGS does not have a huge edge, but they do have an edge. Certain issues there is more of a disparity then others.
www.sportsnutcards.com Specializing in Certified Autograph Cards, Rookies, Rare Inserts and other quality modern cards! Over 8000 Cards in stock now! Come visit our physical store located at 1210 Main St. Belmar ,NJ
<< <i>Lawmowerman, that is just one example. I am sure if we both looked hard we could both come up with many examples. BGS does not have a huge edge, but they do have an edge. Certain issues there is more of a disparity then others. >>
In reality it was 8 examples.
Your right, some will sell more in bgs slabs and others more in psa slabs. It just depends on what is hot and who is willing to pay.
I can say that I am much more willing to trust psa graders than bgs graders. I have about 8 boxes of bgs slabs. Some good, some bad.
Same can be said about my psa boxes but there are far less cards in them that I am unhappy with.
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
i'm spamming thr boards???? you guys figured me out. i've been on here A LOT longer then most of you. i need to come on a psa board where its mostly vintage collectors & spam bgs modern cards. yup you guys are real detectives. i cant get nothing past you!!! >>
Every little BIT of spam adds up.
I'm out of patience.
I knew nothing about you - but I just checked your ebay ID - you have OVER 3500 items for sale!!!!
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
Spam come on!!! How is this any different than someone posting results on submission results thread and saying cards are up for sale? This guy was proud enough to share his grades with us and you call his post spam. Unbelievable
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
Spam come on!!! How is this any different than someone posting results on submission results thread and saying cards are up for sale? This guy was proud enough to share his grades with us and you call his post spam. Unbelievable >>
I rarely do this but if I'm wrong, I will be the first to apologize.
I checked his contributions as itinthegrade and gradedream.
There's nothing other than spamming his lists of cards - hinting at the sale - and comments having to do with his ebay store and ebay business.
When I asked him if he was a dealer - he asked "what did I mean?" Is English his second language?
He danced around it - 3500 items is NOT a casual seller!!!
This is a dealer - hiding as a poster.
We have some really honorable full time dealers like Qualitycards who contributes real knowledge from time to time and would not try to hoodwink us.
That's my take right now mike
edit: I may have misled itsinthegrade with my question: are you a dealer one ebay? I added an "e" so it literally reads are you a dealer ONE ebay? So that's my bad. But that doesn't excuse the rhetorical answer - 3500 items is a dealer - period.
<< <i>Spam come on!!! How is this any different than someone posting results on submission results thread and saying cards are up for sale? This guy was proud enough to share his grades with us and you call his post spam. Unbelievable >>
Said the ailas less than a month old..........
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
We can not stop people from doing this so we need to just ignore them, not keep responding to them and keeping their post at the top. There is a specific thread for this and these type of posts belong there.
"Mike - to be fair your question about him being a dealer had a typo in it."
To be fair, that typo was NOT one that obscured the meaning of the sentence/question.
However, that typo was exploited to the hilt by someone who obviously understood the question.
As a highly skilled wordsmith - and semi-evil person - I know when somebody gets it, and when they don't, and when they are trying to pretend they don't.
Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
<< <i>We can not stop people from doing this so we need to just ignore them, not keep responding to them and keeping their post at the top. There is a specific thread for this and these type of posts belong there. >>
I wouldn't dream of telling anyone what to post.
If I don't have use for a thread, I ignore it.
I just can't let this totally drop.
There's no requiement on how much one posts or the content.
Ya don't have to help anyone - ya don't have to provide info - ya don't have to write a story - ya don't have to post on a topic....
But, if ya come on just to post the results of BGS cards - someone's going to wonder?
Heck - I don't think that anyone here would ever dream of going over to the Beckett board where they never really contributed and provide a large PSA sub.
It wouldn't go over well - that I'm sure of.
So before anyone gets their sensibility in an uproar - like we're picking on this poor dealer of 3500 lots - please do me a favor - read the entire thread carefully before making a judgement.
stone, like i said its a full time hobby for me. pm & i will give you my full time wrok phone # where i'm a restaurant manager where i work close to 60 hes a week.
i've been on these boards for over 4 years & i posted 1000's of post maybe 10 about grades????
my big business plan is spamming the vintage psa market place with 99.9% of modern bgs prospects. you guys are my market & i hope to sell 100 million $$$$ woth of cards to you.
i'm sharing my grades thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you dont want to see my grades then dont open up my post.
i see a psa sub posted everyday, so i guess there all spam???
stone, i dont know you personally but to make derogatory comments about someone is not what i expected from you.
this is my last post on this subject & i thank everyone who appreciated my grades.
in the future dont open my post about grades because i will be doing more grading & i will be sharing them.
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
i'm spamming thr boards???? you guys figured me out. i've been on here A LOT longer then most of you. i need to come on a psa board where its mostly vintage collectors & spam bgs modern cards. yup you guys are real detectives. i cant get nothing past you!!! >>
Sorry - you have been caught. First of all, this is a PSA board, frequented by primarily PSA collectors and owned by PSA. Why would you come on here and "share your grades" when they are BGS grades? You also are careful to include your Ebay ID in your signature, and also you made sure your new ID was the same as this Ebay ID, just so there was no confusion. Then, you also make sure to mention that "BGS is your grader of choice" in the same signature. I can't imagine going over to the Beckett boards to list my latest PSA submission, unless I was looking to promote auctions. And, further - if you have been here so long, what discussions have you participated in? I don't remember seeing anything but this BGS spam, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I dont want to get in the spam conversation, but PSa results would be welcomed by most posters on the beckett boards. there are very few who would be offended by such a post.
www.sportsnutcards.com Specializing in Certified Autograph Cards, Rookies, Rare Inserts and other quality modern cards! Over 8000 Cards in stock now! Come visit our physical store located at 1210 Main St. Belmar ,NJ
<< <i>As a highly skilled wordsmith - and semi-evil person - I know when somebody gets it, and when they don't, and when they are trying to pretend they don't. >>
That is such an intriguing description Storm! I stopped to think about that for a couple minutes - and then I got it! You're an attorney!
<< <i>As a highly skilled wordsmith - and semi-evil person - I know when somebody gets it, and when they don't, and when they are trying to pretend they don't. >>
That is such an intriguing description Storm! I stopped to think about that for a couple minutes - and then I got it! You're an attorney! >>
again i get pulled in. i dont use gradeddream anymore as a id beacue it hase been deleted. i cant sign in with that id anymore. so i NOWWWWWWW use my name that i'm associated with. i guess thats against message board rules & regualtions????
i also post ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL my psa, jsa & gai subs on beckett do a search & you will see detectives.
i 've contributed to this board before most of you even joined so i dont have to defend myself. but i will say stone get a life beacuse your making something personal over a submission post. i dont know you & i 've always treated people on here with respect but from this day on i have no respect for you. i guess if my friends that i talk to on hear would attack you like little cronnies i guess that would be cool in your eyes. i wont seek to your level..
Please keep bumping them so more people see them.
Sorry cu mods but i didnt anything that noone else does (posting grades). like i said i've always treated people with respect!
Get over yourself.
No one enjoys just looking at a list of grades that belong to someone else unless it's a friend/contributor to the board.
You've been outed as a spammer.
I would not dream of telling you when or what to post as a thread.
Your threats are moot.
And your contributions?
Here's from a bunch of recent threads:
"i may check out my ebay store. looking for wang rc autos" - Spam.
"ive sold over $10,000 worth of cards in the past 60 days." - Spamoid.
"u guys make me laugh. jealousy will get you no where!" Referring to Mr Mint - nice guy to defend.
"i was just with him in nj & he'll be doing the boston & chicago show in nov. You hang with Mr Mint or travel to different shows?" Talking about Mr Mint.
Here he's referring to Gem grading:
"know this guy owns the company & he grades all his own cards. they dont accept submissions. are the cards altered..................NO, there just very over graded. like anyone he buys just like us & may get altered cards but the only crime hes doing is actually over grading his cards.
on the side note he is actually very smart. he actually has cards in a holder that isnt psa, gai, bgs or sgc that sells." You were an apologist of sorts for Gem?
"i have a couple" – he read the boards – contributed nothing but be ready to sell at a drop of the hat.
"heres some mauers i have:" thanx again for the spam
"the guy who owns gem elite just grades his own cards & sells them.
he receives no submissions!!!!
this guy made big, wait i mean HUGE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ money doing so!" Another Gem apologist remark! Gem is a disease on the hobby and this guy almost praises him.
Sorry this person has contributed nothing and has spammed the crap out of us.
And now he "threatens" us with more spam threads with BGS cards in the future?
Thank you - may I have another
edit: I have not been disrespectful rather I have been candid with my beliefs of what you have been doing on this forum for the past year or so.
I don't know you - do not have any hard feelings about your as a person. I'm just stating my opinion and that is: you've not been a real contributor but rather a self-serving spammer - my guess? If you weren't in the ebay business, we would never hear from you.
adding to a topic about mr mint & gem is spam?? i guess i knew to message boards???? i only had good dealing with al rosen so why would i say anthing bad about him . also contact steve taft about gem grading. i'm just relaying info i heardi guess i'm spamming taft now!
thanks for enlighting me!
stone your really reaching now. please post my post about my psa subs. suprisingly you leave them out!!!
<< <i>adding to a topic about mr mint & gem is spam?? i guess i knew to message boards???? i only had good dealing with al rosen so why would i say anthing bad about him . also contact steve taft about gem grading. i'm just relaying info i heardi guess i'm spamming taft now!
thanks for enlighting me!
stone your really reaching now. please post my post about my psa subs. suprisingly you leave them out!!! >>
I didn't mean that was spam.
It was kind of interesting that you kind of defended him and Gem grading.
Gem is a disease. Mr Mint? He's a mixed bag. Could go either way. But, thanx for defending his honor.
No one is trying to enlighten you - it's just that you have gotten militant about posting BGS grades here as if you had a zillion friends who enjoyed it so, so much.
People who regularly contribute here - care about each other - help one and other.
I never noticed your presence one way or the other - but when pressed - a pattern evolved.
It appears to be spam. But that's OK.
As you said - I've sent too much time on this - for that I "do" apologize.
3500 items on ebay and referencing your ebay store puts you in the dealer class whether you see it or not and now you just plain stand out in a crowd.
Look at it this way? I have given you more advertising than you could ever get otherwise?
Personally, I have no problem with you coming on and sharing grades. But when it turns into "look at my ebay store", that belongs in the Buy-Sell-Trade forum. And if you never take part in any discussions other than the ones concerning the cards you own or are looking to sell, you're not really contributing to the intent of this forum. This is the first thread of yours I think I've read (I could be wrong), so I have no opinion on your posts one way or the other. But I can see where stone is coming from if the quotes in his above post are indicative of your contributions.
<< <i>i dont use gradeddream anymore as a id beacue it hase been deleted. i cant sign in with that id anymore. >>
Why did your previous alias get deleted?
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Personally, I have no problem with you coming on and sharing grades. But when it turns into "look at my ebay store", that belongs in the Buy-Sell-Trade forum. And if you never take part in any discussions other than the ones concerning the cards you own or are looking to sell, you're not really contributing to the intent of this forum. This is the first thread of yours I think I've read (I could be wrong), so I have no opinion on your posts one way or the other. But I can see where stone is coming from if the quotes in his above post are indicative of your contributions.
Lee >>
I was too aggressive!
But I asked a simple question - do you sell on ebay - derive some kind of living from it - and this is the answer:
<< <i>i started collectiong cards like everyone when i was a little kid & never stopped. i have had every card excpet the 52 mantle & anything prewar & have sold them or traded. my father gave me a huge collection. i love the minors. so i love there cards from official team sets & any kind of memorabilia i can get. also in the past 2 years i got into heavy collecting ip autos on rc's. i have a massed a large collection & even though i sell on ebay its still a hobby but a full time one. so any extra money i make cards i just reinvest in other things i like. also the time has come where i have to buy the ring because my girl friend has told me that were BOTH ready. lol >>
Sounds a bit evasive for someone who has an ebay store (purportedly thriving) and currently has over 3500 items for sale on ebay!
I'm sorry but I saw red.
ANYONE can post all they want - I usually don't even notice - this was started by other posts and I just did a little digging and was a bit astonished.
edit: and yes, itsinthegrade is correct - I need to get a life if I have that kind of time to spend on this. But in deference to the situation - Spam all ya want here - but don't suffer from self-righteous indignation when called out for it.
<< <i>
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
i'm spamming thr boards???? you guys figured me out. i've been on here A LOT longer then most of you. i need to come on a psa board where its mostly vintage collectors & spam bgs modern cards. yup you guys are real detectives. i cant get nothing past you!!!
Specializing in Certified Autograph Cards, Rookies, Rare Inserts and other quality modern cards! Over 8000 Cards in stock now! Come visit our physical store located at 1210 Main St. Belmar ,NJ
<< <i>Lawmowerman, that is just one example. I am sure if we both looked hard we could both come up with many examples. BGS does not have a huge edge, but they do have an edge. Certain issues there is more of a disparity then others. >>
In reality it was 8 examples.
Your right, some will sell more in bgs slabs and others more in psa slabs. It just depends on what is hot and who is willing to pay.
I can say that I am much more willing to trust psa graders than bgs graders. I have about 8 boxes of bgs slabs. Some good, some bad.
Same can be said about my psa boxes but there are far less cards in them that I am unhappy with.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
i'm spamming thr boards???? you guys figured me out. i've been on here A LOT longer then most of you. i need to come on a psa board where its mostly vintage collectors & spam bgs modern cards. yup you guys are real detectives. i cant get nothing past you!!! >>
Every little BIT of spam adds up.
I'm out of patience.
I knew nothing about you - but I just checked your ebay ID - you have OVER 3500 items for sale!!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
Spam come on!!! How is this any different than someone posting results on submission results thread and saying cards are up for sale? This guy was proud enough to share his grades with us and you call his post spam. Unbelievable
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
Spam come on!!! How is this any different than someone posting results on submission results thread and saying cards are up for sale? This guy was proud enough to share his grades with us and you call his post spam. Unbelievable >>
I rarely do this but if I'm wrong, I will be the first to apologize.
I checked his contributions as itinthegrade and gradedream.
There's nothing other than spamming his lists of cards - hinting at the sale - and comments having to do with his ebay store and ebay business.
When I asked him if he was a dealer - he asked "what did I mean?" Is English his second language?
He danced around it - 3500 items is NOT a casual seller!!!
This is a dealer - hiding as a poster.
We have some really honorable full time dealers like Qualitycards who contributes real knowledge from time to time and would not try to hoodwink us.
That's my take right now
edit: I may have misled itsinthegrade with my question: are you a dealer one ebay? I added an "e" so it literally reads are you a dealer ONE ebay? So that's my bad. But that doesn't excuse the rhetorical answer - 3500 items is a dealer - period.
<< <i>Spam come on!!! How is this any different than someone posting results on submission results thread and saying cards are up for sale? This guy was proud enough to share his grades with us and you call his post spam. Unbelievable >>
Said the ailas less than a month old..........
To be fair, that typo was NOT one that obscured the
meaning of the sentence/question.
However, that typo was exploited to the hilt by someone
who obviously understood the question.
As a highly skilled wordsmith - and semi-evil person - I know
when somebody gets it, and when they don't, and when
they are trying to pretend they don't.
<< <i>We can not stop people from doing this so we need to just ignore them, not keep responding to them and keeping their post at the top. There is a specific thread for this and these type of posts belong there. >>
I wouldn't dream of telling anyone what to post.
If I don't have use for a thread, I ignore it.
I just can't let this totally drop.
There's no requiement on how much one posts or the content.
Ya don't have to help anyone - ya don't have to provide info - ya don't have to write a story - ya don't have to post on a topic....
But, if ya come on just to post the results of BGS cards - someone's going to wonder?
Heck - I don't think that anyone here would ever dream of going over to the Beckett board where they never really contributed and provide a large PSA sub.
It wouldn't go over well - that I'm sure of.
So before anyone gets their sensibility in an uproar - like we're picking on this poor dealer of 3500 lots - please do me a favor - read the entire thread carefully before making a judgement.
<< <i>Mike - to be fair your question about him being a dealer had a typo in it.
Joel >>
I saw it.
And realized it could be misleading - and put an edit on my last post.
But, that should not have made a major difference.
Again - 3500 lots is not a casual ebayer! It's a dealer IMO.
i've been on these boards for over 4 years & i posted 1000's of post maybe 10 about grades????
my big business plan is spamming the vintage psa market place with 99.9% of modern bgs prospects. you guys are my market & i hope to sell 100 million $$$$ woth of cards to you.
i'm sharing my grades thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you dont want to see my grades then dont open up my post.
i see a psa sub posted everyday, so i guess there all spam???
stone, i dont know you personally but to make derogatory comments about someone is not what i expected from you.
this is my last post on this subject & i thank everyone who appreciated my grades.
in the future dont open my post about grades because i will be doing more grading & i will be sharing them.
While we're at it I have a 1994 Chevy S10 for sale if anyone is interested. Low Miles and ac *L@@K*
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>While we're at it I have a 1994 Chevy S10 for sale if anyone is interested. Low Miles and ac *L@@K* >>
Translate the condition of the vehicle into an SGC grade equivilent please.....
<< <i>
<< <i>While we're at it I have a 1994 Chevy S10 for sale if anyone is interested. Low Miles and ac *L@@K* >>
Translate the condition of the vehicle into an SGC grade equivilent please.....
PSA 3 with a rst qualifier (rusted)
SGC 4 (love the slabs by the way)
BGS 10!
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>i post my grades for 1 reason & one reason only to share my grades. when i post my psa/dna subs i get maybe 1 response. i changed my name fraom gradeddream to itsinthegrade because its the name i use on ebay. i think i answered all your ?. i choose bgs because i get a nice preminum for my cards. >>
So, basically - this is spam for your Ebay auctions, then? >>
i'm spamming thr boards???? you guys figured me out. i've been on here A LOT longer then most of you. i need to come on a psa board where its mostly vintage collectors & spam bgs modern cards. yup you guys are real detectives. i cant get nothing past you!!! >>
Sorry - you have been caught. First of all, this is a PSA board, frequented by primarily PSA collectors and owned by PSA. Why would you come on here and "share your grades" when they are BGS grades? You also are careful to include your Ebay ID in your signature, and also you made sure your new ID was the same as this Ebay ID, just so there was no confusion. Then, you also make sure to mention that "BGS is your grader of choice" in the same signature. I can't imagine going over to the Beckett boards to list my latest PSA submission, unless I was looking to promote auctions. And, further - if you have been here so long, what discussions have you participated in? I don't remember seeing anything but this BGS spam, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Specializing in Certified Autograph Cards, Rookies, Rare Inserts and other quality modern cards! Over 8000 Cards in stock now! Come visit our physical store located at 1210 Main St. Belmar ,NJ
<< <i>As a highly skilled wordsmith - and semi-evil person - I know when somebody gets it, and when they don't, and when
they are trying to pretend they don't. >>
That is such an intriguing description Storm! I stopped to think about that for a couple minutes - and then I got it! You're an attorney!
<< <i>
<< <i>As a highly skilled wordsmith - and semi-evil person - I know when somebody gets it, and when they don't, and when
they are trying to pretend they don't. >>
That is such an intriguing description Storm! I stopped to think about that for a couple minutes - and then I got it! You're an attorney!
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>i've been on these boards for over 4 years & i posted 1000's of post maybe 10 about grades???? >>
Dude - How many IDs do you have?!
Gradeddream had 1531 - and itsinthegrade has 31.
I have not gone back and checked all your posts but I do have a bunch of your "quotes."
There's nothings but spam, alluding to spam and rare comments to the contrary.
To be honest - I can't believe how much you have spammed this board!
I ignored it - didn't even register - but if anyone does a complete search of threads/posts by gradeddream.
Wow! Is all I can say.
In my heart of hearts, I don't see anything but the promotion of a business?
And last - I'm not gonna apologize - everything I said was more than spot on.
You have spammed, spammed, spammed us into the new millenium!
i also post ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL my psa, jsa & gai subs on beckett do a search & you will see detectives.
i 've contributed to this board before most of you even joined so i dont have to defend myself. but i will say stone get a life beacuse your making something personal over a submission post. i dont know you & i 've always treated people on here with respect but from this day on i have no respect for you. i guess if my friends that i talk to on hear would attack you like little cronnies i guess that would be cool in your eyes. i wont seek to your level..
Please keep bumping them so more people see them.
Sorry cu mods but i didnt anything that noone else does (posting grades). like i said i've always treated people with respect!
Get over yourself.
No one enjoys just looking at a list of grades that belong to someone else unless it's a friend/contributor to the board.
You've been outed as a spammer.
I would not dream of telling you when or what to post as a thread.
Your threats are moot.
And your contributions?
Here's from a bunch of recent threads:
"i may check out my ebay store. looking for wang rc autos" - Spam.
"ive sold over $10,000 worth of cards in the past 60 days." - Spamoid.
"u guys make me laugh. jealousy will get you no where!" Referring to Mr Mint - nice guy to defend.
"i was just with him in nj & he'll be doing the boston & chicago show in nov. You hang with Mr Mint or travel to different shows?" Talking about Mr Mint.
Here he's referring to Gem grading:
"know this guy owns the company & he grades all his own cards. they dont accept submissions. are the cards altered..................NO, there just very over graded. like anyone he buys just like us & may get altered cards but the only crime hes doing is actually over grading his cards.
on the side note he is actually very smart. he actually has cards in a holder that isnt psa, gai, bgs or sgc that sells." You were an apologist of sorts for Gem?
"i have a couple" – he read the boards – contributed nothing but be ready to sell at a drop of the hat.
"heres some mauers i have:" thanx again for the spam
"the guy who owns gem elite just grades his own cards & sells them.
he receives no submissions!!!!
this guy made big, wait i mean HUGE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ money doing so!" Another Gem apologist remark!
Gem is a disease on the hobby and this guy almost praises him.
Sorry this person has contributed nothing and has spammed the crap out of us.
And now he "threatens" us with more spam threads with BGS cards in the future?
Thank you - may I have another
edit: I have not been disrespectful rather I have been candid with my beliefs of what you have been doing
on this forum for the past year or so.
I don't know you - do not have any hard feelings about your as a person. I'm just stating my opinion and that is: you've not been a real contributor but rather a self-serving spammer - my guess? If you weren't in the ebay business, we would never hear from you.
thanks for enlighting me!
stone your really reaching now. please post my post about my psa subs. suprisingly you leave them out!!!
<< <i>adding to a topic about mr mint & gem is spam?? i guess i knew to message boards???? i only had good dealing with al rosen so why would i say anthing bad about him . also contact steve taft about gem grading. i'm just relaying info i heardi guess i'm spamming taft now!
thanks for enlighting me!
stone your really reaching now. please post my post about my psa subs. suprisingly you leave them out!!! >>
I didn't mean that was spam.
It was kind of interesting that you kind of defended him and Gem grading.
Gem is a disease. Mr Mint? He's a mixed bag. Could go either way. But, thanx for defending his honor.
No one is trying to enlighten you - it's just that you have gotten militant about posting BGS grades here as if you had a zillion friends who enjoyed it so, so much.
People who regularly contribute here - care about each other - help one and other.
I never noticed your presence one way or the other - but when pressed - a pattern evolved.
It appears to be spam. But that's OK.
As you said - I've sent too much time on this - for that I "do" apologize.
3500 items on ebay and referencing your ebay store puts you in the dealer class whether you see it or not and now you just plain stand out in a crowd.
Look at it this way? I have given you more advertising than you could ever get otherwise?
Personally, I have no problem with you coming on and sharing grades. But when it turns into "look at my ebay store", that belongs in the Buy-Sell-Trade forum. And if you never take part in any discussions other than the ones concerning the cards you own or are looking to sell, you're not really contributing to the intent of this forum. This is the first thread of yours I think I've read (I could be wrong), so I have no opinion on your posts one way or the other. But I can see where stone is coming from if the quotes in his above post are indicative of your contributions.
<< <i>i dont use gradeddream anymore as a id beacue it hase been deleted. i cant sign in with that id anymore. >>
Why did your previous alias get deleted?
<< <i>Wow, stone laid down the gauntlet.
Personally, I have no problem with you coming on and sharing grades. But when it turns into "look at my ebay store", that belongs in the Buy-Sell-Trade forum. And if you never take part in any discussions other than the ones concerning the cards you own or are looking to sell, you're not really contributing to the intent of this forum. This is the first thread of yours I think I've read (I could be wrong), so I have no opinion on your posts one way or the other. But I can see where stone is coming from if the quotes in his above post are indicative of your contributions.
Lee >>
I was too aggressive!
But I asked a simple question - do you sell on ebay - derive some kind of living from it - and this is the answer:
<< <i>i started collectiong cards like everyone when i was a little kid & never stopped. i have had every card excpet the 52 mantle & anything prewar & have sold them or traded. my father gave me a huge collection.
i love the minors. so i love there cards from official team sets & any kind of memorabilia i can get. also in the past 2 years i got into heavy collecting ip autos on rc's. i have a massed a large collection & even though i sell on ebay its still a hobby but a full time one. so any extra money i make cards i just reinvest in other things i like.
also the time has come where i have to buy the ring because my girl friend has told me that were BOTH ready. lol >>
Sounds a bit evasive for someone who has an ebay store (purportedly thriving) and currently has over 3500 items for sale on ebay!
I'm sorry but I saw red.
ANYONE can post all they want - I usually don't even notice - this was started by other posts and I just did a little digging and was a bit astonished.
edit: and yes, itsinthegrade is correct - I need to get a life if I have that kind of time to spend on this.
But in deference to the situation - Spam all ya want here - but don't suffer from self-righteous indignation when called out for it.