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Which is proper way to state a Population Count?

For Example:

You have a $100 Coin - 2005 W Platinum PR69 DC Proof.

There have been 290 coins graded by PCGS and there have been 204 coins graded by NGC, so the total # of coins is 494 combined.

PCGS POP shows:

PR68 = 6
PR69 = 275
PR70 = 9

Which is Proper?:

"The PCGS POP Count for my $100 Coin 2005 W Platinum PR69 DC Proof is 284" ?

"The PCGS POP Count for my $100 Coin 2005 W Platinum PR69 DC Proof is 275" ?


At NGC there are:

PFUC68 = 2
PFUC68 = 127
PFUC68 = 75

Thanks in advance (TIA)


COINB0Y - buried and drifted over in Northwest PA image


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