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Oh Crap....

As everyone knows, I am a hockey card collecter and in particular, the 71 opc set...well, tonight I butted heads
with someone on a PSA 9 Mickey Redmond and I'm afriad it got out of wack....Oh yeah...I won it...but at a cost
of 600 US....oy......that is quite absurd....it tempts me to start selling off all of my PSA 9's and PSA 10's from
this set....(of course I wouldn't but it does make a man think).....

Anyways.......here is the URL to this disaster......


This is one of those purchases that really makes one cringe.......


  • 1980scollector1980scollector Posts: 2,036 ✭✭✭
    man I am so sorry!
    ** Working on the following sets-2013 Spectra Football Hall of Fame 50th Anniversary Autograph set, 2015 Spectra Football Illustrious Legends Autograph set, 2014-15 Hall of Fame Heroes autograph set. **
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    You. Are. Insane.

    Seriously, though, free yourself from the Tyranny of the Flip and sell those 9's and 10's. You'll probably be just as happy with 8's and have a lot of money left over for more cards.
  • 8's are the way to go. Buy 'em, crack 'em and resubmit 'em.

    You'd be surprised what comes back.

    Your insanity made Kaisercards happy I bet.

    Dude lives right down the road from me. Perhaps I should look him up.
    NewJerseyMeatHook II
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow AD

    I don't collect hockey - but I figured the card is low pop.

    Well - unless one has been recently graded - it's the only 9 on the planet - none higher.

    My wife would kick my ass all the way to the Alamodome!!!

    Still, congratulations on a very scarce pickup.
  • Stone it is the only PSA 9 in existence and the highest grade of this card but still that is way
    out of wack......not a good buy......Interestingly I also have a PSA 8 of this card and I think
    I will take some of the advice to heart here.....try and buy the PSA 8's and crack em.....

    The lower series cards , from 1 to 132, always in high condition sell expensively but this is bad...
    I know the person I was butting heads with and sadly we just made the owner of this card
    very happy....I have about I think 70 psa 9's and 4 psa 10's from the lower series....needless to
    say they are worth a fortune but I love this set........

    The thing is I just bought a PSA 9 1/1 from this lower series on ebay recently...the Keith Magnuson card which
    I only had to pay 150 US for.....so I was a little shocked at this price.....

  • Sometimes, you just have to let those white elephants go... set a limit and stick to it....

    I've had to let many a Nolan Ryan card I craved go because bidding exceeded what I considered remotely appropriate.

    In my household, I could get away with going above and beyond like that once. The second time, my gf would be less tolerant... I'd have to hope that the card could put out, because she sure wouldn't anymore!

    More power to the people that are able to acquire the cards they want no matter the cost. I'm sure it means a lot to you to finally have that particular card. If that's the case, man, don't look at it as a disaster. Look at it as victory. It's yours!

    You can always earn $600 back. Those high-grade OPC's don't come along as often. (I try to explain that to my gf, but she mostly nods and gives me that look you give to kids that were born with chromosome problems)
    Nolan Ryan & Edgar Martinez are my favorite players...
    mosaic's Nolan Ryan Basic Topps registry set
    mosaic's Big 3 Nolan Ryan Run Showcase
  • Congrats on the card, it's a high price but I was surprised when the magnuson only got $150. Feels good to have a 1 of 1 image

    I'm curious how many highest examples you have in your set. I still think about your dryden nearly... I mean everyday image

  • First , thanks for the encouragement guys....

    Don't get me wrong, I am escatic to have another one of one in my collection to be sure......but I
    do have to learn to back off.........its not like I am rich....I am middle class just like most of us here....

    Nightcrawler...that's a good question......I think I have around 60 cards that are 1/1.......I have 10 PSA 10's
    and I think I have about 80-90 PSA 9's..........but I'm not sure......I'll be glad when I complete this set...

    Oddly enough, I need a high grade Reggie Leach if you are ever selling........

    I think I need 29 more cards and I am complete...plus I have about 100 super high grade raw cards to send in from this
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Do you bid live or snipe?

    One nice thing about sniping - ya set what you want to pay and walk.

    Then it's in God's hands.

    In fact, when God created the earth and the heavens - he set a snipe for 9 days - and got it at 6. image

    Ya gotta love this hobby!
  • Ha ha...Stone ain't that the truth.....yes I do snipe and I always have my limit...but sadly, I knew
    the guy that was bidding against me on this card would go high as precedence has shown...and
    sadly I wasn't disappointed....at least I can take spiteful satisfaction that this chap from Michigan
    really really really wanted this Detriot Red Wing card and he didn't get it....ha ha ha....but all we
    did tonight was make Kaiser far far far to much money.....I just hope to goodness when the day comes
    that I start selling my PSA 9's and 10's either individually or as a whole set, I can find at least 2 boneheads
    that will fight it out over and above what these cards are worth.....

    Indeed, the only reason I set this snipe so high is that I knew this guy that was bidding against me
    was going to go all out on this card........normally I would have set my snipe for only a couple of hundred
    bucks on these psa 9's as they usually go under that .......alas....that is life.....
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>........normally I would have set my snipe for only a couple of hundred >>

    That's the power of the registry I guess.

    You know you wanted it - and so did the other person...

    So, if you woulda set a snipe for 200$ - e.g. - and if he woulda got it for 202$ - you woulda gone ballistic!

    So, ya set a high snipe and he does the same.

    That's just the way it goes I guess.
  • My wife would kick my ass all the way to the Alamodome!!!

    My wife HAS kicked my ass all the way to Capitol Hill for ill-advised purchases!

    I have another one coming when my latest credit card balances are divulged . . . Not very bright of me.
    NewJerseyMeatHook II
  • WOW, how the registry has corrupted peoples way of being rational, what could anyone be thinking about to buy that card for that much loot??????? I'm stunned!!!!!image
  • That's exactly how I feel 1960Topps guy and I'm the one that one the card....I woke up this morning
    still with a knot in my stomach.....over the years I have made a few bad purchases...this ranks with
    the worse....live and learn and move on and swallow this bitter pill....me and my boneheaded ( i have
    to include myself in the boneheaded column also) competitor for this card simply made the owner of this card FAR FAR FAR
    to much money....
  • gameusedhoopgameusedhoop Posts: 3,594 ✭✭✭✭
    You could just look at it this way...Just add $5 to the cost on the 100 9s and 10s that you have, and you got the Redmond at $100, a bargain, as most 9s go for almost $200. I believe you got the Henri Richard from me about a year ago, and that was a 1/1 at the time (maybe still is) and it was under $200 I believe. You have a GREAT set there, don't sweat the little things, it will all even out in the end. You don't see a bunch of 9s + 10s being given out for the 71s like they are for some other sets. The pops should stay pretty low for quite a while. Now get off of you butt and send in those 100 for grading, you can save a ton by getting the 9s yourself. Good luck getting this baby finished, STEVE.

  • MrGMrG Posts: 623 ✭✭✭
    I represent this thread!

    I did the same thing last month. Decided to buy myself some Christmas gifts. (Got tie's and skiv's from the wife!)

    Won a 1 of 96 PSA 9 1973 #615 Schmidt for $936. (Felt like I got a bargain as the SMR has been steady at $1000.)

    Same day had to up my snipe over $1000 to win the 1 of 3 PSA 9 1973 #245 Yas for $987.77! Yikes!!! And the SMR sits at $350. The 4th PSA 9 Yaz sold this past Saturday for $836! Same guy sold both cards!

    Me thinks the SMR pricing is more like the "Pirate Code"! image
    Michael Gaytan (MrG)
    TGF Collection
    TGF Sports
  • Steve, yes I did get that Henri Richard off of you and it is still one of one...that's a beaut.....

    Yes...I need I think 28 cards to complete the set and I have a large swack of cards from this set ready
    for grading....looking very much forward to finishing this beast off!!!

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Interesting. How did the underbiddr bid the same exact amt that you did? Your bid was first and that is why you won. the underbidder has 5 bids in the past month and 60% are with this seller.

    do not know if this means anything.

    Good for you.
  • Mmmm......winpitcher that is kind of interesting indeed.....though I am pretty sure I know who I was
    bidding against for this Redmond card!!???
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