So... Im cruising through Wal Mart...

Picking up some random things with the $623 I won in poker last night. Walking around, picked up Monopoly, a scrub brush, some milk, ect. Wal Mart is packed, no lines ect. I finally choose a line, and proceed to check out. I put $40 into the machine, and im getting $3.XX back in change. I get my receipt, reach in to get my change... and notice something...

See what I see....???

Here is the kicker...

Wildcard find for me!!!
See what I see....???
Here is the kicker...
Wildcard find for me!!!
<< <i>Wildcard find for me!!! >>
That's a cool one fer sure!
<< <i>I'm trying to understand the differance between a 1945 S and a 1945 S with the PCGS distinction of FS. Can anyone help? And, which is the coin (that is very cool!!) that Bill found?
Mary >>
Mary, FS stands for: Full Steps.
Term applied to a Jefferson five-cent example when at least 5 steps of Monticello are present.
I only wish I had found that coin in my change but it was Bill aka 30AnvZ28.
oh yes, on a side note... my wildcard find win (in sig) was from the same Wal Mart... same self checkout machines... 3 MS 1959 D Nickels that time. Im wagering that was a full OBR in the machine for those.
But you'll have to post your Wildcard entry yourself.