This is a difficult situation Spazzy. I am not really certain that I can shed any advice that has not previously been given, but as a member of this fraternity I feel compelled to reply.
It takes a brave person to disclose this sort of thing publicly, so I applaud you for that.
You should certainly speak with your supervisor(s) about this, and do make sure a detailed paper trail is left. This will be necessary not only should you opt to pursue the matter further, but also to help establish a pattern if something similar were to happen in the future with this co-worker.
Also, consult an attorney asap. You never know, perhaps you do have legal ground on which to stand. I am not sure how the law works in your jurisdiction, but you are obviously distressed by this (only you will eventually know the extent of this distress), so you should make preparations.
If you chose to take the vigilante route suggested by others then I recommend a dark balaclava and a steel-toed boots.
Either way, I wish you the best.
"I'm not saying I'm the best manager in the world, but I'm in the top one." Brian Clough
Think I'd feel kind of flattered that the folks at work would go to all that effort just to play a rather funny practical joke on me.
Obviously, there's a lot more going on here if you took it as a mean-spirited insult. Feel bad for you spazzy if it hurt you enough to make the post. My heart goes out to you! Yet, nobody here knows the dynamics of the interpersonal relationships going on at spazzy's workplace.
Here's an idea : Instead of sending some folks to 'Sensitivity Training' classes, how about sending the easily offended to some 'How to not to be So Freaking Senistive!' classes ...
Here's an idea : Instead of sending some folks to 'Sensitivity Training' classes, how about sending the easily offended to some 'How to not to be So Freaking Senistive!' classes ... >>
<< <i>A lot of you guys are way too serious. No wonder why we live in such a letigious world... >>
Agreed. The larger point is that even if the OP revs up the legal War Machine it won't change the fact that his underlings at work don't like him-- and it seems like that is the real problem. Also, once you get bunged up and start threatening legal action, etc., you give the guys who pulled the trick the exact thing they were looking for; and that's proof positive that this blow-up doll thing really got to you. If you just laughed it off and moved on they would be bitterly disappointed; and that, I think, would be far more gratifying then screwing around with a paper trail.
A man who knows who he is shouldn't be bothered by a stunt like this if it was staged by his moral inferiors. It's like getting PO's because a 7 year old calls you a fat ass. There's a point at which you've got to ask yourself, 'Who is going to look sillier-- the clowns who pulled the prank, or me for actually caring about it?'
To equate an insult from a 7-year-old with this kind of harrassment in the workplace is a very poor analogy. No one should be subjected to that kind of behavior in the workplace, and that's the bottom line here. There's a level of professionalism that should be maintained at work, and this grossly crosses the line from poor taste to harrassment, IMO.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>Wish some of you soft, drama queen types would have the opportunity to work construction, which is the backbone of our country, forat least a while.
Nevermind ... you'd never even make it to lunch hour of the first day ... >>
When I was the foreman of a roofing crew (a job I held off and on for about seven years)I had two incidents where employees actually requested that I meet them behind a homeowner's garage for a fist fight. And I cannot count the times I was called fat, or a f***ing retard, or a total g**amned moron, etc, etc-- all of which goes to show that if someone you have no respect for the person who calls you a name the entire issue is irrelevant. What do you care if an idiot doesn't like you? Heck, it's probably a sign that you're doing something right.
<< <i>To equate an insult from a 7-year-old with this kind of harrassment in the workplace is a very poor analogy. No one should be subjected to that kind of behavior in the workplace, and that's the bottom line here. There's a level of professionalism that should be maintained at work, and this grossly crosses the line from poor taste to harrassment, IMO. >>
Wrong. It's a fine analogy, in that in both cases you do yourself a great favor by ignoring the incident. It's only an insult if you respect the person who said it (or did it). Otherwise it's just more surface noise.
I don't think Spazzy is whinning. However, for our own good, it is a good asset to grow some thick skin. Some people have it better than others, that's for sure.
This incident was in the workplace in front of cameras--it was not appropriate. With all the stuff people are finding reason to open a lawsuit, Spazzy's case has more legitimacy in the broad scheme of things. I don't know if a lawsuit helps, but reporting it to HR or Hotline is the way to go. Even a lawsuit itself is very stressful regardless if things are going your way.
For what its worth: Be kind to everyone you run into. When something bad happens, you are likely to have more allies.
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve
<< <i>A lot of you guys are way too serious. No wonder why we live in such a letigious world... >>
Agreed. The larger point is that even if the OP revs up the legal War Machine it won't change the fact that his underlings at work don't like him-- and it seems like that is the real problem. Also, once you get bunged up and start threatening legal action, etc., you give the guys who pulled the trick the exact thing they were looking for; and that's proof positive that this blow-up doll thing really got to you. If you just laughed it off and moved on they would be bitterly disappointed; and that, I think, would be far more gratifying then screwing around with a paper trail.
A man who knows who he is shouldn't be bothered by a stunt like this if it was staged by his moral inferiors. It's like getting PO's because a 7 year old calls you a fat ass. There's a point at which you've got to ask yourself, 'Who is going to look sillier-- the clowns who pulled the prank, or me for actually caring about it?' >>
Great post. I couldn't agree more.
Spazzy, sorry this occured to you but why give in to the prankster and show him that it bothered you so much?
Sure, some comments and or actions probably shouldn't be permitted in the workplace, but many still do occur. You cannot police every aspect of your existence.
<< <i>To equate an insult from a 7-year-old with this kind of harrassment in the workplace is a very poor analogy. No one should be subjected to that kind of behavior in the workplace, and that's the bottom line here. There's a level of professionalism that should be maintained at work, and this grossly crosses the line from poor taste to harrassment, IMO. >>
I don't "technically" disagree with yours or Boo's points - both points have validity. But "gag gifts" are basically an acceptable part of gift giving at company office parties. I remember one time at a holiday office party a salesman received a box of pampers with a card implying that he use them. Everyone had a good laugh including the salesman. I could describe other gifts I've seen given out relating to a man's/woman's "size" and shape. These gifts are legally sold in department stores everywhere and some stores actually specialize in gifts such as these. Yes the gift was "altered" but from what I read here there wasn't any racial or religious connotation which would have made it unacceptable to basically everyone.
I know this might hurt your feelings as well, but grow up. You should have taken action or spoken up when it happened. The longer you wait to report it, the less likely any action will be taken. Unless you are trying to get some cash then legal action is stupid in this case. Otherwise just tell the guy that pulled the prank that you don't want him to get fired, but if he pulls anything like that again you will report him. Unless you want him to get fired that is. Just my .02
a company i worked for rented out a wing of Alltell Stadium for our Christmas party one year.. at one point the dj played 2LiveCrew "me so horny" and my female boss pulled me out to dance with her..
In all seriousness, if you aren't happy with your job, you may want to persue legal issues (after having used all internal channels first), especially since it was given to someone you supervise and was apparently given in group setting, something that would certainly not help your ability to command respect around the office. As mentioned though, while you might be able to get some $ out of it, you may have to look for a new profession, as you may not be able to stay in your current field if you pursue any suit. Sad, but true.
<< <i>a company i worked for rented out a wing of Alltell Stadium for our Christmas party one year.. at one point the dj played 2LiveCrew "me so horny" and my female boss pulled me out to dance with her..
i shouldve banged her, but i never pursued it.. >>
WTF Perry!! This is outrageous and totally unacceptable behaviour on your part. I am not sure I will ever be able to look at your posts in the same light again.
Perry....Edited to Add: Unless she was boot ugly, in which case you did the right thing.
As for is fine for others to tell him to toughen up, to laugh it off, etc., however, the man is obviously beyond that (otherwise it is most unlikely he would have exposed this prank on a public forum). I THINK he wants some retribution. Whether that retribution involves litigation, reporting the prankster to his supervisor(s), or giving the prankster a hefty kick in the nuts with steel-toed boots (or a whack in the kidneys with an axe handle) is not for others to decide. He came on here for advice....this includes the option of what to do in a legal vein should he opt to go that direction. Why critique him when he is simply asking for advice/options?
"I'm not saying I'm the best manager in the world, but I'm in the top one." Brian Clough
This post is the exact THING that is wrong with the USA...........
Frivelous lawsuits, and the proliferation of Lawyers (they are a dime a dozen and a new law school just opened up by me that lets anyone in who want to pay for it--cracker jack style lawyers)....
The waste of time, money and resources over People SUING over anything is sickening.....
the minute people brought up the word "suing" in this thread i lost it....
People Use the the justice system TO TRY AND LINE THEIR OWN POCKETS......very sad...
no wonder there are shortage of OB/GYN inmany states, as the malpractice insurance is around $300,000 a year..
The only lawyer commercials you hear are the AMBULANCE CHASERS...sickening...."HAVE YOU TAKEN VIOXX---CALL US YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO A LARGE SETTLEMENT"
They bought a joke christmas gift and everyone laughed at it, funny most thought it seemed...
some people have:
1. no sense of humor 2. extremely thin skin 3. personal issues ........ these things do not give people the right to initiate, and follow through with frivilous lawsuits....
by trimming that fat off the legal system (there needs to be WAY LESS LAW SCHOOLS) and stopping frivolous and "hurt feeling" lawsuits, American society would be better off, and resources could be more properly allocated.....
What a waste of taxpayer money in things such as this, the tax payers money would better serve society by investing in schools, liabraries and hospitals.....not paying for thousands of wasted hours in the courtroom over such trite stuff as this.....
should we spend resources on a blow up doll joke, or put the resources (money , time, effort) towards real things such as Sky Marshalls, FBI agents, national security officers....NO, our society today pays wasted hours to THE JUDGE, the clerk, the bailiff, the typist, and all the other government workers wasting their time on rediculous things highlighted in this thread....
lets get our priorities straight America....
remember, 30 years ago this is a NON ISSUE.......what has changed since then to make this any different?
<< <i>I have been pi##ed off for a few days now. I cant even concentrate on my card collecting... How can I get the company to understand this is wrong for anyone?I bring this problem to this board because I believe we are progressive. Do I have a case? >>
That is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. I can't even concentrate on my card collecting? WTF!
<< <i> no wonder there are shortage of OB/GYN inmany states, as the malpractice insurance is around $300,000 a year.. >>
Sort of a different issue, as lives are out stake, with both the mothers and the newborn children... Not that there isn't a problem that deserves fixing -- but a very different issue altogether.
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
<< <i>remember, 30 years ago this is a NON ISSUE.......what has changed since then to make this any different? >>
Yeah, my parents told me about those days.
Harassing was actually "friendly flirting", no meant yes (regardless of how much they kicked and screamed), and if a co-worker though you were gay (regardless if you were or were not), you had to suck up or start a fight.
All of this happened frequently and the so-called "victims" had no recourse.
I don't condone frivolous lawsuits but if this act was malicious, they should be punished.
On the other hand, if these guys are your buddies, you need to grow some thick skin.
/ soap box
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
The big politicians creating laws so that their lawyer buddies can get richer. And many lawyer politicians when they are eventually voted out of office, go back to their law practice to take advantage of the laws they have passed to further line their own pockets. Lawyers living in mansions with huge amounts of money in their bank accounts, while the working people are paying for it all. It's a terrible dilemma this country is in.
I'm not going to read all the replies before I say: Suck it up, Nancy. It was a joke. Quit being a pansy about it, and get even with an even better practical joke.
Speaking of blow up dolls---my going away gift from my previous company in California amongst other gifts was a blow up animal( gee, and you wonder why i left!!) as they new i was "single" at the time. That's o.k though, since i left their company is down 32%( i'll take credit for 20%) and i stole two of their employees. Payback is a b_tch.
<< <i>I'm not going to read all the replies before I say: Suck it up, Nancy. It was a joke. Quit being a pansy about it, and get even with an even better practical joke. >>
<< <i>I'm not going to read all the replies before I say: Suck it up, Nancy. It was a joke. Quit being a pansy about it, and get even with an even better practical joke. >>
All this talk about lawyers reminds me of the last time I was at the court house. There was a guy out front yelling to everyone that would walk by "All Lawyers are A**holes!! You show me a lawyer and I'll show you an a**hole!!!" I calmly walked up to him and asked him if he would stop because he is offending me. He looked at me and said "why are you a lawyer??!!" I replyed "No I'm an a**hole!"
Sorry I couldn't resist, Spazy I hope everything works out.
Collect Ozzie Guillen Cards Unique Chicago Cards Wrestling Cards
ive got the solution! you should take the case to Judge Judy so you can be on TV.. just make sure to give some CU shout outs, and drop some names.. $100 if you work in the name "pandrews" on Judge Judy..
i can even go as your witness that you havent been being able to concentrate on your card collecting since the event..
We can stop with the BS and get straight to the point. Are you friends with these people or not?
If y'all are buddies, it was a joke.. Get over it and get even.
If not AND you are their superior, no ifs ands or buts, fire his arse with a smile
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
I'm not a lawyer, but I did spend five years as a director of human resources for a sizable company dealing with weenies who couldn't take a joke. Here's my advice. Grow a skin and get over yourself. There's plenty of REAL workplace harrassment that goes on, and petty complaints like this distract from handling issues that actually have merit.
I am a lawyer also. While I do not practice in this area, my sister is one of the best sexual harassment lawyers in the state of Rhode Island. Unlike a personal injury or contract case, you do not need actual damages to have a good case. Please PM me and I will try to lead you down the correct path.
It's not worth getting bammed. May I suggest a quick little edit
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
I recently sat on a jury for a sexual harassment case. At least in CA, you would be alleging "hostile work environment" which essentially means your supervisor or coworkers made your job unreasonably unpleasant in a sexual way. I believe you would have virtually no case against your company if you do not report the incident through all the proper channels - the company will say they cannot discipline anyone if the incident is not properly brought to their attention and you should be suing the rogue managers. Even if you do report it, your case seems pretty weak (in comparison to the case I sat for) in that the alleged hostility hasn't caused you to quit, which could suggest to a jury that the environment is not intolerable.
It was technically possible under the law to award punitive damages for extremely shocking behavior, however, the jury I was on ruled quickly punitive dames out on facts arguably more egregious than your own (comments made about the plainitff's sexual orientation by the plaintiff's immediate supervisiors caused her to go to therapy for many months before she was fired, possibly for reporting the incident, and to be too depressed to look for work for 6 months). You do not seem to have much or any actual damages at this point. Like others have said, you can talk to a lawyer in your state, but keep this in mind - in my state, if the plaintiff gets even $1, the defendant has to pay the plaintiff's lawyers fees, so just because a lawyer wants to take your case does not mean he anticipates a large recovery. We awarded $40k based on the time the plaintiff was too depressed to work and I think her lawyer recovered around $1 million in fees for the case which took two years to get to court.
<<< so just because a lawyer wants to take your case does not mean he anticipates a large recovery. We awarded $40k based on the time the plaintiff was too depressed to work and I think her lawyer recovered around $1 million in fees for the case which took two years to get to court. >>>
Oh poor baby - this lawyer "only" got a million dollars. He'll have trouble making payments now on his fifth summer home in Palm Springs on this paltry sum. And I'm sure this attorney had loads of expenses such as maybe 40 hours worth of paralegal time at $20 an hour. An $800 investment turned into a million dollars, and we all get to pay for it, over and over again!
These settlements need to be capped and lawyer fees need to be capped - ASAP!!!!!
Wow!!!Thanks for all your inputs..The first thing I did at work today was to call out the persons involved with the store management and made them aware that is/was harrasement. We then documented the incident. There are a few more calls to be made and I hope to update everyone as it progresses. I have decided I do not want to burn bridges but I want a point to be made of this so it does not happen to others. I think that both can be accomplished.....Spazzy
Oh poor baby - this lawyer "only" got a million dollars. He'll have trouble making payments now on his fifth summer home in Palm Springs on this paltry sum. And I'm sure this attorney had loads of expenses such as maybe 40 hours worth of paralegal time at $20 an hour. An $800 investment turned into a million dollars, and we all get to pay for it, over and over again!
spoken like a true non-lawyer. What's the matter, couldn't get into lawschool?
<< <i>Oh poor baby - this lawyer "only" got a million dollars. He'll have trouble making payments now on his fifth summer home in Palm Springs on this paltry sum. And I'm sure this attorney had loads of expenses such as maybe 40 hours worth of paralegal time at $20 an hour. An $800 investment turned into a million dollars, and we all get to pay for it, over and over again!
spoken like a true non-lawyer. What's the matter, couldn't get into lawschool? >>
Where do you work? Dewey Cheatem and Howe?
I have said that I was anti-"scumbag lawyer" not anti-lawyer. Someone like Erin Brockovich working for her law firm and doing what she did was a terrific thing. And "everybody" complains about lawyers until they need one. But everybody knows what "scumbag lawyer" means and there are way too many of them out there extorting money through the legal system, and something needs to be done about it. Stiffer criminal penalties as well as severe civil penalties towards these type of lawyers would be a good start.
My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 2 (2003). My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 17 on December 31, 2009. We were stunned that another child of ours had been diagnosed. Please, if you don't have a favorite charity, consider giving to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
This is a difficult situation Spazzy. I am not really certain that I can shed any advice that has not previously been given, but as a member of this fraternity I feel compelled to reply.
It takes a brave person to disclose this sort of thing publicly, so I applaud you for that.
You should certainly speak with your supervisor(s) about this, and do make sure a detailed paper trail is left. This will be necessary not only should you opt to pursue the matter further, but also to help establish a pattern if something similar were to happen in the future with this co-worker.
Also, consult an attorney asap. You never know, perhaps you do have legal ground on which to stand. I am not sure how the law works in your jurisdiction, but you are obviously distressed by this (only you will eventually know the extent of this distress), so you should make preparations.
If you chose to take the vigilante route suggested by others then I recommend a dark balaclava and a steel-toed boots.
Either way, I wish you the best.
Think I'd feel kind of flattered that the folks at work
would go to all that effort just to play a rather funny practical joke on me.
Obviously, there's a lot more going on here if you took it as a mean-spirited insult.
Feel bad for you spazzy if it hurt you enough to make the post. My heart goes out to you!
Yet, nobody here knows the dynamics of the interpersonal relationships going on at spazzy's workplace.
Here's an idea : Instead of sending some folks to 'Sensitivity Training' classes,
how about sending the easily offended to some 'How to not to be So Freaking Senistive!' classes ...
"How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
<< <i>
Here's an idea : Instead of sending some folks to 'Sensitivity Training' classes,
how about sending the easily offended to some 'How to not to be So Freaking Senistive!' classes ... >>
Well put, sir.
<< <i>A lot of you guys are way too serious. No wonder why we live in such a letigious world... >>
Agreed. The larger point is that even if the OP revs up the legal War Machine it won't change the fact that his underlings at work don't like him-- and it seems like that is the real problem. Also, once you get bunged up and start threatening legal action, etc., you give the guys who pulled the trick the exact thing they were looking for; and that's proof positive that this blow-up doll thing really got to you. If you just laughed it off and moved on they would be bitterly disappointed; and that, I think, would be far more gratifying then screwing around with a paper trail.
A man who knows who he is shouldn't be bothered by a stunt like this if it was staged by his moral inferiors. It's like getting PO's because a 7 year old calls you a fat ass. There's a point at which you've got to ask yourself, 'Who is going to look sillier-- the clowns who pulled the prank, or me for actually caring about it?'
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Wish some of you soft, drama queen types would have the opportunity
to work construction, which is the backbone of our country, forat least a while.
Nevermind ... you'd never even make it to lunch hour of the first day ...
"How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
Did I miss this? How did you find out about this?
<< <i>Wish some of you soft, drama queen types would have the opportunity
to work construction, which is the backbone of our country, forat least a while.
Nevermind ... you'd never even make it to lunch hour of the first day ...
When I was the foreman of a roofing crew (a job I held off and on for about seven years)I had two incidents where employees actually requested that I meet them behind a homeowner's garage for a fist fight. And I cannot count the times I was called fat, or a f***ing retard, or a total g**amned moron, etc, etc-- all of which goes to show that if someone you have no respect for the person who calls you a name the entire issue is irrelevant. What do you care if an idiot doesn't like you? Heck, it's probably a sign that you're doing something right.
<< <i>To equate an insult from a 7-year-old with this kind of harrassment in the workplace is a very poor analogy. No one should be subjected to that kind of behavior in the workplace, and that's the bottom line here. There's a level of professionalism that should be maintained at work, and this grossly crosses the line from poor taste to harrassment, IMO. >>
Wrong. It's a fine analogy, in that in both cases you do yourself a great favor by ignoring the incident. It's only an insult if you respect the person who said it (or did it). Otherwise it's just more surface noise.
Stone : somehow, yet once again you are responsible for all this inhumanity towards mankind.
Shame on you!
"How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
At last a voice of reason amongt all the whining ...
had to edit whinning into whining because it just didn't look right the other way ...
"How about a little fire Scarecrow ?"
This incident was in the workplace in front of cameras--it was not appropriate. With all the stuff people are finding reason to open a lawsuit, Spazzy's case has more legitimacy in the broad scheme of things. I don't know if a lawsuit helps, but reporting it to HR or Hotline is the way to go. Even a lawsuit itself is very stressful regardless if things are going your way.
For what its worth: Be kind to everyone you run into. When something bad happens, you are likely to have more allies.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
<< <i>
<< <i>A lot of you guys are way too serious. No wonder why we live in such a letigious world... >>
Agreed. The larger point is that even if the OP revs up the legal War Machine it won't change the fact that his underlings at work don't like him-- and it seems like that is the real problem. Also, once you get bunged up and start threatening legal action, etc., you give the guys who pulled the trick the exact thing they were looking for; and that's proof positive that this blow-up doll thing really got to you. If you just laughed it off and moved on they would be bitterly disappointed; and that, I think, would be far more gratifying then screwing around with a paper trail.
A man who knows who he is shouldn't be bothered by a stunt like this if it was staged by his moral inferiors. It's like getting PO's because a 7 year old calls you a fat ass. There's a point at which you've got to ask yourself, 'Who is going to look sillier-- the clowns who pulled the prank, or me for actually caring about it?' >>
Great post. I couldn't agree more.
Spazzy, sorry this occured to you but why give in to the
prankster and show him that it bothered you so much?
Sure, some comments and or actions probably shouldn't
be permitted in the workplace, but many still do occur. You cannot police every aspect of your existence.
<< <i>To equate an insult from a 7-year-old with this kind of harrassment in the workplace is a very poor analogy. No one should be subjected to that kind of behavior in the workplace, and that's the bottom line here. There's a level of professionalism that should be maintained at work, and this grossly crosses the line from poor taste to harrassment, IMO. >>
I don't "technically" disagree with yours or Boo's points - both points have validity. But "gag gifts" are basically an acceptable part of gift giving at company office parties. I remember one time at a holiday office party a salesman received a box of pampers with a card implying that he use them. Everyone had a good laugh including the salesman. I could describe other gifts I've seen given out relating to a man's/woman's "size" and shape. These gifts are legally sold in department stores everywhere and some stores actually specialize in gifts such as these. Yes the gift was "altered" but from what I read here there wasn't any racial or religious connotation which would have made it unacceptable to basically everyone.
i shouldve banged her, but i never pursued it..
I'd have hit it.
R. Kelly
In all seriousness, if you aren't happy with your job, you may want to persue legal issues (after having used all internal channels first), especially since it was given to someone you supervise and was apparently given in group setting, something that would certainly not help your ability to command respect around the office. As mentioned though, while you might be able to get some $ out of it, you may have to look for a new profession, as you may not be able to stay in your current field if you pursue any suit. Sad, but true.
<< <i>a company i worked for rented out a wing of Alltell Stadium for our Christmas party one year.. at one point the dj played 2LiveCrew "me so horny" and my female boss pulled me out to dance with her..
i shouldve banged her, but i never pursued it.. >>
Perry....Edited to Add: Unless she was boot ugly, in which case you did the right thing.
As for is fine for others to tell him to toughen up, to laugh it off, etc., however, the man is obviously beyond that (otherwise it is most unlikely he would have exposed this prank on a public forum). I THINK he wants some retribution. Whether that retribution involves litigation, reporting the prankster to his supervisor(s), or giving the prankster a hefty kick in the nuts with steel-toed boots (or a whack in the kidneys with an axe handle) is not for others to decide. He came on here for advice....this includes the option of what to do in a legal vein should he opt to go that direction. Why critique him when he is simply asking for advice/options?
Frivelous lawsuits, and the proliferation of Lawyers (they are a dime a dozen and a new law school just opened up by me that lets anyone in who want to pay for it--cracker jack style lawyers)....
The waste of time, money and resources over People SUING over anything is sickening.....
the minute people brought up the word "suing" in this thread i lost it....
People Use the the justice system TO TRY AND LINE THEIR OWN POCKETS......very sad...
no wonder there are shortage of OB/GYN inmany states, as the malpractice insurance is around $300,000 a year..
The only lawyer commercials you hear are the AMBULANCE CHASERS...sickening...."HAVE YOU TAKEN VIOXX---CALL US YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO A LARGE SETTLEMENT"
They bought a joke christmas gift and everyone laughed at it, funny most thought it seemed...
some people have:
1. no sense of humor
2. extremely thin skin
3. personal issues ........ these things do not give people the right to initiate, and follow through with frivilous lawsuits....
by trimming that fat off the legal system (there needs to be WAY LESS LAW SCHOOLS) and stopping frivolous and "hurt feeling" lawsuits, American society would be better off, and resources could be more properly allocated.....
What a waste of taxpayer money in things such as this, the tax payers money would better serve society by investing in schools, liabraries and hospitals.....not paying for thousands of wasted hours in the courtroom over such trite stuff as this.....
should we spend resources on a blow up doll joke, or put the resources (money , time, effort) towards real things such as Sky Marshalls, FBI agents, national security officers....NO, our society today pays wasted hours to THE JUDGE, the clerk, the bailiff, the typist, and all the other government workers wasting their time on rediculous things highlighted in this thread....
lets get our priorities straight America....
remember, 30 years ago this is a NON ISSUE.......what has changed since then to make this any different?
1 thing has changed --more lawyers
<< <i>I have been pi##ed off for a few days now. I cant even concentrate on my card collecting... How can I get the company to understand this is wrong for anyone?I bring this problem to this board because I believe we are progressive. Do I have a case? >>
That is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. I can't even concentrate on my card collecting? WTF!
Grow up.
<< <i>
no wonder there are shortage of OB/GYN inmany states, as the malpractice insurance is around $300,000 a year..
Sort of a different issue, as lives are out stake, with both the mothers and the newborn children... Not that there isn't a problem that deserves fixing -- but a very different issue altogether.
<< <i>remember, 30 years ago this is a NON ISSUE.......what has changed since then to make this any different? >>
Yeah, my parents told me about those days.
Harassing was actually "friendly flirting", no meant yes (regardless of how much they kicked and screamed), and if a co-worker though you were gay (regardless if you were or were not), you had to suck up or start a fight.
All of this happened frequently and the so-called "victims" had no recourse.
I don't condone frivolous lawsuits but if this act was malicious, they should be punished.
On the other hand, if these guys are your buddies, you need to grow some thick skin.
/ soap box
Member SSOF
Speaking of blow up dolls---my going away gift from my previous company in California amongst other gifts was a blow up animal( gee, and you wonder why i left!!) as they new i was "single" at the time. That's o.k though, since i left their company is down 32%( i'll take credit for 20%) and i stole two of their employees. Payback is a b_tch.
<< <i>I'm not going to read all the replies before I say: Suck it up, Nancy. It was a joke. Quit being a pansy about it, and get even with an even better practical joke. >>
Gift for the Wicked Co-Worker
<< <i>I'm not going to read all the replies before I say: Suck it up, Nancy. It was a joke. Quit being a pansy about it, and get even with an even better practical joke. >>
<< <i>Just when u think things can get no worse! Don't worry, they can!
Do these blow-up dolls look like Phil Helmuth, the professional poker player, or what?
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
Sorry I couldn't resist, Spazy I hope everything works out.
Unique Chicago Cards
Wrestling Cards
if not you are an idiot, get over it.
how stupid are you to sit and stew for days.
grow a set and say something. if you did and let your feelings known i bet nothing like it ever happens again.
go ahead and sue. it's what you are looking to do anyway.
you are just coming on here to try and find justification to sue over something so stupid.
i'm betting a lot of "sexual harassment" type things go on around your place of business.
you never speak up and probably participate from time to time.
now that the joke is on you, you act like a whiny little baby and want to sue and make life hell for as many
people as you can.
at least that's what i get from reading your post and the first page.
i'm not reading the whole thing.
they hurt my feelings..... waaaaaaah!
oh the mental anguish. i feel so degraded. whoa is me.
give me a break.
but alas, if you did sue you would prolly win.
how i wish i could be part of that jury.
by the way, they are making fun of you in other places.
and what exactly does this have to do with COLLECTING anything?
seems a bit OFF TOPIC if you ask me.
they closed that forum.
why is this worthless thread allowed to go on and on and on?
heeellloooooo..... dark forum overlords.
hi, i'm tom.
i do not doctor coins like some who post in here.
i can even go as your witness that you havent been being able to concentrate on your card collecting since the event..
<< <i>Stone : somehow, yet once again you are responsible for all this inhumanity towards mankind.
Shame on you! >>
It's what I do Wolfie.
15 Yd Penalty!!!
Piling on!
Your lack of a response is puzzling.
We can stop with the BS and get straight to the point. Are you friends with these people or not?
If y'all are buddies, it was a joke.. Get over it and get even.
If not AND you are their superior, no ifs ands or buts, fire his arse with a smile
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>but I did spend five years as a director of human resources for a sizable company dealing with weenies who couldn't take a joke.
Russ, NCNE >>
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
It was technically possible under the law to award punitive damages for extremely shocking behavior, however, the jury I was on ruled quickly punitive dames out on facts arguably more egregious than your own (comments made about the plainitff's sexual orientation by the plaintiff's immediate supervisiors caused her to go to therapy for many months before she was fired, possibly for reporting the incident, and to be too depressed to look for work for 6 months). You do not seem to have much or any actual damages at this point. Like others have said, you can talk to a lawyer in your state, but keep this in mind - in my state, if the plaintiff gets even $1, the defendant has to pay the plaintiff's lawyers fees, so just because a lawyer wants to take your case does not mean he anticipates a large recovery. We awarded $40k based on the time the plaintiff was too depressed to work and I think her lawyer recovered around $1 million in fees for the case which took two years to get to court.
Oh poor baby - this lawyer "only" got a million dollars. He'll have trouble making payments now on his fifth summer home in Palm Springs on this paltry sum. And I'm sure this attorney had loads of expenses such as maybe 40 hours worth of paralegal time at $20 an hour. An $800 investment turned into a million dollars, and we all get to pay for it, over and over again!
These settlements need to be capped and lawyer fees need to be capped - ASAP!!!!!
Oh poor baby - this lawyer "only" got a million dollars. He'll have trouble making payments now on his fifth summer home in Palm Springs on this paltry sum. And I'm sure this attorney had loads of expenses such as maybe 40 hours worth of paralegal time at $20 an hour. An $800 investment turned into a million dollars, and we all get to pay for it, over and over again!
spoken like a true non-lawyer. What's the matter, couldn't get into lawschool?
<< <i>Oh poor baby - this lawyer "only" got a million dollars. He'll have trouble making payments now on his fifth summer home in Palm Springs on this paltry sum. And I'm sure this attorney had loads of expenses such as maybe 40 hours worth of paralegal time at $20 an hour. An $800 investment turned into a million dollars, and we all get to pay for it, over and over again!
spoken like a true non-lawyer. What's the matter, couldn't get into lawschool? >>
Where do you work? Dewey Cheatem and Howe?
I have said that I was anti-"scumbag lawyer" not anti-lawyer. Someone like Erin Brockovich working for her law firm and doing what she did was a terrific thing. And "everybody" complains about lawyers until they need one. But everybody knows what "scumbag lawyer" means and there are way too many of them out there extorting money through the legal system, and something needs to be done about it. Stiffer criminal penalties as well as severe civil penalties towards these type of lawyers would be a good start.
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