<< <i>I understand it now - pandrews has nothing better to do with his time than bait people on a baseball card message board on a saturday night. I am here becasue I have the flu and enjoy time with my kids. What other reason do you have. What a deusche. >>
what? is that seriously the insult you are going to use against me? did you notice that i hadnt posted for 2 hours when you said that? im just now logging back on and its 130am..
oh, but anyway, so youre insulting me by saying i have nothing better to do than post on a forum on saturday night, but wait, what are YOU doing? youre the one posting, not me.. i wasnt even home..
oh yeah thats right, you said youre enjoying time with the kids.. i bet you're bouncing your kids on your knees as you type messages here on CU, right? nothing goes better with children than THE FLU.. you genius..
<< <i>Stone you may have missed the post pandrews made above in this page with my original message quoted. You call this guy a beacon of reason. I used to think you were. >>
hey dipchit, considering dgf named me in his first post of this thread, you insinuated i was a "dumbass" in your first post.. if thats not what you were insinuating, then it really shows a lack of intelligence and observation on your part that you didnt even know who the hell you were calling a "dumbass"..
<< <i>I have to apologize. I did not see the www.dgfnuthugger.com reference. All I know is Perry is a good guy. He speaks his mind. I would rather have friends like him than friends that are afraid to say how they really feel
Matt >>
he insinuated i was a dumbass and he hugged DGF's nuts all in his first post.. he said "spam me all you want, dgf"..
<< <i>I can only guess , Stone that you missed his pejorative remarks about me. Either way I really enjoy dgf's photos and your opinions, but I can't believe anything this guy has said here on this thread shows him to be someone who's opinion I'd value. Of course I could be wrong but my response is to react when my messages are quoted and clowned. >>
<< <i>Don't worry about the (very few) dumbasses here - we've seen them come and go >>
I'm pretty sure Pandrews took it personal when you seem to referring to him as a dumbass?
mike >>
exactly Mike.. as would anybody else with common sense..
<< <i>Stone, it's obvious this guy is your friend and I must be wrong getting a little angered by referred to the way he characterized my comments. The 'dumbass' reference was for any idiot who decides to take cheap shots without provocation, if pandrews felt he was the one then so be it. >>
once again dipchit, of course i was the one you meant when you said "dumbass", considering my name was mentioned in dgf's post..
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
<< <i>I understand it now - pandrews has nothing better to do with his time than bait people on a baseball card message board on a saturday night. I am here becasue I have the flu and enjoy time with my kids. What other reason do you have. What a deusche. >>
True enough, but what fun would the Internet be without prejorative characterizations? Look at the sports talk forum-- you can't go 5 posts in there without someone calling someone else a 'dope'.
Anyway, I agree with what Phil said about reserve auctions. They're for weenies. And I don't think it's one in ten that ends up garnering a higher hammer price-- by virtue of some 'bidding frenzy'-- then you would get by just starting the min. bid at the lowest price you'll take for the card. >>
No offense, but you lost a great deal of respect I had for you when you made your comments about the forum and lumped me in with certain other trouble makers.
You are rarely in the sports forum, or at least not nearly enough to see who and who isnt the trouble makers. I stay away from 98% of the nonsense in there and elsewhere, and because you happen to catch a couple of threads where I was provoked or bashed and responded accordingly you went ahead and threw my name out as one of the bad guys who bring the place down. I cant recall the wording you used, nor do I wish to track down the comments. They were wrong at the time, and I suggest in the future you think before you speak. At the very least get your facts in order before throwing someones name out there like you did mine.
"The other teams could make trouble for us if they win." -- Yogi Berra
dgf started the trouble last night with his whining about nobody buying his pictures and calling out the Brett Butler collector who was kind enough to compliment him.. >>
The Butler collector is me, and here is exactly what I posted in this thread.
<< <i>speaking of Braves photos, I just had this pop up on my Brett Butler search. Me like! >>
After reading through the thread that Perry keeps referencing to, I have to wonder why it is that I was singled out for complimenting you a great picture. "me like" doesn't mean "me gonna buy". I saw the pic in my search, had a look (8X10 Butler pics come up all the time - I look at 'em all) and saw who the seller was. "I know that dude!" - logged on and passed on a compliment.
So, are you insinuating that just because your picture popped up on my Brett Butler search that I am obligated to buy it? Phil, I could care less how much you paid for the neg, how long you worked on cleaning it up, or whether or not you take PayPal. I buy plenty of things that require a money order - it doesn't bother me at all. The point is, if the picture had fit my collection, I would have bought it. It doesn't, so I didn't. Also, whether or not it fit my collection doesn't mean that I didn't think it was an absolutely knockout picture of Butler - I still hold that opinion.
<< <i>What, exactly, was he looking for when he typed in "Brett Butler" anyway? It's his world, he's entitled to do whatever he wants, but that's just goofy. How many cards does Brett have? None are difficult to obtain. Theres game used equipment, I guess. I mean how many unique Butler items are there??? I would venture that the image I posted last week that went bidless is the rarest Brett butler item listed on eBay in history >>
For your info, there are something in the neighborhood of 600 or so unique Butler cards in existence. Add on uncatalogued stuff (proofs, errors, promos & the like), plus TTM and IP autos, plus graded stuff, and there has been quite a bit of stuff to go after. Many have proven to be extremely difficult to track down, and some are still proving to be quite elusive. Right now my Butler collection stands at 621 different cards, with a 95% completion of his catalogued cards. Like every collector, my goal is 100% There are some quite rare cards that I'll probably never own - I've never even seen them offered anywhere, and believe me, I look.
To close, I'm not at all sure why you felt that you needed to single me out and mock an area of my collection. I like to think I'm a pretty non-confrontational guy here at CU, so writing something like this makes me a little uncomfortable. Phil, as far as I'm concerned, you should keep posting your photos. I've enjoyed every one of them - they are stunning in their clarity, beauty and historical significance. Stay away from talking smack about who, or what, or why, or how people collect. We are a varied, interesting group of people here - our reasons for collecting are just as varied and interesting.
was i the only one who thought phil's last name really was frazier? next i'll find out that he doesnt look like his avatar. keep postin the pics! i'm finishing my coffee
Nice post and it didn't even garner a public apology, wow! For that reason alone I want to let you know that you are backed by me. In short, collect and buy what you want. Why should someone treat you like a second class citizen because you don't necessarily like what they liked? Amazing.
My sets: 1977 Topps Star Wars - "Space Swashbucklers"
<< <i>I understand it now - pandrews has nothing better to do with his time than bait people on a baseball card message board on a saturday night. I am here becasue I have the flu and enjoy time with my kids. What other reason do you have. What a deusche. >>
what? is that seriously the insult you are going to use against me? did you notice that i hadnt posted for 2 hours when you said that? im just now logging back on and its 130am..
oh, but anyway, so youre insulting me by saying i have nothing better to do than post on a forum on saturday night, but wait, what are YOU doing? youre the one posting, not me.. i wasnt even home..
oh yeah thats right, you said youre enjoying time with the kids.. i bet you're bouncing your kids on your knees as you type messages here on CU, right? nothing goes better with children than THE FLU.. you genius..
<< <i>Not cool. Thats not what he does and he surely does not need to be called names.
matt >>
thank you Matt..
(he's welcome to call me names though)
<< <i>Stone you may have missed the post pandrews made above in this page with my original message quoted. You call this guy a beacon of reason. I used to think you were. >>
hey dipchit, considering dgf named me in his first post of this thread, you insinuated i was a "dumbass" in your first post.. if thats not what you were insinuating, then it really shows a lack of intelligence and observation on your part that you didnt even know who the hell you were calling a "dumbass"..
<< <i>I have to apologize. I did not see the www.dgfnuthugger.com reference. All I know is Perry is a good guy. He speaks his mind. I would rather have friends like him than friends that are afraid to say how they really feel
Matt >>
he insinuated i was a dumbass and he hugged DGF's nuts all in his first post.. he said "spam me all you want, dgf"..
<< <i>
<< <i>I can only guess , Stone that you missed his pejorative remarks about me. Either way I really enjoy dgf's photos and your opinions, but I can't believe anything this guy has said here on this thread shows him to be someone who's opinion I'd value. Of course I could be wrong but my response is to react when my messages are quoted and clowned. >>
<< <i>Don't worry about the (very few) dumbasses here - we've seen them come and go >>
I'm pretty sure Pandrews took it personal when you seem to referring to him as a dumbass?
mike >>
exactly Mike.. as would anybody else with common sense..
<< <i>Stone, it's obvious this guy is your friend and I must be wrong getting a little angered by referred to the way he characterized my comments. The 'dumbass' reference was for any idiot who decides to take cheap shots without provocation, if pandrews felt he was the one then so be it. >>
once again dipchit, of course i was the one you meant when you said "dumbass", considering my name was mentioned in dgf's post..
<< <i>Post padder
i had to reply to all of "daddyrich's" posts that he made while i was gone.. it was fun..
<< <i>I understand it now - pandrews has nothing better to do with his time than bait people on a baseball card message board on a saturday night. I am here becasue I have the flu and enjoy time with my kids. What other reason do you have. What a deusche. >>
Hey, I didn't know Perry is German!
Rock on.
<< <i>
True enough, but what fun would the Internet be without prejorative characterizations? Look at the sports talk forum-- you can't go 5 posts in there without someone calling someone else a 'dope'.
Anyway, I agree with what Phil said about reserve auctions. They're for weenies. And I don't think it's one in ten that ends up garnering a higher hammer price-- by virtue of some 'bidding frenzy'-- then you would get by just starting the min. bid at the lowest price you'll take for the card. >>
No offense, but you lost a great deal of respect I had for you when you made your comments about the forum and lumped me in with certain other trouble makers.
You are rarely in the sports forum, or at least not nearly enough to see who and who isnt the trouble makers. I stay away from 98% of the nonsense in there and elsewhere, and because you happen to catch a couple of threads where I was provoked or bashed and responded accordingly you went ahead and threw my name out as one of the bad guys who bring the place down. I cant recall the wording you used, nor do I wish to track down the comments. They were wrong at the time, and I suggest in the future you think before you speak. At the very least get your facts in order before throwing someones name out there like you did mine.
-- Yogi Berra
<< <i>
<< <i>Why people continue to get so up in arms about something as innocuous as this is beyond me (and you know you are). >>
have you read any of his posts?.. seems that he is the one getting all "up in arms" and going looney..
<< <i>Shocking (not really) the same clowns who always start crap are the ones running their yaps here (again, you know who you are). >>
come on now axtell, you've got a thread in your honor on the sports forum right now titled "Just another thread ruined by Axtell. One of many.".. and you're calling other people troublemakers?
dgf started the trouble last night with his whining about nobody buying his pictures and calling out the Brett Butler collector who was kind enough to compliment him.. >>
The Butler collector is me, and here is exactly what I posted in this thread.
<< <i>speaking of Braves photos, I just had this pop up on my Brett Butler search. Me like! >>
After reading through the thread that Perry keeps referencing to, I have to wonder why it is that I was singled out for complimenting you a great picture. "me like" doesn't mean "me gonna buy". I saw the pic in my search, had a look (8X10 Butler pics come up all the time - I look at 'em all) and saw who the seller was. "I know that dude!" - logged on and passed on a compliment.
So, are you insinuating that just because your picture popped up on my Brett Butler search that I am obligated to buy it? Phil, I could care less how much you paid for the neg, how long you worked on cleaning it up, or whether or not you take PayPal. I buy plenty of things that require a money order - it doesn't bother me at all. The point is, if the picture had fit my collection, I would have bought it. It doesn't, so I didn't. Also, whether or not it fit my collection doesn't mean that I didn't think it was an absolutely knockout picture of Butler - I still hold that opinion.
<< <i>What, exactly, was he looking for when he typed in "Brett Butler" anyway? It's his world, he's entitled to do whatever he wants, but that's just goofy. How many cards does Brett have? None are difficult to obtain. Theres game used equipment, I guess. I mean how many unique Butler items are there??? I would venture that the image I posted last week that went bidless is the rarest Brett butler item listed on eBay in history >>
For your info, there are something in the neighborhood of 600 or so unique Butler cards in existence. Add on uncatalogued stuff (proofs, errors, promos & the like), plus TTM and IP autos, plus graded stuff, and there has been quite a bit of stuff to go after. Many have proven to be extremely difficult to track down, and some are still proving to be quite elusive. Right now my Butler collection stands at 621 different cards, with a 95% completion of his catalogued cards. Like every collector, my goal is 100% There are some quite rare cards that I'll probably never own - I've never even seen them offered anywhere, and believe me, I look.
To close, I'm not at all sure why you felt that you needed to single me out and mock an area of my collection. I like to think I'm a pretty non-confrontational guy here at CU, so writing something like this makes me a little uncomfortable. Phil, as far as I'm concerned, you should keep posting your photos. I've enjoyed every one of them - they are stunning in their clarity, beauty and historical significance. Stay away from talking smack about who, or what, or why, or how people collect. We are a varied, interesting group of people here - our reasons for collecting are just as varied and interesting.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
hmmmm hmm
keep postin the pics!
i'm finishing my coffee
Nice post and it didn't even garner a public apology, wow! For that reason alone I want to let you know that you are backed by me. In short, collect and buy what you want. Why should someone treat you like a second class citizen because you don't necessarily like what they liked? Amazing.
1977 Topps Star Wars - "Space Swashbucklers"