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Should oddball be tossed from these threads?



  • Axtell, your signature line is as bad as oddball's.
  • rbdjr1rbdjr1 Posts: 4,474 ✭✭
    Thats it! We just can't take it any more!

    A Protest in the Park for more PSA 10s!

    Please join us at the Palm Beach Park for a Larry Brown PSA 9 slab burning at 12 noon! Free near beer plus Beckett grading submission forms will be passed-out to all. Pro and Gem company representatives will also be there, passing out free informational phamplets on how to spot true gems and getting them graded and slabbed right away in the park while u wait! image


    Drop it like it's hot. Not PSA 9s! Bring back those PSA 10s!
    "One man's slab is another man's coffin!"

  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    To condone that kind of behavior, freedoms or not, only will tell you the kind of man you are....or are not.

    Trash like that is intolerable whether it be on message boards or in your face. Him being kicked off these boards was justice served.

    Zef, you have a great attitude taking into account that this is an internet message board....most people like that would never have the stones to say that to your face. Idiots get brave hiding behind their computers.

    Keep rockin
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>What's the matter Ax?

    Was oddball your alt id?

    Can you please tell me where I defended his actions? I simply was saying he had the right to have that logo in his signature line.

    << <i>If I was in the situation 5stat was in I would have done the same thing. If those kids grandmothers were sitting there they would have showed more respect. So why not show the same respect to your neighbors grandmother?

    My opinion is you are way off base here and in the minority.

    Bob C. >>

    So because I am in the minority I have to shut up and not have an opinion? Get real.

    << <i>Ax

    This is one time I think it's best you not speak from what you have not read.

    Look, I wasn't defending what he said, and I said as such in my post. I said specifically that I didn't see what he had posted, but, from the comments in reaction to it, it seemed completely out of line. I was simply speaking to his unpopular choice of photo in his sig line.

    << <i> Axtell, your signature line is as bad as oddball's. >>

    And I'll respectfully tell you that I don't care what you think about my signature line. Don't like it? Don't read it. It's actually a pretty simple concept that busibodies seem to forget when they want to enforce their opinions on everyone else.


    I truly am sorry that someone would deface your beautiful wife with comments that were completely uncalled for and just ugly. It's unfortunate that these board trolls get their jollies out of insulting others because their own lives are so miserable. Good luck to you.
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    << <i>Zef-

    I truly am sorry that someone would deface your beautiful wife with comments that were completely uncalled for and just ugly. It's unfortunate that these board trolls get their jollies out of insulting others because their own lives are so miserable. Good luck to you. >>

    Thanks Ax, and I agree with you. It's a shame that I wanted to share with my friends, and someone who wasn't my friend tried to sabotage.

    Listen, I know she isn't heroine addict thin like Kate Moss. That's not what I like. She's perfect for me and my taste of looks. Combined with she is the sweetest person you'd ever meet and genuinely cares about me, her family and my family. I couldn't have chose a better wife and I know she'll be a great mom. I have found happiness. I feel sorry for guys like oddball that haven't found it, but I do know, it’s not because the good girls aren't out there.

    My Auctions
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>wow ignorance really does run rampant... >>

    5stat, meet axtell..

    she thinks pictures of bars, butts and boobs are unsuitable for a companies website, but believe upside down American flags and anti-American propoganda should be perfectly fine and should be protected by the freedom of speech, even here on CU..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Had he said that to me in bar, he would have had a hard time bending over to pick up his teeth with broken fingers and a pool cue sticking out of his a$$. >>

    +1 for lost teeth, broken bones and pool cues..
  • Wait a minute!

    Did Ax just call someone a troll????


    That was a good one. You crack me up dude.

    Bob C.
    57 Topps (83%) 7.61
    61 Topps (100%) 7.96
    62 Parkhurst (100%) 8.70
    63 Topps (100%) 7.96
    63 York WB's (50%) 8.52
    68 Topps (39%) 8.54
    69 Topps (3%) 9.00
    69 OPC (83%) 8.21
    71 Topps (100%) 9.21 #1 A.T.F.
    72 Topps (100%) 9.39
    73 Topps (13%) 9.35
    74 OPC WHA (95%) 8.57
    75 Topps (50%) 9.23
    77 OPC WHA (86%) 8.62 #1 A.T.F.
    88 Topps (5%) 10.00
  • MorrellManMorrellMan Posts: 3,241 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age. >>

    I'm assuming this is a joke. >>

    No joke. I defended the Chicago 7 thirty five years ago, but regardless of what side of their issue you were on, you had to admit they had a legitmate cause. I'd kick oddball's teeth in if he said something like that to my face. And no one would question that he had it coming. A line must be drawn - you can't be on the fence about this. Anybody who defends his behavior has lost my respect if only because you've spoken without thinking.

    Mike, I missed the exact content of his post, which was fortunately removed by the moderator. I wish you hadn't repeated his actual statement - I'm still shaking with anger. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
    Mark (amerbbcards)

    "All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    I am going to concur with Morrellman on this one. I ever catch anyone defame the flag, you best pray to whatever it is you believe in. This is a pretty cut and dry issue for me. I don't care what right's you think you have, that is not going to fly with me. Just like these scumbags protesting at funeral's of dead soldiers.
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>I am going to concur with Morrellman on this one. I ever catch anyone defame the flag, you best pray to whatever it is you believe in. This is a pretty cut and dry issue for me. I don't care what right's you think you have, that is not going to fly with me. Just like these scumbags protesting at funeral's of dead soldiers. >>

    So because someone has a differing view of what they feel is right and wrong, you think you have a right to inflict physical harm on them?

    Now, the protesting at the funerals is ridiculous, but to say that you'd assault someone for defaming the flag, well, just how far removed are you from the radicals we are trying to defeat?

  • softparadesoftparade Posts: 9,281 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Am I happy I missed ALL of this! Except I did see Jordans GREAT wedding pics !!!!image

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  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age. >>

    I'm assuming this is a joke. >>

    No joke. I defended the Chicago 7 thirty five years ago, but regardless of what side of their issue you were on, you had to admit they had a legitmate cause. I'd kick oddball's teeth in if he said something like that to my face. And no one would question that he had it coming. A line must be drawn - you can't be on the fence about this. Anybody who defends his behavior has lost my respect if only because you've spoken without thinking.

    Mike, I missed the exact content of his post, which was fortunately removed by the moderator. I wish you hadn't repeated his actual statement - I'm still shaking with anger. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. >>

    It's possible that I'm in a minority, but I think there's a substantial difference between screaming 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre and trolling for attention on an Internet message board. One is dangergous and irresponsible,while the other is just plain tacky. That's a distinction worth noting.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>I am going to concur with Morrellman on this one. I ever catch anyone defame the flag, you best pray to whatever it is you believe in. This is a pretty cut and dry issue for me. I don't care what right's you think you have, that is not going to fly with me. Just like these scumbags protesting at funeral's of dead soldiers. >>

    The world has grown tired of the easily offended.

    Also, there's a huge difference between protesting at a soldier's funeral and doing something naughty to a piece of cloth.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Not just any piece of cloth...it's symbolism and everything we should stand for.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Not just any piece of cloth...it's symbolism and everything we should stand for. >>

    tsk tsk tsk-- I didn't say it was 'any' piece of cloth, I just said it was 'a' piece of cloth. Which it is-- or, at least usually is.

    You are right-- it's a symbol. But riddle me this-- has more pain and suffering been inflicted by men who take symbols very seriously, or by those who don't take them seriously enough? In other words, if everyone in the world had to be in one group or the other, which group would be better for mankind (in the aggregate)?

    I don't really wish to hash this out in public, although I'd be happy to respond via PM to anyone who wants to carry on a reasoned debate on the subject. But let me just conclude by saying that I think flag burning tends to be silly and counterproductive, but getting worked up in a lather about it is pretty silly as well.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    My apologies if you didnt mean just "any" piece of cloth.

    The way the sentence was written, it appeared that it was thought of as trivial.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Stone,
    Not sure if you put me in the 15%, but that's definitely not what I was saying. It's up to CU if he stays or goes, and if I were them, I'd have banned him too. He's bad for the forums. I was just saying I never would've responded to his crap. i ignore people like that.

    Lee >>


    I agree on ignoring if everyone did - but another spin - if everyone had ignored him and Zef wasn't aware that that was the plan - he might feel like no one cared enough to come to his side if you know what I mean. It's a tough situation to figure what to do sometimes.

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>Not just any piece of cloth...it's symbolism and everything we should stand for. >>

    That's just it...it's not symbolism and everything we should stand for.

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Stone,
    Not sure if you put me in the 15%, but that's definitely not what I was saying. It's up to CU if he stays or goes, and if I were them, I'd have banned him too. He's bad for the forums. I was just saying I never would've responded to his crap. i ignore people like that.

    Lee >>


    I agree on ignoring if everyone did - but another spin - if everyone had ignored him and Zef wasn't aware that that was the plan - he might feel like no one cared enough to come to his side if you know what I mean. It's a tough situation to figure what to do sometimes.

    mike >>

    Agreed. That's precisely what makes situations like this one so sticky.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would like to simply state the obvious.

    This is not an abstract, constitutional debate. This is not about freedom of speech. This is not about burning or defacing the American Flag.

    Plain and simple - the pejorative remark directed at Zef's wife was the final straw in a litany of unproductive and disruptive responses by Oddball.

    He broke the covenant to the degree that the mods felt enough is enough.

    To the best of my knowledge, he never engaged in a productive discussion of sports cards and memorabilia. If one doesn't have this as the core reason to participate here then why bother?
    There are way too numerous to count chat rooms on the internet to satisfy everyones needs.

    If I were a moderator for CU - I would have to be pushed to the limit to deny someone access. I think Oddball crossed that collective line.

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    No one's arguing that he should have been gone based on the comments made about zef's wife. Without question, absolutely.

    What does seem to disturb some people is his questionable choice for sig line photo...and these same people wanting to enforce their beliefs on the rest of us.

  • rbdjr1rbdjr1 Posts: 4,474 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Not just any piece of cloth...it's symbolism and everything we should stand for. >>

    That's just it...it's not symbolism and everything we should stand for. >>


    "baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet!" and ", red, white and blue, running thru my viens!"

    Sounds about right to me! Symbolism maybe, but it IS what I stand for!


    P.S. Ok, you can add beer too! image
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>I would like to simply state the obvious.

    This is not an abstract, constitutional debate. This is not about freedom of speech. This is not about burning or defacing the American Flag.

    Plain and simple - the pejorative remark directed at Zef's wife was the final straw in a litany of unproductive and disruptive responses by Oddball.

    He broke the covenant to the degree that the mods felt enough is enough.

    To the best of my knowledge, he never engaged in a productive discussion of sports cards and memorabilia. If one doesn't have this as the core reason to participate here then why bother?
    There are way too numerous to count chat rooms on the internet to satisfy everyones needs.

    If I were a moderator for CU - I would have to be pushed to the limit to deny someone access. I think Oddball crossed that collective line.

    mike >>

    As usual, Mike, a very succinct and well reasoned post. On the issue of 'oddball' I think this basically sums it up.

    BTW, Mike, your sig line keeps confusing me. Everytime I read it I think to myself 'Really? I know some guys who are friends who'v e never even HEARD of Plato, much less have 'The Republic' in common with each other!"
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I would like to simply state the obvious.

    This is not an abstract, constitutional debate. This is not about freedom of speech. This is not about burning or defacing the American Flag.

    Plain and simple - the pejorative remark directed at Zef's wife was the final straw in a litany of unproductive and disruptive responses by Oddball.

    He broke the covenant to the degree that the mods felt enough is enough.

    To the best of my knowledge, he never engaged in a productive discussion of sports cards and memorabilia. If one doesn't have this as the core reason to participate here then why bother?
    There are way too numerous to count chat rooms on the internet to satisfy everyones needs.

    If I were a moderator for CU - I would have to be pushed to the limit to deny someone access. I think Oddball crossed that collective line.

    mike >>

    As usual, Mike, a very succinct and well reasoned post. On the issue of 'oddball' I think this basically sums it up.

    BTW, Mike, your sig line keeps confusing me. Everytime I read it I think to myself 'Really? I know some guys who are friends who'v e never even HEARD of Plato, much less have 'The Republic' in common with each other!" >>

    Sorry Boo
    I'll make that appear more clear. That's a quote from Plato's Republic on the concept of friendship and the fact that true friends share common values.

    I think I'll bring back my Berk Ross story! LOL

  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,601 ✭✭✭✭✭
    <<< I think I'll bring back my Berk Ross story >>>

    Ross was one heckuva ballplayer. He often gets overshadowed because of the other Hall of Famers who played in his era.
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,601 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll just add two comments to this thread that any male in our culture and probably most cultures should already understand. Anyone who doesn't understand this, such as the poster who got banned, deserves everything negative he gets.

    1. You never insult a guy's grandmother, mother or sister - Never!

    2. You can insult a guy's wife a little bit, but only if you know the guy real well - REAL WELL, and the insults better be in good taste. Of course if it's the guy's ex-wife, then almost any insult is on the table - LOL
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I would like to simply state the obvious.

    This is not an abstract, constitutional debate. This is not about freedom of speech. This is not about burning or defacing the American Flag.

    Plain and simple - the pejorative remark directed at Zef's wife was the final straw in a litany of unproductive and disruptive responses by Oddball.

    He broke the covenant to the degree that the mods felt enough is enough.

    To the best of my knowledge, he never engaged in a productive discussion of sports cards and memorabilia. If one doesn't have this as the core reason to participate here then why bother?
    There are way too numerous to count chat rooms on the internet to satisfy everyones needs.

    If I were a moderator for CU - I would have to be pushed to the limit to deny someone access. I think Oddball crossed that collective line.

    mike >>

    As usual, Mike, a very succinct and well reasoned post. On the issue of 'oddball' I think this basically sums it up.

    BTW, Mike, your sig line keeps confusing me. Everytime I read it I think to myself 'Really? I know some guys who are friends who'v e never even HEARD of Plato, much less have 'The Republic' in common with each other!" >>

    Sorry Boo
    I'll make that appear more clear. That's a quote from Plato's Republic on the concept of friendship and the fact that true friends share common values.

    I think I'll bring back my Berk Ross story! LOL

    mike >>

    No, Mike, the quote is very clear. It's just me being a moron.

    And I would agree with stevek. Most of us either have enough class or a strong enough self-preservation instinct not to strut around insulting people's family members.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    I can't believe people are still arguing about this.

    He insulted zef's wife and got banned for it. His sig line was just icing on the cake.

    What people keep forgetting is that this is a private forum that is moderated by CU. Your freedoms of speech do not apply here, regardless of what you believe. If CU doesn't like what you say or even has a personal issue with you, they have every right to ban you.
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • rbdjr1rbdjr1 Posts: 4,474 ✭✭

    << <i>I can't believe people are still arguing about this.

    He insulted zef's wife and got banned for it. His sig line was just icing on the cake.

    What people keep forgetting is that this is a private forum that is moderated by CU. Your freedoms of speech do not apply here, regardless of what you believe. If CU doesn't like what you say or even has a personal issue with you, they have every right to ban you. >>

    I believe CU didn't monitor zef's wedding pics thread, but received complaints about oddball and I'm sure more than enough requests to have oddball "hung-up by his oddballs", so they complied. You know, "the straw that broke the camel's back thing!"...

    Good riddens!

    I personally think a post allowing us vent feelings, ideals, etc., even on a hobby chat board, is a healthy thing. If some think otherwise, why are you reading this?


    edit: Ok, ok already! I know these are hobby threads. Well, can Detroit come back? image

  • MorrellManMorrellMan Posts: 3,241 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age. >>

    I'm assuming this is a joke. >>

    No joke. I defended the Chicago 7 thirty five years ago, but regardless of what side of their issue you were on, you had to admit they had a legitmate cause. I'd kick oddball's teeth in if he said something like that to my face. And no one would question that he had it coming. A line must be drawn - you can't be on the fence about this. Anybody who defends his behavior has lost my respect if only because you've spoken without thinking.

    Mike, I missed the exact content of his post, which was fortunately removed by the moderator. I wish you hadn't repeated his actual statement - I'm still shaking with anger. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. >>

    It's possible that I'm in a minority, but I think there's a substantial difference between screaming 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre and trolling for attention on an Internet message board. One is dangergous and irresponsible,while the other is just plain tacky. That's a distinction worth noting. >>

    Correct me if I'm misunderstanding your position, but are you saying if someone said to you about your new bride what ob said to Zef, that your response would be how "tacky"? In other group situations, that insult slinger would be flat on his back and ostracized quicker than you can say "freedom". This is a real world we live in, with real people with real feelings - again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think a message board is any different or should be attended by a different standard of decency and ethics.
    Mark (amerbbcards)

    "All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
  • rbdjr1rbdjr1 Posts: 4,474 ✭✭

    << <i>He's been tossed. I agree with larryallen that he was just out to start trouble and that he certainly will be back.

    Also, this type of thread is what a guy like him thrives on. As difficult as it is, you really should just ignor people like that. If there is no fuel added to the fire it will eventually flame out. >>

    Everything u say is true, but the fuel is that fact that he used an upside down American Flag.

    That's like waiving a bright red sheet in front of a raging bull. Posters like oddball have the "fuel and the sparks".

    We have three choices:

    1. Join him (yikes!).
    2. Ignore him.
    3. Put out his flame!


    footnote: I think all of us should think twice about "do I really want to post personal information on a public message board?", even something as wonderful and seemingly harmless as wedding pics, can be attacked, used, or even altered and used for bad purposes by "who knows who". Let's face it, there are bad people out there, and some of them seem to read these threads. Just some food for thought.

  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    << <i>footnote: I think all of us should think twice about "do I really want to post personal information on a public message board", even something as wonderful and seemingly harmless as wedding pics, can be attacked, used, or even altered and used for bad purposes by "who knows who". Let's face it, there are bad people out there, and some of them seem to read these threads. Just some food for thought. >>

    I agree with you to an extent. I am comfortable with myself and my wife and just write off OBs comments. I have not lost any sleep over it. Dealing with that guy has by no means overshadowed the opportunity to share my big day with my friends here. Did I make myself vulnerable? A little, but the worst thing that could have come from me posting our pictures happened and it didn't really affect me. And in return we all got to rid this place of a troll.


    My Auctions
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age. >>

    I'm assuming this is a joke. >>

    No joke. I defended the Chicago 7 thirty five years ago, but regardless of what side of their issue you were on, you had to admit they had a legitmate cause. I'd kick oddball's teeth in if he said something like that to my face. And no one would question that he had it coming. A line must be drawn - you can't be on the fence about this. Anybody who defends his behavior has lost my respect if only because you've spoken without thinking.

    Mike, I missed the exact content of his post, which was fortunately removed by the moderator. I wish you hadn't repeated his actual statement - I'm still shaking with anger. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. >>

    It's possible that I'm in a minority, but I think there's a substantial difference between screaming 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre and trolling for attention on an Internet message board. One is dangergous and irresponsible,while the other is just plain tacky. That's a distinction worth noting. >>

    Correct me if I'm misunderstanding your position, but are you saying if someone said to you about your new bride what ob said to Zef, that your response would be how "tacky"? In other group situations, that insult slinger would be flat on his back and ostracized quicker than you can say "freedom". This is a real world we live in, with real people with real feelings - again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think a message board is any different or should be attended by a different standard of decency and ethics. >>

    No, I completely agree with you. An I-net message board should not be attended by a different standard of decency. My only point was that I didn't think oddball's silly comments were tantamount to inciting a riot.
  • MorrellManMorrellMan Posts: 3,241 ✭✭✭

    << <i>No, I completely agree with you. An I-net message board should not be attended by a different standard of decency. My only point was that I didn't think oddball's silly comments were tantamount to inciting a riot. >>

    Cool - a riot doesn't have to involve sticks and stones and burning torches. A message board, by nature, can't manifest those physical items. But I think the emotion and outrage behind any riot was certainly present and caused by ob's comments. That, in my book, equals inciting a riot.
    Mark (amerbbcards)

    "All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>No, I completely agree with you. An I-net message board should not be attended by a different standard of decency. My only point was that I didn't think oddball's silly comments were tantamount to inciting a riot. >>

    Cool - a riot doesn't have to involve sticks and stones and burning torches. A message board, by nature, can't manifest those physical items. But I think the emotion and outrage behind any riot was certainly present and caused by ob's comments. That, in my book, equals inciting a riot. >>

    My bad, I misinterpreted what you were saying. Again, I couldn't agree more; his remarks were clearly inflammatory and weren't intended to serve as the springboard for a decent discussion.
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now, the protesting at the funerals is ridiculous, but to say that you'd assault someone for defaming the flag, well, just how far removed are you from the radicals we are trying to defeat?

    More ridiculous hyperbole from the board's biggest hypocrite.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    So because someone has a differing view of what they feel is right and wrong, you think you have a right to inflict physical harm on them?

    Isn't that just like you Axtey? Didn't you threaten to hit me with a 2/4 once?

    i agree with you Grote, he (Axhole) is the boards biggest hypocrit.
    (among other things)

    Good for you.

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age. >>

    I'm assuming this is a joke. >>

    No joke. I defended the Chicago 7 thirty five years ago, but regardless of what side of their issue you were on, you had to admit they had a legitmate cause. I'd kick oddball's teeth in if he said something like that to my face. And no one would question that he had it coming. A line must be drawn - you can't be on the fence about this. Anybody who defends his behavior has lost my respect if only because you've spoken without thinking.

    Mike, I missed the exact content of his post, which was fortunately removed by the moderator. I wish you hadn't repeated his actual statement - I'm still shaking with anger. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. >>

    It's possible that I'm in a minority, but I think there's a substantial difference between screaming 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre and trolling for attention on an Internet message board. One is dangergous and irresponsible,while the other is just plain tacky. That's a distinction worth noting. >>

    Correct me if I'm misunderstanding your position, but are you saying if someone said to you about your new bride what ob said to Zef, that your response would be how "tacky"? In other group situations, that insult slinger would be flat on his back and ostracized quicker than you can say "freedom". This is a real world we live in, with real people with real feelings - again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think a message board is any different or should be attended by a different standard of decency and ethics. >>

    No, I completely agree with you. An I-net message board should not be attended by a different standard of decency. My only point was that I didn't think oddball's silly comments were tantamount to inciting a riot. >>



  • << <i>

    << <i>This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age. >>

    I'm assuming this is a joke. >>

    You're a quick one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111one

  • << <i>

    << <i>I am going to concur with Morrellman on this one. I ever catch anyone defame the flag, you best pray to whatever it is you believe in. This is a pretty cut and dry issue for me. I don't care what right's you think you have, that is not going to fly with me. Just like these scumbags protesting at funeral's of dead soldiers. >>

    The world has grown tired of the easily offended.

    Also, there's a huge difference between protesting at a soldier's funeral and doing something naughty to a piece of cloth. >>


    Go crawl in fight-FRAUD's pants while you're at........
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I am going to concur with Morrellman on this one. I ever catch anyone defame the flag, you best pray to whatever it is you believe in. This is a pretty cut and dry issue for me. I don't care what right's you think you have, that is not going to fly with me. Just like these scumbags protesting at funeral's of dead soldiers. >>

    The world has grown tired of the easily offended.

    Also, there's a huge difference between protesting at a soldier's funeral and doing something naughty to a piece of cloth. >>


    Go crawl in fight-FRAUD's pants while you're at........ >>

    Let me see if I have this sequence correct:
    1) You get worked like a prison punk by members of these boards (myself amongst them) for running a shady auction on Ebay.
    2) Knowing that your defenses for said auctions are feeble (' I can't afford PSA grading fees, etc.') you're temporarily shamed into silence.
    3) Still fuming over being called out for said auction by certain board members, you storm back a couple weeks later and begin firing off random, ad hominen attacks at the board members who you feel initially shamed you.

    Am I missing anything important? Is there a step here which I've overlooked? If there is, feel free to weigh in. Until then, however, I think you would be doing all of us a favor if you laid off the name calling and prejorative content in your posts. If you have a constructive argument against something I've said, that's fine. But if the best you can do is insinuate that I have homosexual leanings, or that my cognitive abilities are not up to par, then you should probably just continue to lay low and keep quiet.

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age. >>

    I'm assuming this is a joke. >>

    You're a quick one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111one >>

    I see you like your posts like you like your '93 refractors.... SHORT!

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I try not to make a habit of taking shots like this, but hey-- you can't blame a man for occassionally reaching over and plucking the low-hanging fruit.
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