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Should oddball be tossed from these threads?

Do you think oddball should be banned from posting on these threads and be tossed by CU?


edit: Please express you opinions, thanks!




  • bishopbishop Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭
    I don't think we get a vote. This is not a democracy and the Supreme Ruler has ruled
    Topps Baseball-1948, 1951 to 2017
    Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
    Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007

  • you know ..it's like this...

    People have fought AND died for this country...many family members and actual board members here.

    We have fought these wars so that we may all have our freedoms. Freedom of Speech being one of them. We ALL want the freedom...but when others say stuff that offends us..many band together to try to suppress the others. We also have the freedom to ignore!!

    Is oddball thriving for attention...yes....so why feed it to him?? Ignore him and they tend to go away!!

    The internet is full of keyboard heroes who will type out anything without fear of reprocusion. Oddball seems to be one of these people. He gets under your skin on purpose...he irritates the heck out of most of us....and as for flying the flag upside down in protest...well it IS his right!! Whether we like it or not...the FREEDOM goes both ways.

    Too bad he's too ignorant to know that it was people fighting wars just like this that GAVE him his freedom!!

    Now, that's the internet.

    In real life....I think if anyone met oddball on the streets and he still spued his BS...well, he probably end up spitting teeth.

    He's a attention wh*re!! plain and simple....don't play his game....don't respond to his posts and get caught up in the back and fourth posts and maybe..just maybe he'll just fade away.

    Problem is...when he does...there will always be another azz to take his place!!

    The Freedom of Speech it cuts both ways!!
  • 262Runner262Runner Posts: 606 ✭✭✭
    Free speech I agree with, however, this does not fall into that catagory. We cannot use many four letter words here.... we cannot show obscene pictures.... etc. Free speech is about being able to express an opinion. Flying the flag upside down is just as rude and inconsiderate as using foul language or showing X rated photo's, especially to those of us who have served.

    No need to kick him off, however his upside down flag should be removed.


    Collecting all cards - Gus Zernial
    Post Cereal both raw and PSA Graded (1961-1963)

  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    Free speech is great but the guy is a royal jerk just looking to stir up trouble. He will be back and we will see who will spot him first! Happy Monday.
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    He's been tossed. I agree with larryallen that he was just out to start trouble and that he certainly will be back.

    Also, this type of thread is what a guy like him thrives on. As difficult as it is, you really should just ignor people like that. If there is no fuel added to the fire it will eventually flame out.

    My Auctions
  • Zef...I totally agree....totally IGNORING anyone like this is the ONLY answer. Once a single reply or thread goes back...he's off to the races!

    I agree with the flag being removed. People have forgetten what Flag Day means...what the rules are for flying flags...and not leaving them out at night unless lit...and never letting a flag touch the ground. I remeber as a kid going with my family to get the flags and markers from verterans graves and brying them to be burned on Flag Day.

    I was brought up hardcore military and live my live by honor and respect..the way I was taught from day 1....

    Like I said...there will be others like this guy on here...the internet is full of them.

    Let's just hope that in real life they aren't as nuts as they are here.

    He can type what he wants here...no one can really affect him..other than a moderator.

    In real life....if his comments and attitude came out within a group of members...

    I'm sure there would be a line to take a shot at him!!

    Again...as was stated here before...if you wouldn't have the scak to say the same things to a persons face...then you shouldn't type it either!!

    The world is full of ignorant people....it takes abetter man to look the other way.
  • if he's standing at the city building in downtown seattle protesting with everyone else then he can say what he wants and do whatever he wants to do to the flag. however, i think when you are posting on the message boards of a publicly traded company such as CU then you do not have the same rights/protection.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The concept of ignoring is spot on.

    But, unfortunately, it doesn't get ignored.

    And once the debate ensues, then I feel obligated to defend my friends here.

    Freedom of speech is a guarantee.

    But, Chief Justice Warren stated "it doesn't allow one to shout fire in a theater when there's no fire" - this is the basis of my argument. The spirit of freedom of speech was not designed to have someone say whatever they like.

    Is opinion protected? Yes.

    But, this is NOT a public venue and one will be held accountable for what they say.

    I don't think anyone is gonna shed a tear for Oddball's constitutional right to freely express his derogatory opinions.


  • Downtown1974Downtown1974 Posts: 6,873 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When I saw what he was saying in Zefs thread, I was ready to tee off on oddball. But then I thought, he just was not worth getting banned for. Besides, I would miss chatting with you guys. He is just one of the typical scum bags who surfaces around here to stir the pot with us.

    He too, shall pass.

  • I've never responded to any of Oddball's inflamatory remarks before but in Zef's post I felt that I simply had to chime in. While I don't have a problem with his use of the flag (to me, it simply offers up valuable information about the character of the individual I'm dealing with and my life is smoother and easier because I realize to just ignore him) I felt as though I had to point out the screaming ignorance he displayed when commenting on his "right to free speech."

    It always seems to boggle my mind when people like this have such a poor understanding of the very Constitution that they hide behind.

    Everyone should find solace in the fact that an individual's life must be a very cold and lonesome place when they have to resort to stirring up the pot on a Internet message forum in order to achieve some sense of self-worth. Let this be the end of it.

    Congrats again Zef!

  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    i have no input..

    shamelessly building up my thread total!!!!


  • MorrellManMorrellMan Posts: 3,241 ✭✭✭
    This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age.
    Mark (amerbbcards)

    "All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
  • This is why I lock and load! HURAAAAAH.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>This guy is fully aware that he is inciting a riot. That kind of speech is not protected by the constitution and I think he should be arrested and jailed until he reaches majority age. >>

    I'm assuming this is a joke.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Calling all constitution scholars.

  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    I actually got a "B" in con-law in law school which is really good when many of us lived by the motto "C you at graduation..." so I was a bit of a con-law "scholar" for at least one year. That was in the early 90's and now my brain remembers only estate and probate law. Darn it. However, I think the private v. public concept rings a bell. Bottom line, he may be constitutionally protected but he is still an a&&hole of major proportions. What he does with the flag is his business (and as stated above we can judge him how we want for that action) but who in their right mind would ever make a negative comment about someone's wife or kids!? That's beyond any constituional protection and I am sure the US Supreme Court, if they could review this case, would boot him from the CU boards!
  • earlycalguyearlycalguy Posts: 1,247 ✭✭
    i don't see how he's protected on the message boards of CU. i don't know if coca cola has message boards but i don't think they'd let advertisements for pepsi on their boards. CU can control who is on their boards and remove content and members if they want to do so.

  • chaz43chaz43 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭
    I know I can be a pain in the ass to some of you guys out there and some of you can be a pain in the ass to me sometimes, but I draw the line when it comes to messing with the flag. It should be a federal law that defacing the flag is a crimminal offense. Alot of good men died for that flag and what it stands for. I believe in free speach but there are limits when it concerns the flag. Go burn it or deface it in front of the fallen guys on the beaches of Iwo Jima, Tarawa, Okinawa, Guadalcanal and Normandy to name a few. And don't forget Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death March, Battle of the Bulge and the list goes on and on...............yeah, go burn or deface it in front of them. chaz
  • jskirwinjskirwin Posts: 700 ✭✭✭
    This isn't a public place. It's owned and operated by PSA. They can do what they want.

    That said, we can do what we want until we are told otherwise. If Oddball wants to be an a-sshat, then let him. I think there's nothing more pathetic than a loser that is so starved for attention that he must resort to annoying people in - of all places - a baseball card message board.

    My stepson is a Marine who has been to Iraq and Afghanistan. That "kid" is more of a man than a-sshats like Oddball will ever be. Oddball and his ilk aren't fit to breathe the same air as my stepson, but he doesn't have to worry about that because he would be too afraid to stand near a Marine - being that cocckroaches are naturally afraid of the light.

    Let him stay - if only to serve as a reminder to what it means to be a real man.

    PS: Cucaracha is a forbidden word?
  • Chaz...better yet...let them try burning it infront of me..or talk trash about someone..or their family!!

    Many just don't know what went into that flag. The sacrifices..and not even those that are dead..but those that are still here have paid.

    Let them leave their 6 month old child to go do their job....only to come home to a 2 year old toddler who doesn't even know them. Let them see this child when asked.."where's daddy?"...walk over to the coffee table and only point to a picture and kiss it. "There's daddy!"...

    When your own flesh and blood doesn't even know who you are because you've lost years of time with them.....that's sacrifice...

    As I said before...many have been there and done that.

    Alot of the younger generation just seem to have lost that respect...whether it's for the olderly...for authoritiy in general...for those who made this country what it is today.

    What it comes down to is that someone died..someone laid down their lives to give them the freedom to sit at home and aggrevate others on the internet. This is how they choose to live their lives....they're ingnorant.

    Thet've never HAD to leave the comforts of home...they've never had to travel 1/2 way across the globe to defend their own freedoms...they've never had to pull a trigger and live with the consequences...they've never had to lay a brother down in Arlington National Cemetary.

    IF they did...they know what the price of freedom really was....and just be silent!!
  • Send his immature azz back to the Beckett boards or whatever rock he crawled out from under.

    JMO, Bob C.
    57 Topps (83%) 7.61
    61 Topps (100%) 7.96
    62 Parkhurst (100%) 8.70
    63 Topps (100%) 7.96
    63 York WB's (50%) 8.52
    68 Topps (39%) 8.54
    69 Topps (3%) 9.00
    69 OPC (83%) 8.21
    71 Topps (100%) 9.21 #1 A.T.F.
    72 Topps (100%) 9.39
    73 Topps (13%) 9.35
    74 OPC WHA (95%) 8.57
    75 Topps (50%) 9.23
    77 OPC WHA (86%) 8.62 #1 A.T.F.
    88 Topps (5%) 10.00
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Maybe I'm in the minority, but who freaking cares? It's CU's board, so it's up to them whether he stays or goes. In the meantime, if you don't like what he's saying, you have two choices: Either tell him how you feel, or ignore what he's saying. I don't go out of my way to start arguments with KKK members, even if they happen to frequent the same places I do (which they don't). This is how free speech works- people can say what they want, and you can choose to respond or ignore. And since everybody here knows he's only here to stir things up and start arguments, why add fuel to the fire? It's not like you're going to change his mind. Frankly, I'm not sure why anybody would come on a sportscard collector forum to express their political beliefs, but I'm certainly not going to humor them by telling them mine. I don't care how Stone feels about George Bush, how boo feels about the War in Iraq, or how pandrews feels about Vietnam (the war, not the country). We're all here because we enjoy collecting cards, not to talk about our political agendas. So when someone comes on and starts talking about how much they hate the president or the war or the country or the flag or white people or black people, it's really not of any interest to me.

  • I agree cd but when someone comes on and insults the wife of a board member that crosses the line.

    Kick his azz out and move on.

    JMO, Bob C.

    EDIT: 91% of the members who have responded to the poll agree!
    57 Topps (83%) 7.61
    61 Topps (100%) 7.96
    62 Parkhurst (100%) 8.70
    63 Topps (100%) 7.96
    63 York WB's (50%) 8.52
    68 Topps (39%) 8.54
    69 Topps (3%) 9.00
    69 OPC (83%) 8.21
    71 Topps (100%) 9.21 #1 A.T.F.
    72 Topps (100%) 9.39
    73 Topps (13%) 9.35
    74 OPC WHA (95%) 8.57
    75 Topps (50%) 9.23
    77 OPC WHA (86%) 8.62 #1 A.T.F.
    88 Topps (5%) 10.00
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    he's gone..
  • chaz43chaz43 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Chaz...better yet...let them try burning it infront of me..or talk trash about someone..or their family!!

    Many just don't know what went into that flag. The sacrifices..and not even those that are dead..but those that are still here have paid.

    Let them leave their 6 month old child to go do their job....only to come home to a 2 year old toddler who doesn't even know them. Let them see this child when asked.."where's daddy?"...walk over to the coffee table and only point to a picture and kiss it. "There's daddy!"...

    When your own flesh and blood doesn't even know who you are because you've lost years of time with them.....that's sacrifice...

    As I said before...many have been there and done that.

    Alot of the younger generation just seem to have lost that respect...whether it's for the olderly...for authoritiy in general...for those who made this country what it is today.

    What it comes down to is that someone died..someone laid down their lives to give them the freedom to sit at home and aggrevate others on the internet. This is how they choose to live their lives....they're ingnorant.

    Thet've never HAD to leave the comforts of home...they've never had to travel 1/2 way across the globe to defend their own freedoms...they've never had to pull a trigger and live with the consequences...they've never had to lay a brother down in Arlington National Cemetary.

    IF they did...they know what the price of freedom really was....and just be silent!! >>

    I could not have said it any better. chaz
  • rbdjr1rbdjr1 Posts: 4,474 ✭✭
    let's not forget the many, many thousands of disabled veterans and their families, who struggle each and every day of their lives'

    ...that are still making "that big sacrifice".

    Long after the flag burners, the anti-war protestors and the like, have forgotten what they were even protesting about and have "slipped back into the maimstream of American life", ...all those disabled American heros, are just trying to make it thru tomorrow, while the flag burners are enjoying a latte or nice happy hour 2 for 1 drink, after work!

    Just one of many reasons why we always need to keep our Flag straight and true.


  • chaz43chaz43 Posts: 2,140 ✭✭✭

    << <i>let's not forget the many, many thousands of disabled veterans and their families, who struggle each and every day of their lives'

    ...that are still making "that big sacrifice".

    Long after the flag burners, the anti-war protestors and the like, have forgotten what they were even protesting about and have "slipped back into the maimstream of American life", ...all those disabled American heros, are just trying to make it thru tomorrow, while the flag burners are enjoying a latte or nice happy hour 2 for 1 drink, after work!

    Just one of many reasons why we always need to keep our Flag straight and true.

    rd >>

    And the list of heroes who we are indebted to goes on and on......... chaz
  • I agree with 5Stat. Freedom of Speech goes both ways, however, I do think that good taste should prevail.

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Maybe I'm in the minority, but who freaking cares? It's CU's board, so it's up to them whether he stays or goes. In the meantime, if you don't like what he's saying, you have two choices: Either tell him how you feel, or ignore what he's saying. I don't go out of my way to start arguments with KKK members, even if they happen to frequent the same places I do (which they don't). This is how free speech works- people can say what they want, and you can choose to respond or ignore. And since everybody here knows he's only here to stir things up and start arguments, why add fuel to the fire? It's not like you're going to change his mind. Frankly, I'm not sure why anybody would come on a sportscard collector forum to express their political beliefs, but I'm certainly not going to humor them by telling them mine. I don't care how Stone feels about George Bush, how boo feels about the War in Iraq, or how pandrews feels about Vietnam (the war, not the country). We're all here because we enjoy collecting cards, not to talk about our political agendas. So when someone comes on and starts talking about how much they hate the president or the war or the country or the flag or white people or black people, it's really not of any interest to me.

    Lee >>

    This isn't technically true. We don't gather here because we enjoy collecting cards; we gather here because we like to argue about the Philosophy of Feedback, and because we like to grouse about online auction transactions that have gone sour. Sportcards are a vehicle for these discussions, but they aren't really the point.

    Also, when did I hold forth on my opinions on the Iraq War? My understanding is that our exhalted Commander in Chief declared 'Mission Accomplished' sometime back in '03, which means there isn't really anything to talk about. I mean, isn't the Iraq War more-or-less over and done? Or did I miss a memo?

    Edit to add-- if anyone has access to an 8"x10" of our President in his jumpsuit with the 'Mission Accomplished' banner behind him PLEASE PM me and name your price.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>I agree with 5Stat. Freedom of Speech goes both ways, however, I do think that good taste should prevail.

    -Ian >>

    Agreed. Freedom of speech assumes that the populace, in the aggregate, has the social graces to know what's generally acceptable and what isn't.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I just used the three board members and 3 controversial issues that popped into my head first- didn't mean to insinuate that anybody had any crazy thoughts about those topics. I really don't know anybody's position on anything, and I don't really care, which was my point. And yeah, we do talk about all the superfluous crap like high shipping charges and ebay scams, but the reason most of us are here is because we either want to learn more about cards and the hobby, share our stuff, look at others' stuff, and occasionally an off topic that is funny or random. It's not really the place where people come to start an argument (with the exception of a handful of people). I mean, if someone started a thread about god and religion, I wouldn't ever click on it because I don't come here for that type of discussion. I'd rather hear about how you did in your 1984 Topps football box.


    Edit to say- I didn't read the thread in question, but if he insulted someone's wife, then yeah, obviously that's over the line because it's a personal attack. The only way to handle that is to report the thread to CU, or/and find out where he lives and beat the living crap out of him.
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    In the grand scheme of things, who really cares he had an upside down flag in his signature line?

    Everyone who has posted about it seems to know he did it solely for attention, so why feed into it? You may disagree with his signature, so what, it's not your place to monitor.

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>many of us lived by the motto "C you at graduation... >>

    At Columbia, we called that the "gentleman's C."

  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Edit to say- I didn't read the thread in question, but if he insulted someone's wife, then yeah, obviously that's over the line because it's a personal attack. The only way to handle that is to report the thread to CU, or/and find out where he lives and beat the living crap out of him. >>


    Karma will come back to haunt him image
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not gonna debate thru next monday what free speech is.

    But I will say that most here know that we don't have free speech except in special situations like this one.
    That is, a chat board.

    Try saying "anything" you want FACE TO FACE - and hide behind the constitution?

    The constituation won't keep you from getting your teeth knocked out, fired by your boss, ostracized from your family or FRIENDLESS.

    This is all nice talk - but let's be honest.

    We don't live in a free country - in a sense that in a democracy we "agree" to give up some of our freedom to live responsibly in a law-abiding society.

    And about what is talked about here?

    Politics...sports cards...sports events...favorite beer...

    IMO, it's all good - for in the end - what we share is OURSELVES.

  • In the grand scheme of things, who really cares he had an upside down flag in his signature line?

    Anyone who ever spent time in the military...anyone who can't sleep at night because of what they've done for "God and Country"...anyone whose taken a life...taken a bullet....been hit by an IED...lost a limb...had their best friends killed by their side and had to live saying "why was I the one spared?"..or anyone who knows anyone that has lived with any or all of this..

    That's who should really care!!

    it's not your place to monitor

    yes it's a signature line..compiled with the rest of the BS...it's too offensive.
    People here have cared when others were showing off bars...butts...b@@bs...preference in mating partners..other images that someone deemed offensive...

    In a civilized society we monitor each other....we keep each other in check. That's how it should work...

    Freedom of Speech..here's a perfect example:
    At the high school Thanksgiving Day football game last year...a group of young kids (18-21..the recently graduated college kids that returned home for the Holiday) were standing in a circle of 6 guys and 3 girls. Every 30 seconds the F bomb dropped...or some other form of curse word. There was talk about booze..girls..drugs...this and that..but the "DUDE"..and the "F" words were flying at an astounding rate.
    Anyways, after about 15 minutes of it..I looked over and cleared my throat..and said "hey guys...there's women and little kids around here...can you watch your mouths?"
    The reply: "F you old man...go stand somewhere else"
    I asked him to come again...and went and stood in his face..."you want me to make a fool out of you AND your friends right here?"
    Reply"there's six of us and one of you..the odds aren't too good!!"

    My reply..."you're right...YOU'RE going to need atleast 3 more guys!!"

    It was at that point that the collective crowd jumped in..ladies..mothers...grandmothers...and a couple of older gents..all of whom were just as po'd as me from watching the whole thing unfold..and were now collectively putting their foot down. Everyone decided to monitor these kids and keep them in check!!

    They moved on without incedent...

    3 days later I got a call from a guy I had gone to high school with 20+ years earlier. It seemed he wanted to apologize for his sons rude behavior and to thank me for not sending his kid out on a stretcher. Someone at the game had called this kids parents and told them everything...the son- even at 19 years old, wasn't too old to learn a new lesson.

    @"...others just said THANK YOU!!

    The point..if we don't monitor each other...then anarchy ensues.

    Just a little respect goes a long way!!

  • << <i>

    This isn't technically true. We don't gather here because we enjoy collecting cards; we gather here because we like to argue about the Philosophy of Feedback, and because we like to grouse about online auction transactions that have gone sour. Sportcards are a vehicle for these discussions, but they aren't really the point.

    Also, when did I hold forth on my opinions on the Iraq War? My understanding is that our exhalted Commander in Chief declared 'Mission Accomplished' sometime back in '03, which means there isn't really anything to talk about. I mean, isn't the Iraq War more-or-less over and done? Or did I miss a memo?

    Edit to add-- if anyone has access to an 8"x10" of our President in his jumpsuit with the 'Mission Accomplished' banner behind him PLEASE PM me and name your price. >>

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>
    Anyone who ever spent time in the military...anyone who can't sleep at night because of what they've done for "God and Country"...anyone whose taken a life...taken a bullet....been hit by an IED...lost a limb...had their best friends killed by their side and had to live saying "why was I the one spared?"..or anyone who knows anyone that has lived with any or all of this..

    That's who should really care!!

    Anyone who has done those things should know there are people who take it for granted, and know that those people are the minority. They know that they were fighting for ALL Americans, not just the ones who they agree with.

    << <i>yes it's a signature line..compiled with the rest of the BS...it's too offensive. >>

    I didn't see what he said, but, guessing what he said, it's apparent he was fishing for attention - which you were all way too willing to give him. I mean come on, how easy is it to spot that behavior?

    << <i>People here have cared when others were showing off bars...butts...b@@bs...preference in mating partners..other images that someone deemed offensive... >>

    You mean sexually explicit materials? Of course, as those are across the board unsuitable for a company's website. Again, you are trying to take images YOU feel are wrong and apply that to everyone, and that's where you get into trouble.

    << <i>In a civilized society we monitor each other....we keep each other in check. That's how it should work... >>

    No we don't. You don't pull people over for speeding and give them tickets, do you? And monitor each other? What, are you living in '1984'? Please. It's not anyone's job to monitor their fellow man.

    << <i>Freedom of Speech..here's a perfect example:

    At the high school Thanksgiving Day football game last year...a group of young kids (18-21..the recently graduated college kids that returned home for the Holiday) were standing in a circle of 6 guys and 3 girls. Every 30 seconds the F bomb dropped...or some other form of curse word. There was talk about booze..girls..drugs...this and that..but the "DUDE"..and the "F" words were flying at an astounding rate.
    Anyways, after about 15 minutes of it..I looked over and cleared my throat..and said "hey guys...there's women and little kids around here...can you watch your mouths?"
    The reply: "F you old man...go stand somewhere else"
    I asked him to come again...and went and stood in his face..."you want me to make a fool out of you AND your friends right here?"
    Reply"there's six of us and one of you..the odds aren't too good!!"

    My reply..."you're right...YOU'RE going to need atleast 3 more guys!!"

    It was at that point that the collective crowd jumped in..ladies..mothers...grandmothers...and a couple of older gents..all of whom were just as po'd as me from watching the whole thing unfold..and were now collectively putting their foot down. Everyone decided to monitor these kids and keep them in check!! >>

    So basically you infringed on THEIR freedom of speech simply because you didn't like their choice of words, and then, instead of just letting it flow on, you physically confronted a group of kids? Wow, you must feel TOUGH.

    << <i>3 days later I got a call from a guy I had gone to high school with 20+ years earlier. It seemed he wanted to apologize for his sons rude behavior and to thank me for not sending his kid out on a stretcher. Someone at the game had called this kids parents and told them everything...the son- even at 19 years old, wasn't too old to learn a new lesson.

    @"...others just said THANK YOU!! >>

    You were WRONG, without a doubt. You infringed on their right to freedom of speech simply because you didn't like what they were saying. It's clear, especially when you specifically mention they were using the word 'dude'. Then you physically intimidated them? Uhm, I'd suggest some counseling for that anger management problem.

    << <i>The point..if we don't monitor each other...then anarchy ensues. >>

    No, you couldn't be further from the truth. What harm was there, really, in those kids standing around, using expletives in their conversation? Would that REALLY have turned into anarchy? Or would they have went on their way anyways without having to be physically intimidated by a bunch of old grumps who don't know how to mind their own business?

    << <i>Just a little respect goes a long way!! >>

    And that respect goes both ways, it appears you want it your way, all the time. That's not respect.
  • wow ignorance really does run rampant...

  • << <i>wow ignorance really does run rampant... >>

    I second the motion...
  • What's the matter Ax?

    Was oddball your alt id?

    If I was in the situation 5stat was in I would have done the same thing. If those kids grandmothers were sitting there they would have showed more respect. So why not show the same respect to your neighbors grandmother?

    My opinion is you are way off base here and in the minority.

    Bob C.
    57 Topps (83%) 7.61
    61 Topps (100%) 7.96
    62 Parkhurst (100%) 8.70
    63 Topps (100%) 7.96
    63 York WB's (50%) 8.52
    68 Topps (39%) 8.54
    69 Topps (3%) 9.00
    69 OPC (83%) 8.21
    71 Topps (100%) 9.21 #1 A.T.F.
    72 Topps (100%) 9.39
    73 Topps (13%) 9.35
    74 OPC WHA (95%) 8.57
    75 Topps (50%) 9.23
    77 OPC WHA (86%) 8.62 #1 A.T.F.
    88 Topps (5%) 10.00
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i> didn't see what he said, but, guessing what he said, it's apparent he was fishing for attention - which you were all way too willing to give him. I mean come on, how easy is it to spot that behavior? >>


    This is one time I think it's best you not speak from what you have not read.

    Are you married?

    If so...

    What if you proudly showed your wedding pics and someone called her a pig.

    So now...

    You're gonna tell me sticks and stones...

    You've got strong conviction - as does Jordan.

    But, if you were a regular here and everyone ignored the pejorative...

    You might feel unsupported - so it's hard to know what to do.

    This is not one of those times for lofty discussions of freedom of speech and all that.

    A friend of mine was highly insulted and other friends, like myself, came to his side.

    This is NOT an academic debate - but rather a real occurence.

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    This isn't technically true. We don't gather here because we enjoy collecting cards; we gather here because we like to argue about the Philosophy of Feedback, and because we like to grouse about online auction transactions that have gone sour. Sportcards are a vehicle for these discussions, but they aren't really the point.

    Also, when did I hold forth on my opinions on the Iraq War? My understanding is that our exhalted Commander in Chief declared 'Mission Accomplished' sometime back in '03, which means there isn't really anything to talk about. I mean, isn't the Iraq War more-or-less over and done? Or did I miss a memo?

    Edit to add-- if anyone has access to an 8"x10" of our President in his jumpsuit with the 'Mission Accomplished' banner behind him PLEASE PM me and name your price. >>

    TRITE. >>

    I don't think trite is the word you were looking for. Puerile, maybe? Or smarmy?

    In any case, it's nice to see the Midwestern Literalists are being adequately represented in this thread. Keep up the good work.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    15% feel he should not have gotten the boot.

    I appreciate that and to be frank, I don't think it was based only on this incidence.

    He brought nothing to the table and contributed, at best, truculent diatribes.

    And to those 15%:

    I'm more than confident that none of you, sober, would ever call another man's wife a pig and not expect to have a 2 x 4 upside your head.


  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Last...

    15% feel he should not have gotten the boot.

    I appreciate that and to be frank, I don't think it was based only on this incidence.

    He brought nothing to the table and contributed, at best, truculent diatribes.

    And to those 15%:

    I'm more than confident that none of you, sober, would ever call another man's wife a pig and not expect to have a 2 x 4 upside your head.

    mike >>

    I can't remember how I voted. I am sure that the guy has no tact (what kind of neanderthal insults a man's wedding pictures?), but I can go back and forth on the banning issue.

    But you are right-- if you insult a man's wife you should be expecting a very long night; and probably an even longer morning after.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    It pisses me off what he said but I really wouldn't take anything he said seriously. He is an antagonist and thrives on the negative attention.

    My wife is beautiful and I really could care less what a guy like that had to say about her. In my eyes she couldn't possibly be considered a pig or a heffer or whatever else he said, so I blow it off. Had he said that to me in bar, he would have had a hard time bending over to pick up his teeth with broken fingers and a pool cue sticking out of his a$$. While I disagree with what he said, if I were drunk and at a bar, I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have taken his words too kindly.

    And as was said, he offered nothing to this board and never once participated in talking about sportscards. He was an a-hole and offered nothing to a community owned by a private entity. It was a matter of time until he was gone. He'll be back and there will be others like him, but I know he could never get a woman as good as I got. I bet his mom doesn't even like him. image

    My Auctions
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I bet his mom doesn't even like him. >>

    I dont know zef. That sounds a little harsh. It looks like they get along great.

  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Not sure if you put me in the 15%, but that's definitely not what I was saying. It's up to CU if he stays or goes, and if I were them, I'd have banned him too. He's bad for the forums. I was just saying I never would've responded to his crap. i ignore people like that.

  • If you dont love the flag! you must be a long hair pinko commie, get your a$$ out here!! hoo-rah.
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