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wish I would have thought of this

ad4400ad4400 Posts: 2,077 ✭✭✭✭✭
For those of you that remeber my inheritance posts from this summer, I'm still trudding along sell sheets at face to co-workers. Xmas stamps have been an easy sell. I only have two sheets of $.13 stamps left.

If I only had the inagination to come up with what these folks did. This high end looking stationary store is offering to put $.39 of "older" commemorative postage on a pretty envelope for you for a mere $5.50 per $.39. Grant you, I'm sure they are "artful" and what not. Makes me think I should go out a buy a box of colored envelopes and do the same, and sell mine for a buck. Who says you can't get more than face for this common stuff. All you need is a schtick.


  • KentuckyJKentuckyJ Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭

    The problem with this idea is that the older stamps do not have tagging. When this type of letter goes into today's USPS system the letter will be rejected as not having postage on it. This means the rejected letter has to be looked at by hand by a USPS employeee. I created a bunch of these envelopes for my better half, several years ago, to help her promote a special project where the older stamps on the envelope would be very appropriate. Our experience at the time was that it sometimes took an extra 10 days - two weeks for the USPS to deliver these letters.

    The best thing to do, if you want an envelope with older stamps making up your postage, is to add at least a few minor current stamps to get your envelope into the USPS system without any problems.


  • It's interesting to note that when I was trying to get "sock on the nose cancels" that is the circular part of the machine cancel on the face of a certain new issue stamp, most of the timethey were kicked out and heavily hand canceled because I placed the stamp so the circular part would hit the stamp. The renmedy was to place a one cent tagged (modern) stamp so that their machine would "see" THE STAMP AND STILL PLACE THE CANCEL AS USUAL. iT'S INTERESTING TO NOTE THAT BECAUSE OF THE THIS SOMETIMES A LOW VALUE TAGGED STAMP WILL SEND A FIRST CLASS LETTER LETTER through the mail.
  • ad4400ad4400 Posts: 2,077 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can someone explain what 'tagging' is. Is it some sort of barcode/infrared/watermark that validates the stamps. I have a ton of old postage that I plan on simply using - sounds like I should add some time when sending with only old stamps?
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