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Excel Spreadsheet with auto price updating avail for free soon...



  • << <i>There is no spam here.

    New guy has some enthusiasm about setting up an Excel sheet to track coins.

    He asks for examples and then offers to take all of the fields and make one spreadsheet that contains all of the useful fields and share that with the forum.

    This seems to confuse some of the CU Forum members, so they don’t know what to do.

    So they launch an attack and call in the blue fish reserves.

    New guy is confused, because he was just trying to share a project he thought would be useful and launches a counter attack.

    So it is simply just another episode of When Chuckleheads Collide >>

    As much as it pains me .................. image

    What a bunch of .................. nevermind imageimageimage

  • ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Did anyone say "Welcome to the boards?" >>

    Don't think so. No one said "Fresh meat," even. image
  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>This seems to confuse some of the CU Forum members, so they don’t know what to do.

    So they launch an attack and call in the blue fish reserves.


    Hey, call me sensitive, but where did I attack?

    AND... I've yet to be responded to. *sniff*


    BTW, thanks for the recognition, Mrs. Piggy!
  • dcamp78dcamp78 Posts: 1,082 ✭✭

    Welcome to the forum. (aka Baptism In Fire)

    First, let me defend the fine folks on this forum. If you look at the number of some of the posts for these guys/gals, they've
    been around here for a long time. They've made the forum what it is today. You should respect that.

    Second, Forum Members, let me defend Jason. If you've ever worked in programming you'll certainly know that you shouldn't
    have to reinvent the wheel every time you write a program. Using other folks code is acceptable as long as it's in the
    public domain or they let you have a copy and you give them the credit they deserve.

    My suggestion: If you and others on the forum want to build a killer coin spreadsheet, you should treat it like any other
    Software Development Life Cycle.

    1. Determine if there is enough interest here.
    2. If there is, you will have to make sure that you can use these forums. (I believe this would be off-topic in all of the forums)
    Maybe the SysAdmin would create another forum to facilitate this development process.
    3. Once that's done there needs to be a Design Document created.

    You probably know the routine from that point.

    I hope this helps...
    Big Dave
    Good trades with: DaveN, Tydye, IStillLikeZARCoins, Fjord, Louie, BRdude
    Good buys from: LordMarcovan, Aethelred, Ajaan, PrivateCoinCollector, LindeDad, Peaceman, Spoon, DrJules, jjrrww
    Good sale to: Nicholasz219
  • gyocomgdgyocomgd Posts: 2,582 ✭✭✭

  • << <i>... BTW, thanks for the recognition, Mrs. Piggy! >>

    You are quite welcome. Seems somebody should. image

  • coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,484 ✭✭✭
    There is no good reason that a new poster shouldn't be treated courteously and given the benefit of the doubt, unless or until he proves he doesn't deserve it. If FoxFunding later proves to be a spammer, so be it. However, it seems premature to accuse him of such, based on what he has posted thus far.

    Give him a chance before you jump all over him and remember, the number of posts someone has here is not necessarily indicative of how much respect he deserves.
  • Well, another potential fellow coin collector and forum contributor run off by those who think they know everything.


  • nankrautnankraut Posts: 4,565 ✭✭✭

    "There is no good reason that a new poster shouldn't be treated courteously and given the benefit of the doubt, unless or until he proves he doesn't deserve it. If FoxFunding later proves to be a spammer, so be it. However, it seems premature to accuse him of such, based on what he has posted thus far.

    Give him a chance before you jump all over him and remember, the number of posts someone has here is not necessarily indicative of how much respect he deserves. "

    AHHHH!!! The voice of reason. Thanks Mark!image
    I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
  • But... I don't think he knew the secret handshake... so you gotta be careful.

    Wait, I don't know the secret handshake either...

    Gotta log off now before I'm asked to perform the secret handshakeimage

    Man, you guys were tough on that guy.
  • Blinded by Ego: I signed up for the heritage site you mentioned at: http://coins.heritageauctions.com/info/prices.asp . Looks pretty GREAT. Only a few deal killing problems with it.

    1. It's slow as hell to input your collection. ( I have a lot of pieces and it would take me a week or more at that pace!)
    2. It doesn't let me filter data and graph data like excel does.
    3. They know what my collection is and I don't like that...
    4. If there site is down or my internet is down I don't have access.

    As far as the members that stood up for me... Thanks again!


    Finally, to whom ever posted my picture... ummm... thanks... I guess, but why even bother?!?


    I have many Real estate, computer and coin sites for those curious but AGAIN thats not the point you ding dongs...

    This is about making a cool excel spreadsheet FOR MY OWN USE... I will give it away free to anyone that wants it for their own use when its being created...

    (Just like the real estate spreadsheet I shared earlier.) All my investor buddies use it , blah blah blah...

    THE POINT IS... Like I said earlier,

    Since NO ONE but one kind member has sent me any excel spreadsheet to work from so I'm starting from scratch.

    I will make one and share it when its presentable. image


    One last comment to the "he's a spammer" or "he's a virus sneaker" or "he's advertising something to do real estate that we don't understand" or "he's an alien from mars thats here to kill us all" I just want to say that you need to get a grip on reality, get off the meth and take a deep breath.

    Thanks for your time,

  • HeywoodHeywood Posts: 1,246 ✭✭✭
    I think you could alleviate the macro concerns by writing out the macro, and then peopl could cut and past it into the macro editor.

    BTW Welcome.

    I just use a simple spreadsheet with no links to prices, other than Paid and sold. ( With an optomistic "Worth" column)

    I agree the welcome was not up to usual standards, but since you have been lurking for a while, you know people are a little punchy, suffering from OF withdrawl.

    Also, the folks are very weary of new/low posters with free offers.

    Maybe a little more of an intro like this would have kept them more at bay

    "Hi Everybody- I am XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    I have been collecting for X years, and following the forum for a while.

    I collect Raw this and certified that.

    I remember a post awhile back about value Tracking software, and I want to take a stab at writing a program to track paid and current values.

    If anyone has thoughts or features they would like to see, or suggestions, please PM me.

    Once I get past the raw stage, I would make it available to anybody who wanted it..........................."

    Good luck,

    A witty saying proves nothing- Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

    An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor

    does the truth become error because nobody will see it. -Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)
  • hiijackerhiijacker Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭
    Why are we jumping all over Foxfunding?
    Buyer of all vintage Silver Bars. PM me
    Cashback from Mr. Rebates
  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 12,802 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well I'm sorry. . . .

    Instead of being curteous and respectful, "foxfunding" immediately started bossing people around, using profanity, sending nasty PMs, keeps his profile hidden, AND has yet to apologize for his crummy behavior. And, given the downloads he provided may be laden with viruses and spyware, this further increases the likelihood of a hidden agenda.

    Finally, the handle "Foxfunding" sounds like someone who will eventually be asking you for money.

  • << <i>But To those who insist on ruining a good thread by posting cans of SPAM - I SAY YOU ARE UNKNOWINGLY IMMATURE A**HOLES! >>

    You speak the truth ... however, if you are going to hang around on this forum, you will need to get used to it image

    Thanks for your effort. If you end up posting a spreadsheet, I will definitely give it a looksee!

    PS - Welcome to the forum image

  • << <i>Give him a chance before you jump all over him and remember, the number of posts someone has here is not necessarily indicative of how much respect he deserves. >>

    Exactly ... take Russ for example image
  • wow you people are just like the folks in the new us mint commericial COIN NERDS ALL OF YOU you should be ashamed go back to the of where you belong....oooppps that is gone so you'll have to go somewhere else I have a good idea!!!!!!!!!!!

  • << <i> you should be ashamed go back to the of where you belong....oooppps that is gone so you'll have to go somewhere else I have a good idea!!!!!!!!!!! >>

    Don't drink and post image
  • guy offers a free spreadsheet and gets attacked like like a ham sandwich by those kids in ethiopia
  • FoxFunding,

    Where are you going to get your price updates from?

  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i><< Give him a chance before you jump all over him and remember, the number of posts someone has here is not necessarily indicative of how much respect he deserves. >>

    Exactly ... take Russ for example >>

    You finish researching the history of that "MS66" Fugio yet, Fletcher?

    Russ, NCNE

  • << <i>You finish researching the history of that "MS66" Fugio yet, Fletcher? >>

    I had before I purchased it ... but I had a couple of colonial experts give it the twice over after your comment. But this thread isn't about me ... please feel free to start a new one though image

  • -=-=-=-=

    50cents: I am going to use the excel script that slipgate (or his father if I remember correctly) made a while back to pull the values from PCGS. Then I'm going to have tables for annual values to draw the data to plot a chart of my collection's value over time...


    Working on it now while watching Law and order.


    hootchiegirl: you're hot image thanks for the good words!


    Finally, to all you "SPAM" guys: I'm sorry to hurt your ego or whatever since you have 4 million posts and all but I think YOU were out of line to be judgemental by posting cans of spam and what not to a newbie. I wasn't trying to make this forum a circus and I didn't expect any of you to act like that to a benign post.


    type at you later,


  • << <i>You nailed it. This place is brutal on newcomers who don't know or abide by the little protocols. >>

    But wouldn't someone who had been lurking and reading the forum ff and on for a couple years know the protocols?

    FoxFunding, if you are able to develop what you are proposing that would be good, but if you hang around here for awhile your hindsight will let you understand why your actions resulted in the responses that it did. Collectors are often a suspicious skeptical bunch. New people normally come in with an introduction or specific information questions. You can in with an aura of "HI give me this and I will be your saviour" and immediately put people on guard (Shield up, power up weapons). Then after the first couple negative posts YOU went into an indignant/attack mode which didn't help things. (A thick skin is needed here to ward off the needles and barbs of the other posters.) You showed that you were easy to goad into a response.
  • A BIG THANK YOU to: Lee Lydston for sharing his excel spreadsheets with me!

    BTW, for anyone sending me an excel spreadsheet... I don't need to know what coins you have... thats your personal business and can be deleted before sending if you want. I just want to see your layout. Thanks!

    Conder101: I'm not into playing games or screwing around. Sorry I didn't fit the boards pre-conceived mold.

  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>
    Conder101: I'm not into playing games or screwing around. Sorry I didn't fit the boards pre-conceived mold. >>


  • I'll make you a deal....

    I'll make you the requested spread sheet and give it to you with resale rights, all you have to do is give me 1 non graded coin worth $1000.

    The members of this forum have to agree that the coin is worth at least 1000 bucks....

    Hows that...

  • << <i>Conder101: I'm not into playing games or screwing around. Sorry I didn't fit the boards pre-conceived mold. >>

    Fair enough, but then don't be surprised or upset when people who do follow the conventional take you to task like they did.

  • << <i>I'll make you a deal....

    I'll make you the requested spread sheet and give it to you with resale rights, all you have to do is give me 1 non graded coin worth $1000.

    The members of this forum have to agree that the coin is worth at least 1000 bucks....

    Hows that... >>

    Well maybe mrearlygold was right afterall image
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I'll make you a deal....

    I'll make you the requested spread sheet and give it to you with resale rights, all you have to do is give me 1 non graded coin worth $1000.

    The members of this forum have to agree that the coin is worth at least 1000 bucks....

    Hows that... >>

    Well maybe mrearlygold was right afterall image >>

    That statement was not written by the person mrearlygold was talking about.
  • << I'll make you a deal....

    I'll make you the requested spread sheet and give it to you with resale rights, all you have to do is give me 1 non graded coin worth $1000.

    The members of this forum have to agree that the coin is worth at least 1000 bucks....

    Hows that... >>

    seemyauction: I'm not interested in reselling anything. Thanks but no thanks.

  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,608 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I rarely offer advice but Conder101 gave you some good ones. If you enable your PM's you might be able to deflect some of this.

    Good luck. You may need it.
    Tempus fugit.
  • Just curious, did anyone ever get this guy's spread sheet? I need something to inventory my coins and I was wondering how it all turned out. Doesn't look like he posted much after this thread.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Doesn't look like he posted much after this thread. >>

    Ya think? image

    Russ, NCNE
  • image
  • I'm still alive... Just busy with my main business.

  • LALASD4LALASD4 Posts: 3,602 ✭✭✭
    Maybe changing the e-mail to a yahoo or gmail address will remove the spam that others were refering to? Don't really know why all the spam talk and I don't have the time to read all the post.image
    Coin Collector, Chicken Owner, Licensed Tax Preparer & Insurance Broker/Agent.
    San Diego, CA

  • jgrinzjgrinz Posts: 985 ✭✭✭
    Only 5 pages of Hack n Slash for the newbie ... You guys are slipping a few gears I think.


    Was tedious reading for no real valid information ... isn' t that what this is for ...to Impart information
    for everyones advancement of the hobby ... hmmm ... I must be wrong !

    No Wonder I don't post here often.


  • << <i>I'm still alive... Just busy with my main business.

    -Jason >>

    Sounds like a big project. Let us know if you make any progress.

    What is your main business, Jason?
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

  • <<Whoever you are do not send me another pm and yes it is spam...

    Tom Pilitowski, you are always posting without any response with your link to buying your junky inventory. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
    The Accumulator - Dark Lloyd of the Sith

  • The rest of you - go barracade yourself in the basement. Someone will come after you someday, whether some guy who simply wants to play around with software to maybe make things better, or aliens from the planet Atoon.
    The Accumulator - Dark Lloyd of the Sith

  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i> <<Whoever you are do not send me another pm and yes it is spam...

    Tom Pilitowski, you are always posting without any response with your link to buying your junky inventory. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. >>

    Lloyd, please stop taking those meds
  • I don't think Excel has a formula that would pull the prices off of the PCGS price guide. image
    Cheryl........."She was not quite what you would call refined. She was not quite what you would call unrefined. She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot." - Mark Twain

    Cher-Wood Forest Aviary


    POTD - May 26, 2005
  • I'm off them now. REALLY JUNKY INVENTORY.
    The Accumulator - Dark Lloyd of the Sith

  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I'm off them now. REALLY JUNKY INVENTORY. >>

    I know, it's embarassingimage
  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,356 ✭✭✭
    don't think Excel has a formula that would pull the prices off of the PCGS price guide.

    Actually, it does. It is under the Data pull down menu. Select Import External Data and then New Web Query. Browse to the webpage you want to import and it will import the data. Once this is done and the set up is in your Excel file, you can refresh the data without having to browse to it. Just select refresh and voila it is updated. Quite handy feature actually.


  • jgrinzjgrinz Posts: 985 ✭✭✭
    Actual REAL information that HELPS - Thanks Wayne for Keeping me sane.

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