If the numbers look like it could happen, I would be more than happy to go to Steve's warehouse, if he's in agreement, and break/pack and ship from there. He's only about 30 miles from me.
Just an Idea. SInce Steve Hart is in possesion of your items why can't you send him a list for example with a 116 address and a 116 different shipping charges. HE is receiving excellent publicity and this could eliminate a middle man. So steve hart could break up the batch you decide and send them out accordingly.
THis would be great for business in my opinion. Almost like marketing.
5 packs for 225....we modern card collectors do that every month! How many autos per box? Any chrome inserts?
I would be interested in this if I had the money whenever you all did this, however finding that many people here is going to be very very tough. I would love to hear from someone who has busted this stuff before.
<< <i>Just an Idea. SInce Steve Hart is in possesion of your items why can't you send him a list for example with a 116 address and a 116 different shipping charges. HE is receiving excellent publicity and this could eliminate a middle man. So steve hart could break up the batch you decide and send them out accordingly. >>
I believe there was talk of a group buy awhile back and if I remember correctly Steve was happy to supply the product he wasn't interested in getting involved with the shipping.
<< <i>Just an Idea. SInce Steve Hart is in possesion of your items why can't you send him a list for example with a 116 address and a 116 different shipping charges. HE is receiving excellent publicity and this could eliminate a middle man. So steve hart could break up the batch you decide and send them out accordingly. >>
I believe there was talk of a group buy awhile back and if I remember correctly Steve was happy to supply the product he wasn't interested in getting involved with the shipping. >>
Right, that was on the 80's bb wax purchase and rip if I remember correctly. Something on this magnitude he may have a different outlook. Also, if I and/or anyone else were present and solely did the shipping legwork but utilized his facility for simplicity he may also be inclined to work with us. It would be good pub, pictures of the case being cracked and all the boxes and packs laid out on a table in the Woolworthesque picture we all love. Shoot, it may even be better pub than Larry Fritsch in the newspaper fishing thru a vending box
This may not be feasable. 116 people to put up $225 on this board just may not happen. If we can get the numbers, these directives will be worth exploring. But not before.
I am not saying there are not that many folks, but I cannot think of who they would all be.
Other option would be to let some folks have more than one $225 block, if they wanted it. Even with that, it still looks like 70 to 95 people required.
Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
30 with $225 can do alot of damadge. If you purchased many boxes of differant variety "fun" years and split up the packs you could get quite the selection of packs.
While it's interesting that a lot of people are possibly going to be involved, the uniqueness of the product we're talking about carries a lot of weight..at least from my perspective. I'd stick to the '75 case. Otherwise, I'm not sure it's that crazy...and crazy is what drives my interest here.
"30 with $225 can do alot of damadge. If you purchased many boxes of differant variety "fun" years and split up the packs you could get quite the selection of packs. "
The high-dollar case is a more significant thing, though. There could be a good bit of earned media for the project. Also, since PSA is getting into the pack-grading biz, they might agree to cachet any flips that were attendant to packs submitted for grading.
"Pirate-Busters Case Break 2006." Or, whatever was deemed suitable.
Folks could have a "commem" slab to go with the magazine and internet articles. The expensive stuff is just a whole lot more interesting than a bunch of relatively common stuff.
And, greedy gambling addicts like myself only like expensive lottery tickets.
Another selling point is to determine the money downside, if the participant throws the junk up on eBay. In other words, you need to able to tell prospects something like: "The most you are likley to lose is X, because you can bail it onto eBay for about X." That kind of talk makes the price seem easier.
If you can likely net $25 out of the stuff you do not want, that cuts the price/risk down to $200.00.
Someone can also make sure the buy price is as low as it can be. Maybe that has already been done, I cannot read back through the whole thread to find out.
Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
If you get a half dozen or so people who are willing to go in for a full box, that can go a long way in claiming the case. Like I said, I'd be willing to go in for a full box. Anyone else interested in stepping up for a full box? Also, for a large purchase such as this of a not so rare item, perhaps Steve would be willing to offer a small amount of relief??
I might be interested in a full box. I have ripped both a 75 mini and a 75 full size box in the past few years, and the mini box was a lot of fun. I'd be curious as to what a full box would break out to be, once the case price is established.
Single boxes typically sell for $1200-$1300. The case price results in a box price of ~$1562. There is some premium for case fresh boxes but I'm sure we could get it down below a $250 premium. Few collectors would be interested in a purchase of this magnitude. Most of the interest would come from dealers looking to break it up for the per pack premium. But these dealers would not pay retail.
<< <i>If you get a half dozen or so people who are willing to go in for a full box, that can go a long way in claiming the case. Like I said, I'd be willing to go in for a full box. Anyone else interested in stepping up for a full box? Also, for a large purchase such as this of a not so rare item, perhaps Steve would be willing to offer a small amount of relief?? >>
The amount of people on Steve's end shouldn't matter if someone is asking for relief. If the case sells, it sells. I would be fine with anyone wanting more than the alotted amount, but I was only figuring that if its broken down we would entice more people to participate.
If a few people want to claim a box, or if we do it by box and, say 4 people, want to go in and split a box...it's all good.
There are 16 boxes, 36 packs per box. So its roughly $43.50/pack and $1566/box. I don't care how its broken up as long as 576 packs are account and paid for and we can get the case. If 10 people want a box, that leaves 216 packs to be split by the rest of the crowd.
I think if we open it up this way, there may be a better shot of this actually ocurring. Need sleep. I'll figure out a way to start accounting for packs/boxes in the morning.
I think we can get this done. I also think I have a problem. Me likey the rippey of packs.
I'm in this to win this like Jox. If he's willing, I place my trust in Zef. There are others I trust but I think Zef expressed interest. If not, my apologies. Someone ought to make a post expressing our group interests. I'd do it but I'm relatively new. I think once we get a confirmed quote from Senor Hart we may see people come out of the proverbial woodwork for this. I know I have wood for it.
Wow I think this is going strong. Hey Zef pm me and I'll give you a call. Like i said earlier I kinda got the ball rolling with steve yesterday and he said get back to him if we think this break is possible and maybe we can get a break on the price. Since your so close to him maybe me and you can help each other take on this endeavor if it becomes possible. Also some good points have been made we don't neccesarily need 116 people. I'd be up for half a box possibly a whole box.
Guys, this is going to be fun to watch. I'm not sure if the 80's wax break was an inspiration for you, but I know I've been having fun busting some pretty common and boring packs. It'll be quite an accomplishment if you're able to get together 100+ guys to bust such expensive wax, but it'll be awesome if it happens. I'm sure we'll all be jealous of whomever it is that actually gets to cut open that 30 year old case. I know how awesome it was to see 11 different wax boxes on my apartment floor...I can't imagine the thought of seeing 20 boxes from 1975. Awesome.
Good luck...we'll all be watching.
(One thought: you may want to post to a few different message boards to see if others would be interested. It may be tough to get them to trust you, but if the ripping and shipping is done at the BBCx warehouse, it may be possible.
And I'll put my eBay feedback out there if you're unsure.
If the selling price is $43.50/pack.... Perhaps BBCE could get the price to $40 per pack? That's $240 for 6 packs, and what.... $250 delivered? Also, with 36 packs per box, giving everyone 6 packs, makes breaking the boxes much easier.
Also, you could sell any remaining boxes if we only get 30-40 "buyers" into this.
And I'll put my eBay feedback out there if you're unsure.
If the selling price is $43.50/pack.... Perhaps BBCE could get the price to $40 per pack? That's $240 for 6 packs, and what.... $250 delivered? Also, with 36 packs per box, giving everyone 6 packs, makes breaking the boxes much easier.
Also, you could sell any remaining boxes if we only get 30-40 "buyers" into this.
Those are my thoughts.
EA >>
The 6 packs is a great idea. I think we should only offer the packs in denominations of 6 to make the breaking easiest.
OK guys, I was alerted to this thread this morning and can do the following:
I can sell the case for $23,500 bottom line. There just isn't a whole bunch of room when I buy sometimes on items that are just not easily found. We would do the shipping for everything and everyone! Or one of you could come to the offices and pick it up........or.....we can even have all 116 people come to the office and I would buy the 25 cases of beer!
However, my markup on this thing at $23,500 is less than 5%. Therefore, I can't be the one who accepts the paypal payments. I would need for 1 person to do all the collecting and send me the $23,500 in a check form. Also, would need to have the exact shipping charge also. At less than 5%, this isn't a very good sale for the business, but we like the idea of having SCD and Beckett involved in the process!
Keep me notified by e-mail at bbcexchange@sprintmail.com
<< <i>Has anyone thought of the 1974 football rack box? I've been drooling over that...
Greg M. >>
I have been drooling over the 74 football as well, How many racks are in that bad boy;24? @ $4800. Hmmmmmmm >>
I believe there are 24 to a box. Steve was selling racks earlier this year for $180 each. I was interested, but felt that I could buy a decent raw set for maybe twice that. I'd definately be interested if others are. The 74's are tough and 9's typically sell quite well...but I believe centering is generally brutal for this set.
Greg M.
Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!
<< <i>70's football is something that I've been thinking about Greg...what are the cards of note in that set? >>
There aren't a ton of big rookies - the ones of note are John Hannah, Joe DeLamxxxxxx, Harold Carmichael (I think..not positive) and Ray Guy. However, there are a ton of HOFers including 2nd year cards of Harris, Youngblood, Langer, Shell and of course Bradshaw, Staubach...ect.
Greg M.
Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!
I just checked the pop report, only a little over 7k 1974 Topps fb cards have been graded - which is significanly less than any 70's/early 80's sets except 1980 Topps fb. Most early/mid 70's sets have double the number of cards graded (than the 1974 set).
Greg M.
Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!
That's really cool of Steve to come on here to offer the price break. As a suggestion, whoever collects the payments should get money orders instead of Paypal because PP's fees are so high on $23.5k paid in multiple transactions, unless the sender wants to throw in the additional coin to cover the fees.
Also, no offense to the football guys but can we split the football rack break discussion into a different thread? I think it will get confusing sorting out who wants what if both discussions are in the same thread.
I like the idea of splitting this up in chunks of 6-pack lots at $250 to $260 each, allowing folks to go in for as many lots as they choose. I think that's probably the best chance of getting it done and as simply as possible.
I also agree, now since this seems to be coming to fruition if the football break can be split into its own thread. I would be willing to collect the PO's and send Steve one check with the list of # of packs and addresses.
6 packs at the price Steve has offered is roughly $245. Hopefully once we get the amount that everyone wants we can figure actual shipping charges and have that added to your total and MO amount.
PM me if you want in and for how many packs you would like. I will start it off and take 6 packs.
I will update the first post with who's in, the amount of packs and then when payment is eventually recieved. Do not send payment until we figure actual shipping charges.
zef count me in too. i'll start with the 6 pack minimum. i dont think we can get 100 guys to make this work but that doesnt mean we cant figure out a way to bust a box or 2
Well I was interested but not if it's money order only. What if people wanted to use Paypal and added extra to cover the fees?? That way you could make a list of names and just mark off if they paid with MO or Paypal. Plus some people may feel safer using Paypal. Just a thought. Either way I wish you guys luck with your rip!
<< <i>Well I was interested but not if it's money order only. What if people wanted to use Paypal and added extra to cover the fees?? That way you could make a list of names and just mark off if they paid with MO or Paypal. Plus some people may feel safer using Paypal. Just a thought. Either way I wish you guys luck with your rip! >>
I would be fine with Paypal and the buyer covers the extra fees. As long as the correct amount comes thru to me thats all I care about.
Paypal fees are 2.9% + $.30. So if you want to paypal me the money it would be $259 total with $6.00 shipping and fees built in. I will have to alter the fees for people who order more than 6 packs to build in adjusted fees and shipping.
So, you are saying $259 delivered with Paypal for a block of 6 packs? If that's the case, count me in for a block of 6 packs. Are you taking the reservations on this thread, or do we need to email you? What about the option of calling you (or whoever is in charge). I would like to talk to you about it.
When do we need to pay? I would rather wait until EVERYTHING is worked out.
What happens if we don't get enough buyers? That's a chunk of change to come up with!
So, you are saying $259 delivered with Paypal for a block of 6 packs? If that's the case, count me in for a block of 6 packs. Are you taking the reservations on this thread, or do we need to email you? What about the option of calling you (or whoever is in charge). I would like to talk to you about it.
When do we need to pay? I would rather wait until EVERYTHING is worked out.
What happens if we don't get enough buyers? That's a chunk of change to come up with! >>
I will not be accepting payments until we have enough to purcahse the case. If it falls thru, I don't want to have to return everyones money.
And yes, it will be $259 via Paypal for a block of 6 packs delivered. It will be $251 for 6 packs delivered if you want to mail me a money order. Steve Hart at BBCE will be mailing out the packs and the $6 is for UPS insured shipping.
If anyone wants to e-mail me, please feel free. zef204@gmail.com
45% complete.
My Auctions
THis would be great for business in my opinion. Almost like marketing.
I would be interested in this if I had the money whenever you all did this, however finding that many people here is going to be
very very tough. I would love to hear from someone who has busted this stuff before.
<< <i>Just an Idea. SInce Steve Hart is in possesion of your items why can't you send him a list for example with a 116 address and a 116 different shipping charges. HE is receiving excellent publicity and this could eliminate a middle man. So steve hart could break up the batch you decide and send them out accordingly. >>
I believe there was talk of a group buy awhile back and if I remember correctly Steve was happy to supply the product he wasn't interested in getting involved with the shipping.
<< <i>
<< <i>Just an Idea. SInce Steve Hart is in possesion of your items why can't you send him a list for example with a 116 address and a 116 different shipping charges. HE is receiving excellent publicity and this could eliminate a middle man. So steve hart could break up the batch you decide and send them out accordingly. >>
I believe there was talk of a group buy awhile back and if I remember correctly Steve was happy to supply the product he wasn't interested in getting involved with the shipping. >>
Right, that was on the 80's bb wax purchase and rip if I remember correctly. Something on this magnitude he may have a different outlook. Also, if I and/or anyone else were present and solely did the shipping legwork but utilized his facility for simplicity he may also be inclined to work with us. It would be good pub, pictures of the case being cracked and all the boxes and packs laid out on a table in the Woolworthesque picture we all love. Shoot, it may even be better pub than Larry Fritsch in the newspaper fishing thru a vending box
This may not be feasable. 116 people to put up $225 on this board just may not happen. If we can get the numbers, these directives will be worth exploring. But not before.
My Auctions
I am not saying there are not that many folks,
but I cannot think of who they would all be.
Other option would be to let some folks have
more than one $225 block, if they wanted it.
Even with that, it still looks like 70 to 95 people
Very true.
The high-dollar case is a more significant thing, though.
There could be a good bit of earned media for the project.
Also, since PSA is getting into the pack-grading biz, they might
agree to cachet any flips that were attendant to packs
submitted for grading.
"Pirate-Busters Case Break 2006." Or, whatever was deemed
Folks could have a "commem" slab to go with the magazine and
internet articles. The expensive stuff is just a whole lot more interesting
than a bunch of relatively common stuff.
And, greedy gambling addicts like myself only like expensive
lottery tickets.
Another selling point is to determine the money downside, if
the participant throws the junk up on eBay. In other words,
you need to able to tell prospects something like: "The most
you are likley to lose is X, because you can bail it onto eBay
for about X." That kind of talk makes the price seem easier.
If you can likely net $25 out of the stuff you do not want, that cuts
the price/risk down to $200.00.
Someone can also make sure the buy price is as low as it can be.
Maybe that has already been done, I cannot read back through the
whole thread to find out.
<< <i>I cannot read back through the
whole thread to find out.
The old little league coach adage
comes to mind on this line...
"Can't means won't"
My Auctions
Steve would be willing to offer a small amount of relief?? "
Has that question been answered? If not, who is the right
person to ask it?
The number needs to be firm b4 the prospects can be closed,
I think.
<< <i>If you get a half dozen or so people who are willing to go in for a full box, that can go a long way in claiming the case. Like I said, I'd be willing to go in for a full box. Anyone else interested in stepping up for a full box? Also, for a large purchase such as this of a not so rare item, perhaps Steve would be willing to offer a small amount of relief?? >>
The amount of people on Steve's end shouldn't matter if someone is asking for relief. If the case sells, it sells. I would be fine with anyone wanting more than the alotted amount, but I was only figuring that if its broken down we would entice more people to participate.
If a few people want to claim a box, or if we do it by box and, say 4 people, want to go in and split a box...it's all good.
There are 16 boxes, 36 packs per box. So its roughly $43.50/pack and $1566/box. I don't care how its broken up as long as 576 packs are account and paid for and we can get the case. If 10 people want a box, that leaves 216 packs to be split by the rest of the crowd.
I think if we open it up this way, there may be a better shot of this actually ocurring. Need sleep. I'll figure out a way to start accounting for packs/boxes in the morning.
I think we can get this done. I also think I have a problem.
My Auctions
"What is the least you will take for the case?"
It has some publicity value, but he gets tons of that
Somebody who has done some good biz with him needs to pose
the Q.
<< <i>
Somebody who has done some good biz with him needs to pose
the Q.
storm >>
I bought a '68 and '69 Topps baseball nickel pack from him at the national but I doubt that would qualify me.
I'm in this to win this like Jox. If he's willing, I place my trust in Zef. There are others I trust but I think Zef expressed interest. If not, my apologies. Someone ought to make a post expressing our group interests. I'd do it but I'm relatively new. I think once we get a confirmed quote from Senor Hart we may see people come out of the proverbial woodwork for this. I know I have wood for it.
Please, make this happen.
Hey Zef pm me and I'll give you a call. Like i said earlier I kinda got the ball rolling with steve yesterday and he said get back to him if we think this break is possible and maybe we can get a break on the price.
Since your so close to him maybe me and you can help each other take on this endeavor if it becomes possible.
Also some good points have been made we don't neccesarily need 116 people. I'd be up for half a box possibly a whole box.
Good luck...we'll all be watching.
(One thought: you may want to post to a few different message boards to see if others would be interested. It may be tough to get them to trust you, but if the ripping and shipping is done at the BBCx warehouse, it may be possible.
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
* T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
And I'll put my eBay feedback out there if you're unsure.
If the selling price is $43.50/pack.... Perhaps BBCE could get the price to $40 per pack? That's $240 for 6 packs, and what.... $250 delivered? Also, with 36 packs per box, giving everyone 6 packs, makes breaking the boxes much easier.
Also, you could sell any remaining boxes if we only get 30-40 "buyers" into this.
Those are my thoughts.
Only an idiot would have a message board signature.
<< <i>I'm new.... but I'm in...
And I'll put my eBay feedback out there if you're unsure.
If the selling price is $43.50/pack.... Perhaps BBCE could get the price to $40 per pack? That's $240 for 6 packs, and what.... $250 delivered? Also, with 36 packs per box, giving everyone 6 packs, makes breaking the boxes much easier.
Also, you could sell any remaining boxes if we only get 30-40 "buyers" into this.
Those are my thoughts.
EA >>
The 6 packs is a great idea. I think we should only offer the packs in denominations of 6 to make the breaking easiest.
My Auctions
OK guys, I was alerted to this thread this morning and can do the following:
I can sell the case for $23,500 bottom line. There just isn't a whole bunch of room when I buy sometimes on items that are just not easily found.
We would do the shipping for everything and everyone! Or one of you could come to the offices and pick it up........or.....we can even have all 116 people come to the office and I would buy the 25 cases of beer!
However, my markup on this thing at $23,500 is less than 5%. Therefore, I can't be the one who accepts the paypal payments. I would need for 1 person to do all the collecting and send me the $23,500 in a check form. Also, would need to have the exact shipping charge also. At less than 5%, this isn't a very good sale for the business, but we like the idea of having SCD and Beckett involved in the process!
Keep me notified by e-mail at bbcexchange@sprintmail.com
Thanks! Steve Hart
<< <i>Has anyone thought of the 1974 football rack box? I've been drooling over that...
Greg M. >>
I have been drooling over the 74 football as well, How many racks are in that bad boy;24? @ $4800.
<< <i>
<< <i>Has anyone thought of the 1974 football rack box? I've been drooling over that...
Greg M. >>
I have been drooling over the 74 football as well, How many racks are in that bad boy;24? @ $4800.
Hmmmmmmm >>
I believe there are 24 to a box. Steve was selling racks earlier this year for $180 each. I was interested, but felt that I could buy a decent raw set for maybe twice that. I'd definately be interested if others are. The 74's are tough and 9's typically sell quite well...but I believe centering is generally brutal for this set.
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
<< <i>70's football is something that I've been thinking about Greg...what are the cards of note in that set? >>
There aren't a ton of big rookies - the ones of note are John Hannah, Joe DeLamxxxxxx, Harold Carmichael (I think..not positive) and Ray Guy. However, there are a ton of HOFers including 2nd year cards of Harris, Youngblood, Langer, Shell and of course Bradshaw, Staubach...ect.
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
Also, no offense to the football guys but can we split the football rack break discussion into a different thread? I think it will get confusing sorting out who wants what if both discussions are in the same thread.
I also agree, now since this seems to be coming to fruition if the football break can be split into its own thread. I would be willing to collect the PO's and send Steve one check with the list of # of packs and addresses.
6 packs at the price Steve has offered is roughly $245. Hopefully once we get the amount that everyone wants we can figure actual shipping charges and have that added to your total and MO amount.
PM me if you want in and for how many packs you would like. I will start it off and take 6 packs.
I will update the first post with who's in, the amount of packs and then when payment is eventually recieved. Do not send payment until we figure actual shipping charges.
My Auctions
Collecting all cards - Gus Zernial
Post Cereal both raw and PSA Graded (1961-1963)
Wouldn't it be a ^$### if I jumped in and bought the case?? <EVIL GRIN>
I won't....too much other stuff to play with
Just a thought. Either way I wish you guys luck with your rip!
<< <i>Well I was interested but not if it's money order only. What if people wanted to use Paypal and added extra to cover the fees?? That way you could make a list of names and just mark off if they paid with MO or Paypal. Plus some people may feel safer using Paypal.
Just a thought. Either way I wish you guys luck with your rip!
I would be fine with Paypal and the buyer covers the extra fees. As long as the correct amount comes thru to me thats all I care about.
Paypal fees are 2.9% + $.30. So if you want to paypal me the money it would be $259 total with $6.00 shipping and fees built in. I will have to alter the fees for people who order more than 6 packs to build in adjusted fees and shipping.
My Auctions
<< <i>This may be a silly question, but how many cards per pack? I may be in, but I need to crunch some numbers. >>
I think there is 10.
My Auctions
So, you are saying $259 delivered with Paypal for a block of 6 packs? If that's the case, count me in for a block of 6 packs. Are you taking the reservations on this thread, or do we need to email you? What about the option of calling you (or whoever is in charge). I would like to talk to you about it.
When do we need to pay? I would rather wait until EVERYTHING is worked out.
What happens if we don't get enough buyers? That's a chunk of change to come up with!
<< <i>Zef,
So, you are saying $259 delivered with Paypal for a block of 6 packs? If that's the case, count me in for a block of 6 packs. Are you taking the reservations on this thread, or do we need to email you? What about the option of calling you (or whoever is in charge). I would like to talk to you about it.
When do we need to pay? I would rather wait until EVERYTHING is worked out.
What happens if we don't get enough buyers? That's a chunk of change to come up with! >>
I will not be accepting payments until we have enough to purcahse the case. If it falls thru, I don't want to have to return everyones money.
And yes, it will be $259 via Paypal for a block of 6 packs delivered. It will be $251 for 6 packs delivered if you want to mail me a money order. Steve Hart at BBCE will be mailing out the packs and the $6 is for UPS insured shipping.
If anyone wants to e-mail me, please feel free. zef204@gmail.com
My Auctions
I be in.
One block of six packs.
Hope Zef can go to watch the case open and get some pix.
Respectfully suggest that new "dedicated thread" be started
and religiously bumped to the top until all reservations are taken.
There needs to be a time limit on sign-up. Shorter is much better.