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WWF (or WWE) fans

xbaggypantsxbaggypants Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭
Hey Everyone,

I was just wondering how many of you watch the WWF (or WWE)? If you do..

Who is you all time favorite?

Mine: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

What is the worst gimmick the WWF has used?

Mine: Duke" The Dumster" Drosse
Quote" I'm going to take out all of the trash in the WWF"
What were they thinking???

What is the best Gimmick?

Degeneration X

Tell me yours.



  • Years ago, I watched it, now, it is horrible. The biggest gimmick was Hogan, because he had absolutely no mechanical wrestling ability whatsoever!!!!!!!!! The Dragon was also my fave!!!
  • xbaggypantsxbaggypants Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭

    << <i> it is horrible. >>

    I couldn't agree more!!
  • ROCKDJRWROCKDJRW Posts: 1,330 ✭✭✭
    If we are going for only WWF/E wrestlers & gimmicks not including AWA, NWA or any other promotion my favorite wrestler was:

    Rowdy Roddy Piper

    The worst gimmick had to be Gobeldy Gook or Vinnie Mac ruining the WCW invasion angle after he purchased WCW.

    The best gimmick was Steve Austin. I am not a big fan but Vince turned "Stunning" Steve into a HUGE money maker.

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  • Since the WWF (WWE) now owns WCW, I will base my choices on those ideas generated by both federations.


    1. Bret Hart - Great Wrestling Skills rather than this punch, kick, stomp crap. Great mic skills as well. Loved the whole Canada vs. USA angle
    2. Mr. Perfect - Cracked me up every time
    3. Chris Benoit - A pleasure to watch perform in the ring
    4. George "The Animal" Steele - Loved the gimmick
    5. Chris Jericho - Great Wreslter - even better mic skills


    1. The Old lady giving birth to a hand?
    2. HHH having sex with a corpse?
    3. The Red Rooster - What did this great wrestler do to deserve this?
    4. The Gobbledy-Gooker - Anyone remember this waste?
    5. Stephanie McMahon crucified by the Undertaker.
    5. WWE playing off Eddie Guerrero's death


    1. Never have I seen a gimmick as well executed as the original NWO.
    2. Steve Austin and his relationship with Vince McMahon
    3. Canada vs. USA - See Bret Hart comment above
    5. Jeff Jarrett and his "domestication" of Chyna
    5. DX - Offensive but got ratings
    5. George Steele kidnaps Ms. Elizabeth

    Remember these Chuck Norris Facts

    1. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down
    2. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday
    3. There are no such things as lesbians, just women who have not yet met Chuck Norris
  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭
    So far, no mention of the single greatest performer in the ring (or at cutting promos) - The Rock?
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    WWE was and still can be entertaining.
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • ROCKDJRWROCKDJRW Posts: 1,330 ✭✭✭
    I am a fan of all the federations (WWE, TNA, ROH, CZW) and WWE's Raw is by far the best of all the shows. Smackdown on the other hand....
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  • Favorite Wrestler(s) of all time

    The Hart Foundation

    Worst Gimmick/moment

    The Doinks
    Replacing the Diesel and Razor Ramon characters with bad lookalikes
    Any crossover appearance by non wrestlers (Mike Tyson, Pete Rose, Mr T, Zeus)
    Scotty Too Hotty and the worm move
    Ken Shamrock/Ryan Shamrock incest story that they started and ended real quickly (I believe Shamrock left over it)

    Best Gimmicks/Moments

    Shawn Michaels putting Marty Jannetty through the 'barber shop' window
    Stone Cold Steve Austin
    Piper's Pit
    'Die Rocky Die'. The Rock's famous speech before he joined the nation of domination.
    DX invades Nitro--well tries to anyway. Can't get in the arena.
    Next MONTH? So he's saying that if he wins, the best-case scenario is that he'll be paying for it two weeks after the auction ends?

    Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12


    Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
  • MantleMarisFordBerraMantleMarisFordBerra Posts: 1,706 ✭✭✭
    no love for the "Nature Boy"? Whoooooooooo!
  • One other great moment--the Booker T/Buff Bagwell match that was going so horrible on Raw that Austin and Angle came out and pounded on them. Whether staged or not, Bagwell and Booker looked surprised at least...
    Next MONTH? So he's saying that if he wins, the best-case scenario is that he'll be paying for it two weeks after the auction ends?

    Forget blocking him; find out where he lives and go punch him in the nuts. --WalterSobchak 9/12/12


    Looking for Al Hrabosky and any OPC Dave Campbells (the ESPN guy)
  • ROCKDJRWROCKDJRW Posts: 1,330 ✭✭✭
    As for worst moments, how can we leave out the Katie Vick incident. It made me embarrased to be a wrestling fan.
    Collect Ozzie Guillen Cards
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  • I too, loved the Hartfoundation, but as far as AWA goes, when I was a 12 year old kid watching the Road Warriors run out to the ring and destroy their opponents in seconds, my heart would stop (well, almost stop anyways)!

    Worst angle was making one of the greatest technical wrestlers and world heavyweight Champion (of the AWA), into "the Model" Rick Martel--very, very sad. I remember when there was a cover to a wrestling magazine in 1985 that asked, "who would win", and it had Martel Vs. Flair Vs Hogan (the 3 Champs of the 3 major Federations of the time). But this of course goes back to the fact that McMahon doesn't like to take people from other federations and keep them as stars, he likes to create his own.

    I don't know if this would qualify as the best angle but the thing I remember the most about wrestling from when I was a young pup watching it with my dad is when best friends Hogan and Andre were best friends no more. I still remember the Piper's Pit where Andre pulled Hogan's cross off. I remember staying up until midnight to see if the TV show Sports Final Edition (we had the Detroit feed back home at this time), and they had a little montage to Wrestlemania 3 to Peter Gabriel's "Big Time." When it showed Hogan slam Andre I almost crapped my pants.


  • << <i>As for worst moments, how can we leave out the Katie Vick incident. It made me embarrased to be a wrestling fan. >>

    I did mention it but couldn't remember the Katie Vick name at the time

    Remember these Chuck Norris Facts

    1. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down
    2. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday
    3. There are no such things as lesbians, just women who have not yet met Chuck Norris
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    i havent watched wrasslin in years, but my favorite back then was Junkyard Dog, or Ricky the Dragon, or Superfly Snooka..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    and Iron Sheik is funny..

  • << <i>What is the worst gimmick the WWF has used? >>

    There is actually an Award for this every year!

    Called the GOOKER Award! read about what won every year - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gooker_Award
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,588 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It seemed more interesting to me when they used to pretend that it was a real sport, even though of course it has never been real. It used to be fun watching half the dopes in the audience screaming and shouting actually believing it was a real sporting match. Now that the wrestlers freely admit it is only entertainment, it doesn't seem as interesting. Of course some dopes out there probably still think that professional wrestling as well as roller derby are real sports. But I will give the wrestlers credit though where credit is due...even though it is a staged act it still takes a very good athlete to perform the stunts.
  • A761506A761506 Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭
    My favorites growing up were Ultimate Warrior and Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake who toted a garden hedge trimmer...

    I was at a great match in the mid-80's between Sgt. Slaughter and the Iron Sheik... I can remember parts of it pretty well... Slaughter brought a folding table into the ring and bodyslammed Sheik onto it, collapsing it and then pinned him. That was back when nearly all the matches ended with pins, none of the running out of the ring, disqualification, trash-talking crap that they do now. Now it's like a story, back then, it was just pure ass-kicking culminating with a royal rumble in a fenced ring at Wrestlemania. And they used to have a cartoon on Saturday morning that was great too... with Junkyard Dog, Jake The Snake, Hacksaw Jim, Macho Man, Hogan and various others.

    Another great I can remember was George "The Animal" Steele... he used to eat the turnbuckles.

    Rick Flair was a great wrestler back then, but was always relatively obscure in the WCW (I think that's what it was). He had a great move where he was thrown into a corner turnbuckle, face mount off of it and somehow land laying down without killing himself. I have no idea how the heck the guy did it, it was well done.

    It didn't take too long to learn that it was fake as a kid... when you would try to throw one of your friends as if you were throwing them across the ring into the ropes, it was funny how if they didn't actually run, they would just go flying face forward to the ground.... not exactly how it looked when the pros did it and so eloquently sprung off the ropes only to run back into an awaiting elbow right to the jugular.

  • jaxxrjaxxr Posts: 1,258 ✭✭
    The Nature boy ( not Buddy Rodgers, the original one ) Ric Flair, seems to sum up the very best of Pro wrestling.
    Sport, show, exhibition, or whatever, still very entertaining and fun to watch ! Ric , not Rick, for some reason, was as spectaculer a prefomer as anyone ever was in the wrassling ring.

    Lou Thez, Stanler Lewis, Jimmy Londos, George Hackenschmidt, and others were stars when the "sport" was almost legitimate. Hardly anyone knows or cares of them today.

    This aint no party,... this aint no disco,.. this aint no fooling around.
  • ArnyVeeArnyVee Posts: 4,245 ✭✭
    I was/am a huge professional wrestling fan.

    Favorite wrestler has to be a tie between Hogan & Flair. Hogan didn't have any of the wrestling ability, but had all of the charisma! Flair had wrestling ability AND charisma, but was not 'pushed' as much as Hogan because he was in the wrong fed for the majority of his career.

    One of the worst gimmicks has to be Mantaur...Gobbledy Gooker is up there...and I'd keep Duke the Dupmster over the Red Rooster's gimmick anyday. Remember, T.L. Hopper the friggin' wrestlin' plummer? Vince is a genius...but sometimes can't seem to get his head out of his @$$.

    Best gimmick? People seem to be mentioning best 'angles' here, so I'll keep it going. The Austin vs McMahon is head and shoulders above anything else aside from the beginning stages of the nWo. In the old days I loved the "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka vs "Rowdy" Roddy Piper feud along with Sgt Slaughter vs Iron Shiek.
    * '72 BASEBALL #15 100%
    * T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
    * L. TIANT BASIC #1
    * DRYSDALE BASIC #4 100%
    * '65 DISNEYLAND #2
    * '78 ELVIS PRESLEY #6
    * '78 THREE'S COMPANY #1


  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    haystak calhoun..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    hillbilly jim..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    fabulous freebirds..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    dead von erichs..
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    Almost there... You can do it!
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    rock & roll express..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    blackjack mulligan..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    capt lou albano..
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Not WWE/WWF but during the NWO years in WCW...when Hogan was fired by Jim Russo during the middle of an event...that one cracked me up..I havent watched a whole lot of wrestling since WWE bought out WCW.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭






    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • KnucklesKnuckles Posts: 2,512 ✭✭✭
    I once watched and loved it..

    My faves back then off the top of my head..

    Ultimate Warrior
    Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
    Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
    Demolition: Axe / Smash / Crush
    Big Boss Man
    The Rockers: Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty

    Anyone see those WWE Heritage cards at the local cardshop?




  • MantleMarisFordBerraMantleMarisFordBerra Posts: 1,706 ✭✭✭
    I have a ton of old wrestling cards from when I was a kid, wonder if they'll ever be worth anything?
  • ArnyVeeArnyVee Posts: 4,245 ✭✭
    Knuckles, do you happen to know how many cards are in the autographed sets? Those look very cool.
    * '72 BASEBALL #15 100%
    * T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
    * L. TIANT BASIC #1
    * DRYSDALE BASIC #4 100%
    * '65 DISNEYLAND #2
    * '78 ELVIS PRESLEY #6
    * '78 THREE'S COMPANY #1


  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>dead von erichs.. >>

    When I was growing up in St. Louis (this would be the early '80's) Kerry Von Erich was a regular on a weekly show called 'Wrestling at the Chase', and I thought that guy was a short step behind Jesus on the scale of divinity.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>image






    image >>

    I recognized King Kong Bundy, Hillbilly Jim, the Iron Sheik, Big John Studd.. but who are the two fat guys dressed up like Kiss and the guy with the two stars on his boobs?
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>When I was growing up in St. Louis (this would be the early '80's) Kerry Von Erich was a regular on a weekly show called 'Wrestling at the Chase', and I thought that guy was a short step behind Jesus on the scale of divinity. >>

    kerry von erich is dead, and has shown no evidence of resurrecting.. image

    im pretty sure they re all dead,,
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>but who are the two fat guys dressed up like Kiss and the guy with the two stars on his boobs? >>

    look like some wannabwe Road Warrios to me.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    i got to get me some of them bowman cards..
  • The Road Warrior Wannabes are known as Demolition (Axe and Smash) and the big fat guy is the great Kamala

    Remember these Chuck Norris Facts

    1. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down
    2. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday
    3. There are no such things as lesbians, just women who have not yet met Chuck Norris
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,588 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Big John Studd also died a number of years ago. Let's face it...all those steroids these guys took doesn't make for a long life span. Can't live without a liver and those steroids for sure destroys a liver.
  • xbaggypantsxbaggypants Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Big John Studd also died a number of years ago. Let's face it...all those steroids these guys took doesn't make for a long life span. Can't live without a liver and those steroids for sure destroys a liver. >>

    Anyone remember what Hogan looked like in the mid-80's. Talk about retaining water.
  • TheCARDKidTheCARDKid Posts: 1,496
    I loved watching the WWF as a kid in the late 80's (about '87 to '91). What the WWE produces now....it's unrecognizable.

    Everything got watered down. The belts, the PPV's, the meaning of the matches, the use of special matches like the steel cage, ladders, chairs, etc.

    Youtube.com is a great site for old WWF clips.

    Hogan vs The Genius (Classic)

    Mega Powers...Brotha!!

    Hart Foundation vs Demolition

    Loved Jesse and Gorilla Monsoon. Those guys were the gold standard.

  • << <i>Big John Studd also died a number of years ago. Let's face it...all those steroids these guys took doesn't make for a long life span. Can't live without a liver and those steroids for sure destroys a liver. >>

    Ha, very funny on a very ignorant post.

    Big John Studd died from Hodgkin's Disease. Please don't disrespect a great performer like that.

    Yes, you will bring up many others, but let me name you a few recent ones

    British Bulldog - A steroid abuser, but also had a bunch of painkillers and cocaine in his body
    Louie Spiccoli - Painkillers
    Brian Pillman - Painkillers
    Rick Rude - Painkillers
    Curt Hennig - Painkillers

    Sure, steroids used in the manner these guys use them may cause harm, but it has ultimatley been painkillers that did them in. Most died from heart attacks/heart conditions brought on by the massive amounts of pain killers used to offset the pain from being in the ring.

    Saying steroids killed many of these guys is like saying that a 400lb obese woman who had a heart attack and died whiling eating a Big Mac was killed by McDonald's alone.


    Remember these Chuck Norris Facts

    1. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down
    2. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday
    3. There are no such things as lesbians, just women who have not yet met Chuck Norris
  • ^^Lets face the facts; they weren't just popping them to relieve pain.

    "Sure, steroids used in the manner these guys use them may cause harm"

    May cause harm? The fact is one of the big reasons many many many wrestlers die young is steroid abuse. Look at what roids do to the arterries of the heart and the link with Heart Attacks. To say it is a "stretch" is dissilussional.
    Mark Mulder rookies
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    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,588 ✭✭✭✭✭
    <<< Ha, very funny on a very ignorant post.

    Big John Studd died from Hodgkin's Disease. Please don't disrespect a great performer like that. >>>

    Hey megatron - obviously it wasn't at all intended to be funny and wasn't disrespectful whatsoever...it was just stating facts. It was intended as a warning to young people who lurk here not to do steroids. Next time wakeup before you read and respond to the posts here.
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,588 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also megatron - you need to check your facts before making comments here because you will be exposed. The below pasted information shows that steroids "could have" very well caused the Hodgkin's Disease - in my opinion steroids probably did or certainly could have contributed to the development of this cancer.


    What causes Hodgkin's disease?
    Risk factors are anything that can increase the chance of developing a disease. They may be lifestyle-related, genetic (inherited) or environmental. The risk factors that a relate to other cancers such as diet, smoking and unprotected sun or pesticide exposure are not related to Hodgkin's disease. In fact, there are few risk factors that link directly to the development of Hodgkin's disease.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭

    Those guys would hit! i remm watching them break tables and stuff.

    the best gimmink? the sock puppet.

    fav wrestler? The sand man lol

    Good for you.
  • ^^The WWF/E is restarting that franchise after ONS. It's going to debut 2 nights later on the Sci Fi network.
    Mark Mulder rookies
    Chipper Jones rookies
    Orlando Cabrera rookies
    Lawrence Taylor
    Sam Huff
    Lavar Arrington
    NY Giants
    NY Yankees
    NJ Nets
    NJ Devils
    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

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