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1000 post GIVEAWAY - WINNER in first post!

pursuitoflibertypursuitofliberty Posts: 6,789 ✭✭✭✭✭
EDIT - contest over

Thanks for all the guesses and the kind words! image And thanks again for being here, even those of you that drive me crazy at times image

When I started this I had exactly 1000 posts, and 1353 PM's (back and forth) ... and way down on the bottom of the PM list was our own Bear, who was one one of the very first to welcome me here.

There were some pretty close guesses ... but in the end it was Mojoman's guess of 1402 that was closest. Congrat's Mojo!!

EDIT - complete

Hard to believe it’s been two years and a thousand posts. image

Thank you all for contributing your wit and wisdom, your thoughts and opinions, and even your angst … even at a thousand posts I read far more than I respond or post … and for that I appreciate those who post and respond with a bit more frequency than I do.

I have learned a few things here, met a few people I now consider my friends, seen and read about some great coins I might not have seen or learned about otherwise, and generally enjoyed being here. Hope my next couple of years will be as enjoyable.


I think it is customary to do a giveaway at this milestone, and so I will. image

Let’s make it a contest. image

The person who guesses the closest to the number of PM’s I have sent and received as of this post and since I have been here will win.

In the event of a tie, name this board member. When I search ALL of my PM’s, a familiar name on the boards showed up at the bottom of the list. They sent me a note, and I sent them one. It was one of the first PM’s I received and that person and I have never PM’d since … although in looking through the list there are quite a few people I’d like to further connect with, and this would be one of them.

The prize? Since I believe that knowledge is king, and this is said to be a hobby of kings … how about a brand-new (still-sealed) video (VHS) from the ANA Library, “Grading Mint-State U.S. Coins”, and I will purchase an ANA Membership for the winner (or the person of their choice) for one-year.

Somewhere there might be a little knowledge in there. image

Guess away, but only one entry per person please ... the contest goes until Sunday night on 5/13 at 8pm Pacific.

“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”

Todd - BHNC #242


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