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Is this a two-tiered market?



  • BigEBigE Posts: 6,949 ✭✭✭
    It seems to me that we are working on creating global democracy, jobs are being outsourced so that there will be worldwide dependency on it--------BigE
    I'm glad I am a Tree

  • << <i>What the 20-30% increase/year in healthcare costs that are causing the trouble has to do with COINS, socialism, communism or a worker's revolution isn't very clear to me--image >>

    It is very simple once the socialists take over they take all your valuables, like coins for instance!
  • Djord, I think you are referring to Communists. Yes, the Communists do seize property. Nothing in this conversation has anything to do with that whatsoever. I do believe in regulated Capitalism though. There has never been a time when unregulated Capitalism didn't result in terrible abuse and monopolies. A good example is here in Maryland, where they deregulated power companies to promote "competition" and "lower prices". Well, what happens is that after a couple of years of no regulation, the biggest and baddest corporate power companies buy out all the competition, becoming a monopoly. As a result, Marylanders are facing a 73% rate hike in June after the merger akeover is complete. The CEO in the company that is taking over is cashing in $61 million once the deal goes through, so you know where our rate hike is going! This deal was pushed by "pro-business" Gov. Ehrlich, when it is totally anti-business as there is no competition. Govt. should basically regulate big business to ensure that competition always flourishes, because no other way works. Greed just blinds people into selling out everytime. If you want more info on the situation in my state go to www.baltimoresun.com and type in BGE as the keyword in the news search. I believe in light taxes and light regulation of small businesses except for safety and living wage concerns but feel the opposite about the big coporate entities, as they get so powerful that they literally shape politicians campaigns and the course of our country.

  • << <i>matteproof,

    your thoughts have made this a very interesting thread.
    thank you for taking the time to type such long replies! >>

    Hi fc. Thank you for your very kind comments. image matteproof
    Remember Lots Wife

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