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Am I being unreasonable?

I recently had some stuff sell on ebay and one bidder bought 4 items which were all 1979 SBA's from a bank roll. His winning bid was 1 cent per coin (obviously not much interest in these). On the items I had $1.95 shipping. He sent me an email regarding combined shipping. I sent him back an email stating that I would cut the shipping cost in half for each additional coin he bid on ie 1.95 for the first 1 for the send .50 for the third etc. So the four coins came to about 3.75 for shipping which is what I invoiced him for (total $3.79). I then received another email telling me my mailing costs were to high for any standard usps shipping and could I explain to him why I was charging so much? I was going to lose it on him but decided to just respond that the shipping charges were clearly explained to him and if he did not agree he should not have bid and that I will gladly cancel the auction (and go spend the $4.00).

comments appreciated.
There is nothing more powerful than the power of goodbye


  • You were being reasonable combining shipping at all. Some do not do that.
    You do not need to explain yourself to them. Your auction clearly stated the terms?
    That should be enough. Joe
  • UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,544 ✭✭✭
    Let's see, $3.79 for $4.oo face worth $4.00 face imageimage

    Yep, you were being very reasonable IMO.

  • Steve27Steve27 Posts: 13,275 ✭✭✭
    Unless you stated that you combined shipping, you should charge him full shipping on each. The cost of shipping is why they sold for 1 cent each.
    "It's far easier to fight for principles, than to live up to them." Adlai Stevenson
  • raycycaraycyca Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭
    What did the auction say about combined shipping? If it wasn't addressed, then I think you are being fair. Otherwise, you could just tell him the auction was for 4 individual lots with individual shipping. Even if he pays what you're asking, he's still ahead. What's his gripe?

    My wife bought an item from China before. She won the auction for a small display piece. She won the item for 1 cent. The shipping was $75!!! She didn't read the fine print and had to pay. She thought it wasn't that bad. She thought she was getting an old piece. Then she learned that the dynasty she won the item was from was now, not 100 years ago like she thought. Buyer beware! READ ALL OF THE AUCTION BEFORE BIDDING! Just my opinion. Ray
    You only live life once, enjoy it like it's your last day. It just MIGHT be!

  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Tell him that these are your shipping and handling rates and that you extend discounted rates as a courtesy, PERIOD. Remind him that he has entered into a binding contract with you and then maybe inquire as to whether or not he has ever sold on eBay.

    Let him know that even though you've lost money on this, you're not complaining. If he cannot live with it then charge him full rate for each and every item. That ought to change his tune. image

    Next time you list an item with face value of One Dollar, for Pete's Sake, start your auction at 99 cents. With all due respect ... with all the people out there literally looking for something for nothing, protect yourself. What were you thinking?

    He obtains $4 (did I read that correctly) delivered for less than face and he's going to complain? YOU don't need customers like that.

  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165

    << <i>I then received another email telling me my mailing costs were to high for any standard usps shipping and could I explain to him why I was charging so much? >>

    To better answer the question, WHO MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT STANDARD RATES? S/H is involved, materials, your TIME and as for why so much ... you might mention that you do not have to offer discounts at all and it's full rare for each item won.

    What a Dingleberry! image
  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    block him from any future deals. I cannot stand people who try and tell others how to do business. he knew what the deal was before hit hit "bid"image

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • xbobxbob Posts: 1,979
    Handling is part of a shipping and handling fee!
    collections: Maryland related coins & exonumia, 7070 Type set, and Video Arcade Tokens.
    The Low Budget Y2K Registry Set
  • holeinone1972holeinone1972 Posts: 5,368 ✭✭✭
    Just an fyi in the future please consider me when donating your funds. image

    This person is a real loser in my opinion.

  • I'd block him on all future auctions. He's made 21 cents on an auction in which he wasn't even the seller and he's complaining?? Give me a break...
    If you haven't noticed, I'm single and miserable and I've got four albums of bitching about it that I would offer as proof.

    -- Adam Duritz, of Counting Crows

    My Ebay Auctions
  • ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭
    Who is this bidder? I think a lot of us would like to block him.
  • HyperionHyperion Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭
    you're being more than fair in my opinion.
    block 'em
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,491 ✭✭✭✭
    I agree with all of the above. Jeez! What a whiner!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • Combine them, but charge him full shipping as-if you mailed each out by itself. You don't need this kind of customer.
    I listen to your voice like it was music, [ y o u ' r e ] the song I want to know.


    I'd give you the world, just because...

    Speak to me of loved ones, favorite places and things, loves lost and gained, tears shed for joy and sorrow, of when I see the sparkle in your eye ...
    and the blackness when the dream dies, of lovers, fools, adventurers and kings while I sip my wine and contemplate the Chi.
  • You are being reasonable, if he whines I would cancel the auction and take the coins into your local bank to at least get face value in folding

    Dr J
  • Out em !!!

    So we can block em !!!
    know what you don't know.

    hi, i'm tom.

    i do not doctor coins like some who post in here.

  • carlcarl Posts: 2,054
    Got to be more money spent in time and email messages than the stuff is worth. Send the guy a pile of (#*&$(@ &*#
  • This guy is a total ass just for asking you to combine the shipping.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Who is this bidder? I think a lot of us would like to block him. >>

    Ditto. This oozepile is whining about getting money for less than face, including shipping. He's definitely block material.

    Russ, NCNE
  • mnmcoinmnmcoin Posts: 2,165
    Go back and tell him, that since you are being accussed of charging too much for shipping that you might as well actually charge him too much for shipping...and that you are raising it back to the full amount.

    Then come back tell us his ebay name so we can block him.

    morris <><
    "Repent, for the kindom of heaven is at hand."
    ** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
    Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.

    TEMECULA, CA 92590
    (951) 757-0334

  • What would the actual shipping cost be ?

  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd tell the guy to kiss my ass and he can keep his money and go out and spend the auction coins on a beer.
  • Ok, so if the actual shipping comes to around $2 for all the items in one package, how do you justify the overage charge to the buyer?

  • NumismanicNumismanic Posts: 2,582 ✭✭✭
    Pound ( v.tr. ) To strike repeatedly and forcefully.

    Sand ( n. ) Small loose grains of worn or disintegrated rock.

    Just in case the bidder is as dumb as he sounds. image
  • UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,544 ✭✭✭
    Ok, so if the actual shipping comes to around $2 for all the items in one package, how do you justify the overage charge to the buyer?

    and handling.

  • BurksBurks Posts: 1,103
    Actually that seems like a darn fair deal. Shipping isn't getting any cheaper these days, neither are bubble mailers.

    I just paid almost $7 for shipping on a slabbed coin, seller wouldn't negociate the shipping but I really wanted the coin. If I find out there was no insurance on the package there will be hell to pay.
    WTB: Eric Plunk cards, jersey (signed or unsigned), and autographs. Basically anything related to him

    Positive BST: WhiteThunder (x2), Ajaan, onefasttalon, mirabela, Wizard1, cucamongacoin, mccardguy1

    Negative BST: NONE!
  • No

    Who is it-

    we want to extinguish his flame from buying on the bay.

  • LALASD4LALASD4 Posts: 3,602 ✭✭✭
    This guy is a XXXXXXX, he is not "liban", is he ? The guy from Canada? I think veryone should block this guy too.
    Coin Collector, Chicken Owner, Licensed Tax Preparer & Insurance Broker/Agent.
    San Diego, CA


  • << <i>Ok, so if the actual shipping comes to around $2 for all the items in one package, how do you justify the overage charge to the buyer?

    and handling.

    Joe. >>

    I find that there are very few instances where a "handling" fee is really justified. It's just another excuse for a seller to make extra money on top of the auction bids.

  • LALASD4LALASD4 Posts: 3,602 ✭✭✭
    I find that there are very few instances where a "handling" fee is really justified. It's just another excuse for a seller to make extra money on top of the auction bids.

    I agree, except in cases where the items are selling for below its cost.
    Coin Collector, Chicken Owner, Licensed Tax Preparer & Insurance Broker/Agent.
    San Diego, CA

  • UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,544 ✭✭✭
    I find that there are very few instances where a "handling" fee is really justified. It's just another excuse for a seller to make extra money on top of the auction bids.

    In your opinion. Unfortumately, in an eBay auction the buyer does not get to dictate the terms, the seller does. Once you win the auction you are subject to the auction's terms. If someone thinks the S&H is too high or unfair, address it with the seller BEFORE you bid otherwise don't bid.


  • << <i>I find that there are very few instances where a "handling" fee is really justified. It's just another excuse for a seller to make extra money on top of the auction bids.

    I agree, except in cases where the items are selling for below its cost. >>

    In an auction format that's the risk you take if you don't put a reserve or opening bid amount to cover your costs.

    There are many tools available out there to calculate shipping costs, if people would just use them. Takes all the mystery and questions out of the equation.

    Start an auction at a cent ?, don't whine and try to jack up the cost with bogus "fees" because you lost money.

  • LALASD4LALASD4 Posts: 3,602 ✭✭✭
    In an auction format that's the risk you take if you don't put a reserve or opening bid amount to cover your costs.

    Agree, at the same time, the terms of the auctions are clear so there is no negociation after the fact, in fact, insurance should be added in this case since the buyer might even say he did not receive the coins afterward.
    Coin Collector, Chicken Owner, Licensed Tax Preparer & Insurance Broker/Agent.
    San Diego, CA

  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭
    The dude's complaining about getting $4 for $3.79? He's a tool. Name 'em and shame 'em, I say. Post a link to the auction as well; I'd like to check out if you have any other deals image.
  • KaelasdadKaelasdad Posts: 1,232 ✭✭✭
    I have the same problem, potential bidders want to send SASE to bring down shipping costs. One called my preference for Priority mail outrageous. I said fine, you win, you send me a SASE, and I never want to hear from you again. That includes if you never get the item because it gets lost in the mail, if its bent,scratched,busted,burned,shredded, or slips out a hole in the envelope. You ask for cheap, you get cheap. Period. These guys get something for almost nothing, then want to have you eat the cost of listing the item,paying Ebay when it sells, then cheaping out on shipping--BLOCK HIM!


  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have the same problem, potential bidders want to send SASE to bring down shipping costs. One called my preference for Priority mail outrageous. I said fine, you win, you send me a SASE, and I never want to hear from you again. That includes if you never get the item because it gets lost in the mail, if its bent,scratched,busted,burned,shredded, or slips out a hole in the envelope. You ask for cheap, you get cheap. Period. These guys get something for almost nothing, then want to have you eat the cost of listing the item,paying Ebay when it sells, then cheaping out on shipping--BLOCK HIM!


    Russ >>

    Probably because Priority Mail is the biggest farce that the USPS has running these days. The ONLY reason many sellers like it is because they are too damn cheap to buy supplies to mail stuff.

    I've been mailing out PSA cards. I wrap them in cardboard (which I buy) and place them in a bubble mailer (which I buy) I tape the cardboard and the mailer. It costs me 1.47 (I think) for one card with Del. Con. My bubble mailers make it anywhere as fast as priority mail does and I don't have to pay close to 5.00, or charge the bidder that ripoff fee.

  • << <i>

    << <i>I have the same problem, potential bidders want to send SASE to bring down shipping costs. One called my preference for Priority mail outrageous. I said fine, you win, you send me a SASE, and I never want to hear from you again. That includes if you never get the item because it gets lost in the mail, if its bent,scratched,busted,burned,shredded, or slips out a hole in the envelope. You ask for cheap, you get cheap. Period. These guys get something for almost nothing, then want to have you eat the cost of listing the item,paying Ebay when it sells, then cheaping out on shipping--BLOCK HIM!


    Russ >>

    Probably because Priority Mail is the biggest farce that the USPS has running these days. The ONLY reason many sellers like it is because they are too damn cheap to buy supplies to mail stuff.

    I've been mailing out PSA cards. I wrap them in cardboard (which I buy) and place them in a bubble mailer (which I buy) I tape the cardboard and the mailer. It costs me 1.47 (I think) for one card with Del. Con. My bubble mailers make it anywhere as fast as priority mail does and I don't have to pay close to 5.00, or charge the bidder that ripoff fee. >>

    I can testify in the positive for this ! imageimage

  • I ship priority to ship heavy stuff cheap. Sent a $1,000 face bag of quarters insured for $1,500 for $15 in a flat rate box.

    Buy the way here are some inexpensive SBA's that sold for 1 cent on e-bay link
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>By the way here are some inexpensive SBA's that sold for 1 cent on e-bay link >>

    Those look like the OP's auctions, which would make "sarge" the pinhead in question.

    Honestly, I don't think I'd have the chutzpah to ask a seller to sell me SBAs at below face, including shipping. For sarge to do so and then complain about it is unbelievable.

  • << <i>Out em !!!

    So we can block em !!! >>

    Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.

  • << <i>I find that there are very few instances where a "handling" fee is really justified. It's just another excuse for a seller to make extra money on top of the auction bids.

    In your opinion. Unfortumately, in an eBay auction the buyer does not get to dictate the terms, the seller does. Once you win the auction you are subject to the auction's terms. If someone thinks the S&H is too high or unfair, address it with the seller BEFORE you bid otherwise don't bid.

    Joe. >>

    image this guy shouldn't get a break on shipping at all. Now of course If I was the seller, I would ship him four packages and I would sleep well at night.
    Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    It's fun to deal with the nice people on eBay. image

    Every once in a while I get an email from somebody asking why they are blocked from bidding.
    Now, that I've added sarge to the list maybe I'll hear from him.

    I only block people for 3 reasons:

    1) I've dealt with them in the past and they've done something bone-headed so I don't want to deal with them again
    2) They've felt the need to email me with some asinine comments
    3) I've seen how they deal with other people (mostly here)
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭

    << <i>It's fun to deal with the nice people on eBay. image

    Every once in a while I get an email from somebody asking why they are blocked from bidding.
    Now, that I've added sarge to the list maybe I'll hear from him.

    I only block people for 3 reasons:

    1) I've dealt with them in the past and they've done something bone-headed so I don't want to deal with them again
    2) They've felt the need to email me with some asinine comments
    3) I've seen how they deal with other people (mostly here) >>

    ahmen to thatimage

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • SamByrdSamByrd Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭✭
    you are being totaly fair in the shipping charge for muliple wins. If someone wants a different price then listed for shipping they need to request it before they bid, if he wont pay 3.79 for his wins file a non pay bidder with ebay and forget it.
  • RickMilauskasRickMilauskas Posts: 1,985 ✭✭✭
    I find that there are very few instances where a "handling" fee is really justified. It's just another excuse for a seller to make extra money on top of the auction bids.

    My shipping/handking charge is stated up front.

    Smoetimes I have my nephew help me package and send out coins. He enjoys doing it and it's good experience for him.
    I "pay" him to help.

    This is one example of a handling charge.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,465 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>By the way here are some inexpensive SBA's that sold for 1 cent on e-bay link >>

    Those look like the OP's auctions, which would make "sarge" the pinhead in question.

    Honestly, I don't think I'd have the chutzpah to ask a seller to sell me SBAs at below face, including shipping. For sarge to do so and then complain about it is unbelievable. >>

    Sarge - 98.9% feedback

    Most recent neutral (and response):

    very strange views on postage make him insure for your protection Seller rhcoin5unl ( 1299) Mar-12-06 03:32 8381146504
    Reply by sarge: One experience with this guy was all I need. Never again! He's clue-less.

    Seems it isn't the first time he questioned something to an annoyance factor.....

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • the futility of selling low dollar items on ebay
  • morganbarbermorganbarber Posts: 1,821 ✭✭✭
    He sure has done a lot of business with Centsles
    I collect circulated U.S. silver
  • Tell the person to go shut his face.

  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>This guy is a total ass just for asking you to combine the shipping. >>

    If I were you I would be sure to put my right thumb print on the obverse and my left thumb print on the reverse of all 4 coins, just so he can remember where and WHOM he got the coins from!

    Later, Paul.

    Later, Paul.

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