81 vending box break !!
First of all let me say That I am totally Pissed ! There is no way this box was not searched !
I did not get a regular star card in the whole box !
I got a few record breakers of rose that are bad off center as well as some Ozzie Smith record breakers , 1 Schmidt RB and 1 Bench RB. But I did not get any Star card in the whole 500 count vending box that is simply crazy ! Thats right if you look in SMR and see Rose, Henderson, Schmidt, Ryan, seaver, baines, Jackson, Bench, Brett...Well I got NONE of them ! GEEEEEEzzz If this box had been much more than $35 bucks I would have really been pissed. Well, I now have a box of 500 common cards mostly off center or miscut. I realize unopened is a crap shoot anyway But I have never gotten a box with NO stars in it. I expected off center, dinged corners etc, but this takes the cake.

I did not get a regular star card in the whole box !
I got a few record breakers of rose that are bad off center as well as some Ozzie Smith record breakers , 1 Schmidt RB and 1 Bench RB. But I did not get any Star card in the whole 500 count vending box that is simply crazy ! Thats right if you look in SMR and see Rose, Henderson, Schmidt, Ryan, seaver, baines, Jackson, Bench, Brett...Well I got NONE of them ! GEEEEEEzzz If this box had been much more than $35 bucks I would have really been pissed. Well, I now have a box of 500 common cards mostly off center or miscut. I realize unopened is a crap shoot anyway But I have never gotten a box with NO stars in it. I expected off center, dinged corners etc, but this takes the cake.

Wow! You got 3 upside down variations. Those are RARE!
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Has anyone ever returned anything to him for any reason ??
Why not just let Mr. Hart know how you feel and see what he says. Although they may not be personally responsible, a lot of good sellers want to have happy customers.
I dont know I have opened too much unopened stuff and for a whole box not to have at least one star card is unheard of
Sorry about your lousy experience.
<< <i>Well, I sent Steve a very nice E-mail explainng to him what I received in my box. I asked him if he has had any complaints about the 81 vending and that he may want to check out these vending boxes he has. I didnt ask for a refund, I will leave that up to him. Whatever he does I will continue to buy from him in the future because he has always been an upstanding and outstanding seller. >>
He'll get back to you quickly. I hate to say that vending is hit or miss. Centering is usually somewhat consistent and they come in strange runs. You could get 5 of one player and none of another.
I also don't know what anyone, be it Steve or who he acquired it from, would gain by searching such a low end box. It just doesn't make sense.
I am guessing by your comment that you have opened a good vending box before. Did this one have that unsearched vending pattern when you first opened the lid?
I am somewhat playing devil's advocate, but I truely don't see what one would gain pulling the stars from a $35 vendor.
I hate bad rips too, but it may have just been a bad box. Steve is one of the best around and I don't think that he would have a) bought a box or case he thought was tampered and b) have then turned and sold it.
Let us know what he says. He values his customers and is very honest. Good luck.
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steve hart won't care about $35 bro, that is nothing compared to you buying again from him in the future.
sorry about your bad luck! those upside down variations are pretty sweet however.
Yes when i opened the box it did look like most vending boxes I have opened before. However I did notice that this box didnt seem to be unparralell across the top as others.
And like I said I didnt ask Steve for a refund, I just asked if he has had any former complaints about these 81 boxes. If he wants to give a refund that is fine, if he doesnt that is fine also, I will still continue to buy from him. Quite frankly he is probably one of the best dealers out there.
Where is Steve Hart and what other sites do you guys check out if you want a good/fair deal on older unopened material.
I know I've seen a couple of guys/sites listed but they are slipping my mind.
<< <i>Refresh my memory.
Where is Steve Hart and what other sites do you guys check out if you want a good/fair deal on older unopened material.
I know I've seen a couple of guys/sites listed but they are slipping my mind.
Shawn. >>
Here ya go.
The guy is honest.
<< <i>If the box was searched you would probably know it-- they never go back in the box the same way they came out, and it's usually pretty obvious. >>
I agree.
Was the box shrink wrapped? The 83Ts I bought were.
I opened a box that I got from him and every card was OC! Except, with great fortune, for the Ryno.
On the star card issue? I say that is possible - I have opened vending and not got the key card but did get other stars. Sounds odd. If the box is shrink wrapped, I would say it came from a full case and I doubt if it were messed with. Especially for that kind of money.
I would ask him if he has another case and send you another box. He's a good guy, I wouldn't be surprised if he waived the shipping on the second box.
I returned 2 boxes of 83T and he sent me 2 boxes from another case at no additional cost of shipping.
As was said - vending is a real crap shoot!!!
<< <i>Stingray, I can only speak of my experience with vending. And from what I have opened in the past. I have always gotten at least multiples of one star card and most of the time multiples of several star cards, while not pulling every star in the set I have always pulled two to four cards of a certain star player. This box I got zero of ANY regular star player. For instance: the last vending box I opened was a 86 topps football I pulled two rices, three youngs, a montana, a payton, and some more minor stars, I didnt get a Elway or MArino at all, that is what I would call hit or miss on a vending box. Not pulling any star card at all is very unusual... >>
There's a mountain of difference between unusual and impossible. As a previous posted said it's only $35, and if you trust Steve Hart then that trust shouldn't be shaken after one poor box break.
You are probably right, I am sure steve will do his best to make it right in whatever way possible.
Beleive me I struggled mightily in sending him an e-mail over this, I spent quite a few bucks with Steve since I have found his site and bought from him on E-bay. The last thing I would want to do is damage the great business relationship we have.
The cards inside the box had the same dark to light pattern as any vending box I have ever opened, However I noticed that the cards werent as uneven as they usually are in most vending(some higher than others, like a row pattern)
It may be a totally legit box and I just got a bad one, who knows ?
By the way: Happy Anniversary
It would take a lot more than this to shake my confidence in Steve, I just wanted to know if he had any previous complaints about this particular product. If he has then he may want to check it out further, if not then it was probably a bad box. Like I said before I didnt ask him for a refund.
<< <i>There's a mountain of difference between unusual and impossible. As a previous posted said it's only $35, and if you trust Steve Hart then that trust shouldn't be shaken after one poor box break.
It would take a lot more than this to shake my confidence in Steve, I just wanted to know if he had any previous complaints about this particular product. If he has then he may want to check it out further, if not then it was probably a bad box. Like I said before I didnt ask him for a refund. >>
Completely understanable.
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<< <i>Stone, why did you end up returning the boxes you returned ?? >>
First, I actually meant that Steve shrunk wrapped it - but I would guess from a closed case that he trusted.
On my return? Steve told me that a whole case can run OC and that if I returned the 2 unopened boxes - I had opened one of three - that he would open another case and get them.
I just opened that shrunk wrap - was saving it - but now is good - here ya go:
I have opened boxes and NOT gotten the key card - e.g. a 79T vending - did NOT get the Oz or Ryan which were the 2 best cards in the set at the time.
All this unopened is really bad for me. I NEED TO BUST!!!
I gotta go find a vending box I haven't picked through in a while. You guys are really killing my 9.5 step plan
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They look Sweet ...
<< <i>Zef, Ive got a 81 topps vending box I will let go for cheap !!
I bought a 77 vending box from Waxme a long time ago. This thing was %100 searched. I know the feeling.
Keep the box, I just pulled out a 74fb box I had on the shelf. I will find some dead centered commons to send in.
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Here's the Ryno - shame - centering not as nice as a bunch of the commons! But that's how it goes.
Please post some of them if you can Zef...
Some more.
<< <i>74 football !! Have you ever talked to sideplates? I am sure he would be interested in the 74's (as would I if I could afford it).
Please post some of them if you can Zef... >>
Nothing this run through. Some a$$hole searched the box, and it was me
Time to look through a 73 box. I do have some nice 74's from the original time I ripped that, I will just need to locate them. I am confident I left some gems in the 73 box, there actually are 2 of them with about 475 cards in ea. Waxme would have sold these as full boxes.
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<< <i>I can't imagine Steve Hart buying single vending boxes or even partial cases. I would imagine, to protect his integrity, he probably only purchases sealed cases. If this is the case, its just the most incredibly bad vending box that ever existed. I see no advantage for Steve Hart to be searching an 81 vending box...or any box for that matter because of his reputation. There is no one in this hobby you can trust more. >>
BTW, Tenn, I did not get a Gwynn RC!
That's the way it goes I guess.
One more scan !!
That's about the time that I started as a Raider's fan - 1970 or 71.
And you couldn't have picked two better picks! The best playoff game I ever saw and hated! The immac. reception!
thanx for sharing
I'm not into getting cards graded for big sets - these will go into a nice binder that I can look at on a rainy day.
Here are some from the 74 box. I just want to reitterate that these boxes were unopened when I got them, but this is not the original rip. Many of the best cards are graded and gone. But none the less there are still some good ones left.
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<< <i>Zef, How long ago has it been since you got the 73' and 74's. About how much did they run you then? were they wax, vending, rack ?? >>
I got 2 73 vending and 1 74 vending. Both were bought about 4 years ago and I think were less than $300. I also got a beauty 71 vending for $285 in 2000 or 01. The 71 was awesome but it was first series so it didn't have the bradshaw, but I got I think 7-8 9's and nearly 100 8's.
Here is a scan from the 73. Great coalation on the 73, but the centrering on the stars killed. I have tons that I haven't graded of the minor stars and commons that are centered.
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I cant believe unopened stuff has gone up so much !
That's one of Johnny's better poses!
Unopened stuff can only appreciate with time - with less and less being available.
That's why I have never opened anything that I purchased - one day, my son will sell this stuff and buy a home!
I wish!