Home World & Ancient Coins Forum

Anyone here interested in a "free" "Coins of the World" mini-binder?

I have a "Littleton's Coins of the World" glossy, hardcover, mini-binder here (9" tall by 6 3/4" wide, with 3 small rings inside spaced 2 3/4" apart). This is a non-standard three-ringed binder as you can tell by the measurements. There are no binder pages inside and it's of no use to me. If it's of use to someone here, I'll ship it to you free of charge. I do ask for one, very small favor (hence the reason why "free" is in quotes in the title). Before or after you get the binder; if it behooves you, send me one world coin. I don't care what coin it is, or how cheap it is, I prefer something bizarre and preferably in decent shape. If you get this binder and don't care for it, you don't have to even worry about sending anything; I'm cool with that too.

Below is a scan of the cover; the left edge (couple of inches of scan) is actually the "binding" or edge of the binder. So, hopefully there's one person out there genuinely interested. First person to PM me with their address gets the binder and I'll PM you back with my address.


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