WTB: Common (junk) silver U.S. dimes

I'm Secretary for a metal detecting club based in Kansas City, one of three in the area. Besides getting together to enjoy our hobby and share experiences, we also do various volunteer work. If you recall in the news about the recently solved "Precious Doe" case, members of our club were some of the first to assist upon her discovery near the park to try and locate clues working with police to scan the area. Besides assisting local police, we also have assisted State archeologists when a planned recreation area was built on top of a large stop for wagon trains where the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails crossed to help to recover any artifacts before they were lost forever. Our club sponsers an Annual club hunt once a year for members of the club. All dues / raffle money / annual hunt fee for the entire year go into prizes / coins for this hunt. In October, the club begins only with what money was raised in two raffles at the Annual hunt to support the club newsletter, etc., and it all begins again. This is a totally non-profit club. In addition, members donate various prizes / coins for a free kids hunt to encourage the young to take up the hobby as well. However, with the high price of silver, we're finding it difficult to preserve the quality of the hunts had in the past. One of our members even puts on a night hunt out of his pocket (attesting to the great people that have come together), but we're trying to convince him to scale that back as well, as together with the cookout he hosts (again, from his own pocket), it's a significant outlay of money.
In order to help maintain the quality of this hunt, I'm soliciting anyone on this board who deals a lot in coin trading if they would part with any common silver dimes (worn, but hopefully still date read, not cut or damaged) at a total cost of 4x face value (including shipping). Our club is in need of accumulating approximately 600 dimes before September. Part of these will also then be sold for the same 4x face to the aforementioned sponsor of the night hunt, to be used in that night hunt, to help keep his out of pocket costs lower. Thanks in advance to anyone generous enough to help support an outstanding organization and related hobby. Coin collecting is actually what got me started in metal detecting, and there's nothing greater than the thrill of recovering even a common date silver coin that would have remained lost if not for people using metal detectors.
In order to help maintain the quality of this hunt, I'm soliciting anyone on this board who deals a lot in coin trading if they would part with any common silver dimes (worn, but hopefully still date read, not cut or damaged) at a total cost of 4x face value (including shipping). Our club is in need of accumulating approximately 600 dimes before September. Part of these will also then be sold for the same 4x face to the aforementioned sponsor of the night hunt, to be used in that night hunt, to help keep his out of pocket costs lower. Thanks in advance to anyone generous enough to help support an outstanding organization and related hobby. Coin collecting is actually what got me started in metal detecting, and there's nothing greater than the thrill of recovering even a common date silver coin that would have remained lost if not for people using metal detectors.
Currently looking for 580.
at no cost.
My Auctions
Yea, I honestly wouldn't WANT those to tell you the truth. Don't get me wrong, I love the condition...but not to go in the ground at a club hunt! That idea actually makes me quite ill. And I don't blame you for not wanting to part with them for 4x either. That's why I need only worn, common, junk silver (although not being damaged other than worn and still having the date would be nice). Better condition is better, but remember....this IS for a metal detecting annual hunt, so they WILL be buried and then dug up the next day.
I managed to win one ebay auction the other day (out of 400 I bid on). Item number: 3975186641.
The standing liberty quarters didn't have dates, but oh well. First one I got for ~ 4x (1.78x on the 40% halves). The larger coins we can use in a "treasure chest" we give away, but again, dimes are what we most need. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to score any large lots of dimes, and even the local estate sales have been terrible. Worn mercs ("junk" silver) went for $0.80 apiece in a bag of 335 last estate sale I attended last Friday. And that was one held about 1:30 in the afternoon on a Friday! Needless to say, I'm giving up on estate sales (as that was still better than the LAST one I attended on a weekend). I thought I was witnessing a live "shopathome" coin sale...
Anyway, this one out of 400 auctions bid on in the last 3 months isn't working so well (and if you look at that auction, you see how badly worn those were...more so than I'm used to for our club hunt). So, again, anyone wishing to help our club out would be much appreciated.
Not to be against you, But you're gonna have a hard time buying for 4X Shipped.
There was a dealer on the BST buying at 5X
For what you need why not raise you paying a little more and you might get some bites.
Good Luck
Imagine the joy of last year when we were capped at 3.5x. A large number of members still turned in, but it was tough. I don't have the descretion of changing that. I know what a tough call that is, too.
Local dealers here are buying at 4x, selling at 5 - 5.1x. Just going on the off chance anyone here picked up a good deal who might deal in large quantities and would be willing to help out, rather than sell at a larger profit elsewhere.
I agree. I was thinking about sending you 50-75, but when I thought about the cost of shipping and time cost to package and go to the PO, I lost interest. Perhaps it is more economical for someone who has several hundred to send.
<< <i>I agree. I was thinking about sending you 50-75, but when I thought about the cost of shipping and time cost to package and go to the PO, I lost interest. Perhaps it is more economical for someone who has several hundred to send. >>
Thanks anyway RYK. I can understand that. One of the reasons I'm trying to look now even though the hunt is over 3 months off.
Got in those from the ebay auction, and other than the dateless standing liberty's (which I already knew about), I was pleasently surprised that the dimes weren't in as bad as condition as I though they would be. So, still standing around 580 or so I'm searching for, if anybody gets some on the cheap.
I've learned the club is being honored at the dedication of the park built upon that main wagon trail stop where the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails crossed. The Mayor of the city will be there, and there's some neat things planned. I'll update the thread with some pictures from the event late next week.
Still searching for more dimes if anyone can help out, again, at 4x max total shipped.
I might also have some Canadian dimes or some other denominations. I could check if you are interested in something like that.
C'mon gang, wouldn't you rather give up a few cents to place your junk silver in such a neat venue?
Anybody living in the KC area who might be interested in detecting, or getting their kids into detecting, are free to come on out to the Annual Hunt. The kids hunt this year will have a donated older-style detector given away for one lucky future detectorist. This is not some "radio shack" or low-end bounty hunter model, but an older model from one of the major detector manufacturers. Remember, this is a free hunt for kids to encourage them in the hobby. What other hobby can you say as a kid, "I feel like doing a treasure hunt", and honestly have a chance of coming home with silver, or even gold. Detectors are furnished for use by the kids in the hunt, so they don't have to have one. However, please send me a pm to let me know if you have a child planning to attend so we can plan appropriately.
As always, we'd encourage anyone in the Kansas City area to join the club. We've added 6 new members in the past 2 months, so you'd have plenty of company joining a well-managed, long-established club.
The Annual Hunt has been changed to the SECOND weekend of September due to another area club holding their open hunt, due to scheduling problems with their site, on our usual hunt date of the third weekend.
The time to acquire coins just got shortened by a week. Thanks again to anyone who wishes to help out!
Replied by PM, but for anyone else wondering the same, I'm not prepared to buy other than silver dimes until I talk to the President further down the road and see where we are on that score. The priorities usually are 1) silver, 2) wheaties, 3) prizes in that order.
However, on a straight donation basis, any wheaties / indian head cents / mint proof sets / foreign gold or silver / U.S. coins would be appreciated. We usually have 70 prize tokens in the hunt. We also usually have 800 or more wheat cents in the hunt itself (the tokens are copper memorial cents stamped on one side with a number and painted red on the other).
Those with sophisticated detectors who go for the silver miss the prize tokens, so you don't dare ignore those pennies.
To tell ya the truth, I'd LOVE someone to donate some common junk Indian heads. I don't think we've had more than 50 total in the hunt if you add the last 4 years all together.
Received the 20 dimes, thanks again!!! I don't think I've ever seen that packaging method. Highly effective. I'll mail the payment tomorrow to your enclosed address.
Due to our night hunt sponser not being able to attend this year due to a family conflict, that last 550 dimes, along with those Dan and I have previously acquired, should pretty much take care of what we need in that regard and free us up to handle the quarters, halves, wheaties, and nickels that are required, and start concentrating on actively managing remaining club money to purchase the 70 hunt prizes. My deepest gratitude to those who have thus far donated, sold, or committed to sell coinage to the club.
Anybody who would like to continue donating any common coins, that of course is appreciated and would fill the need in some of those other areas, or just plain improve the hunt period. Also, anyone wishing to specifically donate coins / prizes for the kids hunt, that would be appreciated as well. We do hide tokens for the kids as well, so anything a kid might like to win makes a good prize (coin sets, toys, etc.). Just send me a pm.
I'll be posting Friday the pictures from the new park dedication ceremony that is scheduled tomorrow evening for those interested. Since I'll be taking the pictures, you'll thankfully be spared the image of myself being included in any of the photographs.
Again, thanks from our club to the members of this board for their assistance!
P.S. After the conclusion of the August meeting, we'll be in the market for at least one, possibly two gold coins. I'll post a new thread on that with a price we have to spend if anyone wants to reply to it with any offers of coins they would part with at that price. Raw gold is fine with us (heck, even one with a ding is ok). One coin we use as a grand prize (randomly drawn number fom the 70 hunt field token numbers), the other is a special raffle participation where you're limited to number of tickets you can buy at each meeting you attend. That raffle money is then 100% used to purchase a single gold coin. We try to get the most bang for the buck in terms of denomination over high quality / rarity (and then nicest one we can find of that type for that price), and the last two years have been $10 gold pieces. That's why for the raffle one I won't know how much we're looking to spend until August, the last meeting / raffle before the Annual Hunt.
Now if I can just find where I misplaced that proprietary USB cable for my camera........
In happier news, I won ebay auctions for TWO Publishers Clearinghouse 1804 Liberty Bust .999 silver rounds, 2 ounces each, with original plastic capsules and COA's for around $24 total shipped. These will make nice prizes I think.
(Why Publishers Clearinghouse was making 2 ounce silver rounds of 1804 Liberty Bust coins and Indian Head pennies, I have no idea).
As of today, we had around $150 in the gold coin raffle with 2 months to go. I expect we'll be just above $200 probably on it, so please keep that in mind as we near August when I post a thread for a gold coin to buy. Maybe you've got one laying around in a closet somewhere that's raw and not the best quality you'd like to part with for that.
(If so, you have much more interesting closets than I do).