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An important message from the California Coin & Bullion Dealers ?

Here is an important and immediate message from the California
Coin & Bullion Merchants Associations (CCBMA):

Assemblyman Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) has set his Assembly
Bill 1178 for hearing next Tuesday, April 19, in the Assembly
Business and Professions Committee, Room 447, State Capitol.
The bill provides for the state licensing of all second hand
dealers, coin dealers and business machine dealers; the
electronic reporting with the state of all second hand goods
purchased or offered for sale; the imposition of a "30-day hold"
on reported personal property; the payment of licensing and
biennial renewal fees to support the state's new electronic
reporting system; and authorizes local governments to assess
additional fees. The licensure process would include a criminal
background check and the fingerprinting of all second hand
dealers. Any person who fails to obtain a license would be
subject to criminal and civil penalties. Dealers would have to
verify the identity of their customers by demanding to see a
specified photo ID. The California Coin & Bullion Merchants
Associations (CCBMA) opposes this bill and will work with other
groups and businesses to defeat it.

Basically, although coin dealers are presently exempt from the
reporting requirements of the Second Hand Dealers Law, AB 1178
would require any coin dealer who has even a casual sale or
purchase of a non-exempt item (e.g., jewelry, silver flatware,
watches, etc.) to become licensed by the state, pay a fee to the
state and local government, go through a criminal background
check, including fingerprinting, hold the property for 30 days,
file a report with the state, etc. It is possible that the state
fees alone could be more than the gross value of the transaction
that triggers the licensing process.

Our theme: "Buy a teapot, go to jail." The bill uses a sledge
hammer to swat a fly!

You can read the current version of the bill at

Since the bill will be heard next Tuesday, time is of the essence
for your dealers and collectors to express their opposition to this
measure. Attached is a list of the committee members, including
their phone, FAX and E-mail numbers. At this stage, I recommend
sending Faxes, since some legislators don't routinely check their
E-mail accounts. If anyone wants to send a hard copy letter, the
address for all Assembly Members is State Capitol, Post Office Box
942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0001. Notice that Assembly Member Yee
is a member of the committee, so his bill already has one Aye vote.

In addition to the California Coin and Bullion Merchants Association,
AB 1178 is opposed by e-Bay, Auction Drop, and the auctioneers
association. We expect other organizations to join the opposition

The committee analysis will be written tomorrow, Friday, April 15.
Any individual or group desiring to be officially registered as
opposing this measure should E-mail their letter to the committee
consultant at pablo.garza@asm.ca.gov before noon tomorrow.

Additionally, please feel free to contact any dealers, collectors or
other associations that may be opposed to this type of a bill and ask
them to fax, email, or call any of the committee members on the attach

Member: Gloria Negrete -McLeod
Phone: 916 319 2061
Fax: 916 319 2161
Email: Assemblymember.mcleod@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Shirley Horton
Phone: 916 319 2078
Fax: 916 319 2178
Email: Assemblymember.shirley.horton@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Karen Bass
Phone: 916 319 2047
Fax: 916 319 2147
Email: Assemblymember.bass@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Dario Frommer
Phone: 916 319 2043
Fax: 916 319 2143
Email: Assemblymember.frommer@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Paul Koretz
Phone: 916 319 2042
Fax: 916 319 2142
Email: Assemblymember.koretz@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Bill Maze
Phone: 916 319 2034
Fax: 916 319 2134
Email: Assemblymember.maze@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Joe Nation
Phone: 916 319 2006
Fax: 916 319 2106
Email: Assemblymember.nation@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Van Tran
Phone: 916 319 2068
Fax: 916 319 2168
Email: Assemblymember.vantran@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Juan Vargas
Phone: 916 319 2079
Fax: 916 319 2179
Email: Assemblymember.vargas@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Leland Yee
Phone: 916 319 2012
Fax: 916 319 2112
Email: Assemblymember.yee@assembly.ca.gov

Member: Pablo Garza, Consultant,
B & P Committee
Phone: 916 319 3303
Fax: 916 319 3306
Email: Pablo.garza@asm.ca.gov

Member: Ted Blanchard,
Republican Caucus
Phone: 916 319 3900
Fax: 916 319 3902
Email: ed.Blanchard@asm.ca.gov

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since 8/1/6


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